Hues of Blue

By francis_Debouis

793 10 0

Juliette was always mesmerized by the color blue. The same color that made her fall in love with his eyes; Pa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6

Chapter 5

57 1 0
By francis_Debouis

That dance was probably the worst one Juliette had ever been to.

Sure she got blackout drunk in New York all the time, but that was frowned upon with the preppy people of Capeside.

As Juliette got up and went downstairs she tried pushing that day to the back of her brain and try to avoid Dawson and his little crew.

But alas, she could never get a break as her doorbell rung and Juliette swung the door open to an all too happy Pacey.

"Rise and shine New Yorker! Todays gonna be a good day," the boy exclaimed happily while Juliette tried covering up her ears from his shrill tone.

"God do you ever shut up."

Pacey whirled around with coffee in hand before setting it on the table, "Nope!"

Juliette rolled her eyes as she slowly walked to her coffee even though she hated the taste of it. The girl took one sip and instantly spit it down the drain.

"I don't know why I think it'll taste any different each time I try it."

Pacey shook his head silently laughing at the girl, "I don't get you Julie."

The girl grumbled a comeback under her breath as she threw her coffee out. Ever since Juliette had moved to Capeside Pacey had not once stoped by her house or even seemed friendly to her. Half of it was sorta Juliettes fault, but still it puzzled the girl.

"Pacey, why are you even here right now? You never stop by."

The boy came behind Juliette and started shoving her towards the stairs which made her stumble forward, " You my dear are coming to lunch with everyone," Pacey stated mater a factly.

Juliette turned around and made a disgusted face, " Hey! Don't call me that!"

"Ah right your douche of a date from last night gets to call you that," Pacey said while rolling his eyes and remembering the other night.

"Whatever Pace."

Juliette continues to climb up the stairs to her bedroom before changing out of last nights clothes and jumping into new ones.

Looking out the window, Juliette could tell that the weather would be sunny with a bit of wind. Most people would describe this as perfect weather, but not Juliette. The perfect weather for her was when it was either raining or sunrise and sunset. Those were the most perfect days and hours for Juliette.

So, Juliette forced herself to put on a no strap top and a pair of jean shorts before grabbing one of her hoodies and going back to where Pacey was.

The boy was busying himself by playing with one of her fathers sailboat models that she brought along. Honestly it was just a space filler to make her home seem less empty, but the actual boat it represented was more beautiful in person and full size.

Her father was apart of the yacht club so they had 2 of the most beautiful sailboats. One was a ginormous sail boat that was taken very good care of because it was mainly her fathers. The boat had two rooms underneath; one for Juliette and one for her father. Whereas the second sailboat was ten times smaller and ten times more beat up. It was her mothers though, and ever since she left, it had not gotten taken care of. Juliette pleaded with her father to let her keep it because he was just about to sell it. Although Juliette couldn't be more furious with her mother; that boat still meant a lot to her.

" I always knew you had the mental capacity of a four year old Pacey," Juliette said while coming behind Pacey to pat his back before snatching the model out of his hands.

Pacey jutted out his lips trying to make a pouty face, " Julie I was playing with that," the boy joked.

"Hey I'm just trying to get out the door for the lunch that you're forcing me to go to," Juliette exclaimed while grabbing the boys hands and pulling him up from the stool.

Pacey gave one last huff before walking out the door after Juliette and jumping into his brothers car.


The ice house was the home to the Dawson clan.

Joey worked there which meant that Dawson would be there which meant that Pacey would tag along. The three would always be seen chatting, eating, and laughing throughout the whole year and keeping to just themselves.

When Juliette used to be good friends with Pacey; he would always bring her along despite the comments from Joey and Dawson. Juliette never enjoyed her time there because it was spent being picked on by Joey and Pacey yelling at his friends. After a while Juliette understood her place and didn't visit as often

When Pacey pulled up; the girl couldn't help but get deja vu from all the other times spent there before.

Juliette stepped out of the car and quickly followed Pacey to the outside seating where Dawson and Jen were. Juliette ran over to her best friend, overjoyed at the fact that she was there, and gave her a suffocating hug.

"God I'm so glad you're here," the brunette girl exclaimed as she let go of her blonde best friend.

Jen shook her head and started laughing while Dawsons smile pulled into a frown.

"Now why aren't you happy to see me Mayberry?" the blonde boy questioned.

Juliette narrowed her eyes at the boy before taking a seat across from Jen, "Maybe because you and Joey are the reason why I hate going here."

Dawson waved his hand trying to dismiss the girls statement, "Oh please that was one year ago."

Juliette chose to just ignore him and instead looked at the menu in front of her.

Pacey tried to keep everything light because he noticed the discomfort from Juliette. The boy started talking about the film Dawson was helping out with.

"So ladies, are you guys going to be staring in Helmets of Glory," Pacey asked directing his question towards Jen and Juliette.

Jen and Juliette both nodded their heads while Dawson looked immensely frustrated.

"This totally ruins my plans for the weekend," an angry Dawson huffed out as Joey came up and slid in the seat next to Pacey.

Juliette could tell that all Jen and Dawson really needed was time alone to themselves without the Potter girl, but Joey followed Dawson around like a lost puppy.

"Forget your perfect weekend for a moment. Don't you have to work on your own movie? What's up with that?"

"Originally, I was going to do both. I was going to bridge fantasy with reality and prove that, yes, romance can be created." Dawson glanced at Joey. Obviously the two had discussed about this topic before.

"What are you talking about man?" Pacey asked.

Dawson leaned forward in his seat seeming as if he was conducting a secret meeting. "It's the last scene of the movie. The monster's dead and it's the beauty that killed the beast. Penelope, our heroine, says her final goodbyes to the beast. I was going to shoot it up at the ruins."

"That's trespassing," Jen stated

"Just don't get caught." All eyes had turned to Jory as she gave her 'advice' for Dawson's date. It was clearly not advice that would work in Dawson's favor and Joey probably wanted it that way. Juliette knew Jen would stay silent, but she wouldn't let it slid.

"Joey, it's almost like you're intentionally sabotaging Dawson that's a bitchy move. Are you some little bitch Joey?"

Jen covered her mouth to try and hide her smile but Juliette saw it which made her smile before Dawson awkwardly coughed. Meanwhile Pacey was trying to look at anything but anyone at the table.

"Maybe you should do your disappearing act like you did the other day Juliette. I sure found it immensely relieving."

"For once Joey I actually agree with you."

Juliette stood up abruptly and shoved her chair in making the table shake. Juliette knew Jen was on her side but still Pacey was silent.

" I know Dawson will agree with Joey, but you Pacey? What's your reason?"

Pacey glanced into the girls eyes for a moment before looking back down at his hands.

Juliette wouldn't cry, but Pacey Witter would later on wish she did.

The girl gave one last knowing nod before grabbing the rest of her stuff and walking down to the pier.

The salty air blowed Juliettes hair around her face as she made her way towards the school. Juliette didn't have the time to pine over a stupid girl and her obsession with a guy that will never love her. She only had time to look out for herself and Jen because that's all that mattered.


The only thought that ran through Juliette mind while filming Helmets of glory was: "this movie sucks."
Besides the stares of the boys because they were all in their tiny skirts, or the useless plot, Juliette found the most  unbearable part was trying to avoid Rick.

Sure she had dealt with a bunch of assholes like him in New York, but she still wasn't prepared for him.

Multiple times he had tried to talk to her in between takes, but Jen always let the girl hide behind her.

Except Jen was busy talking to Dawson which left Juliette all alone to be approached by Rick.

"Hey, Juliette!"

The girl slowly turned around upon hearing her name and gave a small smile as she walked up to the football player.

"Hey Rick."

The boy grabbed her arm and took her underneath the bleachers where no one else was. Juliette looked around trying not to look in the boys eyes. Rick noticed her discomfort and began to reassure her.

"Look, I'm really sorry about the other night. I was drunk and I had a lot going on. I know it's no excuse but I just thought you should know.

The girl nodded her head and tried walking away but again Rick grabbed her hand pulling her back.

"Juliette, I really need your help. There's a lot of pressure on me from the guys on the football team, and if anything ever came out I'd be in deep shit."

Juliette finally met the boys eyes and stared intently, "What do you mean?"

Rick rubbed his eyes and looked down at the ground trying to keep a steady tone, " I like this one person and he means the world to me, but no one can ever fine out-" 

The boys voice broke and silently a few tears slipped down his cheeks. Juliette immediately noticed and ran up to the boy engulfing him in a warm embrace. When she let go, Juliette raised her fingers to wipe the boys tears and gave a smile.

"You must really love him."

Rick shook his head while tightening his embrace on the girl.

"I think we can both benefit from this. How about for show; I'll be your girlfriend and you'll be my boyfriend. You can tell all the football guys and they'll never be on your back I promise."

Rick let go and wipped his own left over tears before letting out a small chuckle. 

"You know people talk; are you doing this because you want to make Pacey jealous?"

Juliettes eyes widened in shock, " What no. Pacey's not even a friend to me."

Rick sent a smirk her way, but the girl quickly shot it down with a glare and he gave a head tilt towards the field. 

"We should probably get back now because what will they do without their star actors?"

Juliette let out a small laugh before grabbing the boys hand and pulling him along.

To anyone that didn't know the full story; Juliette and Rick seemed like the perfect couple. The popular football player and the rising cheerleader. They were perfect for each other, but some had their doubts. 

As Juliette kept on holding Ricks hand; Pacey approached the couple. 

"So Rick, what single brain cell cheerleader have you seduced today?" 

Pacey obviously took no notice to Juliette and Rick holding hands until after the boy blurted out the sentence. 

"Hm, maybe me you asshole."

Pacey groaned as he watched Juliette push past the boy and race to the locker room. 

"God can I ever do anything right?" Pacey mumbled to himself as he stalked away from the football field. 

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