Witch's Pet (Alcina Dimitresc...

By rayaari

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ORIGINAL CAN BE FOUND ON AO3 ‼️ this is a harem fic, i just added alcina since it is more noticeable LOL ‼️ R... More

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Old Wound
Chapter 3: Problems Left Unsolved
Chapter 4: Inconveniences
Chapter 5: Dolls and Daughters
Chapter 7: Bonds Tied

Chapter 6: The Dimitrescu Family

5.8K 263 120
By rayaari

(A/N): not proofread as always sob

alcina bout to whoop some ass lmao

sorry for the long wait! finals week absolutely kicked my ass i have never cried over school more :pain: but i graduated and heading to my dream college in the fall LETS GOOOOO

this is honestly about to turn into a crack fic i swear,, do not be surprised if i add in a candice joke at some point in time

i now have a general idea of where i want this story to go and i still have to explain some behind the scenes action goin on with certain characters, more specifically the four lords!! i noticed some ppl were a bit confused with the way alcina acted with reader back in the last chapter when she was like "who rlly r u >:(" i broke it down a bit and i will paste it in the end notes of this chapter :) i try to pay attention to detail, plotwise so pls be patient as things unravel themselves :0

also got writers block for a good month which is lowkey why i took so long to update eye am sorry but here you go bbs

LOLOL thank u for reading my rambles babes,, enjoy!! <3 probably so much typos but i swear i'll fix them later

to take note of: underlined and bold letters like this are originally meant to be crossed out, as they do on ao3!!

The smug smile on the brunette's face was long gone now, a confused but furious gaze set upon you. Her weapon still remains tightly clutched in her hands but grips it even harder in anger. She bares her teeth at you, her top canines elongated and narrowed eyes that looked to be more gold than yellow. In a flash with insects buzzing, she appears in front of you and has to crane her neck up to glare at you. You keep eye contact with her and still have the shit-eating grin to show that you're not backing down. You suppose this just irks her even more as she begins to speak with venom in her voice.

"Don't think this is over yet." she hisses bitterly.

Your smile does nothing but grow. "I think it already is."

The woman growls, opening her mouth to throw back a retort but Alcina's voice comes through the castle once more. This time, it's outraged more than before.

"Cassandra!" the two of you hear, both of you getting the chills from how angry and impatient she sounded. "You'd better think twice if you think you can keep your mother waiting!"

"Coming, mother!" she replies almost instantly, all former expressions disappear from the brunette's face as it is replaced with panic and fear. She seems to completely forget about you as thoughts of her mother's wrath invade her mind. The woman and the blade in her hand fades into a swarm of flies, as they escape through the small space under the door.

Releasing a breath you didn't realize you had been holding, you lean your back against the wall in exasperation.

Your neck stung from the bite but that wasn't the only thing bothering you. Before Karl had captured you, you had been doing fine with being by yourself. It was utterly lonely at times; the only time you ever really conversation with another person after your transformation was when you were invited for drinks by strangers when you were in the cities for supplies. Those were the only human contact you'd usually be able to enjoy for a short while. Sure, it wasn't completely living but at least you were surviving and you didn't have to fear hurting innocent people. You're sure you've long mastered your form but that never stopped you from worrying about losing control again.

Now, being thrown into an entirely new environment, you're not sure what to do with yourself anymore. After you regain your strength and energy, you planned on running away far from Miranda and whatever this area is but the problem was that you didn't know where to go and how you would do it. For all you know, you could be stranded in the middle of nowhere for thousands of miles and the only thing you would have are the clothes on your body. You suppose you could live in your wolf form for the rest of your life but you feel as though your primal instincts could take over you again. If only you had your supplies again. You wonder if it got left behind and destroyed by the harsh weather. To say you're a bit disappointed to lose your beloved twin blades would be an understatement.

Your head hurts as you try to think of other options to help your situation any better. So far, you can't think of any. You figure you just may have to wait.

Shaken out of your thoughts, you ears pick up Alcina's scolding tone. You shuffle towards the door, putting your ear against it to hear what was happening. It is a bit muffled but you are able to make out each distinct voice.

"Bela, I thought I told you to inform your sisters of our guest!"

Another woman whom you have never heard before, responds back. It's a slightly higher pitched voice than the one you had just met. "I did, mother!" she begins to explain herself. "Cassandra and Daniela just both assumed it was another maiden you brought in and went after them!"

The situation peaking your interest, you quietly opened the door and hobbled towards the railing that gives you a view of the main hall. Unnoticed, you eye the two new individuals standing in front of Alcina along with the other figure who gave you quite an introduction. Her former facade is now replaced, now appearing as a dejected child who just got scolded by her mother (which she absolutely did). Her arms are folded close to her body, looking at just about anything to avoid her mother's gaze. The other two women wear the same attire (hell, even their mouths are stained with blood) as their disheartened sister, one with red-brown framing one side of her face, the other with untamed blonde waves framing her face. Leaning against the railing, you lay your face in your hand, watching the scene play out.

"Mother, you did promise a snack when you returned home, did you not?" the red-haired girl muttered, meekly scratching the back of her head.

Alcina's back is faced towards you, both hands resting on her hips. You don't have to see her facial expression to know that she's displeased with her daughters. Although, you're a bit surprised to hear her let out a defeated sigh and drop her arms to her sides. She speaks gently, all anger gone from her tone. "Yes, I suppose I did. I would not have promised you three such a thing had I known Mother Miranda had a task for me. I will fulfill my promise another time but for now, our guest is not to be tampered with, do you girls understand?"

You had meant to say it in your head but you accidentally voice out your thought. "Well, it's bit too late for that..."

You don't realize your mistake until four pairs of eyes are focused on you. Using the process of elimination, you find the blonde one to be Bela, the brunette to be Cassandra and the red-haired to be Daniela. Bela narrows her eyes in confusion, Cassandra glares angrily at you and Daniela simply raises her eyebrows with piqued interest. You only stare back at them with a neutral demeanor, though feeling slightly small from being the center of attention.

Alcina bares a slight frown on her face, taking in the top half of your exposed chest and your nicely defined arms but ignores it. "What do you—" even from a distance, she notices the smeared blood on your neck. She swivels her head to look down on Cassandra whose expression continues to burn holes in your face. Her two other daughters turn to look at her as well with amusement.

"Cassandra!" Alcina rebukes but the brunette snaps, defending her actions.

"How was I supposed to know not to play with our new guest, mother?!" she sassily remarks and throws her hands up in the air, emphasizing her point.

The blonde one just rolls her eyes, crossing her arms at her sister's behavior. "Maybe if you would have listened to me in the first place, you would know." she mumbles to herself as a matter of factly.

"Hey, I heard you! Shut up, bitch!" Cassandra growls out, now directing her glare at her sibling.

"Yeah, Cass. Go ahead and make me." Bela calmly matches the same energy, throwing back a similar look.

You resist the urge to laugh at the two bicker back and forth at each other while their other sister's eyes bounce between the two. Bela and Cassandra begin to advance dangerously close to each other, their argument heating up even more. Daniela goes to stand next to her mother who's pinching the bridge of her nose while she tries keep her patience. The odd sibling out leans in towards her mother, whispering. "Does this mean I get first dibs on dinner tonight, mama?"

"Not now, dear." the taller woman replies with a sigh, bring a hand up to rub at her temples as her two daughters continued to yell at each other. Daniela shrugs and pouts to herself, whispering that it was worth a try as her mother now takes action to interfere with the two. "Enough now, try not to embarrass me any further." she calmly states, standing in between the two to push them apart.

They immediately stop, trying to catch their breath from their heated arrangement. Alcina waits a few moments more, eyeing back and forth between the two to study their mental states. When they finally seem that they have calmed down, she gives a warm smile at both of her girls, patting their heads affectionately. "Feel better now, lovelies?"

"Yes, mother." they murmur simultaneously and you can already tell that they all have an unbreakable bond with Alcina.

You can't help but smile at witnessing the small display of the Dimitrescu family. You could tell from the way Alcina spoke so passionately about her daughters that she cared very much about them but to be able to witness their dynamics in person just all the more proved it. They did seemingly function as a normal family. Just take away the interesting marks on their foreheads, the golden eyes, the smeared blood on each of their faces, and they'd be like any other human family.

You wipe the smile off your face immediately when you notice Alcina start to turn to face you. The three daughters follow their mother's motion and all eyes are on you once again.

"I do apologize for my daughters' behaviors," she starts out slowly, raising an eyebrow at your lack of proper fitted attire. "But I thought I told you to get cleaned up?"

"I did... But if you haven't noticed, with my height, I require a more larger fit."

Alcina hums in response, putting a hand on her chin in thought. You shift uncomfortably when her daughters just continue to burn their eyes into you. They're mostly filled with curiosity besides Cassandra's hostile death stare, Daniela's almost hungry look and Bela's distrustful gaze. You know that had it not been their mother who declared you off limits, you would have been dead the moment she gave them the green light. They break out of their intense staring contest with you when Alcina snaps her fingers.

"The Duke is in the castle for today. He's the village's main merchant though, I'm not certain he may have what you need." Alcina points to the entryway near the bottom of the stairs. "He should be located in the door to the left when you enter. My daughters and I will be waiting in the dining room. Do make haste now, we're all not so patient."

You give the woman a nod, making sure not to take her statement lightly. With one last satisfied look, Alcina turns around and motions for her daughters to follow her into the room where you all would have dinner together. Bela and Daniela follow their mother with no hesitation as Cassandra gives you one final glower. You counter it back, using your index and pinkie finger to point at your eyes before directing it at her. Her facial expression morphs into disbelief for a split second before the scowl returns and she imitates your action exaggeratedly, storming off after her sisters and mother in ill temper.

You snicker victoriously to yourself before heading to the one called the Duke.

You did expect a much... smaller man, when Alcina told you of the Duke but you weren't judging. As long as the man was friendly, there was no problem. You didn't do very well with rude individuals.

You pray to the gods that the man was friendly. You've handled enough shit in the past few days.

"Ah, new face, new friend!" the Duke greeted vigorously, clapping his hands together. The room was much smaller than the other rooms you had seen in the castle but he fit quite well in the space that was cut into the wall. Red curtains on each side were pushed outward to reveal the enormous man, with several large candles to illuminate his face. He studies you for a few moments before his eyes widen in what looks like realization. Leaning back in his seat, he grins and crosses his arms. "Well, perhaps not new face. But new friend, indeed!"

You give the man a strange look, unconsciously crossing your arms over your slightly exposed chest. "Excuse me but you're the Duke, right?" you ask, just to confirm that he was the person you were looking for.

"Correct! My apologies, Miss (Y/LN), I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." the man turns around to rustle through the space behind his seat. In just a few seconds, he turns back around, holding all too familiar duffle bags in each hand. He holds it out towards you but you can only gawk in bewilderment. His laughter suddenly echoes throughout the room, knocking you out of your surprised state. You take the bags out of his hands, kneeling down to zip them open. You look back up at him, only met with an expected grin. "I do suppose you have quite a few questions but I may only be able to answer a limited amount of them."

"Yeah," you narrow your eyes at your newfound belongings. To your left was the bag that you traveled with for the past century. It still held all of your clothing that you always brought along with you. Though, that bag was not the center of your astonishment. It was the other bag to your right. Within its contents were your most valuable possessions you thought would have been long gone. You never thought you would see them again but here they were, in front of your very eyes. "I have more than a few, actually. Though I'm a bit tired... but she kept these, didn't she?"

"Why, it would be none other than Mother Miranda." he confirms your suspicions and you scrunch your face at the mention of the name. "Quite frankly, I am amazed to finally meet her lover―"

"Ex-lover." you correct him bitterly, biting your tongue in the process when you ironically come across the first ever photo of you and said woman, grinning widely at one another. Your arms touching as the two of you sat on the grass and leaned back against a large tree. It was a black and white photo since it was, of course, the 1900s at the time it was taken. You had always been slightly taller than Miranda so you had to crane your head down to look at her, your faces a bit too close than what it should have been for friends. The two of you were not yet together when the photo was developed but it was obvious to any sane person, that there was something more than just a platonic relationship between you two. The picture is indeed a bit faded and slightly wrinkled but it's still in better shape than you had thought, for a century old photograph.

The Duke raises an eyebrow in amusement, noticing the way your fingers gently caress and go over the wrinkles in the photograph. You've almost become completely immersed in the paper in your hand before your snapped back into reality when the Duke finally speaks. "Ah, ex-lover. My mistake. The way Mother Miranda was talking about you earlier, made it seem like the two of you were still together."

You feel yourself subconsciously frown at the Duke's statement and carefully tuck the picture away in the back pocket of your slacks. Zipping the bags closed, you sling the straps of the bags over your shoulders. A part of you is angry and frustrated with Miranda's stubbornness and assertiveness but another part of you―perhaps the old you that still lingers within you― still finds it somewhat endearing even now as she was always like that before both your lives had changed. You push the your thoughts away nonetheless. "What else has she said about me?"

The Duke brings a finger towards his face, tapping on his chin in thought with pursed lips. He eyes you for a moment as you wait patiently for his response. "I am quite close with Mother Miranda hence why she has trusted me with the task of bringing you your belongings though I am not certain she would prefer me speaking on her behalf. She does wish to speak with you when she returns."

"When she returns?" you furrow your eyebrows together, having the urge to raise your voice. You're confused with your emotions at this point. Just hours ago, you didn't even want to look at or speak with her but now that she's gone away like you've initially wanted, you can't help but feel a bit offended. You think for a ridiculous second, she may have put a spell or some shit on the photograph which was the cause for making you feel this way. "She left?"

"She will be back before you know it." the Duke quickly assures you before the bizarre feeling that was bubbling within you can intensify. "Mother Miranda does not like to waste time. And she has been very insistent on speaking with you, believe me."

You find it strange that you feel a sense of relief at the Duke's words but are quick to dismiss it, just thinking of your eventual and inevitable meeting with the woman as something that will bring you closure from all these years. Your facial expression visibly softens as the Duke smiles widely, taking notice of your solace and clapping his hands together. "When she returns, would you like me to relay any message for her?"

"No need," you reply without a thought, turning around to make your exit. "I think it may be about time for me to talk to her myself," you make your way to the door but look back and nod at the Duke who still sports a friendly and warm smile. You return the same gesture. "but thank you for giving these back to me. As much as I'd like to stay and chat, the Dimitrescu family is waiting on me."

"Of course." he replies, with a nod of his head. "The ladies of the house are a stranger to patience. Wise choice to be on your way. If you need anything else, and I mean anything really, come see me again! My main post over in the village. You can't miss it."


After parting from the Duke, you made haste towards your new room to drop off your belongings on the bed. You practically tore off the button-up shirt off your torso and slipped off the undersized slacks, making sure to remove the photograph in the back pocket and transfer it to your new pants.

When you were finished changing into better fitting clothing, you glanced at the large mirror facing the end of the bed on the opposite side of the room. Your garments were nowhere near formal and you were almost positive the head of the castle would chastise you for your poor choice of attire for an evening dinner. But who could really blame you? You never really expected to be taken in by a extremely beautiful and supernaturally tall lady with a short-temper and three equally attractive daughters. So much for a decent first impression.

As you make your way downstairs to the dining room, you stride past a group of maids in a corner whispering amongst themselves, quietly giggling. Out of curiosity (and for your own amusement), you walk right behind the five women who had not yet sensed your presence. "What are you young ladies talking about that's more important than working?" you deadpan.

Almost synchronously, the maids flinch in surprise and turn their full attention on you as you practically tower over them. At first, they pale at the thought of getting caught slacking off by one of the ladies of the castle but upon seeing you, red rushed in their cheeks as they began to stammer and beg you not to tell Lady Dimitrescu. The sentences were quite incoherent though, as they babbled at the same time.

Feeling slightly bad for how anxious they all seemed, you raise a hand to signal for them to stop which they do without a second thought. "Now, now," you say nervously, getting the impression that you may have ruined their mood. You flash a small smile, hoping to lighten the mood. "I was just joking. Snitching isn't really my thing, believe me."

They all let out a sigh of relief but the red in their cheeks never cease as they begin to fix their appearance, looking anywhere but your direction. You raise an eyebrow at their behavior, double-checking your attire and even lifting the neckline of your sweater to your nose to make sure you didn't reek. You frown when you find that you smell completely fine and consciously bring a hand up to smooth out your hair. "Damn, do I look that bad?"

"No!" the maid closest to you answers a bit too fast, causing your eyes to dart down at them. The blush deepens as they stare back with wide eyes for a split second before looking away again, not able to hold your gaze any longer than they had. "That- That's not it at all." she whispers, barely above her breath. The frown on your face disappears and is instead replaced with confusion.

"I'm... Sorry?" you say slowly.

"Our apologies, please don't be mistaken." another maid speaks now, nervously clearing their throat and still avoiding your eyes. "We just all think that you're very..."

You squint and furrow your brows, waiting for them to finish their sentence. "Very...?"





They all had responded at the exact same moment but you think you made out the word 'hot' which threw you off guard and made got the general idea behind their behavior. You gape at them for a moment before bursting into a loud fit of laughter, doubling over as they stare at you in confusion.

After a bit, you wipe a single tear that slips out of your eye from how hard you were laughing and straighten yourself. You grin at the women whose faces end up turning into a deeper shade of red, if even possible. "Thank you, ladies. You truly flatter me. I've stopped aging long ago but I was beginning to feel like the years were definitely showing on my face." You rethink your statement for another moment, your mind wandering back to the way the slight wrinkles in Alcina's face become more apparent whenever her emotions show on her face. "Not that it's a bad thing, of course. For example, Lady Dimitrescu is no doubt a marvelous sight to look at. I've not known her long but I've seen quite a few of her expressions to know the lines on her face make her look all the more lovely."

The women voice their agreements all at once and you soon find yourself in deep conversation for a good span of time before realizing you may be late to dinner. Not wanting to upset Alcina for your unpunctuality, you quickly excuse yourself from the maids who you've learned were named Mihaela, Ingrid, Irina, Astrid and Nadine and resume your way to the dining room; the women turning to one another excitedly.

Upon entering the dining room, you're already met with the sounds of bickering between Alcina's oldest and middle child.

"Listen, Bela!" Cassandra shrieks, sickle in hand and she waves it across the table from Bela, who appears unbothered by her sister's antics. Alcina just holds the bridge of her nose, facing her lap, never noticing you enter the room. No one's really noticed you yet except for one of the maids as everyone was too distracted by the fuss that Cassandra was making. "You're just mad because I'm mom's favorite child and you know it!"

Alcina is quick to butt in. "My dears, you know I love you all the same—" she pauses when she takes notice of your presence.

Bela snaps back at Cassandra's comment, irritation present on her face now. "Yeah, because mother definitely loves sadistic little shits that don't know how to keep their mouth shut!" she remarks with pure sarcasm laced in her voice.

"Bitch, I—"

Daniela sighs exasperatedly with crossed arms and scolds her older siblings. "Guys, language at the dinner table!"

"Stay out of this, Dani!" Bela and Cassandra turn and shout at their youngest sister, before turning their attention back to each other and continuing their verbal quarrel.

The maid leads you to the vacant seat to the left of Alcina where she sits at one end of the table. Bela is to your left, Daniela across from you with Cassandra to her right. The head of the castle just eyes you the whole time as you pay no mind to it, seeing how Bela and Cassandra's argument was gonna play out. The two were so deep in their squabble, they still hadn't became aware of your arrival. It was quite amusing to you though Alcina and Daniela would probably say otherwise.

"You sure took your sweet time." Alcina said with a sigh, long since choosing to drown out her daughters' argument since she noticed your arrival to dinner. You turn your body towards the woman, with a small smirk as you notice her avert her eyes elsewhere for a split second before they return back quickly. Though, you disregard the gesture and shrug.

"Perhaps I should've taken longer." you nod your head towards Cassandra and Bela. "Doesn't seem like dinner's going anywhere anytime soon." Your eyes wander to Alcina's youngest daughter, who's already staring right at you with curiosity from across the table. "Ah, Daniela was it? I'd hope to have a proper introduction in a much more... calmer environment but this would have to do." You lean over and reach your hand out to the redhead. "I'm (Y/N). I'm sure your mother told you but I'll only be staying for a bit then I'll be out of your guys' way."

Daniela glances down at your hand before grasping it with her own. You take note of her smaller sized hands compared to yours and the coolness that it feels and radiates. Though they're small, she has a good grip on your hand. You nod in praise. "Impressive grip you got here."

"Thanks!" she gives you a toothy grin. "They really help when I'm catching my prey."

"Oh?" you say, finding it strange for her to be catching animals with her bare hands. You retract your hand to rest it at your lap as Daniela does the same. "I do a little hunting myself. What's your favorite prey?"

"Humans." she answers simply.

You choke on your spit and cough unceasingly, not expecting the woman's response. The other two daughters bring their fighting to a halt, finally heeding to your attendance. With a snap of Alcina's fingers, a maid rushes to pour you water in a glass in front of you which you briskly took to gulp down. You clear your throat, setting the glass down lightly, quietly giving your thanks to the maid as Alcina and her daughters stare at you with imperceptible mirth. You purse your lips together, murmuring an apology.

Cassandra and Daniela break out into an uncontrolled laughter as Bela stifles her own snickers. You're just slightly embarrassed and resist the urge to pull a face when you take note of Alcina's rather entertained expression.

"An interesting one, isn't she, mother?" Daniela says with glee, beaming with excitement at her mother. Alcina shrugs, holding back a smile to refrain from appearing as if she were actually interested by you.

"Mediocre, if you ask me."

"She seems a bit slow too," Cassandra says, waving the weapon in her hand lazily at you. "but I guess the way she tastes makes up for it."

"That will be the last time you ever feed from our guest. Mother Miranda trusts us by putting her in our care." Alcina strictly warns, pointedly looking at Cassandra who flinches slightly at her mother's tone and pouts. "And put your sickle way. Do not test my patience any further."

The weapon in Cassandra's hand dissipates into thin air. "Yes, mother."

You blink hard at her actions, making sure you weren't hallucinating. You'd witnessed it just earlier when she decided you'd be the perfect 'snack before dinner' but it was still all so crazy to you. And just a tiny bit impressive, more than you'd like to verbally admit.

Alcina snaps her fingers once more and upon the sound echoing throughout the room, multiple maids move to serve you and the family by cutting and putting a variety food on your plates. The daughters go into conversation as if they had never argued at all. You glance at the taller woman who looks pleased by the peacefulness. She only directs her attention back onto you when you speak.

"So..." you start off. "Are your family dinners always like this?"

"Those two have their occasional arguments, as do all siblings, but it's been happening more often recently. I'm not sure if I'm overlooking it but I cannot pinpoint the cause." she explains, moving a glass of blood red wine in circular motions on the table before bringing it to her lips. "Perhaps the lack of our blood supply at the moment," she whispers to herself. "but Daniela seems completely fine."

"Family of vampires?" you mutter to yourself, pondering on the thought and shrug, accepting the fact. "Explains the blood on their faces and... Daniela's answer to my previous question."

"My, you sure are slow." Alcina takes a sip of her wine.

You chuckle, not taking any offense to her remark. "I just don't like jumping to conclusions so fast." You watch as Alcina sets her glass down, patting away any red residue from her lips with a napkin. "Is it safe to assume that what you're drinking is also blood and not actually wine?"

"A quarter of it is blood but the rest is indeed made from fermented grapes." she says, raising an eyebrow at you as if to challenge. Her eyes now glow yellow. "Does any of this bother you?"

"Which part?"

"The fact that we have to feed from humans. Perhaps killing them, if need be."

You contemplate on an answer, thoroughly thinking it through from your perspective. To others, and others you refer to humans, they would think of it as cruel but to you, it would be no different to you killing for your own survival. Both animals and humans you've killed. You've tore apart more soldiers than you can count who've tried to hunt you down during your lifetime, only a very few would be let go if they begged with every bone in their body. You'd feel like a hypocrite if you said or thought their dynamics bothered you.

"Not at all, you have no judgement coming from me. You all do it to survive. I can't really blame you all for that."

You don't realize how quiet the room is until all the words escape your mouth. The maids had made their retreat to the kitchen, leaving you and Alcina's family alone. The daughters fix their gazes on you as well as Alcina whose eyes gradually turn back into their normal color, no trace of yellow to be found. She appears vaguely surprised at your response but you feel that she's content with it.

"Is that so?" she muses with a slight tilt of her head. You nod with no hesitation.

"Well, I wouldn't have said it if I didn't think it."

"You don't think of us as monsters, or anything?" you hear Bela ask, making you turn your body to face her. She looks at you with genuine curiosity, brows furrowed.

"That'd be bit of an overstatement." you bring your hand up to Bela's hood who eyes it with caution before looking back at you. With a flick of your wrist, you let the hood fall back into place behind her neck as your met close up with the face of Bela Dimitrescu. You retract your hand with a gentle smile. "Monsters are unbearable to look at. If I think anything of you all, it'd just be pure beauty."

You hear a clang and the table jolt, swiveling your head towards the sound. Both Cassandra and Daniela hold their face in their hands and you soon find Bela mimicking the same gesture beside you. Alarmed, you turn to Alcina who already is visibly flustered by your affirmation and averts your gaze between each second. You overlook this and overthink you may have said something wrong.

"Sorry, did you guys WANT to be thought of as monsters or something?!" you ask panickedly as Alcina tips her hat down to avoid your stare. "Is that like your thing?!"

"She is so utterly slow, mother." Cassandra murmurs in her hands, sinking back in her seat. "It's almost embarrassing."

(A/N): i was honestly gonna end the chapter with the family dinner coming to an end but i figured i kept you guys waiting long enough yaaaawn

bela and cassandra arguing w/ daniela in the background being like "...and no ones gonna stop tHEM?? some world we live in" and alcina just has to accept her fate is so fUNNY BYE

reader being simped over by everyone sorrynotsorry cmon readers been by herself for literally a century let hER GET SOME PU

may possibly make a spotify playlist for this story thinking emoji

i'm really thinkin of making a separate book for oneshot requests (re8 women only sorry heisenberg stans) on here so feel free to send me some requests!

-mother miranda wants to revive a person named eve (they discover the name for the first time at the cathedral when reader in first introduced in chapter 2/3)
- the lords did not know mother miranda had a lover, they sort of just assumed she did not bother with relationships... like ever so they're incredibly astonished to see how she treats reader
- they literally have no background information about reader, all they know is mother miranda was looking for reader THATS IT
- the lords just don't think to connect the dots with the information they receive, they're kind of just like WTF moment and follow along with what mother miranda wants them to do
- alcina is just so confused with mother miranda's decisions because she just has prejudice against anything werewolf/lycan related (mostly because of heisenberg) LOL
- alcina doesn't really see what mother miranda sees in reader at first because to her, reader is lowkey a brainless dog that can't seem to get her name right (as seen in chapter 5)

spoiler? or not really, this is more like a fun fact but alcina definitely heard you compliment her to the maids (hence her reacting more strongly to your compliments at the end) when she went to check on you which explains cassandra and bela arguing once she left the room and came back LMAO

reader being oblivious is kinda funny i'm so sorry

reader: u guys r so pretty ily mwah <3
the dimitrescu's:

i honestly don't know if i should even add smut in this story but if y'all want it,, i'm down LMAO

i always look forward to yalls comments!! thank u for reading i will reply to yall soon :)

on another note i hope everyones doing well <333

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