Game of Prythian

By Cait2025

25.1K 715 100

In the beginning and in the end, there is darkness; Nothing more. Kana Archeron has spent her entire life be... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Part 2
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Thank you/SEQUEL!
Thank You!!!

Chapter Three

1K 35 1
By Cait2025

Feyre's POV: 

Death is a dangerous game, yet no one can predict when it might strike. I prayed that it would not strike Kana. We needed her. One of the fae healers stood over her, taking her glowing hands back and forth across her body. Nesta asked, "What happened?"

"The poison happened, How long was she poisoned with the ash wood?" the healer questioned. I remember Kana complaining about her powers being weaker than usual when I was around six.

Nesta answered, "It started right after Feyre turned five. Ended when we had our wealth stripped from us when Feyre was eight." I blinked, no one had ever told me it had been so long. Mother must have truly hated us to take our only true mother figure away.

The healer nodded and set her glowing fingers around Kana's throat. She said, "The poison makes her cough, and because of the combination of the two it made her throat completely raw."

"Can you heal it?" I asked, voice wavering. The healer nodded, "I can fix most of it, but because the poison is inside her and there is no safe way to draw it out her throat will be sore for a few weeks"

Nesta nodded. My elder sister kept her hand on the short sword at her hip as the healer fixed what she could of Kana's throat. She left quickly, all we could do was stare at the only mother figure I've ever known.

Someone knocked twice, harshly. Regina poked her head in, and she glanced at us and her eyes went straight to Kana. "How long does she have left?"

Nesta sniped, "It's none of your damned business soldier, now what do you need?"

Regina didn't flinch from the harshness. "There is another force coming."

Nesta commanded, "Where."

Regina answered quickly, "Western shores. No one is going to make it in time" Hells' wrath. They'll have land fall here. Which means they'll have scouts of the land and base operation.

"Send a message to the queens, they'll dispatch forces to buy us time to get over there." Nesta said sharply, she had a finger barely touching the ip of her nose. Thinking, hard.

"We tried that already, their response was that the people there had to evacuate on their own." Regina murmured slightly. Nesta's head whipped up, she snarled. This time Regina and I both had the nerves to flinch.

"Regina, send out a letter to all the commander's under me. I want them to know exactly what we are dealing with." Nesta said smoothly. Nesta left the room not bothering to dismiss us. Regina left the door open for me as she left.

I stepped into the doorway, then glanced back at my mother figure. "Please whatever, whoever you are please spare my sister. Please spare my hope." I shut the door and made my way to my legion.

We were camped just outside of the village I had grown up in. It had been our main base of operations for many months. Tents were strone about, healers going every which way preparing for the next battle.

Regina was on my right side. As my third it was her job to be the peacekeeper. My second however was away at the moment. I sighed and asked, "When will our darling spy be back?"

"Sometime this week hopefully." Regina sighed. I glanced at her, and kept walking. "Prepare to leave."

"For the western shores I already gave the order." Regina grumbled. I smiled as I saw the camp already packed up and ready to leave. Matt sniped as his own horse stood beside Regina and my own, "I really hope you've got a killer plan for this."

"And if my plan is to unleash the wyrm, that everyone including all my superiors think I killed would you support me?" I teased. The soldiers near who heard answered, "Until darkness claims us all we are yours to command, Huntress."

We all burst out laughing. Matt was a Day Court fae. His dark skin and hair matched that of Hava's. I was the only mortal among these fae, and yet they followed me as their commander. I never knew why.

I gave the signal and we all moved out. The horses burst into their full speed. Matt grinned at me, his long dark hair flowing out behind him. I glanced around. My soldiers, my friends, my brothers and sisters in arms. Fae or not they were my friends.

I shouted over the wind, "You know the commander's have been pushing me to name the legion, but I don't think that is entirely up to me."

I saw savage grins. A friend who's been with me since the beginning questioned, "Aren't we just the Hunters?"

"That's what the people on the other side of the wall call us. But I don't like it because it takes out the fact that we have females in this legion." I answered him. He nodded, and conversations of all types broke out upon what we might deem ourselves.

I grinned and pushed my horse a little harder. The grin was faked, the conversations hid my nervousness from them all. This would kill my friends, and I had no way to save them all.

✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ♞ ♝ ♜ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵

Hours later we arrived at the western coast. I shouted, "Stick to the woods, it'll be our only cover!"

I had four forest nymphs in the legion. One for each sector. They directed their sector horses on where to wait for us. And how long to. Matt noticed my nervousness earlier.

I shouted, rounding everyone up to listen to orders. Once they were all circled up I spoke the truth. "By estimates, there are going to be twelve ships, with two thousand a piece."

No one moved, I continued. "The Queens refuse to dispatch the other legions because their palace needs correcting."

Snarls cut through the air like arrows. "We are going into this without backup and without any idea of how many forces there truly are."

The tension spiked, "But if they get this cove, then our chances of losing the war entirely sky rocket."

"I gave you all orders on the ride here now to get to work." I commanded. I knew they could smell my nerves. Matt stuck with me. Regina left to go deal with her own orders.

A steady silence hung over us as we walked. I scurried up a tree, and Matt up another. I went all the way to the top, and looked for any sign of light over the water. Matt said from the tree across from me, "What do we do if we can't win."

"We take the whole damn cove down with us." I said evenly. If this was how I died so fucking be it. Matt nodded, and glanced around the waters. The sun glared into our eyes as it sank beneath the horizon. Matt said, "I see them, by the rate they're sailing they'll be here late tomorrow morning."

I felt around for Regina's power until we could talk through our minds. Give the order no fires, lanterns, or torches they'll be able to see us. I said to her. Regina sent a wave of compliance. Matt and I scurried back down the trees. It was warm enough to camp out without the tents.

We ate in mostly silence. The fruits and dried meats came in handy tonight. We didn't need to heat them up. Which meant we could keep our presence a secret. I sat in silence on the outside of our little circle, propped up against a tree as I listened to the forest. A long hunting knife sat lined up with my thigh. I said quietly so only their fae ears could hear me, "We need to be up before dawn tomorrow, we should sleep. Try to stick near the trees."

They arose from where they were sitting and went to their positions. Four years later and I still couldn't believe I truly got the trapper position for Graysen. Elain was probably with him tonight, it was her free day.

I fell asleep thinking about Nesta. She'd be pissed if we survived. She gave no order and because Kana was down she assumed High General unil Kana was feeling better.

I'd probably get a few lashings for it. I woke to Regina shaking me awake. Putting my hunting knife in its sheath, I arose from my spot against the tree. Regina spoke into all of our minds, The ships are in the cove, get into the trees they haven't seen us yet.

I was in my tree in seconds. We hid ourselves well, the forest nymphs using their little power to scatter our scents so the enemy couldn't smell us. I pressed my back into the tree as I felt the power of the first fae top the hill. Regina connected all of our minds still, Hold. He's not in the right spot.

The fae continued forward. I gently set a hand over my mouth, he'd hear my breathing. Two more paces forward I could see his shadow. If he continued moving forward he'd see me.

Regina gave the order. The covered net swept him high up into the canpope in seconds. Before he could scream for help an arrow was lodged in his throat. We waited. Another fae topped the hill he shouted for his comrade. He was in the exact same place at the last fae. Was.

A drop of blood dripped down from the body above him. It hit him again, we waited. Waited for his scream. He saw blood on the ground, he kneeled down and fingered it. Held it up to his nose and sniffed it. He shouted for his brother in arms again.

He got hit by the blood again. He slowly looked up. And saw the body. She yelled for back up. It was cut off quickly by one of my knives hitting his heart. Regina said into our skulls, It's only the first ship we need to sink the other eleven before they reach land. I shouted, "Sector two you're with me!"

I jumped off of my branch and bolted through the trees hoping from branch to branch. Sector two followed their formation orders. I reached a tree where I could see the other eleven ships. I should have known they'd use the cove as a distraction.

I was on the ground in seconds. I ran, my soldiers ran hard too. The forty Summer Court fae hurried down to the shore line. Their magic would be more powerful in the sea. Running I watched as the four groups of summer fae sank four ships. Seven more to go.

I glanced over at the ships, my pace slowing so I could look. I saw it then, the pattern. The closest three ships to shore were perfectly lined up with one another. Then the further ships, four ships, two rows. The closer ships to the shore had nothing on them.

The ships were protecting the cargo. In this case, the explosives Kana had her spies implant. This was their plan. "I need fire arrows. I panted trying to catch up to the ship closest to shore.

I shouted, "Use arrows in fire to ignite the explosives on the ships that are being protected." Yanking an arrow out of my quiver and using the flint and steel to shakily light it. Running hard I pulled my arrow back to my cheek and aimed for the ships closest to shore. I launched myself forward in hopes to be close enough.

I fired. The arrow soared far, until it was nothing but a dot in the sky. I couldn't see it. "I missed, get over to that damn ship-" A loud boom echoed over the coast line. I flinched. Matt put his hands under my arms, he pulled me off the ground. "I don't think you missed."

I shook off the awe, and struggled to light the next arrow, and when it was on fire I pulled it back. And fired again. The next closest ships went off with a boom. Arrows rained down on us. I threw myself on the ground. Matt reaches for the bow. He roared and hit the ground with a thud. I slid over to him and pressed where the arrow was sticking out of his right shoulder. Blood poured onto his tunic.

His hand flattened over my head and he rolled over protecting me from the onslaught of arrows. "Sink those ships, Feyre." he took an arrow to his lower back and roared. I slithered out from under him, snagging a fallen bow I ran. There was one more set of ships. They were using magic, I could almost taste it in the air.

The ground rose up into the cliffs. The incline increased, forcing me to use my hands to climb. I reached the top out of breath and my hands split from the sharp rocks. They were yards from the place where they could hop into row boots and head for the shore.

In the beginning and in the end, there is darkness. Nothing more. Tears staining my cheeks, I used my last strength. Jumping from the cliffs, time seemed to pause. Lighting the air mid jump I pulled it back.

The bow was pulled so far the string started fraying. Hair blowing behind me I fired at the arch of my jump. The arrow flew, and the bow dry stringed from how tight it had been strung.

The top and bottom snapped from the handle. The top scraped my skull, the bottom stabbed my abdomen. Even with the pain it felt like flight. And then the fall happened, and my stomach lurched into my throat.

Having just enough control, I shifted so my legs would hit. (Something like what Captain America did in the winter soldier movie for those of you who have watched it)

They did. And the ocean was not forgiving.

✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ♞ ♝ ♜ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵

I opened my eyes, a soaked Summer court fae carried me. His lips moved but no sound came with it. Darkness claimed me again. It was like this for a while. Meaningless pictures of events that made no sense.

Glowing hands, that hovered over me. Like they offered me another chance to live. Darkness was quick to claim me again. This time I didn't bother to make out the pointless images. Darkness was kind. But the pain was not.

✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ♞ ♝ ♜ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵

Kana's POV:

I woke up to Nesta pacing around my room. Feyre was usually the one to be doing that. I inhaled trying to talk and choked. Pain shot through my head. Nesta whirled to me and soon pressed a glass to my lips.

I drank the water quickly. I could feel that it would be pointless to talk. I motioned for a pen and paper. I sat up quickly. I wrote, "How long was I out and where the hell is Feyre?"

Nesta grumbled, "Feyre left to the western coast on a suicide misson this morning, to stop what we guess about twelve ships with two thousand from making landfall."

"But the Queen's launched back up?" I scribbled in my forced cursive. Mother's prefered habits stuck even years later.

"The queen's have the spare legions guarding their castle so they can wipe out the forces in one fell swoop."

I twirled the pen, "But that's what the enemy wants us to do. It's a trap."

"And they are falling for it." Nesta sighed. I blinked and wrote hand shaking a bit, "So our little sister is probably gonna die and take every single one of those forces down with her."

Nesta nodded and looked away from me. She said looking out the window, "I may have told all the legions that while you were out."

I smiled and wrote, "Exactly what I would have done."

Nesta nodded and asked for orders, "So now what."

I scribbled quickly, "Now we wait for a report from Feyre's legion. And we continue feeding the truth to the Commanders."

Nesta smirked, "Perhaps we should offer the problems a few drinks and sort things out."

I grinned at her, and flashed her the paper, "Have Hava arrange it." Nesta nodded and left the room. She left and my mask fell. I pressed my hand to my face and sobbed. Sobbed for my littlest sister.

My throat ached with every cry.

I got myself to stop. I thought of the mask I would wear. I swiped the tears away, stood and walked out my doors. Like those tears had never happened at all.

✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ♞ ♝ ♜ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵

I sat at my desk signing paperwork. Hava was closed today. I scribbled it on spare paper, "Hava why are you so close?"

"You almost died mam' I am close to make sure a poison attack like that doesn't happen while you are healing." Hava answered smoothly. I nodded. I went back to signing paperwork. Hours later I looked at the clock. My guess: Feyre's forces had just arrived at the western coast.

My lungs became tight, I pressed a hand to my chest. Hava was immediately there. Hava questioned, "Is there a way to stop it, temporarily?"

I whispered into her ear, "According to our source if we use bones of fae who died to ash wood it'll make my resistance strong but it's not permanent. It only works when I have pieces of those bones on me."

"So weapons and armor?" Hava murmured. I nodded and she was off. The only person who knew that I was the reaper was Hava. And she helped me with almost every aspect of it.

She was back later and said as she entered the room, "I put in a request for weapons to be forged for the Reaper. Just as she instructed, General."

I whispered, "Thank you Hava." She nodded and stood at the door. For a few more hours I signed my way through the stacks of paperwork, until Hava forced me back to my room to rest.

She got me some warm tea to help with my throat. And a few crackers, for they were all my poor throat could handle. Hava was now staying in the room across from mine so she would hear if anything happened. Nesta of course had been up to it. Hava played it off as if it was her own doing though.

Nesta showed love in small ways. She loved through her actions, most certainly not through her words. I sighed and was staring at the ceiling. A wisp of darkness caught my attention. A trick of the eyes, any human would claim.

But his magic presence was there, barely sensible to the strong's eye. My magic was weakened now, so I could just about feel him. Only because his presence was stronger than my own.

I stared into the corner where the shadows were a hint darker. I whispered, "Go back to your master shadows. Unless he plans to offer his assistance you can go away and not come back. I most certainly don't need you disturbing my sleep."

They disappeared after I was done talking. I laid a hand to my throat. Then ran through all the information I had on the Shadow-singer of Night Court. It was not much. But just enough to spark a horrible idea. One that would most likely end in a horrible argument.

My eyes snapped open. I blinked, glancing around the room, no, the shadow singer had not come back. Then what had awoken me? I glanced around and found a box set on the side of my bed near the door. I rolled over and crawled over to it. I eased the lid open and found a sheath hiding a knife.

I pulled the sheath out of the box and slid the knife out. I was smooth, perfectly balanced. Unseen strength coursed through me. Just enough so I could sit fully up without Hava's assistance.

It was about four inches long. Small but effective, more effective than anyone could guess. There was a paper folded that sat still in the box. I unfolded it and read, Call it a peace offering. - Reaper.

I snorted and rubbed my throat soon after. I smiled to myself, smooth Hava. very smooth. I got up and found Hava had laid out leggings and a burgundy t-shirt. I dressed quickly, and braided my long wispy white hair over my shoulder. I strapped the sheath around my waist, and admired the knife before sliding it back into the sheath.

I exited my room, and Hava was kindly waiting for me. I took a few more steps, and wavered. Not strong enough to get along on my own when the poison's done damage. But it'll be easier to convince people now, if they question anything in the first place.

Hava slid her arm around my waist. I propped my arm over her shoulders and she helped me to my office. I whispered to her, "Hava why don't you take a day off soon? You need a break from helping my sick self around the house."

The shadows following us hid themselves well. Hava shook her head, "I much prefer being here General. Besides, you pay well and always invite me to dinner when I'm not busy."

I bobbed my head slowly. I smiled gently at, "Hava, thank you friend." She smiled back at me and bobbed her head as well. The shadows dissipated having what they were looking for.

Hava whispered silently, "How long have they been around?" I felt them pop back into the area around us. I said as loud as my throat would let me, "I don't know, but the Reaper was here sometime this morning. She left the knife I'm wearing for me."

Hava nodded, we walked the rest of the way to my office in silence. The heavy presence of the shadows made me nervous. I shivered at the wrong time. I coughed heavily, it felt like rocks cutting up my throat. Hava held me up right. I waved her worries away as they came to a halt.

Fake coughing was horrible, it wrecked my already ruined throat. Taking the handkerchief Hava handed me I wiped the blood from my lips. I sighed, and whispered loudly, "How long did the healer say I have?"

Hava didn't lie, "She told me that there was a good chance you wouldn't make it to thirty." I laughed quietly, and said back to her. Emotions strong in my voice, I spoke. "Prepare everything we can, in case it comes sooner."

Hava nodded and we stalked into my office. Stacks of paper work still needed to be signed. Hava opened the curtains on the window wall. Dousing out any noticeable shadows that weren't our own or the ones in corners.

"Has there been anything from Feyre's legion?" I whispered through the silence rubbing my temples. Hava answered, "No, General."

I sighed and went back to paperwork. I got tired of the shadows' tense presence. I said, voice the same sandpaper as my throat, "Considering you are back i'm going to take it as a sign he would like to help?"

Jerking my chin towards Hava, she closed the blinds. The shadows scurried across my desk. I reached towards them, and they came up and tickled my fingers. I whispered, "Well it's nice to formally meet you. I assume you are the spymaster's shadows?"

They danced in a way that I assumed meant yes. I giggled softly. "I would like a face to face if that's possible?" The shadows' shook, it was not possible then. I titled my head and stood. Hava was already moving, ready to help me. I held out my hand and she stopped waiting patiently. Slowly, I shuffled my way over to the chest shoved on the left side of the doors.

I knelt down and opened the chest with a heave. I pressed my hand to my ribs. I probably broke a few. I was coughing so hard. Searching the chest I smiled and pulled out a sheath wrapped in a thick cloth. Motioning for the shadows they came over and danced over the covered weapon. I twisted and sat on the floor near the chest. I set a hand on my throat and whispered, "If The Morrigan is still residing in Night Court, could you please take this to her? Andromache wanted her to have it."

The shadows danced and surrounded the sword quickly. Smothering it, they tugged it back into the shadows. Hopefully taking it to The Morrigan. Hava knelt beside me. She said, "What if the Morrigan changed?"

"She hasn't." It sounded like a denial. Hava murmured, helping me from the floor. "How do you know?"

"I don't." The paperwork stacks kept me busy the rest of the day.

Some shadows rustled around my feet for most of the day. I tried my best not to cause my throat any more pain. The shadows' felt my distress and tickled my feet at some points.

They always stopped right before I'd laugh though, they kept my poisoned life in mind at all times. I even caught the shadows annoying Hava and some points. They made me smile.

During one of the rougher points today a messenger burst through my door unannounced. Hava already had a sword angled at the poor fae's neck before he set three feet into the room.

"He's fine, Hava." I said quietly, she nodded and went back to her place propped up against the bookshelf. The messenger cleared his throat and said, "I was here to deliver the report from Lady Feyre's legion."

I kept my face calm and used my mother's horrible tricks. 'Lady Feyre' oh she'd have this guy's head if she heard him say that.

I nodded, Hava took it from the messenger. "Thank you, you're dismissed."

He walked out quickly, and did not look back. Hava locked the doors behind him. I leaned back in my chair, a hand on my head and the other laid limp in my lap.

Hava pulled the report out of the envelope. The shadows curled around my hand, like they were trying to sooth me. I would be lying if I said I didn't like their company.

Hava cleared her throat and read, "We won the battle with heavy losses. Two-Hundred Thirty-two dead, fifty severely injured and expected not to make it. Forty-eight with major injuries that will recover fine. Fifteen with minor injuries.

The shadows' swirled around my fist, Feyre would mourn for years. Perhaps her whole life. Hava continued, "Commander Feyre was severely injured with a slash to the head, a slash to the ribcage, a shattered left leg, and fractured fibula. She is expected to make a full recovery with some new stiffness to her left leg throughout her life."

I asked, voice giving away my tears. "Are Regina and Matt on the lists?"

Hava replied quickly, "Regina was one of few to get away unscathed. Matt on the other hand has a tendon in his lower back torn by an arrow, and another arrow in his right shoulder. He's hovering on the line of death and life when this letter was sent."

My hands were shaking. "Hava prepare the horses, I'm going to see their families."

"There are two-hundred and thirty-two of them General." Hava said flatly. I said harshly, "Then it'll be a long week." The shadows' scurried away, probably going back to the spymaster.

Hey everyone! Do you all prefer the shorter chapters that can come out more often and quicker? Or the chapters that are longer and come out every few days?

Happy reads! <3

: Dragon-Fly

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