StormBorn Twins (Male OCxGoT)

By Zagan_the_Beast_God

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Born to a great family dynasty with a long and magnificent history, Daemion Targaryen and his siblings are no... More

Chapter 2: The Kingsroad

Chapter 1. Winter is Coming

728 22 4
By Zagan_the_Beast_God

Year 283 AC Dragonstone

King Aerys had sent his youngest son Viserys and his pregnant sister-wife Rhaella to the island and fortress of Dragonstone.
Now in the royal chambers, the Queen is giving birth to twins and the maester of the fortress is helping to deliver the children.
First came the queen's daughter named Daenerys and then her son Daemion. Unfortunately, the Queen did die after the birth of the siblings but not after naming her son, Viserys, as the rightful ruler of the seven kingdoms.
Soon the word came that Stannis was coming to take the Targaryen childer and some of the men were wondering if they should give them up. But the good and loyal Old Ser Willem Darry took some loyal men and a ship and transported the three children to Essos...

Year 298 AC, Third POV. Pentos

Daemion is seen leaning over a fine and well-carved wooden balustrade on a balcony overlooking the Narrow Sea.
Lost in thought, it takes a loud knock to turn his attention to the door to his room. He takes a final look at the blue waters of the Bay of Pentos and finally walks to the door and opens it to see one of Illyrio's servants.

"What is it?" Daemion asked, "Magister Illyrio wishes to see you, my lord." The servant answered. Daemion nodded and stepped out of his room and signaled the servant to lead him to the Magister. The servant bowed and turned the other way and started walking towards the courtyard with Daemion right behind him.

The servant then took him to the large and beautiful garden in the center of Illyrio's estate, where the fat magister was waiting for them with another servant at his side, holding a long object covered in cloth.

"Ahh, Prince Daemion, thank you for coming to in such short notice." The magister addressed Daemion. "Of course, Magister. What do you need of me?" Daemion answered and asked him.
"There is nothing that I need. I just wanted to give you a gift." Illyrio shook off Daemion's question and signaled his other servant to give Daemion the clothed object.

Daemion looked at the object then back at Illyrio before he took it from the servant and unwrapped it to reveal a hand and a half sword with fine leather covering the handle and the head of a dragon as the pommel. As Daemiom marveled at the still sheathed blade Illyrio told him to draw the sword from its scabbard. Daemion did so and Illyrio and his servants took a few steps away from him. Daemion handed the scabbard to one of the servants so he could inspect the castle forged steel blade.

 It had a sharp, straight, and strong edge and was perfectly balanced.
He took some swings with the sword and was impressed with it.
"This is an incredible blade..." He said whilst taking the scabbard from the servant and sheathing the blade. "Thank you, Magister. *sigh* You have allowed us to stay here for half a year already and yet, you have not asked anything of us. You have been a most generous host and friend. Again thank you for everything." He said whilst shaking Illyrio's hands with gratitude.

"You honor me, My Prince," Illyrio replied and returned the handshake.
"I swear on the old gods and the new, and the gods of my ancestors. I will repay you for your generosity one day." Daemion swore to him and put a hand on Illyrio's shoulder.
When the two separated, one of Illyrio's servants ran to him and whispered something in his ear.
"Yes thank you..." He turns to address Daemion. "I believe it is time to meet with the man who will give your brother his army..." Illyrio said whilst signaling Daemion to follow

In front of Illyrio's estate, Daemion POV.

Illyrio had led me through his vast estate to its front where I saw Viserys and my sister standing. Viserys was wearing a grey tunic, with a three-headed dragon broach near his left shoulder, a black belt, black pants, and his scimitar which he probably got as a gift from Illyrio. And my sister was wearing a white seethrough dress which left nothing to the imagination. Illyrio had stepped next to my brother while I greeted my sister. Then we waited there for some time and he hadn't shown up. 

"Where is he?" My brother asked impatiently, I had scoffed at his impatience whilst Illyrio just looked at him "The Dothraki are not known for their punctuality." He responded calmly and turned his head away from my brother. After about a minute or so we heard the running horses come up to the courtyard, all of Illyrio's friends and servants had moved out of the way of the horses. 

"Athchomar chomakaan,  khal vezhven."(Respect to one that is respectful, great Khal.) Illyrio had addressed the one at the head of this group of riders. "May I present my honored guests?" He started talking whilst walking towards the Dothraki. "Viserys of House Targaryen, the third of his name, the rightful King of the Andals, Rhoynar and the First Men. And his sister and brother, twins, Daenerys and Daemion of House Targaryen." He then decides to say the entire introduction again in the Dothraki tongue.                                                                                                           

Viserys then leaned into my sister's ear and explained why this Khal has such a long braid. After Viserys had finished whispering to Dany, Illyrio turned to my sister "Come forward, my dear." Dany hesitated but then walked over to the Magister and the Savage. The Khal looked my sister over for a couple of seconds, then rode off with his riders. Viserys ran over to Illyrio asking where the Khal is going. "The ceremony is over," Illyrio told my brother. "But he... He didn't say anything." Viserys said panicked. He then asked Illyrio "Did he like her?" "Trust me, Your Grace, if he didn't like her, we'd know." Illyrio replied to Viserys' question.

On the other side of the estate, overlooking the sea, Daemion POV

Viserys and the Magister were standing together looking at the Narrow Sea, whilst I was standing next to my sister. "It won't be long now... Soon you will cross the Narrow Sea and take back your father's throne." He said to Viserys. "The people drink secret toasts to your health. They cry out for their true king." Viserys then started walking towards the estate and we followed after him. "When will they be married?" He asked the magister. "Soon. The Dothraki never stay still for long." Illyrio reassured him. "Is it true they lie with their horses?" I rolled my eyes at that question 'You truly are an idiot.' "I wouldn't ask Khal Drogo." Illyrio said to Viserys, who turned his head at him. "Do you take me for a fool?" Viserys questioned the wealthy Magister. "I take you for a king" Illyrio responded defensively. "Kings lack the caution of common men. My apologies if I've given offense."                

"I know how to play a man like Drogo. I give him a queen and he gives me an army." He explained his foolish plan. Then Dany stopped "I don't want to be his queen." This statement had caused Illyrio and Viserys to stop in their tracks and look at her. "I want to go home." my sister then finished saying. "So do I..." Viserys then walked up to her "I want us both to go home, but they took it from us." He then got close to her as she just looked at him afraid. " So tell me, sweet sister, how do we go home?" Dany then looked away from his eyes. "I don't know..." She said and looked him in the eyes. "We go home with an army." He stated confidently. I then started narrowing my eyes waiting for him to say something stupid. "With Khal Drogo's army." He then brushed Dany's hair to the side "I would let his whole tribe fuck you, all forty thousand men and their horses too if that's what it took." After he said that Dany had scared and wide eyes and I was ready to knock some of his teeth out. He then kissed my sister on the forehead and turned around and walked away. 

I looked at my sister and hugged her then quickly followed after Viserys. After I caught up to him I grabbed him and forced him against a wall. "If I hear you say anything like that to my sister again, let's just say that not even forty thousand men can help you. Am I clear?" Viserys struggled in my grip and quickly nodded his head. I then released him and watch him scurry away. "Good."

The next day, Cliffs near Pentos, Daemion POV

"So, this is a Dothraki wedding?" I had asked Illyrio, who was sitting next to me. "Yes. Quite entertaining don't you think?" He said as other fat and wealthy Magisters were bringing gifts to my sister and her new husband while some blood riders were dancing, more like fucking, with female dancers. 

Then Viserys started speaking "When do I meet with the Khal? We need to begin planning the invasion." He asked the Magister between us. Illyrio turned to him. "If Khal Drogo has promised you a crown, you shall have it." He had reassured him once again. "When?" Viserys pried. "When their omens favor war." The Magister replied. Viserys scoffed at this. "I piss on Dothraki omens. I've waited 15 years to get my throne back." He stated. "Piss on them and they shall piss on you," I said to him. I then turned back towards the dancers and bit into my food. Some Dothraki played the drums as others fucked, 'God-forsaken savages' I thought to myself. 

Then some piss-drunk Dothraki rider pushed another that was fucking a dancer back and took his place in fucking her. The first one then retaliated and punched the second one. Then he grabbed him by the braid and tried to punch him again but the second one got the first one off of him and headbutted him, then he grabbed an arakh and started swinging at the first Dothraki, who then tackled him into a cooking pot. 

The Khal then exclaimed "Itte oakah!" (Test your might!) as the two started fighting. The second one tried to go around the first and strike his back but got blocked and back-handed. Their Arakh's clashed once more but the second one dropped onto his knee and cut the first one's stomach open. Then he went behind his defeated foe and cut off his braid and threw it before his Khal. 

Illyrio then clapped and turned to Viserys. "A Dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair." He said as Viserys was sitting there dumbfounded, then the both of them laughed. The dancing then resumed as another man, who looked around 45 years old and foreign to Pentos, came forth with books as gifts for Dany and caught my attention. 

The Khal then addressed them man "Jadi, zhey Jora Andahli." (Come, Jorah the Andal.) "Khal vezhven."(Great Khal.) The man addressed the Khal back and came forward. "A small gift, for the new Khaleesi." He offered the books to Daenerys  "Songs and Histories from the Seven Kingdoms". "Thank you, Ser," Daenerys said to the man. She then asked him. "Are you from my country?". "Ser Jorah Mormont of Bear  Island." He introduced himself "I served your father for many years. Gods be good, I hope to always serve the rightful king." He said and looked at Viserys who had been looking at him since he came forward with gifts for my sister. 

Ser Jorah then bowed his head and turned around to leave as Magister Illyrio then motioned to some of his servants to bring forward a box. They opened it before Dany and she reached into it and pulled out what seemed to be a dragon egg. "Dragon's eggs, Daenerys, from the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai." He announced, "The ages have turned them to stone, but they will always be beautiful." "Thank you, Magister." Dany thanked him, then Illyrio nodded and sat back down as Dany examined the eggs.

Khal Drogo then stood up which prompted Daenerys and me to stand up as well. The Khal walked forward as Dany looked at me with scared eyes and meekly followed after the Khal. After she walked into the crowd with me right behind her. When we got to the Khal we saw a beautiful withe horse next to him, his gift to his new wife. "She's beautiful." She said to the Khal who didn't understand her. Dany then turned to me and the elderly knight "Ser Jorah, I... I don't know how to say "thank you" in Dothraki." 

He looked at her "There is no word for "thank you" in Dothraki." After he told her that she turned back to the Khal, who picked her up and placed her on her horse. Then he walked over to his own horse and mounted it as Viserys walked up next to Daenerys "Make him happy." He told her and looked at her. She just looked down at him and back towards where they'll be riding to and rode off. I inhaled deeply and walked off to my tent to get some rest from this day.

Woohoo! Damm 2200 words. Man, it's been a long time huh. Well I'm back and ready to start writing again, though I'll probably post on the weekends cause of school. God it's been a while since I've done this, here goes.  Zagan_the_Beast_god out. See ya next time

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