Love Never Dies

By HamptonGirls

4.6K 96 43

" So... Your names Gavin?" The girl says " Ya what about it?" I say sounding rougher than usual " It's just a... More

Where It All Began
What Happened?
Random Girl
Do I?
The Ice Cream Shop
The Plan
HI (not a chapter, but an update)
The Nightmare
The Story
Other Half


170 3 0
By HamptonGirls


" Gavin do you need a ride to school?" Jake says

" um no, but thanks. I'm waiting for the bus." I say.

" Ok now you gotta tell me who this girl is"

" What girl?" I say quickly running out the house. I text Coco real quick just to see how she's getting to school


Gavin: Hey Coco! Are you taking the bus? If so I can walk over to your bus stop

Coco Bird😍💖🔥: Um actually I was gonna walk. I need the exercise.

Gavin: Um ok. I'll see you at school?

Coco Bird😍💖🔥: Yup. See ya soon

Gavin: K bye

Coco Bird😍💖🔥: Bye

I can't wait to see Coco. She the only reason I can bare with going to school. I get on the bus, and listen to some Lil Nas X. Once I got to school I didn't see Coco. It takes longer to get to school when your walking dummy. I just shrug, and decided to wait for her at her locker.

20 Minutes Later....

Coco's still not here. Class's about to start. Where is she? I just go to class. Maybe she slept in? Class wasn't as fun as it is with Coco. Once class ended, I went to her locker expecting to see her. Still no sign of her anywhere. I go to the office and ask Principle Delijah if she called in sick.

" Sorry kid. Coco didn't call in sick. If you want I can call her mom?"

" Um no, no it's fine. Thanks for trying."

" No problem" He said, getting back to work

"Um can go try to find Coco? I bet that I could, I know all if her favorite places." I say. He checks his watch and looks at me.

"... Go for it. Call the school if you found her, k?"

" ok thanks." I say running out of his office. The first place I check is the park. No sign of her. I go to her house to see if she's there. She always leaves her window open. I climb up a tree to look into her window. No trace of her. Wait... She said she was going to get donuts. I quick climb down the tree and go to every single donut shop in the town. I was on my way to Dunkin, and that when I saw her... On the ground, with a man over her taking off her jacket.

" HEY GET OFF OF HER!!!" I say running over to him. I throw him off of Coco so that we're face to face. He pushed me down and punched me 2 times before running off. I ignore my bloody nose and go to Coco.

" Oh no, no,no,no, Coco. Come on Coco no... L-look at me Coco. Coco it's ok- your gonna be ok. Please wake up" I say on the verge of tears. Her eyes start to flicker.

" Gavin what are you doing here?" She says sounding very confused

" Y-You didn't show up to school and I got worried, so I went to look for you and saw this creep undressing you. Luckily he only took your jacket off. You looked like you passed out or something."

" B-But Gavin..."

" Yeah?"

" how did you double yourself? That's sooo cool" Coco says. I look at her strangely. What does she mean. The more I focus on her, the quicker I realized that her eyes weren't dialed. I immediately start freaking out, and pick her up and start running to the hospital. Once we get there I tell them everything they should know.

30 Minutes Later

" The texts came back with an unknown drug in her system. She should be ok, and she's asleep right now." The doctor says

" Thank you soooooo much!!!" I say

" No problem"

" Can I check her out?"

" Um yes you can actually" The doctor says. I start signing a bunch of paperwork. Before I knew it, I was walking to my house with Coco in my arms. I'm soooooo glad Jake's spending the night with is girlfriend, and my mom is in North Carolina for a few days. I lay her down my bed and close my blinds. I turn on my led lights, then lay down in my bed just thinking. Why was her uncle undressing her? I mean what uncle does that? I wish I knew what he did. Then everything clicked...


"He raped you, didn't he?" I say looking at my ceiling. I feel Coco start shaking from fear. I look down to see her nodding her head, then starting to cry.

" it's all my fault. I was 8. I should have known what was happening... I should have stopped him, but I didn't. I'm a disgusting, bruised, 13 year old who lose her virginty being a stupid 8 year old. " she says in a whispery tone. I look her in her eyes.

" Coco your not disgusting. No matter how many bruises, and scars you have will NEVER stop me from constantly thinking about you, worrying if your ok, or just getting nervous when I see your gorgeous face. Oh and you did lose your virginty at all. It doesn't count if you never gave consent. I'm going to work my ass off to protect you from that creep, even if that means I get hurt in the process. I will spend every minute of the day with you if you want, and it wouldn't even bother me cause.... Cause I love you Coco Quinn, and I'll always love you!!!!" I say holding her.

" Wait... You love me?"

" I've loved you ever since I saw you chocolate colored eyes" I say. At this point we both are crying. She kisses me.

" I love you too Gavin" she says against my lips. We kiss until we fall asleep.

Maybe love isn't as terrible as it was a few years ago


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