By VenHenituse

3.9K 126 83

A/N: Vie here~ A fanfic Request from our great fanartist KOYURI MIRO-nim from facebook! The story cover here... More

Excuse me?!

3.9K 126 83
By VenHenituse

A/N: the photo above is a garden  fanart version of koyuri

Two people could be seen in a room on a table full of food that everyone could drool on to. The first person was a red haired man who was gracefully eating in an elegant manner while the other was a blonde haired man who was watching the other eat while resting his head on his palm as he smiles that gives a vibe full of brilliance.

if one was to compare their similarity then that would be their handsomeness as they give a dignified aura around them. A royal servant who was watching was smiling as if they saw a deity even though they were a bit far. They could clearly see this as if they were looking at a painting that was a great masterpiece.


"........You're highness.....is there something on my face?"

Cale was feeling alberu's stare the whole time while he was eating. He asked alberu who was still smiling.

"nope~, i'm just watching my dongsaeng eat his meal happily. is the food delicious?"

alberu said as he smiled widely. Cale felt a chill on his spine as he heard the smiling crown prince's words. He blinked his eyes 3 times as he calmed down his mind that was starting to get a headache due to the staring he was feeling. Cale started to speak.

Cale continued eating despite feeling disturbed.

He took another different dish and put it in his mouth. Cale smiled widely as his eyes looked at the dish he ate.

It looked like a very simple dish but despite its appearance it was a very delicious dish that was like a shabby treasure chest full of golden riches.

Alberu couldn't help but stare and admire the sight. He was captivated and captivated at the sight. Cale once more spoke as he felt a bit more disturbed.

"Your royal highness, you're gonna pierce a hole right through my head."

Alberu answered without thinking.

"What I wanna pierce is your hole, Should we start dating?"


The spoon fell to the floor while the one holding it froze up, Cale froze while Alberu was stoic. Alberu didn't know what to do after unconsciously blurting what was in his mind. He blushed, he blushed so much that it looked like he would be a tomato after a few more seconds, Cale coughed and said.

"hyung...are you..."

Alberu gulped while waiting for the next words, his face full of anxiety as a droplet of sweat went down from his forehead to cheeks and finally falling from his chin.

"not getting enough sleep?" Cale said while he tilted his head to the right with a confused look. He signaled for a new spoon to a royal servant who is watching them but not hearing their conversation because they are far enough to not hear them. the royal servant nodded and went to fetch a new spoon.

alberu shook his head and said "uhh maybe.....anyways ignore what i said earlier...."

"really? or are you just lying that I should ignore it?" cale teased alberu who was about to facepalm.....but after a sudden realization that this should be the time he should tell him, alberu looked at cale.

"What now?" Cale nervously asked with a stoic face he usually wears. Alberu stood up and went beside Cale who was sitting in front of him. a hand moved towards cale's hand, cale tried to react but the hand was faster.


alberu grabbed cale's hands. He then wrapped it with his two hands as he put it near his lips and spoke to Cale in a gentle yet serious tone with determined eyes.

"Instead of dating.....how about you marry me instead?" Alberu said with a straight face while the pupils of his eyes were shaking due to being nervous as he waited for Cale's response. Cale asked "w-what?!"

Cale's ears blushed but alberu didn't notice it as he was staring at Cale's eyes that were shaking but not so much.

"ha! hyung are you playing tricks on me? as if someone like you who said they won't marry and live a single life would want to marry someone!"

Cale said while scoffing. but alberu then said.

"People can change you know...i changed because...i fell in love with...a bastard like you"

There was a brief silence at that moment. Cale was about to kick alberu and run away but the royal servant who went to get another spoon knocked.


Alberu bit his lips and let go of Cale's hands then returned to his seat and said. "Come in."

"young master cale-nim here is your new spoon." The servant said as he placed the spoon right next to cale's plate, cale already lost the appetite to eat after hearing alberu's confession.

The royal servant bowed and went back to his post. The servant saw an awkward vibe between them, he thought there was a bit of a problem when they were talking. He left the room to give the two privacy and not to endanger itself if a sensitive topic or information was brought up and they ended up hearing it.

alberu looked at cale with eyes so serious that it could even pierce someone. cale shrugged it off as he stood up and said. "You're highness, I will now go and return to my estate now, I have other businesses to take care of." Alberu knew that Cale was trying to run away from the conversation. but he then said sharply. "You are not busy." Cale flinched and looked at alberu with a slightly nervous gaze. "You're highness, what do you mean?"

"You don't have internal affairs in your territory and you only have external ones and one of those is having business with me, so sit and let us continue our conversation! And after all, you seemed to enjoy eating the food without a care in the world so why be busy now?" "but you aren't the only person i will have to deal wi-" "SIT."

Alberu cut Cale off and Cale quietly sat back on his chair with a dumbfounded look. Alberu told the servant to get out of the room and went towards cale once more.

Cale was ready to escape with his ancient powers if something was gonna happen...but his ancient powers were making noises inside and were refusing.

-Fudge bshshhhaaha don't cale! just bear with it! If you do, we can have lots of foods, like bread to eat! 'glutton priestess'

-seduce him and have all of the kingdom's treasures cale! We can be rich! And you can empower me! Destruction! 'cheapskate'

-It is time to truly sacrifice yourself.. it will be worth it....sacrificing your virginity that is... 'super rock'

-I have nothing to say but be speechless at the others here.. 'sky eating water'

Cale felt chaotic now, his ancient powers seemed to not able to respond and his mind was so noisy because of the voices inside his head.

Alberu removed his white glove and put his hand on Cale's chin and said quietly. "Marry me."

-I think I'm gonna die from nosebleed- 'Glutton priestess'

-Glutton, you must be hungry for thinking such nonsense, first of all you can't have a nosebleed since you have no body and second..you're already dead...like decades ago. 'Super rock'

"You're joking right?" Cale asked as his eyebrows twitched. "I'm not. Take this seriously." Both of them were silent for a long time....while staring at each other with gazes even I the narrator cannot explain. Alberu finally noticed that Cale's ear was blushing very red. His mouth twitched, he prevented his mouth from curling up while his face was close to cale's. Alberu broke the silence as he removed his hand on cale's chin and stood up straight while looking down at cale who was sitting.

"Stand up."

"You're highness just what are yo-"

Alberu cut him off. "I said stand up." Cale stood up and looked alberu in the eyes with his stoic face. 'I should have brought raon with me if i knew this was gonna happen... shit'

"You're Highness, what do you really need?"

" I need..." Alberu put both of his hands on Cale's shoulders and slowly dragged him near a wall and then...He pushed cale and slammed him to the wall and said

"Answer me, my soon to be spouse"

"Your highnes please slow down-" Alberu fiercely looked at Cale so much that Cale stopped talking and just started on a way to escape from this scenario. Alberu then put Cale's long hair near his face and smelled the fragrance of the hair that smelled like warm breezy spring. Cale tried to push Alberu away but he was stopped by another hand. Alberu pulled cale and wrapped cale's waist with his arms and said.

"I won't let you go...i already did it many times but i don't think i can do it again this time..." Cale looked at Alberu with shaking eyes. Alberu tighten his arms on cale tighter and made cale's pants bulge..... Alberu noticed and said.... "Why are you hard now?" Cale blushed and said "Shut up." Alberu found it cute and he leaned for a kiss.

Cale didn't know what he should do, he knew he was too weak to stop alberu so what now? let him do this?

Alberu paused and looked at cale then said.

"Open your mouth or do you want me to open it myself?" Cale couldn't do anything.... He closed his eyes and opened his mouth to allow Alberu's mouth to his.

Alberu smirked and then.....


He stopped. "Huh.......?" Cale opened his eyes while his mouth was open... He saw a smirking alberu looking at him. He was about to talk but alberu then aggressively pushed his lips against cale's lips and started devouring him. Cale was resisting while he got devoured by Alberu's mouth. Cale was pushing alberu and landing some attacks with his frail fists but it had no effect.Alberu secretly took a sleeping pill from his pocket and then he pulled his lips.


Cale gasped for air since he couldn't breath properly while alberu was aggressively attacking him. Alberu turned around walked towards the table they were on and poured water on Cale's glass.

"Sorry, I lost my control there." Alberu smiled while he gave Cale the glass of water. Cale frowned and took the glass without any hesitation. He drank the glass and passed the empty glass to Alberu while he spoke.

"We will.... Talk about this..... next week." Cale brushed his chest and started to walk away. He slowly started to sway. He panicked when he noticed it was too late. He immediately turned around and looked at the smirking alberu who was slowly walking towards him."Y-you..."

"Dongsaeng...... It seems you are not feeling well."


Cale fell to the ground while his vision slowly started to get blurry. He said.


Cale then lost his consciousness and went into a deep sleep and the last thing he thought of alberu putting something on the glass of water.

Alberu smiles as he picks up and carries the disheveled cale in a bridal manor. He kissed the sleeping red head's forehead and said. "You're mine."


Alberu opened the door and went outside the room. The servants who were waiting outside were shocked and asked. "Y-you're highness?! Did something happen to the young master?!"

Alberu smiled at the servant as he walked away. Alberu said.

"It seems he was tired, tell the duchy that he'll be staying with me for a while and say they shouldn't visit immediately and I'll let them know when they should visit him,"


The servant bowed as they looked at the prince who was carrying someone in a bridal manner.

Alberu smiled widely and said to Tasha who just went past him. "Clear my schedule for week "


They exchanged messages as they walked in the opposite directions.




"Ugh.....w-where am i? Why can't I see anything?" Cale regained his consciousness but........he was restrained and was blind folded. His hands were tied up together connected to the bed frame while his legs were spread and tied in opposite directions. He was only wearing his underwear and his inner thin white long sleeves.


Cale heard someone walking towards him. He felt nervous but he asked. "Alberu?" "Yes~ i am here my beloved dongsaeng~" Alberu was smiling while walking towards Cale who was restrained on the bed answered. Cale couldn't see alberu's smiling face so that made him less intimidated but more worried.

"This is just a joke right?" Alberu didn't answer. Alberu slowly removes his clothes from top to bottom as he gets close to the bed where Cale is at.

"P-please......d-don't do this."

Cale pleaded but alberu didn't listen. Alberu arrived in front of the bed and slowly got on. Cale felt a hand brushing through from his feet to his knee and to his thighs. Alberu grasped both of Cale's thighs and said. "They're meaty enough. Enough to satisfy me~" "Hyu-" Cale was cut off by Alberu's mouth. He was dominated by alberu's tongue, his tongue getting slowly sucked by alberu while his mouth was getting explored by a tongue.

Cale pulled his head to escape but he failed after he got pulled in the thighs. "Don't escape, it's futile" Alberu stopped grasping Cale's thighs and slowly undressed cale as they kissed. Cale was breathing hard through his nose because his mouth was getting blocked by another. Alberu undressed cale completely and then he pulled his mouth. Their saliva was still connected like a thin spider silk holding on.

Alberu removed the blindfold only to see Cale who was in a daze due to still having the after effects of the sleeping pill. Alberu smiled and played with Cale's mouth and tongue with his 3 fingers. Cale didn't know he was unconsciously sucking alberu because he was in a dazed state. Alberu smirked and said.

"You're giving in quite easier than expected." He pulled his fingers slowly like it was saying goodbye. Alberu looked at his 3 saliva wet fingers for a moment and started to suck his fingers that were wet with cale's saliva. He then put his wet fingers in Cale's honeyhole slowly. "Hnngh"

"Don't hold back on moaning~ I'll make sure you'll feel good." Alberu was slowly inserting his fingers and then.....he suddenly inserted it fast and deep making Cale moan loud due to the unexpected way alberu handled him. Alberu started to stretch Cale's honeyhole with his fingers as he played with Cale's prostate. Cale was moaning so loud in the room that it was tempting Alberu to immediately insert his length. but alberu controlled himself a bit more longer. He continued playing with Cale's honeyhole with his long fingers until it was ready.

"i-am-coming!" Cale was about to reach his climax but Alberu stopped. Cale looked at Alberu in the eyes with his teary eyes that was saying 'why are you messing with me like this?!'. alberu pulled his fingers out and said. "That's not good, we should do it together." alberu went closer to cale and started to suck cale's right nipple while he pinched the other. Cale was moaning from pleasure as he arched his back.

alberu stopped sucking and started to dominate cale's mouth as he rubbed his length's tip at cale's honeyhole entrance. alberu slowly inserted the tip and started to thrust deep. cale moaned loudly as he released his semen, alberu smirked and said.

"I only put it in and it made you come already? you must be feeling good cale..a bit unfair..." Alberu soon then started thrusting slowly...then he fastened his pace faster and faster making cale moan and put his tied arms around alberu's nape while moaning loudly.

alberu found this pleasing and started to bite cale's nipple, he soon then switched to many spots and left marks. cale kept moaning while getting kissed, sucked and bitten all over many spots on his upper body, marks were left on each spot where alberu laid his mouth on. Cale was getting more dazed as he got dominated wildly by Alberu who was thrusting fast, Alberu roamed his hands as he dominated Cale in the mouth and below.


Alberu ignored Cale's pleading and continued to dominate cale all over. After a few hours the domination was still going on and cale stopped resisting then as their positions shifted to; alberu sitting on bed while carrying cale by the thighs, moving cale up and down as red spots could be seen all over the body as cale was facing the opposite direction. Their pace was slower this time.

They were very wet from sweat while their lower parts were a bit soaked in semen...each thrust alberu made was hard and deep, making an erotic sound inside cale, alberu kept licking, biting, and sucking on cale's nape, and some parts were so red!

Cale breathed heavily as he moaned tiredly each time alberu thrusted in his honeyhole...at first it hurted a lot but as time passed it felt incredibly good...his honeyhole felt so loose now... cale's stomach bulged each time alberu's length was completely thrusted in...

they soon shifted their position again, cale still facing the opposite direction while he and alberu are lying on bed sidewardly while alberu was behind cale and thrusting his length in and out as he lifted cale's right leg up. it felt so good to cale he started moaning more freely, making alberu more aroused and harder. a few more hours had passed...

"Cale...here comes the last one..fuu.." Alberu soon picked up the pace and fastened on moving his hips soon climaxed once more deep inside Cale as his big and long length made a slightly bigger bulge on cale's stomach, Cale moaned very loudly at the last thrust and his length also bursted....

Alberu slowly put down cale's thigh and turned cale around while his length was still inside, making cale moan a bit...he took the moment to see cale's messed up expression and embed it in his memory of he and cale finally doing it...after a few moments alberu realized and hugged cale tightly!

"I'm sorry...I should have gotten your consent...i lost my self control and abruptly did this to you....i'm sorry... I really am....you can hate me but please give me a chance..."

Alberu softly said as he slowly took out his length inside cale and cale's now loose hole leaked with alberu's semen......he realized what he did...lust took over him so much he lost his reasons...

Cale buried his face on Alberu's bare chest...then softly said while his ears blushed just by remembering what they did earlier... "I..didn't hate it...doing it with you.....but...it is still wrong for you to do this to me...so... next time....be more gentle..."

"I..i see..." Alberu kissed cale's forehead and gently caressed cale's head... "..." alberu paused for a moment and soon processed what cale said... "Next time??"

"..." cale kept his mouth shut this time but alberu continued speaking despite the silent response. "You're accepting my confession...you're accepting my confession!" Alberu happily said, then soon pushed cale slightly away from his chest then caressed cale's cheek and kissed cale all over. "I promise to be more gentle next time!" Alberu knew he shouldn't take Cale's kindness despite doing something bad like kidnapping him, but he couldn't help but feel the bliss! That's why he'll make sure...to cherish Cale forever..!

Cale something hard touched his below again and frowned then looked at alberu. "Shall our next time be now?~" Cale hit alberu on the chest then pushed alberu off the bed then covered himself with the blanket as he shouted!


"Yes yes honey~"

Alberu chuckled at the sudden change of attitude then carried the Cale while Cale was still on the blanket and went to the bathroom to wash themselves as Alberu happily hummed.

-The End


A/n: this existed in my drafts for a long time now i had completely forgotten about it, so i remembered about it a few hours ago and decided to finally finish this...i had to redo some parts haha... This will also be posted in ao3!

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