You will be mine. An avenger...

By 0livia_xo

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*COMPLETE* Alice stark fights along with the avengers during the battle of New York against Loki, Thor's youn... More

The battle
Questioning the god
His great escape
A plan
The avengers downfall
A plan to save them all but me
The garden
So close
Locked in
jacuzzi talk
Escape or stay
The mission
Time goes by
The cabin
He likes who?
Thors return
Christmas party
Late night
New years eve party
Here but not really
To Asgard
The hallway greeting
The begining of the festival
Another prince
Stay? Forever?
Back home
Finding out about the past
Unlocking memories
Plan A
The Warriors Ball
'Well... now we know'
'He knows'
Febuary 28th
Talking about the future
Early arrival
Fighting for freedom
Shes gone
The white room
Asgards doom
Lokis scepter
Training For Him
Emptiness causes Insanity
Planning the plan that needs planned
The hunt begins
Seeing Straight
The small yellow vial
Taking the strike
Back At Stark Tower
Thanos' plan
Reality stone
Alices New Mission
Lokis Emotional Overload
Voices And Kisses
Sharing The Room
Thanos 'Final Mission' For Alice
Locked Up
Thor and Lokis Journey Begins
Somewhat Normality? Ish.
Training Mind And Soul
Control it
Giving Her The Vial
Alissa of Vanaheim
Hes Coming
The Army
The Aftermath
Return To 'The Garden'
LA: The Hive
Grounded At 21
Out Of it
3 Years Later
Getting The Team
Time heist
Snap 2.0
The End.
🚨Book 2🚨

The Last Fight

496 16 14
By 0livia_xo

Alice's POV

Coughing I pushed Thors arms off me and turned to look at him laying on his back.

'Thor! Are you okay!'

He coughed and sat up

'Yeah, yeah I'm fine' he looked behind him 'where's Alissa?!'

'Last I seen her the building was still intact and she was beside Bruce, so probably with him'

He sighed 'thank the gods'

I stood up and look out upon the damage when someone caught my eye. Thanos.

'Thor? Um...'

'What?' He said standing up and looking where I was looking 'it can't be? Can it?' He said

I grabbed his hand 'there's nebula' I whispered

We watched as she walks up to him and full on takes the bronze thing in her head off.

'I'm confused' I whispered

'Yeah me too'  he whispered back

She walked away and he just sat there. I had a feeling he knew he was being watched and knowing him he thrived from it.

We both stood there, my hand still holding his, watching thanos silently.

After 5 minutes or so my dad and Steve showed up.

'What's he been doin?' Dad asked

'Just sitting there' Thor said

'Let's go to him' Steve said then motioning for us all to walk

Walking beside my dad thanos' eyes were trained on us the whole time

'I thought by eliminating half of life the other half would thrive. But you've shown me...that's impossible. And as long as there are those who remember what was, there will always be those who are unable to accept what can be.' Thanos said still sitting down

'Yep. We're all kinds of stubborn' dad said

Honestly I had to told in a laugh

Thanos smiled 'I'm thankful, because now I know what I must do, I will shed this universe down to its last atom and then with the stones you've collected for me, make a new universe, a thankful one' he said standing up and putting his helmet on with his back to us

'Born out of blood' Steve said

Thanos laughed and then turned and looked at me and then my dad

'And You've brought me my daughter back. Did you know only last week your revolting little robots stole her from me!'

'I am not you daughter!' I shouted back

'I created you!' He roared

'I was an experiment to you! You tried to marry me off to Adrian! You drugged me time and time again! You stole me from my family!' I shouted but dad grabbed my arm pulling me behind him and I was that worked up that I didn't even realise thanos was holding some sort of long remote at me

'What is that!' Thor roared

Thanos smirked 'you'll see'

Tony's POV

I pushed Alice more behind me and looked over at Steve noticing his eyes widening, looking back at thanos the remote lit up


I turned around and looked at Alice. She had a purple aura all around her. She was being pulled up into the air, chest first. Purple energy sparking and going everywhere. The sounds of her screams filled the place. I didn't know what to do.

'Steve! Steve do something. I don't know what to do! Thor! Thor!' I shouted

'Please stop! Alice you can stop this! Come on honey!' I shouted

'Alice you can stop this! Your scaring us! Control it!' Steve shouted

'I can't help this awful energy!' She screamed then letting another bolt of purple energy blast out from her. Two purple energy balls gathered at her hand

'Hahahahahahaha!' Thanos laughed 'your right you should be scared of me!' He shouted

'Who is in control?!' I shouted to Steve

'Thor!' Steve shouted causing me to turn and look at him but I couldn't see him.

I quickly turned my head in a circle looking for him when I spotted him beside thanos. He snatched the remote and threw it to me before thanos could stop him, causing thanos to punch him in the face, hard.

Catching the remote I turn it off, as I did Alice began to fall to the ground but Steve caught her before she did. I dropped the remote I stood on it. Breaking it completely.

Steve placed Alice down on the ground. She was covered in sweat and her face was rather red.

Thor summoned storm breaker, getting his lightening look in his eyes so I took that as the que to attack.

I made the first move, flying in and getting a punch at his head but he threw me to the ground but being the genius I am, I expected it and got up straight away. The three of us kept the constant hit approach at him, Alice laying on the ground opposite us.

After maybe 6 minutes of doing this I was completely warmed up and ready to kill this dipshit.

I let the power generator open at the back of my suit

'Okay Thor. Hit me' I said then feeling his lightening hit the generator allowing me to fully blast thanos

Alice's POV

My head was killing me.

My body was aching.

My vision was blurry.

And I had a ringing in my ears.

But somehow it eased slightly. Causing my vision to go slightly green for a second.

It was like a waterfall of relieve washed over my body. And not too soon. I sat up to see thanos had my dad by his head and leg using him as a shield against Mjölnir, having it hit him and send him flying in the other direction.

Looking over I seen him laying on the ground.

Steve ran up to thanos then and kicked him in the face using some run and jump thing, which earned him a punch in the gut which sent him flying next to my dad too.

The two of them laying there. Exhausted.

Thanos then threw his double sided blade weapon at Thor which he swiftly dodged.

Thor went in with storm breaker but thanos blocked his heat with his weapon. Thor pushing more and more slightly over powering thanos, he kicked his weapon away but thanos managed to throw storm breaker away too around the same time.

Thanos grabbed Thor and threw him up against a broken tree and began pounding on his face. Punch after punch.

I couldn't even get up to help. I can't get up.

Thanos then threw Thor on a slanted rock, grabbed storm breaker and tried to push it into Thor's chest but Thor was holding it, stoping it from cutting into him. Trying his best.

'Thor. No' I managed to croak out 'please' I whispered

Then in the corner of my eye I saw Mjölnir go towards them.

At first I thought Thor summoned it but his hands were preoccupied.

Mjölnir hit thanos and sent him away from Thor landing on the floor. The hammer went flying back to who ever threw it.


Standing with a smug smile on his face

'Surprise' he said sending me a wink

It worked!

Bruce's snap work!

'I knew it!' Thor said not soon after thanos full on booted him in the face sending him deeper into the rock.

'Loki' I whispered

He looked at me

'Drink this, trust me' he said looking at me and throwing me a vile of clear liquid 

I somehow managed to catch it and immediately I opened and drank it.

Feeling almost better immediately I stood up and took in the scene infront of me.

Loki and thanos.

Head to head fighting.

Loki with Mjölnir. Which I didn't even know he could carry.

But as soon as I was about to interfere things took a turn for the worst.

Thanos ripped off Loki's cape. Then got a few punches at his face and gut then threw him away. 

I ran over to him. He was by Thor and dad.

Thor, Loki and my dad was still on the ground.

It was only Steve and I left standing.

I looked at thanos and his army somehow was now gathered a good few feet behind him.

I had a sinking feeling in my stomach.

I looked at Steve and he looked at me.

'Till we take our last breaths' I said

'Till we take our last breaths' he repeated tightening his shield on his arm.

I took my stance but then I felt Steve shift and turn around


'On your left?' He whispered 'Sam?'

I turned around and a sparkly orange circle appeared. The very same as Stephan used to get me to vanaheim.

Out of the circle walked t' challa Shuri and Okoye.

'What?' I smiled then seeing my dad Thor and Loki all stand.

I turned and looked at Steve. He had tears in his eyes. 'We got this' I whispered grabbing his hand.

Sam then flew out of the circle and around 50 more circles appeared.

Stephan mantis drax all standing in one, well Stephan floating, quill flew out and Peter swong himself out and landed on a rock

The wakandian soilders all marching behind t'challa chanting. Bucky and groot came out with them.

Asgardian soldiers coming from another being lead by the warriors three and loads of women on flying horses.

Wanda landing in by the Asgardian soldiers.

Wong and an army of people who are all just like him and Stephan. Sorcerers, masters of magic, all coming from another circle.

Hundreds if not thousands all gathered together. Even people of different spices. Rocket had told me about these people before. They were friends with quills adoptive dad.

Speaking of dads. Mine is in utter shock. Looking around when suddenly mom lands in, in her suit beside him.

'Is that everyone?' I over heard Stephan say to wong

'What? You wanted more?' He responded when suddenly the ground had a slight shake to it.

Turning and looking where it was coming from. Scott, who is now huge somehow, bursts through the compound with Bruce, rocket, Rhode and Alissa in his hands.

Everyone was in there stance and honestly I think thanos looks caught off guard and rather scared.

Standing beside Steve, feeling the presence of my mom and dad behind me I had a kick of adrenaline.

'Avengers!' Steve shouted

Thor then lands right behind me.


Everyone began to roar and shout as they started sprinting towards thanos' army.

Right off the bat Scott punched one of the Chitauri flying worm looking things.

Everyone was giving it their all. As they should. This is our only chance.

From blasting ice and blasting fire and occasionally slicing the odd persons neck I failed to realise Loki was by my side through all of this.
Fight along side me.

'Been a while!' He shouted taking out two people at once

'Yeah! I guess you could say that!'I shouted back stabbing one guy and then freezing another

'Been what? 4-5 weeks? Months?' He questioned

'Yeah no!'

'Then h-'

'Loki! Concentrate!' I shouted blasting fire at someone who was about to attack him from the back

'Yeah uh fight now conversation later' he said to himself

'What was that you gave me to drink?!' I shouted over to him

'I'll tell you later! When you don't have a weapon in hand!' He shouted

'I am a living breathing weapon-shit fucking cunt- Loki so you may as well just tell me!' I shouted but got a small slice on my cheek

Suddenly the man was blasted away with green energy.

'What was it Loki? I want to know, it made me feel better instantly surely that's a good thing!'

'You might be mad!' He shouted throwing knifes at different people who ran up to him

'I won't be! What is it'

He looked at me then focused on fighting again

'It was an immortality potion I had kept for you but I figured nows a better time than any. You know!' He said not even looking at me.

'You gave me that!' I roared 'you idiot! You should have asked me! Loki odinson you complete and utter- ahhh dickhead!- idiot!' I roared once again getting distracted which earned me a lovely deep cut in my arm.

'Are you okay?!' He shouted over

I looked down at the cut and it was healed. Leaving a very very faint scar that would probably be gone by tomorrow.

Thor landed beside us and began fighting with us. Loki taking storm breaker and Thor with Mjölnir

'No. No give me that' he said throwing Mjölnir at Loki to catch and Loki threw storm breaker at him.
'You can have the little one' he added

Laughing at their ways I seen an opening and ran in it to Bucky.

'Hey buck-a-boo fancy seeing you here' I joked summoning a fire sword and slicing 4 people in half with it

'And I didn't know you could do that' he laughed all while still shooting from his gun.

'Lots changed old man'

'Seems the worlds always changing and I just never know!' He shouted from behind me

'Don't die okay!'

'Only if you don't'

Bucky ran off killing with rocket but after not even a minute dad flew over and landed beside me.

Around 30 people came running at us. I looked at him and he looked at me, both of us had smirks.

Running towards them I froze them in place and he blasted them. They were gone in seconds.

'Damn!' I breathed out putting my hands on my knees bending over for a second.

'No time for breathers the universe is at stake' he said patting me on the back then blasting someone behind him.

Standing up straight again I looked at him 'yeah love you too' I said with sarcasm dripping from each word

'And don't you forget it' he smiled

Eventually we ended up separating but before he left he gave me a spare comms device since I didn't have mine.

I ended up by Loki's side again. It's not to say I'm avoiding him, it's just weird. I don't know how to explain it.

'We need to get rid of the Chitauri, their taking up most of the field' Steve shouted over comms

'We take out their main ship and that will kill them' rocket said

'Where's their main ship' I asked just seconds after I shot someone

'See thanos' ship, the smaller one behind it' quill said

I looked at Loki 'think you could get me up there?'

'Absolutely not, your not going up there alone'

'Oh your coming with me'

'That's exactly what I wanted to hear. I can get us there'

'Loki can get us there. We will destroy it' I said into comms

'Alice don't you dare' dad said

'It'll be easy!' Rocket said

'Rocket stop encouraging this. This is a father daughter moment' quill shouted

'Quill! You are hurting my ear drums! Please close your mouth!' drax basically roared down the comms

'It'll be gone in the next 10 mins' I said then grabbed onto Loki

His arm tightened around my waist as he used Thor's hammer to fly us to the ship

Landing, successfully, I took a minute to catch my breath

'I can't believe that actually worked' he said tossing the hammer in the air and catching it again

'Yeah flying that thing with you is a lot more scary than it is with Thor' I said still catching my breath.

He looked at me and smiled 'oh how I've missed you' he said walking closer to me

'Loki' I warned 'we have a mission to complete'

He cupped my cheek and instantly I leaned into his hand. I've missed him so much.

'You have something of mine?' He said looking down at my thigh holster

'Your dagger. Thor has the other' I said looking into his eyes

His face getting closer and closer to mine. Until his lips gently pressed onto mine. A sensation I've craved, looked for, but could never be found. My addiction to this man only being added to as the second go on with this kiss.

He pulled away and smiled. 'Let's get to work'

Running down the corridors side by side I suddenly realised I had no idea what I was looking for.

'What are we looking for exactly?' I said still running

'The control panel for the ship. We wreck that, the ship will fall to the ground and they won't have the energy from the ship to stay alive anymore so that's them all gone' he said

At this stage now Loki is slightly more ahead of me running since I had no idea where anything was. Words couldn't describe how thankful I was the Chitauri weren't on the ship.

'Around this corner and it shou- what in the nine realms!' Loki said just as turned the corner but he grabbed me and held me back and swong me around the corner to not see whatever it was. But I did see.

It was me.

Child me.

Thanos said I was saved last week. Clearly he lied. Shocker.

'What do we do about that' I whispered

'Well were you. You know. Under his control back then?' He whispered

'I'm not sure I don't think so'

'Then we cou-'

'Hello?' Young me said popping her head around the corner, tears in the brim of her eyes

I immediately froze

'Hello there' Loki said knelling down to her level

'Are you here to save me. To take me home to my daddy and mommy.'

'Ofcourse we are. Why are you here and not in the main ship?' Loki asked

'He told me I had to guard the doors b-but I don't want to. I want to go home. I don't like what he's done to me' young me said then starting to cry. Loki immediately took her into his arms and hugged her, letting her cry onto his shoulder.

After a minute or so she stopped crying and looked at me.

'Your really pretty' she said sniffling with a smile

Loki chuckled and whispered in my ear 'big headed as ever darling' Which earned him an elbow in the gut.

'Thank you. Your really pretty too' I said

'The doors locked but I could break it down if you want'

'No no it's fine.' I said taking a stance a few feet away from the door 'I got it' I said then blasting it with my wind.

I turned and looked at Loki signalling for him to go in first 

Walking in behind him and with young me by my side I stood back and let Loki figure it out. Earth is my thing and space is his thing. Don't judge me.

'Okay I think this button might?' He said then pressing the button and nothing happend

'I could just set it on fire?'

'You could' he said shrugging 'but it would damage my ego if I couldn't do it'

I looked at him and blinked a few times in silence. Then raised my right hand and threw fire balls at it and for an extra bit of spice I fired ice shards into the panel to mess with the wiring instantly.

'Who cares about my ego anyways' he mumbled under his breath then picking up young me who was staring at me weirdly and then wrapped his other arm around me

'Hold on tight' he said then blasting us out, just in time too, a few seconds after we landed the ship began to fall to the ground and the Chitauri all followed. Given there was still a shit ton of people we had left to fight, but not as many as before.

'You have the same powers as me?' Young me questioned

'Yeah um ahaha funny story kid. I am you. Loki explain please' I said and Loki started talking to her

'Hey dad. I've a bit of a situation' I said into comms

'Your not injured are you?' 

'No but umm well you know the way thanos said I was rescued last week.'


'He lied. Young me is like 3 feet away from me right now talking to Loki and I don't know what to do with it'

'Alice! It's not a an it!'

'You call it it too!'

'This isn't the time for this! We can all hear you!' Alissa said over comms

'Hey Ali, you doin good?'

'I'm fine. Tony go to her and help with the child situation, Thor come over to me as soon as possible and Rocket, Drax and Mantis it looks like quill met past Gamora so go help with that. Anyone that's free I need you all mid field, it's getting crowded up here' she said


'On it'
'I'm on my way to you now'
'I see them I'll go over now'
'Alice I'll be there in two seconds'

Dad arrived and young me seen him and ran to him immediately


'Baby!' He said hugging her

'You need to go somewhere safe. This isn't the place for you' he said letting go of her

'I can fight'

'No. You leave that for the grown ups'

'Grown up mes fighting so why can't I. We're the same person'

'I'm older and more mature' I added

'Are not!'

'Uh are too!'

'This is like you and Morgan all over again' dad said standing up 'Loki keep an eye on the two of them. I'm needed mid field'


'Stay safe' he said giving me a hug and kissing the top of my head 'I love you'

'I love you too'

He flew off and that left Loki me and me.

'Cap, what do you want me to do with this damn thing!' Clint said over comms

'Get those stones as far away as possible!' He shouted

'No! We need to get them back where they came from' Bruce said

'No can do. Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel' dad said

'Hold on! That wasn't our only tunnel' Scott said and then a weird tune could be heard in the back ground

'Anyone see an ugly brown van out there!' Steve said in comms

'Hey! It's not that ugly!' I said back fighting off three people at once while Loki was behind me fighting off 5 and young me was shielded by the two of us.

'Yes! But your not gonna like where it's parked' a women said who I don't know

'Scott how long do you need to get that thing started?' Dad said

'Maybe ten minutes?' Scott said sounding out of breath

'Get on it and we'll get the stones to you' Steve said

'We're on it cap' another woman said who I don't know but presumed was his girl friend hope

After maybe a few minutes somehow we ended up mid field and it's crazy. I looked to my right and seen Wanda land directly infront of thanos.

'Wanda! Be carful!' I shouted but her attention was fully focused on thanos.

'You took everything from me!'

'I don't even know who you are' he said moving towards her

'You will' she said using her powers to lift up the huge amounts of rubble from the ground and fire it at him.

'Alice! Watch out!' Loki shouted just as I got tackled to the floor but as soon as I hit the ground they caught fire and rolled off of me. I sat up and looked at the only person who was able to do that.

Young me.

'Thanks' I mumbled

'Uh yeah' she said back

No one said talking to your past self is this awkward

I looked over at Wanda to make sure she was okay and by the looks of things she was winning. She had him in the air, his armour getting pulled off him. He looked in pain. She's getting through  him more than anyone.

'RAIN FIRE!' He shouted and instantly I looked around. We were going to die if he did that

'JUST DO IT!' He screamed

'LOKI!' I screamed and he was by my side in an instant

'Don't worry I heard and I'm prepared!' He shouted putting a shield up over the three of us. Me him and young me.

The bombs soon came firing down and the masters of the mystic arts formed huge orange shield around them, protecting our team.

A bomb went off right beside us. Knocked me off balance a bit but I held on to Loki's elbow but young me got sent out from the shield from the impact and landed on the ground.

'Alice! Quick! Get back in here it's dangerous!' I shouted

She stood up panicked and ran towards us.

Just as she was in hands reach another missile landed right beside her.

And killed her.

Blew her to pieces.

'Nooooo!' I screamed and tried to run to the her now nonexistent body but Loki held me against his chest. His hand on my stomach holding me in place, my back against his chest.

'Dad!' I cried into comms

'What? What? What happend?!'

'I died! I died! I died right in-front of me! I got blew up!'

'Woah woah woah?! What?!' Thor said into comms

'She died?' Dad questioned

'Yeah. Right in front of me' I cried

'I'm still confused. You died?' Thor said

'Young me died Thor. She was here'

'Ohhh' Thor said and I could practically tell he had an awkward face on him

'Help! Somebody help!' Peter shouted over comms

'Hang on I got you kid' mom said

I turned around and hugged Loki. Wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my head into his crook of his shoulder and neck and cried. He rubbed my back with his free hand and tried to calm me down.

'Shh darling it's fine.'

'It's not fine. She's dead Loki. My dad in her time line is never going to get her back either' I said then hugging him tighter

Then the missiles started being fired to the sky instead of the ground.

'What the hell is this?!' Sam said

Then this ball thing of what I assumed was fire came crashing down, went right through thanos' ship, making it fall to the ground. The ball of fire then hovered still, revealing carol.

She landed next to Peter and I saw Wanda make her way over there

'I'll find you soon!' I shouted to Loki running to Wanda.

Running to Wanda i lunged myself onto her before she could fly off. Tackling her to the floor.

'Wanda!' I said hugging her tightly on the floor

'Alice' she whispered then wrapping her arms around me too.

I looked to my right and saw two people running at us. I jumped up and shot fire at them.

'Okay. Fight now. Hug later' I smiled at her giving her my hand to pull her up

Once she was up she smiled at me, still holding my hand and we ran over to carol and Peter

'I don't know how your gonna get through all that' Peter said handing her our glove.

'Don't worry, she has help' Wanda said and like magic all these other people appeared

Some girl on a flying horse, okoye, mom, mantis, Shuri, hope and even past Gamora and one of the nebulas, I don't know which but I've put together past nebula was the one who caused this. So probably our nebula.

'Hey pete' I whispered

'Hi' he whispered back

Everyone began to walk forward so I took that as my que to aswell.

Alissa ran up and linked her arm with mine. So arm in arm with Alissa and hand and hand with Wanda we started running towards the army infront of us.

Carol took off straight away and the girl on the flying horse started just slicing people everywhere. Was rather cool.

Wanda ended up running off and using her powers too.

I let go of Alissa and started running as fast as I could to try and keep up with carol. Mom eventually swooped in and grabbed me.

Thanos started running at carol but me, mom, hope and Shuri all blasted him back, giving carol a chance to get the stones out of here.

But the smug bastard threw his double bladed weapon at the other quantum tunnel, destroying it. Sending everyone in a close radius back from it.

Luckily I never landed on the ground. Rather hovered mid air. I looked around to see how and saw Loki hand his left hand out using his magic to keep me up.

Then he dropped me to the ground. And it hurt.

'Thanks!' I shouted getting up rubbing my arm

'You are ever so welcome' he smiled

'Look! Over there. Come on' I shouted grabbing his arm and running over to Bucky who was getting swamped.

The three of us. Standing in a triangle, basically, started killing them off. Shooting, cutting, blasting all of them when they came close enough.

Summoning my fire sword I started just swinging it at them when they came close. Cutting through them completely.

'There's too many of them!' I shouted

'Keep going!' Loki shouted back

Then a white light came into my eyes but was gone again in a second.

Just as my sword made contact with one of them. It turned to dust.

'Loki!' I screamed, grabbing on to him. I can't let him get dusted again.

But he stiffened looking somewhere else.

'What's happening?' I said looking around

'We won' he whispered

Then I looked at where he was looking and froze.

My dad.

Without saying anything to Loki I ran to him. Ran as fast as I could.

'Dad' I whispered looking at him

I kneeled down to his level 'Daddy we won'

He was dieing. At the break of death. Half his face was pretty badly burnt, along with one side of his suit.

I put my hand to the side of his face that wasn't burnt 'can you hear me?' I whispered with my voice breaking, holding my tears in as best as I could.

'I love you, so so so much' I said booping our noses together gently and smiling at him
'I I love you' he whispered completely out of breath.

Mom came over and put her hand on my shoulder leaning down to his level too.

'Hey' she whispered

'I-didn't know what else to do' he whispered sounded even worse than he did with me

She put her hand over his arc reactor and he managed to put his hand over hers, holding it.

'Friday' mom said

'Life functions critical' friday said

Dad looked at me. I could tell he was slightly crying.

'Tony, look at me' mom said

He turned his head and looked at her

'We're gonna be okay' she said

He turned back and looked at me

'You can rest now dad' I said with my throat burning

Mom started to cry beside me silently. But I was trying my best not to, until I realised the light went out in. The arc reactor.

His hand slid off moms and she gave him a kiss on his cheek.

I fell from my knees and sat on the sides on my leg and wrapped my arms around him and cried. I cried and cried and cried.

I felt moms arms around me too, sniffling as she did so. Her head rested on my shoulder.

I felt broken. Lost. Numb.

My dad was gone.

He's never coming back.

I felt my mom get moved off of me. I turned to see uncle Rhode had helped her up.

Everyone who was in battle with us was kneeling behind us.

Loki stood up and came up over to me. Helping me stand up and immediately hugged me.

'It's going to be okay' he whispered

'Im here now' he whispered again running his hand through my hair.


One more chapter left

5334 words in this one.

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134K 3.2K 45
As punishment for the battle of New York, Loki moved into Avengers tower so he could learn how to change and how to be a good guy. But while Loki is...