Toge Inumaki x reader: A Tr...

By CorinaPalomera

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You are a new powerful student at the Jujutsu school, when a White haired Violet eyed boy finds an interest i... More

Author's Notes
New Student
First Day
Core Training
Getting Closer
Fight Day
A Little Something
Sister Bond
Fight or Flight. No, Fight or Fight
Sister Bond 2
Too Hot
Lover's Bond
New Leader
I'm Trying
Side Mission
Years Pass By...
True Fate
Let Me Feel You
New Beginning
The Sunset


1.5K 39 133
By CorinaPalomera


Sukuna had finished pleasing himself with that woman and was able to find a few more to satisfy his needs. Once he was finished, he stood on top of a building looking over at the neighboring city. The city the Jujutsu school was in; the place where you are. "I know my next destination." He thought to himself as he pushed off in your direction.

You guys heard loud banging noises coming from up above.

"Shit he's here!" You yelled out.

Toge grabbed onto you and pushed your back against a wall and stood in front of you. He had a bad feeling about this.

More noises and crashing were heard until finally a hole blew right through the wall.

Once the dust settled you all saw Sukuna standing there smirking.

"I am here for my prize!"

"And just what is your prize?" Megumi said angrily.

"Hmmm" Sukuna said while scanning the room. He lifted his arm and pointed his finger towards you.

"There is my prize." He said while laughing.

You saw Toge's face get angry, and his fist balled up. You put your hands on his shoulder and whispered to him.

"Don't, he will kill you and I'm not strong enough to stop him."

"Well, what can I do?" Toge says to you.

You stayed quiet; you know that in reality there is nothing he can do. You try to think of anything possible to try and get you guys out of this situation, but no matter how many scenarios you think of, you come up short.

"Come here prize" Sukuna says to you.

"No, we won't let you take her!?" Nanami says to him. "You will have to get through me first."

"And me!" Megumi says.

Toge steps up as well, followed by everyone else.

"Well, I see you have quite the bodyguard my precious woman, too bad they will all die fighting for you" he says as he begins to attack Megumi head on.

Megumi summons his cursed dogs and his cursed bird right away, as he runs towards Sukuna head on as well. His cursed bird hovers above Sukuna shocking him but after one shock Sukuna throws up fire and instantly the bird goes down. The dogs attacked jumping onto his back biting down and ripping flesh off while Megumi tries to punch Sukuna. Sukuna reaches up behind his back grabbing both dogs and flinging them against the wall. Megumi's punches had no effect on Sukuna, he grabbed Megumi by the face and throws him through the wall.

Nanami comes in and slashes at him furiously, but that doesn't affect him at all either, Sukuna dodges with ease as Nanami keeps trying with all his might to slash him.

He finally lands a cut onto his chest; Megumi comes flying out from the rubble throwing daggers right at Sukuna. Panda comes up behind him and punches him hard in the back. Sukuna took a tiny step forward.

"Oi you guys are doing nothing but tickling me here" he says laughing condescendingly.

Nobra attempted her snap again, Sukuna turned towards her as he heard this.

"You're really going to try that again" he said angrily as he lunged towards her.

"Nobra! No!" You knew that if he reached her, he was going to kill her. You ran towards her as fast as you could. You grabbed her just in time hugging her as he passed you two.

"Oh, you're fast, I like that" Sukuna said grinning.

"Thank you, y/n," Nobra says to you.

You let her go and push her behind you, defending her.

"Let's go" you say getting in a fighting stance.

"Interesting" Sukuna says.

You come at him full force, trying to breath and force air into your lungs as much as possible.

You faked him out and landed a punch to the back of his neck, causing him to stumble a few steps.

"Well shit you are strong huh, I knew I wanted you as my prize since the first time I heard of you."

"What, when the hell did you hear about me?"

"I've always been able to tap in being a part of that dumb boy's body. I heard when you were first introduced as a little rare time stopper. I knew then that I needed to make you mine somehow, some day. And Guess what little, is that day."

"Really, how did we not know this?" Nobra yelled out.

"We didn't think Sukuna could do that with the little power he had at the time, but apparently..." Nanami started to say but was cut off by Sukuna.

"I've always been more powerful than you think" Sukuna interjected. "Anyways I see now I made a good decision, you are very strong woman, and you possess such beauty." Sukuna says as he makes his way towards you.

"Well, you still can't take her!" Nobra yelled out.

"Let's see" Sukuna says while focusing his attention on Nobra now running towards her again.

Again, you come up and save her just in time, this time letting out a fire blast as he passed you two. It burned his ear, Toge took advantage and yelled out "blast away" Sukuna was pushed back a bit but kept walking towards you.

"Blast away!" "Blast away!" All that would do was push Sukuna back a few steps.

"Oi, stop it" Sukuna lifted his hand to send an attack Toge's way.

You ran towards Toge and let the attack hit you. As you reached Toge you hugged him, and you both looked at your back where you were supposed to be hit.... But nothing was there.

"What the, how?!" Sukuna said.

You looked just as baffled as Sukuna. "I don't know" You looked at Toge and he pretended not to know what happened either.

When actually, you knew why, Toge eventually told you about the necklace, you were upset with him at first putting his life in danger for you, but you understood why he did this and got over it. You needed to keep the true meaning of the necklace a secret though. If it fell into anyone else's hands or was stolen from you that person or curse would be able to take full advantage of not being able to receive any fatal blows, plus Toge's life would be completely in their hands.

"No matter, I'll just take you now, enough of this."

Sukuna ran towards you, inches away from your arm when Nanami jumped in front. Sukuna grabbed his arm and punched him in the chest, knocking him out right away. Panda came at Sukuna as well. Sukuna saw him coming already and punched him in the face hard, sending Panda down as well.

Toge had you in his arms. As Sukuna was busy gloating about how powerful, he was to Megumi and Nobra.

"Y/N I can't lose you; I won't lose you!"

You held onto his face, "I know I don't want to lose you either, but if worse comes to worse..."

Toge cut you off "NO! No if worse comes to worse."

You kiss him "I will get back to you no matter what."

Tears started to fill his eyes, "I will get you back no matter what" he says to you.

"Prize let's go!" Sukuna yells, done with bragging, he is bored now and wants to go.

You figure all you can do is keep trying to fight him off, it is not as if he will kill you; he wants you for a reason. You start to slowly walk towards him, then dart off and he begins to chase you, you won't make it easy for him. Sukuna summons a long knife and throws it at you aiming for your stomach but it bounces right of your skin.

"What the hell, why can't I penetrate your skin?!"

He catches up to you and grabs you pulling your head back exposing your neck. He summons up another dagger and brings it to your throat.

Megumi yells out "No!!!" and lunges towards you, Sukuna swings his arm at him, and Megumi went flying back knocking into Nobra.

Sukuna moves his hand across your neck pressing down hard, but still nothing.

"No matter" Sukuna summons up a vile filled with a dark liquid, he squished your cheeks together, forcing your mouth to open and he spills the dark liquid down your throat, covering your mouth and nose forcing you to swallow.

It was his venom, and as it went down your throat, you could feel your body on fire, you screamed out in pain as that feeling enveloped you whole. He let you go and you fell to your knees as the pain surged through you, you fell down onto your hands grasping at the ground as you continued to scream in pain. You screamed until your lungs gave out, that is how painful it felt transforming, tattoos formed throughout your body, your hair began to turn light pink, eyes, nails change color, and another set of eyes formed on your face just like Sukuna's.

"You see, she is mine now," Sukuna says as he looks at Toge.

Toge fell to his knees and looked towards you; you were still bent down letting your head hang low when Toge said, "Y/n?"

You continue to breath hard as that transition was utterly painful, Toge grows worried that this transformation has changed you and your mind. Maybe you don't remember him. He was so worried that you were gone.

You finally calmed yourself as the pain subsided you looked up and Toge was able to see clearly how different you looked, his eyes glossing over as tears formed in his eyes.

"Toge" You said breathing heavy.

"Y/N!" Toge screamed out to you.

"Now I'll be taking my prize, say goodbye little one," Sukuna says standing over you.

You stand up, wobbling towards Toge; your body was very weak from the transition it just went through. Toge stands up and runs over to you as fast as he can reaching his arms out to you.

You reach your arms out as well, wanting to feel Toge one last time.

"On second thought, I think goodbyes are useless." Sukuna lunges towards you just as you were within reach of Toge, he uses his cursed energy and sliced into Toge's arm, cutting it clean off. Sukuna then grabs you by the waist and begins to pull you away with him opening a portal to his underworld. You yell out in heartache "Nooooo, Nooo Toge! Please Noooo!"

You heart was aching beyond belief, you were damned if you were going to let Toge die. You knew everyone was too wounded to tend to him right away; he would most likely bleed out before he got any help. You wanted to hold onto this world as long as you could, your anger grew from deep within you, and with the last bit of energy you still had you ripped out of Sukuna's grasp and used your cursed energy to blast him away, giving you only a moment to run to Toge.

As you reach him, you cling onto his arm and use your energy to stop the bleeding.

"Survive please; as long as I know you're alive, I'll be happy no matter how far apart we are." You say while crying.

Toge can't stop his eyes from tearing, his body is weak from blood loss, but you stopping the bleeding will keep him alive. Toge grabs you where your marks are, you grab back at his as you say,

"Toge listen, remember that you are strong.

Remember that I love you

Remember that I wanted to spend the rest of my life fighting by your side." 

You paused to listen to Toge.

"I'll find you. I love..."

Just like that, you were gone. Sukuna was very upset at what you did, as soon as he got his footing he snapped towards you and pulled you instantly into the underworld with him.

Toge yelled at the top of his lungs using his cursed words.

"Y/N Come back

Y/N Come back

Y/N Come back"

Toge started to cough blood but kept going, tears flowing down his face in a steady stream as nothing was happening; you were not coming back.

Everyone looks on crying, holding wounds and trying to gather one another from the fight, wishing they could have done more.

"Y/N Come back

Y/N Come back

Y/N Come back"

Meanwhile you can feel the pull of his cursed energy words even though you were no longer in their world. Yet it wasn't strong enough to get you back to him.  The pain you felt deep inside you was unbearable; you knew the chances of escaping were so small. So infinitely small.

You could feel it again and again and again.

"Y/N Come back

Y/N Come back

Y/N Come back"

More blood spilling out, Megumi slowly made his way towards Toge and yelled out to him, "Toge stop, I am sorry she's not coming back".

Toge didn't listen and continued, eventually falling to his knees, eyes blurring he tried to focus. He was hoping with all his might somehow you would come back. His eyes began to close he and was fighting the urge to fall over. As it started to go black, Toge felt a sharp pain over his heart, he could feel your immense sadness, he could still feel your bond "At least I can still feel her," Toge thought to himself as he fell over and passed out.

You know the physical and mental abuse you will first have to endure with Sukuna. You know that the only way to get out is stay sane. "I cannot let him change me. No matter what in a few months I will be able to freeze time again and that is my way out. My only way out." You thought to yourself.

Sukuna knows about your time freeze he has accounted for it and will be prepared for you to do it. He can counter it; he is the strongest after all. He went questioning everyone who knew about the power of the Nezral clan. He was checking to make sure the amount of time a Nezral clan member can freeze time, after they each told him what he wanted to know, he killed them. This was also what Sukuna did on his one free day Yuji had promised him.

The first thing that came out of Sukunas mouth when you two landed in hell was:

"I'm telling you now, I obviously know you can freeze time in a few months, don't even try it" he pulled you into him only to smack you across the face so hard you fell to the ground.

Hours passed by and you stayed hopeless there on the floor where he left you after he smacked you. Your face was still burning red when he came to call on you.

"Oi woman, I need you"

You looked over at him and didn't move.

"I said I need you," Sukuna said angrily as he stomps over towards you.

He grabbed your arm and pulled you into his arms. "I am in need of your services, if you know what I mean," he said as he tried to lean in and kiss you.

You pulled back from him evading his lips trying to get free from his grip. You yanked your hand away and went to slap him, when he caught your wrist and squeezed it hard. You literally thought your hand was going to fall off he was cutting off circulation. You closed your eyes shut and grew angry, you opened your eyes and yelled out ripping your hand away from him and holding it snugly against your body.

"Feisty, how about I take you down a notch," Sukuna says as he summons a knife. He went to stab you as you just looked up in horror as the knife came down to your face fast. Again, the knife would not penetrate your skin. He tried to stab you everywhere, only a few penetrating you but nothing fatal.

"Whatever this damn magic is, you're lucky, it seems I cannot fatally wound you but if I can't inflict physical pain on you, I will just have to attack you mentally" He says as he puts his hands on your temples "Eternal darkness" he says.

You fall to the ground, passing out eyes fluttering back and forth rapidly. You fell into a deep sleep, re living all your most horrible moments in life. "You will comply after you wake up from this nightmare," Sukuna said to you as he picked up cradling you in his arms as he brings you to your bed.

You were in an endless loop of nightmares for 2 months straight.

You saw your mother and grandmother in their coffins screaming for your help.

Your father pushing you, beating you, cursing at you repeatedly to be better.


You saw you first love dying in front of you, you saw your sister's body lying there helplessly, her eyes staring into your soul. You saw Maki die over and over again, the death never stopped, the pain it caused you was unbearable. To top it off Sukuna added a little surprise ending to the nightmares you were enduring. He let you see in a nightmare what would happen if when you woke up, you did not comply, you saw Sukuna coming towards you; he grabbed you by the hair and opened up a portal to the human world again. You two slide through it to end up back at school, right in front of Toge's door. He mimics your voice "Toge it's me! I made it back!" As you see the door open you are so happy to see him, but as fast as a smile hit's your face is as fast as it fades to horror. Sukuna thrust his arm right through Toge's chest killing him instantly. "No, nooooo, noooo... Please no!" You scream out at the top of your lungs as you suddenly wake up.


Toge woke up in the hospital a week later. He awoke suddenly and screamed your name as soon as he awoke. Nanami was there keeping a close eye on Toge. He rushed over to him "Inumaki, she's not here."

Toge stopped; his eyes began to tear up. He remembered again everything that happened, he thought it was a horrible nightmare, but it was reality. He balled his fist up and punched the bed.  He grabbed at his left arm remembering that it was cut off and was now replaced by a mechanical arm that was made of cursed materials.

"Salmon" Toge yelled out meaning why her?!?

"She is powerful, and that apparently appealed to Sukuna enough to do all of this just to get her. We are close to freeing Gojo, we will find a way to get her back," Nanami says placing a hand on Toge's shoulder.

"Salmon, Salmon!" meaning I want to become stronger, I promised her I would get her back"

Nanami looked down as a tear fell from his eye. "I want you to prepare for the worst outcome"

Toge looked up in despair and tears flowed freely from his eyes now. He shook his head back and forth. "Bonito flakes, salmon" meaning no, I will get her back. He was determined to bring you back no matter what.

After he was discharged, he went to your room, he had his own key. He sat on your bed and memories came rushing back to him. All he wanted was you back here with him, laying in your bed, holding you, kissing you, fucking you, loving you. He tried to sense you, but the tether was faint, all he could feel coming from you was sadness, pain, and despair. He couldn't sense even an ounce of happiness from you. "Dammit, what is he doing to her?" he said as he stood up and threw things around the room in anger. Toge eventually lost steam and collapsed to his knees breathing hard. He pulled up his right arm sleeve and let the cold metal glide across his cut you two shared.

He made his mind up; no matter what he would train hard and bring you back.

Day after day, he would wake at dawn and train hard. Doing the exercises, you taught him, as each day passed he forced himself to take on more and more. He pushed his body to train longer, harder, and faster. Conditioning his body to use more words, he didn't stop pushing himself. He knew now he had to work twice as hard since he had to get used to his new arm as well. Toge usually stopped for the day way past everyone else. Toge would stay and continue usually stopping a little past midnight, just to be up at five in the morning again the next day. He lived in your room, staying as close to you as possible, the sweater of his you always wore still smelled like you and it is the one piece of clothing he refused to wash. Every night he would try and reach out and call you hoping for a response.

After around 2 months, he was able to sense you more again, the tether got a little stronger. He tried to talk to you, but got no response no tap, nothing. He had no idea what was going on with you, he just knew at least you were not trapped in despair anymore.


You finally woke up from your nightmares. Sukuna was there to greet you, you sat up looking straight into his eyes. You leaned in and hugged him, "Thank you for setting me free" you say in a monotone voice.

His eyes gaped open "Oi, I guess two months of mental anguish was all she needed to obey me" he thinks to himself. He lifted one arm and was about to hug you back when you pulled away getting up from the bed. Once you stood up, you fell to your knees, you had been laying down for so long your legs needed to adjust again. Sukuna went over to you as you sat on the floor, you looked up at him with no emotion. "You ok woman?" he says looking down at you extending a handout to you.

"I am ok; my legs are just a little weak"

You reach for his hand he looks at your wrist which is still badly marked from when he squeezed the life out of it. You grab hold of Sukunas hand, and he pulls you up into his chest.

"So, are you willing to satisfy me now?" He says to you.

Locked firmly in his arms you look up at him and say, "I have no emotions so I do not feel the urge for sexual pleasures, however if you wish you may use my body as you see fit."

His eyes just looked into yours, there was no emotion there, not even the feisty fire he was used to seeing in your eyes. "Maybe another time" Sukuna says. "I don't want to fuck my prize when she won't even react to me," he thought to himself.

"As you wish" you said staring off into space. He left you standing there as he walked to exit your room. He looked back at you, watching you stare at the wall "Come here" he said.

You walked obediently towards him, "Let's go, I want to show you around".

You followed him, staying behind him as he walked through the darkness. "Stay by my side, don't stay behind me" he demanded.

You sped up and caught up to him, walking side by side as you looked around taking everything in. Just then one of his evil lackies popped up right in front of you two, it startled you, you jumped and hid behind Sukuna's arm. Sukuna instinctively pushed you further behind him shielding you.

"Hey boss" the lacky said.

"Oi, what the hell, don't just pop up in front of me." Sukuna yelled furiously at him.

"But I always do this boss" he said.

"You scared her you worthless idiot!"

"Scared who?"

You start to peek out behind Sukuna's arm.

"Oh, wow she's beautiful."

Sukuna raised his arm and struck him "who said you could look at her."

You walked out from behind Sukuna and stood at his side again. You felt bad for the guy he just struck, but you can't show emotion like that, that will look weak. Sukuna looked over to you and you just stared off into space. Your emotions completely disappeared again.

You two kept walking on, your eyes roamed everywhere, looking for opening all the while trying to keep Sukuna submissive. You did not want him to get angry at you again, he nearly ripped your hand off the last time you denied him. While the mental abuse did take a toll on you, you knew you had to do something, and this was the only idea that popped into your head. Act like all of your emotions are gone, be gentle and kind towards him so that he will not want to harm you or anyone you love.

As the days passed, all you would do was follow Sukuna everywhere. I mean everywhere, he did not want to let you out of his sight. One time he did leave you behind and an evil curse came for you. You were walking around exploring on your own, when a curse attacked you.

"Women human sorcerers should not be privileged to live here in beautiful hell!" it said as it came charging at you.

You stood there watching it coming right at you, you stepped to the side, and it ran right past you, you looked back and sliced your way right through his chest.

"Why you...." Before the sentence was over Sukuna appeared next to you. You looked over at him with no emotion as your hand was still impaling the curse. He patted your head "Good girl".

He moved his eyes over to the curse, raised his hand and said, "eternal damnation". The curse began to go up in flames and you removed our arm from its chest.

"Why didn't you call for me woman?"

"I knew you'd come" you said plainly.

You baffled him, but ever since then he took you when he went to do his bidding, his reaping, his tormenting. You didn't mind, as he took you to different places you continued to monitor and watch what he does. Constantly looking for any openings or weaknesses.... There were none.

So far, this idea was working, but you worried for the day when Sukuna would want more.

All you could think about was getting back to Toge; you didn't want Sukuna to taint what you have with him. You really didn't want to have to deal with Sukuna's sexual desires, but if it came down to it you would do whatever it took to get out.

It's been a month since you woke up from the "eternal darkness" Sukuna put you in. Each day you continue to practice your breathing, trying to push yourself to take in more and more energy, storing it up. That was really all you could do, anything more than this and Sukuna would become suspicious. Sukuna would leave you sitting in a corner doing your breathing techniques while he would be going around killing and causing mayhem. He thought nothing of this he figured you were meditating. If anyone or anything even came close to disturbing or harming, you he would eliminate them right away.

Yet on one particular cold night you were standing near Sukuna as he was waiting for his rather sketchy "friend" of his to arrive, they were going to make some kind of deal.

"Woman, this guy I'm meeting is actually powerful and very quick"

"More than you?" You said hesitantly.

"No, but he can stand on his own against me, makes me actually work a bit. I want you right next to me just in case," Sukuna says as he pulls at your arm.

Just as you were about to move closer a huge gust of wind brushes over you two.

"Long time no see old friend," The curse says all of a sudden standing in front of Sukuna.

"Ha, not long enough you old bastard" Sukuna says grinning.

"And this beauty is?" the mysterious man said looking at you.

You looked up at Sukuna, you never spoke to anyone unless he let you. Even then he would usually be the one to speak for you.

"This woman is my prize; her name is y/n."

"Prize huh? Why so, what makes her so special?"

"This woman can stop time," Sukuna says while widening his eyes.

"I knew you would bring something interesting to this deal," he said.

Sukuna wraps his arm around you and bring you in close to him.

"You can't have her; she's not part of the deal." Sukuna says devilishly, looking straight into the guys eyes. You pull at Sukuna's robe and he bends down and brings his ear to your mouth.

"I read his mind, he's going to attack you, there are curses lurking in the dark," You whisper to him. Sukuna stands back up and turns his attention back to him. He was grinning from ear to ear, he took pleasure in the fact that you were using your powers to help him.

"Well, well, well....." The guy walks around in a small circle, than pauses staring right back into Sukuna's eyes. "Now that you said that, I want her," he said while snapping his fingers.

With a snap, a huge amount of curses came lurking out of the dark, all set on attacking Sukuna.

He grabbed you and jumped high into the air, leaving you on top of a tall building as he flew down to deal with all the curses now following him. He led them away from you and you stood there watching on as he killed them all one by one.

This was the first moment you were alone in the human world. You were nowhere near Toge though, so you couldn't just run off and find him quickly. You closed your eyes and concentrated on the bond. You could feel the tether, and you used that to try to reach out to him tapping him.

You hoped he would get that you were tapping him in Morse code, you didn't have much time, you know how strong Sukuna it would only be a matter of time before he killed everyone off.


Toge was eating dinner with Panda it was one of the few nights Toge actually did anything other than train.

"How is training going?" Panda asked.

"Salmon!" Meaning good!

"How many words can you say now?"

"Salmon, salmon" Meaning 17.

"Wow, that's pretty good" Panda says sounding excited.

"Bonito flakes" Meaning, no not good enough.

"Don't push yourself too hard Inumaki, you won't be able to save her if you hurt yourself"

Toge shook his head up and down.

Just then, Toge could feel his back being tapped. He turned around to see who it was, but there was no one there. Toge gasped and said:

"Salmon, salmon!" Meaning give me your notebook and a pen ASAP.

Panda did just that, as Toge wrote down each letter he was feeling. Once the feeling all of a sudden went away, he read back what it said so far in his head.

"I'm ok."

"Sukuna too powerful, can't escape."

"Love you"

He smiled as he read the last bit; tears began to well up in his eyes. He brought the notebook close to his chest. "I love you too," he said in his mind. Toge looked up at Panda teary eyed.

"She reached out to you?!" Panda said excited. Toge shook his head up and down handing Panda the notebook.

"I'm glad she's ok, that's good news man," Panda said while rubbing Toge's shoulder.

Toge tried to speak to you but nothing again. He couldn't wait until the next time you could talk to him. He was so happy that you were ok, this whole time he was thinking the worst. This motivated him to continue to work hard and fast to get you back.


You felt like Toge had sensed you; you knew he was getting your message. You told you him you were ok and that Sukuna was very strong, most importantly, you told him "I love you".

As that happened a curse had grabbed you by the throat catching you completely off guard. You were so happy to be able to contact him again that your guard was completely down.

The curse lifted you up into the air laughing at you. You tried to break free but it came full force gripping your throat with such strength.

"You look like him" it said as it looked over your face. Its gaze kept falling and it continued to stare lustfully at you. You thought about calling for Sukuna, but that would ruin your whole plan, but either way it was choking the life out of you. No matter how hard you tried to concentrate you couldn't break out of its grip, so even if you wanted to call for him you couldn't. "Shit, I let my guard down, please Sukuna come," you thought to yourself.

The curse lifted its hand and grabbed the top of your shirt. "Let's see what's under".

It ripped your shirt off you, as it did; he clawed your skin leaving blood running down your breast. You whimpered in humiliation as the curse started to glide its gross fingers up your thigh holding you up higher to have easy access. Unfortunately for you, you usually wore skirts "Let's have a little fun huh?!"

You closed your eyes and remembered Toge. How gently he would touch your skin, the way his kisses felt on your lips, being wrapped up in his arms. You wished you could be with him in this very moment, this degrading, disgusting moment. You began to let that feeling take over, you were able to force air into your lungs again. You pulled your arms together and out breaking the grip of the curse. You fell to the ground gagging and coughing hunched over. The curse kicked you in the ribs; you felt at least one definitely break. You balled your fists up as you were hunched over, fury was coming over you. You jumped up and back, circling the curse running as fast as you could. You cut in and attacked the curse, sending daggers throughout its body just like Megumi does. You blast it with fire again and again causing it to scream out in pain. The whole roof of the building you were on was starting to catch fire now. The curse bent down in pain as the fire surrounded him the perfect circle you were running around him became his trap. He watched you approach him, you walked right through the fire, you used your cursed energy to protect your skin.

"You bitch" it said as you approached.

With your cursed energy you sliced its head clean off. "Bastard" you shouted at it as its body fell to the ground.

Sukuna arrived behind you as you turned around and walked towards him, he was mesmerized.

All you had on was a bra and skirt, your chest was bloody, your hair was flowing in the wind as sparks of fire flew throughout the air. You walked towards him, passing through the fire with ease. As you approached him, you tucked your hair back behind one of your ears.

Sukuna right away looked at your wounds. "It looks worse than it is" you say to him blankly.

His eyes widen at this statement, you looked like you received a lot of damage. Your throat was bruised all over he could see the hand marks clearly there. You had broken ribs and those huge cuts along your chest, "and this isnt' that bad for her?" he thought to himself.

"Why didn't you call for me this time y/n?"

You tried your hardest not to react to the fact that Sukuna called you by your name, the whole time he has just referred to you as woman or just demanded you to follow him.

"It snuck up on me and grabbed me by the throat right away, I couldn't speak" you said looking down.

Sukuna grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him, he manifested a shirt for you to wear.

"Let's go" he said. Again, he opened up a portal and you guys stepped through. As you two got there you started to walk to your room.

"Where are you going?" He said coldly.

"To my room to bathe and rest."

"Come to my room, you'll be staying in there from now on."

You gritted your teeth and followed along. Trying to keep your composure at all times, the time you feared may be here. You entered his room to see it was huge, it seemed to go on forever. He took you over to his bathing area, it was a spring of water tucked in the corner of his room with a waterfall and everything. "Get in" he demanded you walked over towards him and began to take your clothes off.

He could see the bruising where your ribs were broken along with multiple other scars that had already healed.

"You're an interesting woman," he said staring at your body.

You stared at him blankly and asked plainly "Are you going to hurt me?"

He hesitated to answer, the time it took was pain staking your heart was beating so hard, you thought he could see it since you were now naked standing in front of him. He came closer to you and traced the scars on your body, he was coming close to your right arm and you pulled away. "Answer me" you said with a little bit of force behind your voice.

"No" Sukuna said.

You started to walk into the water gently letting it wash over the cuts on your chest. The water was warm, so it made you wince in pain as you went in further. Sukuna disrobed and got in staying a few feet away from you. He turned his back to you, and you glanced at his body. He had muscles on top of muscles as the tattoos wrapped around each one. He had no weak spots, no openings, absolutely nothing. You knew it would be impossible for you to defeat him on your own. He turned back and started to walk towards you, your cuts were already starting to heal.

"So, you can heal too I see" Sukuna said. 

You shook your head up and down than looked away. You didn't want to encourage any kind of behavior. He bent down placing his mouth dangerously close to your ear.

"You know many women would die to have me inside them" he whispered. 

Your eyes widened, you were baffled, you had no idea how to respond to that. He stepped back and continued to wash himself.

"And a body like yours, is very hard to resist" he said.

You stood there motionless, wondering what was going to happen.

Sukuna came and stood right in front of your face. He leaned down to meet your face with his, "I know you have needs," he whispers to you.

You try to keep a straight face, you know any give and he will take it as an opening.

"You're strong willed, I'll admit that," he says as he grabs your neck beginning to run his tongue up and down it.

You continue to fight the urge, even though you wished that was Toge right now instead of Sukuna, it still felt so good. He was right you did have needs, and he was trying to use that against you.

He continues to suck on your neck bringing his hands to rest on your hips trying to pull in closer to his groin.

You pull back and say to him; "Like I said before, if you wish, you can use my body as you like," you say, you had not reacted the way he wanted.

"As enticing as that is, this will do," Sukuna said. He lifted your chin up and bent down bringing your lips close to his. He could feel the breath coming from between your lips; again, your heart was beating fast, faster than ever. You hoped he didn't take things any further, you felt as though you were betraying Toge.

Sukuna looked down at your mouth, watching it intently. You still had no reaction; you didn't get flustered or red faced like every other woman has. "Again, I say you are an interesting woman y/n" He said as he backed away from you. You finished cleaning up and made your way out of the water.

"Where can I find a...."

Sukuna manifested a towel for you, and it fell from above right into your arms.

"Thank you." You said looking over at him. You dried off and walked down to the other part of his room. Opening the closets, you saw nothing but men's clothing. Your hand glided across all the clothes, you closed you eyes and thought about Toge again. You remembered your favorite sweater of yours that's his. You wished you could be wrapped up in that sweater now, breathing in Toge's scent made you feel safe all the time.

You choose one shirt that seemed the shortest, although not by much. You quickly put the shirt on and sat at the edge of his bed. You started to get sleepy your eyes kept shutting closed. The wounds you had were healing, and your bones were mending and that takes a lot of your energy.

You stopped fighting the urge to close your eyes, so you laid back onto his huge bed, you barely had enough energy to lift your legs up on top before you passed out.

Sukuna came about ten minutes later, by than you were fast asleep. This was the first time you would be sleeping in his bed. He saw you laying there on top of the sheets, in one of his shirts. He came over to your side and lifted you up with ease. He pulled the covers back and placed you gently back down, covering you. He got into bed as well. His bed was big enough that he wasn't right next to you as he fell asleep as well.

You were in a great dream, fighting along side Maki. You two were beating the shit out of the curse when all of a sudden, the curse that killed Maki showed up behind her killing her right before your eyes. You gasped and yelled out "Noooo! Maki no!!!" you yelled in your sleep and before you knew it Sukuna was shaking you awake.

Your eyes shot open breathing hard and once you realized where you were you backed away from him quickly; you were scared.

He put his hands up and said, "You ok?"

Your eyes were tearing up, but you calmed yourself down holding onto the cut you both shared on your arm for comfort. "Yes, I just had a nightmare."

He backed away from you giving you space. "I should have warned you I have nightmares."

"How often?"

"Every night" you said sadly.

"Well, I can't have that" Sukuna says as he begins to bring his hands to your temples again.

You flinched at this action remembering what happened the last time he did this.

"I won't hurt you this time," he said as his fingers reached both sides of your temples.

"Dominim cease temporal" he says as he releases his touch from you. "Now you won't have nightmares anymore."

You sat up in surprise "Really?!"


You looked at him than looked down "Thank you".

Sukuna went back to his side of the bed. You both laid back down without saying anything else.


Megumi and Nanami were finally able to free Gojo, once he was; they caught him up to speed with what was going on.

"Is she still wearing the necklace?" Gojo asked Toge.

He shook his head up and down yes.

"Ok, good, good, let's talk strategy."

Toge had his cell phone out to text everything, otherwise the things he wanted to convey were too complicated for his usual few words.

I know compared to her strength and ability I'm nothing, but I've been training. I need to be stronger than her. 

Gojo reads this and says, "You have gotten stronger, but there is no way you can be stronger than her."

Toge text back to his response. "I have to come close to her level then."

Gojo reads this and replies, "Can you still feel the bond?"

"BOND?!" Nanami exclaimed.

"Yes, yes they are bonded this is old news" Gojo brushed him off.

Toge shook his head up and down.

"Ok perfect, that will help us now listen."

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