Love Punched | COMPLETED

De SkylerChase29

289K 13.3K 5.1K

❝ I'm as much a bad-boy as you're an average girl. So I suppose that answers both our questions. ❞ •♤• Lila S... Mais

01. Oblivious
02. They bet?
03. A Nuisance
04. Sly Intentions
05. Universal Signs
06. Annoying Guys
07. Tricked
08. Black & Blue
09. Deep Talks
10. Friday Fights
11. Holy Turn On
12. A Brilliant Idea
13. Messed Up
14. Everyone Has Secrets
16. Jalapeños
17. Damning Conscience
18. Confrontations
19. Unwanted Changes
20. Body Building
21. Convincing
22. Sad Anniversary
23. Downhill
24. Slip Of Control
25. Backstory
26. Complexity
27. Changing Perceptions
28. Backstage
29. Not Ready Yet
30. Birthday Boy
31. Smitten
32. Burning Up
33. Knowing Lila
34. Knowing Derek
35. Interested?
36. Talk It Out
37. Connections
38. What Happened?
39. Get It Over With
40. Strained
41. One Chance
42. Wildcat Vs Wolf
43. Birthday Girl
44. Tell Me
45. High On Emotions
46. Kiss It Better
47. Fall Prey
48. Warning Bells
49. Bittersweet
50. Be Mine, Kitkat

15. Irony At Its Finest

5.4K 234 52
De SkylerChase29

(Lila's P.O.V)

Derek was an annoyance.

Granted, a distractingly handsome annoyance.

After the venom Veronica spewed there was no way I'd have settled for another class. I needed release and not the kind bad-boys like Derek were most probably amazing at giving.

Damn, where's that coming from?

I sighed and stared at Derek's back as he opened the door to the bar/illegal fight ring downstairs. His fingers wrapped around my wrist tight enough that I feared I'd have his marks burned there. But I suppose he was making sure I wouldn't slip away.

I wouldn't. I'd just kick his ass.

But that would kinda make the point moot if I wanted to keep The Wildcat a secret.

"What are you doing, Derek?" I finally tugged my wrist free and he turned around to flash me a dimpled smile.

"Me? I'm just thinking of letting you in on a secret."

I hummed. "Go ahead." Folding my hands under my breasts, I caught the dip in Derek's gaze to my chest before he met my eyes, the coppery shade in his glinting mischievously. 

My heart skipped a beat and then I slapped it back into action.

Bad heart!

"Come on, let's head downstairs. You said you'd been to a couple fights, correct?"

More like in a couple of fights but...

Eh, semantics.

I shrugged, though I was curious and let him lead me. When Alan at the bar stopped Derek, I smiled to myself. Going downstairs on off-days for us  'kids' was something he only exempted on weekends. Otherwise he did Alan duty of bodyguard/bouncer/brother very well.

"Sorry, not allowed." He took a stand, closing the door to the gym below in Derek's face. 

I folded my arms and met Alan's eyes when he saw me but just like every other time, he didn't pay me any special attention.

I absolutely loved how Blue worked. Probably because people weren't so nosy. Not at Blue. 

I was prepared to leave but Derek smiled at Alan, "I'm sure you'll let me in. Just give me a second."

I frowned to myself but cleared the expression when Derek's copper eyes landed on me. He smirked, "Watch." 

I sighed internally. What's it about guys wanting to show off to girls like this, as if they're so cool?

I mean we'll see if you're cool either way if we're interested. Don't bother going out of your way.

"Sure." I wasn't sure what the bad-boy planned on doing but it seemed like he was confident.

Veronica got on my nerves but today wasn't like most days so I really did want to beat someone up. If this guy hadn't interrupted me, I'd have come here on my own and calmed down my way.

But I guess his way did work after all. 

Distracting-by-annoying is a solid way for Derek to carve out a place of special assistance in my heart. A better discovery than Newton's Gravity Theory would ever be.

The blue-black haired boy who wasn't exactly a boy took out his phone and dialed up someone.

"Hey, Diego. Sorry but I came a little early for today's appointment. Would you ask Alan to let me go in?" 

Appointment? With Diego? Oh no, hold up, rewind

"Thanks, I'll see you in ten then." When Derek ended the call, he grinned at Alan who rose a brow.

A few seconds later, the silent awkwardness was put to an and when Alan finished his fifteen second call with my trainer. 

What the hell is Diego up to now?

Though unease wriggled right under my skin, my calm persona was just that–a persona. I could ask queries later, get rid of Derek soon and vanish to cool down easily but getting on with Looney Tunes was the big hurdle for now.

If I was alone, I'd have simply taken the secret entryway for us fighters and underground staff. Only select personnel were privy to it. 

But thanks to the lunatic, I had to got through the front entrance like some girl in a movie that the fighter boyfriend takes to his gym or something to teach how to punch.


No that Derek's a boyfriend or even potential BF material for me.

"Okay, you two can go." The door opened and Alan gave Derek a once over in a new light before he rose a subtle brow at me. I simply waved.

The charmer had been to work even here it seemed but I had an inkling that Diego was trying to cause trouble since he knew how annoying I found Derek.

But that couldn't possibly be it. Diego would have better reasons for whatever he was initiating with Derek.

We both started on our way down the metal stairs to the real treasure below.

When we were finally in my space, I put my braid in the front; down my left shoulder as Derek smirked at me.

"You'll be able to get some anger out now. Wanna punch or kick? Yeah, this should be a good space for that."

I rose an un-amused brow as he lead the way to the punching bags. There were a few regulars Diego knew here and I looked around in case I could spot the Spanish guy himself.

"Where in la-la land did you go?" Derek snapped his fingers in front of my faces and I rolled my eyes.

"The la-la land where there's a No-Entry-For-Derek-Greyson pass."

"You're so sweet."

"I try."

"Keep trying then." He grinned, his dimple showing. "You need the practice."

I scoffed.


I looked with a raised eyebrow at him as he offered me a pair of boxing gloves. There was a punching bag right in the front and it didn't take a genius to figure out what he meant for me to achieve.

My anger hadn't subsided, it had just been overridden by Derek's annoying personality for the time being. To even think too much about what Veronica had made me mad in a matter of seconds. I'd appreciate humans being punched but since it doesn't appear to be an option for the time being, I'll settle for the punching bag.

Just as I went to take the gloves from Derek he exclaimed, "Wait!"

I stopped and glared at him. "You're testing my patience now, Looney Tunes. What is it?"

He kept the gloves back on the bench on the side and faced me with his hands on his waist. "Do it without the gloves. You know, punch."

I sighed. I could've done that from the start, I didn't actually need the gloves. 

I rolled my shoulders, trying to keep my face blank and not punch Derek instead of the punching bag.

It's very tempting.

"Fine." I was just getting ready to close my fist and take up position when Derek again held up his hands.


This time I shot him down with a deadly glower and he grinned in response, holding his hands upwards in surrender before coming closer.

"I'm doing this for your benefit." He took my hand and closed the fingers, properly taking the thumb out. Then he kicked my eased leg a little closer to my other leg so the spacing was better for a power-packed punch.

I silently stared at the blue-black haired guy as he went about, his touch making me unusually hot. Successfully resisting the urge to respond to his touch in some breathy manner, I tilted my head slightly.

Internally, I sighed.

Derek might be annoying but what he was doing at the moment was....slightly...sweet. And I would have left the thought at that had he not given me the cliche-girl treatment.

Did he think every girl punched with her thumb out of the fist? That was one of the most basic things. Of course, it's no big deal even if you're a girl who needs some guidance but to just have assumed that I would be bad at it made ire writhe in me.

Considering how I was the Wildcat, I couldn't help snicker at the irony. Again.

"Go ahead."

Having made distance between us, seemingly satisfed with himself, Derek gave me a grin that I think was meant to encourage me.

I feel like I'm about to make a teeny tiny mistake, but but the grand scheme of things it'll be overlooked.

I turned to the punching bag and cracked my neck to the side before landing a strong punch.

Anger had been subdued but not eradicated and I needed more than this measly punch to work out my anger.

The bag flew backwards a fair distance and I stepped out of the way to look at Derek. I was more than smug and I don't think I was able to keep it hidden.

Derek was staring at me blankly, probably a little surprised and his mumble reached me, "Jeez, I knew you were a violent woman but this is potential."

I snickered and his copper eyes met mine, a dimple showed and he spoke, "That was a good punch."

"Thanks." I acknowledged and then suddenly Diego was slinging an arm around Derek's shoulders.

Whoa, whoa, hold up.

I masked my ire and as Diego's eyes met mine, I rose a brow. He gave me a wink.

Oh boy, what is he planning? And why had Derek wanted to come here? What the heck is with this appointment?

I stared between the two and the thought that ran clear in my mind was I did not need Derek in this aspect of my life too but something told me that wouldn't happen.

The badboy's husky voice brought me out of my deductions. "Lila, this is Diego." I bit my lip to swallow the snicker and Derek turned to Diego. "This is my friend, Lila."

"Hi, I don't know this guy except he's an annoying neighbor. Please don't take his word to heart." I shot Diego a sharp look and his amusement shone through his eyes.

Derek frowned–fakely–and I rolled my eyes.

"I see." Then the Spanish trainer/almost owner looked at Derek with a sly smile, "Ready to head to my office? I have no problems you're early. I'm free at the moment anyways."

Suspicion made me narrow my eyes at the two and Derek graced me with a wink before nodding in answer to Diego.

"Let's head up and talk." Diego started talking Derek with him but he gave me a look over his shoulder.

"You can keep punching or whatever if you want, Derek's friend." Diego grinned mockingly as if he couldn't be bothered to remember my name and I flipped him the bird, my eyes thin as slits.

Again, ironic how it's being rubbed in my face that I can't fight or stuff when I'm the Wildcat! Ugh, my anger is returning full force!

That asshole enjoyed my misery too much. And yes, it applies to both guys.

One day I was gonna kick his ass as payment.

I didn’t know what Diego was brewing but as long as Derek was involved, I had a bad feeling about this.


(Derek's P.O.V)

Sitting across from the dark skinned man, I felt an equal amount of reckless abandon, excitement and fear rushing in my veins.

"You have to tell me if you know a particular style of fighting well."

I mused for a second and then sighed, "I know kickboxing too yes."

Diego narrowed his eyes as if he knew what I was deflecting. I didn't give him a straight answer, I know.

Having left Lila outside, I had a moment of doubt but that vanished pretty quickly when I remembered how the violent woman had punched. If I didn't know better, I'd say she knew how to bring men to their knees.

By using her body to inflict either pain or pleasure.

Lila's secrets intrigued me, this town intrigued me now. But I did truly wish that Kitkat would get an opportunity to calm down here like I'd intended. Her rage had called out to me, bubbling under the surface but I wasn't expecting her to actually have followed me here.

Whatever secrets this town had buried, they weren't going to open up to us so fast. But I'd slowly work on it because I planned on uncovering each and every last thing here.

Although I'd appreciate it immensely if no one took the same kind of interest I did in Kitkat. That would be detrimental to both them and me and I really don't want to go through that much trouble.

One might say this was a gamble too. Joining Blue as a reputed  fighter, I mean. But I saw it as a means to a few ends. I could keep things about myself under wraps if I wanted and I was in no mood to let myself be a spectacle or object of interest for anyone.

Not unless the interest was sexual, heh.

Diego leaned back in his chair and I mirrored him, the room feeling like a small box meant to contain me even when I could see how spacious it was.

"Why did your family move to Ladenhill?"

I rose a brow. "Why are you interrogating me?"

The guy chuckled, "Protocol."

As uneasy as I was by his probing  even if there was more to it, I had to accept that because it was genuinely believable.

The dark skinned guy gave me a look as if saying 'go on.'

I shrugged and responded, "Father wanted to live the small town life and wanted a different start."

Diego nodded in musing and then narrowed his eyes at me. "Who's the girl you brought?"


He gave me a deadpanned look and I grinned in amusement, "She's a classmate. And my neighbor."

I highly doubted this guy wouldn't know everyone in the town so either this was his way of judging me regarding something or I was wrong. I'll bet on the former.

He gave me scary big brother vibes if Lila would ever have had one.

I think I'd pick Grace over Diego in that case. She was on my side.

"Alright, I see your reasoning in wanting to join but it's not going to be easy. Are you sure you want to be a fighter and not just a normal member of the gym?" His voice was laden with a hundred other questions but I was admant.

"I'm sure, Diego. I want to be a scheduled fighter here."

For around five minutes none of us spoke. All he did was stare at me with his dark scary gaze while I met him head on like the first time we'd spoken.

"Okay. If you're this sure then I'll accept."

I fist pumped and shot the man a grin that wasn't returned but the look in his eyes was sly as fuck.

As if I'd just walked into a trap.

"There are rules though, Derek and if you don't follow them....." A smirk crept onto his features, "There will be consequences."

I snickered internally and nodded externally.

I had no intentions of letting my secret out either. It would inadvertently have consequences for me if I built a reputation that would reach ears back in Chicago. I really didn't need that but staying out of fights was also taking effort.

Of course. This was all illegal and I had no qualms about how they'd handle things if they got out of hand.

Diego got up from his seat.

"Rule 1: No fighting outside the scheduled fights in Blue and the training room you'll be given for personal use."

"Whoa, firstly, no fighting at all?" I gave an incredulous look and got an extremely serious one in return so I zipped my mouth regarding that.

"And a personal and fully equipped training room?" This had caught the better part of my interest and Diego finally cracked a smile.

"That's right."

Holy hell that'd be awesome. "Okay, I can follow Rule 1. To an extent."

Diego gave me a withering glare and I grinned mischievously before he continued, "Rule 2: No trying to find out the girls' identities." He gave me a severe look and I rose both my brows innocently.

Of course I'd anticipated this thing but I was never one to follow rules so it wouldn't be a hindrance at all. I was going to find out the Wildcat's identity for sure if not the Leopard's.

Diego approached me until he was staring down at me and grinned. Hands folded across his chest, he looked quite imposing. "Rule 3: No one should know your identity. You keep it a secret. And not just for your own sake but the sake of Blue. Trust me you won't like the consequences if you break any of these rules."

My heart skipped a beat and I swallowed at his reminder.

I was going back down this road. Granted it was far too different in the common sense of the world but I knew the similarities. But I'd learnt I craved this bloodshed and to curb an anger like mine, to take down the raging beast, I needed a physical outlet. But throw in some good entertainment and hot chicks and I'm set.

If I took this step though, there was no going back.

"Understood, Diego." I shot him a mock salute with a dimpled grin.

His jaw clenched and then he unfolded his arms. Holding out a hand, he smirked.

I shook on it, excitement bubbling up and then he interrupted.

"So what's your code name going to be?"

I let my full grin show, my grip on his hand tightening as I stood up.

"Wolf. The Wolf of Ladenhill."



Well, well, new chapter. I hope you enjoyed! I did while writing it hahaha.

The chapter is dedication to AkshitaaN

I don't have my laptop so can't do it properly but I had to this time lol. Thanks 4 all your support so far!

What do you think of the dynamic between Diego and Derek so far and the hints about Derek's past?

Anyways, this was a long chapter lol, and I'm writing the 18th chapter right now so yay! And my exams start from 3rd so I'll be a little busy.
Okay then, don't forget to vote and comment and please do share the book as much as you can! I'd appreciate it!

Till next time then!


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