Issei Hyoudou: Humanity's Gua...

By Muramasa02

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Humanity is considered the weakest of the supernatural world but they also have the most potential I mean why... More

Issei Hyoudou
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issei meets Crom cruach/ Millicas's life on the line

4.8K 55 4
By Muramasa02

Issei would get ready to go to the ceremony in the underworld which would host the 4 satans, Azazel, Michael and Gabriel, Odin they would have a conference and a party.

Issei would then be teleported to the ceremony/Party and as he expected they would be waiting on him to arrive they would make conversation and talk about the peace treaty.

Issei: this will be interesting.

Oh how right he was, a Dragon in human form named Crom cruach would watch and wait for his target to be alone to get issei's attention.

You see in recent months he's been hearing issei's name and he wants to know what makes him special so he thought why not kidnap Lucifer's son and that would get his attention and he would make an ultimatum.

But here was another reason he was being controlled by Rizwvim livan Lucufer.

he would usually go up to his opponent face to face not use cheap tactic after all a dragon would usually handle there business like that

He then sees millicas all alone and would finally strike and would knock out the young devil. Even if millicas would start his training he still wouldn't be able to sense someone like Crom

With issei

Issei sould walk around the underworld and would see Grayfia looking around and he would go up to her and ask

Issei: what's wrong? Something happen?

Grayifa would turn around to look at issei and say

Grayfia: yes there has been a breach.

Issei would then narrow his eyes in seriousness and ask

Issei: who is it then?

Grayfia: I dont know but he or she seems very dangerous to hide under the detection the 4 satans put up

Isse would nod his head and he would notice something

Issei: hey where is millicas?

Grayfia: he should be in his room-

Grayfia would stop herself if there's a breach in the underworld why would they not make noise or anything

Grayfia: millicas might be in trouble

Issei: where was he last?

Grayifa he should be in his room he was getting ready to see you since you inspired him to be stronger.

Issei: then let's hurry he could be in danger.

Issei and Grayfia would go to millicas's room to see some blood stains on the carpet

Grayfia: Damn it!! We were too late he still could be nearby-

She was cut off by a message displayed infront of all the people at the party

The man would say these chilling words

Crom cruach: issei hyoudou, come to the arena I set up for you, if you dont

He would move away from the camera and issei would see a bound millicas

Crom cruach: You have 5 minutes to appear infront of me if you dont

Crom would generate a black and green orb and hold up to millicas's face and would look at the camera and say

Crom: this kid dies!! And then I'll go after your mother boy!! The clock's ticking boy.

Issei would make his decision rather easy Not only Millicas is in danger but also his mother was as well he would find his location and teleport to the location and see what he wants from him.

With the others after hearing this message

Sirzechs would be livid when he heard this message this bastard had thebm nerve to kidnap his son and would make demands

Sirzechs: I have to save him!!

He would try to fly to the direction of his son but would be blocked by a barrier

Crom: did you really think i didnt know you would try that? the only one I'm interested in right now is issei so sit down and enjoy the show

Odin: what does this have to do with the kid? What do you want with him?

Crom cruach would let out a laugh and say

Crom: I heard he was powerful and I wish to see it first hand

Sirzech would start to turn into his true form but ajuka would say

Ajuka: calm down sirzechs!! You'll kill anyone standing near vicinity if you let out your true form

Sirzechs would start to shake and would start to calm down but the rage was still there

Crom would then add on this fact about this stipulations

Crom: If issei can defeat me I'll allow your son to go free but if he loses, yoru son dies.

The message ends and Gabriel would say

Gabriel: have faith in issei Sirzechs. he hasn't let you down before and he won't do it now.

Michael: exactly. just believe in him and he will win.

Azazel: when has he let you down sirzechs?

Odin: indeed I've seen how he fights he wont stop until your son is safe and sound.

Ajuka: that kid will never quit as long as he still breathes and even then he might not quit.

Falbium: he is something else if anyone can stop Crom cruach it will be him.

Serafall would then add on saying

Serafall: he's the most powerful human we've seen he'll pull though

Sirzechs would hope they were all right about that and he would say in his head

Sirzechs: come on issei defeat crom cruach and save my son. I put my all of my faith in you!!

Factions around the world watching

All: show Hum what you got kid!!

With issei

Issei would arrive st the place where com cruach was located and would see a man with black horns and Blonde hair and streak of black going through it

Crom: so your finally here.

Issei: let millicas go.

Crom would let a bellow of laughter and say

Crom: I'm afraid I cannot do that the only way he will be free is when you defeat me.

Issei: why kidnap millicas to get my attention?

Crom: because you have a hero complex and would save anyone that needed saving and I took advantage of that.

Crom cruach would then add on

Crom: the whole world will see this fight issei hyoudou and they will see you fall!!

Issei: no they won't I'll end this right here

Issei would activate his ki skill and a white ki would surround him

Crom: hehehe we will see about that now wont we?

Issei: when I win you let millicas go understand?

Crom cruach: when you win? Your pretty confident aren't you?

Issei: if I don't have confidence in myself and my skills who will save millicas?

Crom cruach:, I see....shall we begin?

Issei: let's do this.

They would stare at each other for a little bit and would float down to the  ground and then....




There clash between their fist could be hard across the mountains and the audience can feel the impact of there fists colliding it was time for the fight to begin

Issei hyoudou the Most powerful human


Crom Cruach the Strongest evil dragon

The fate of millicas and Miki Hyoudou hangs in the balance

With the whole world watching

who will stand victorious?

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