The Christmas love story and...

By e1n2c3h4a5n6t7e8d9

871 56 0

Andrea and George have been madly in love since high school. During their years together they have gone to ev... More

Senior prom
graduation week
The big graduation party
A heartbreaking separation
The opening of the wedding planning business
A weekend visit with George
Going to a concert of a famous organist and a famous composer
Trying to comfort and help a famous organist
Adopting a cat
Lost in the mall
The fight between George and Andrea
The thanksgiving gathering
Black Friday shopping
Trapped in the candy factory
Being rescued from the candy factory and being brought home safely
Sunday dinner with George
Flashback of the day George and Andrea first met
Back to the present day (a horseback riding accident)
At the hospital
Andrea returns home
Preparing for a vacation
Going to the airport for the vacation to Illinois
Casino love
The temporary breakup
A child in danger. Will her life be saved?
Meanwhile in the hotel, the organist was in great frear. Where was Andrea?
Off to Texas in hopes of finding Andrea
Meanwhile back at the penthouse Lexi was on the hunt for Bob
Back in Chicago, Bob and the organist were searching for Andrea
Traumatic injuries
Discovering a hidden talent
The unconscious woman
The enchanted pendent
The date night with Darwin
The big Christmas wedding

The sheet music sale

31 1 0
By e1n2c3h4a5n6t7e8d9

The organist got into the limo with her little white cat in her arms. It was only 3 weeks old and the organist looked her so much. Now it was time to go home and compose some more music. Tomorrow was the big music sale and the organist had over 600 pieces of music composed but she wanted to do at 600 more to have a big successful sale. When the limo pulled up to the building, the driver escorted Andrea and the organist to the penthouse. They were glad to be home. Andrea sat with the organist as she composed the music. She even helped her think of ideas for the music. 

The next morning, it was time to get up and get ready for the music sale. Andrea was excited to go and help the organist. After that, the wedding planning business would open. It was going to be so exciting to be able to work for Andrea. Now that the organist have a friend, alll would be well again. There may be hardships but she had a friend who would help her through everything. Later, the limo arrived at the music store. There were a lot of people in line already.  

The organist was sold out in just 15 minutes. She had made over 30,000 dollars. She split half of the money with Andrea and then they put it into their savings accounts. They were so excited and now it was time to go and celebrate. They wanted to go out to lunch and then they were going to go to the mall and go shopping. Their limit was 3,000 dollars so that they could save money for a vacation. They had a wonderful time at the music sale and now they would be paid once every week. 

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