Iwaoi- Why are You Doing This...

By whyhellosmexy

44.7K 1.6K 488

Basically, Oikawa is abducted by Vampire!Iwa and is scared shitless. COVER IMAGE DOES NOT BELONG TO ME. Based... More

There's A Body In The Back Of My Ferrari I Don't Even Own..
I've Gotta Get Out Of Here
The Only Flaw, You Are Flawless.
But I Can't Help Myself~
The Only Thing You're Missing, Is Some Tape Over That Mouth...
All You Wanna Do
I Tried But... I Don't Think So.
Oh You'll Probably Go To Heaven, Please Don't Cry.
Growing Concern
Social Media+More Texts
Do I Wanna Know?
Having A Little Nervous Break Down
I'm So Sorry...
The Thought Of Fresh /Blood/ Is Making Me Ill...
Push Up To My Body, Sink Your Teeth Into My Flesh
Where Is My Mind?
Stuck With Me
To Justify The Things I Did... (Tonight Will End In Tragedy)
I Am Not A Slave
Stop Standing There
It Was Really Only You...
Locked in a Cage
Draining All The Color From Your Eyes
After All This Time
Did I Just Die?
Oh My God My Head Hurts
Eyes shut tightly. I shut down.
i'll run in circles 'till i crash.
they taped over your mouth...
the choir's gonna sing then this thing is gonna kill you
theres no other witnesses, just us two
Its Gone Too Far To Ever Go Back.
Highway to Hell
Oh You're So Condescending
This Life Is Breaking Into the Day
Driven by Hate, Consumed by Fear.

I'm gonna puke it anyway.

742 31 1
By whyhellosmexy


Oikawa's POV

Shivers wrack my body uncontrollably, fuck I just wanna go home to my worn out couch and watch weird TV with Makki, Kuroo and Kenma. Is that too much to ask for? Apparently.

Is this why Iwa-Chan kidnapped me? Maybe he sedated me with two needles to make it seem like he was biting me?? Why would he go through all that trouble though, if he was just gonna give me away to these guys?

Why would he want me to think he was a vampire? It just seems like so many extra steps...

The trembling had gone down while I was lost in though so of course, it's gonna pick up now that I have to think about my current situation...

I'm stuck in a car with the guy who wanted and still wants to rape me.

My ragged breathing must be their sole focus at the moment, it's so loud even over the scuff of tires on rocky pavement, I hope it's annoying them. I space out, vision going blurry.

Fuck, what did I do to deserve this?

What's wrong with me?

I can feel the coppery warmth of my own blood seeping through the bandages that Iwa-Chan had unnecessarily covered my arms in, the tenseness of my body must be helping with my blood flow.

I feel a man The Fucking Worst Man grab both of my wrists and it takes everything in me not to yank my arm away, flinch, do anything but instead, I lay there, as good as dead while he undoes the bandages on my arms for his own sick satisfaction. I curse him in my mind over and over again.

A sharp agony pangs through my stomach oddly enough, which has never happened to me before?

I feel desperate, trapped which is a given but I hate the feeling of being out of control of what's happening to my body (another given)

As their vehicle (presumably a truck?) gets further, the searing pain worsens like a pit in my stomach.

I feel like I'm gonna vomit.

I do vomit, hacking up blood all over 'Assholes' white dress pants, I can't even find it in myself to be amused through the pain.

He yells something at me that I can't make out, I flinch at his tone of voice, specifically because the words are coming from him... this earns me another slap though I guess I'm lucky that's all the 'punishment' I'm getting so far...

I wince at that trail of thought.

I'm sure I'll be getting plenty of 'punishment' later...

My vision goes blurry again and I can barely see through unshed tears clouding my vision then proceed to hack up more blood.

Of course, of fucking course the world starts going completely blurred again, my senses drowning in nothing.

I'm gonna pass out again.

What the fuck.

When did I become so fucking weak?

You know how in some books like, I think 'Twilight', the author gets criticized for using 'fainting' as a plot device?

My life is one of those books.

Hah, I might as well be in 'Twilight' right now, fucking vampires...

Fucking fake vampires..

Stupid Iwa-Chan.

Ah fuck, feel like I'm gonna puke up my liver.

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