Her Small Bump

By OSarahiS

553 16 5


Her Small Bump
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 5

36 2 1
By OSarahiS

|| [A/N] HI HI GUYS!! I'm sorry I didn't update, I was going to drop the story, but i decided not to, because well, I have great things planned for this book! Also, I changed Chapter 4, because I wanted to head in a different direction with this story! Thanks again for reading! ||

[Gideon's POV]
I quickly took a picture of her contact, and thought of a way to explain myself to Max. As I took in my surroundings, all I found was a pair of jeans, and a water bottle. I heard the door knob move, and without thinking, I poured the bottle of water on my crotch.

"Oi, mate. What are you doing in my room? With my jeans?" I was too shocked to register where the sound was coming from, until I looked towards the bed, and saw Max standing there, with a cocked eyebrow.

"I- I peed, and I'm- im borrowing some jeans..." I said as I tried to avoid Max's obvious stare.

"Uh, ok. Cool"

"Yeah. I'm going to get going, yeah? Hope you get better, and happy birthday again mate" I said as I moved from where I was, and was about to pat Max's back. Having to keep up with the act, I said "better not" laughing and headed out of his room. I made my way down the house, some audible groans and curses were thrown out there, as I tried to change my pants. As I turned the front doors knob, I couldn't help the grin that had formed. I was going to see her again. Soon.


"But Josh! Why did Gideon go through all of that trouble, when he could've just simply ask Max for her number" asked the little green eyed face he couldn't dare face for years.

"Because boy's do stupid things out of impulse"


As I made my way down the sidewalk, to my car, everything felt different. My world had suddenly flipped, and I suddenly see everything clearer. The trees were an impeccable green, the sky seemed to be a Caribbean blue, hell, he would've eaten the perfectly fluffed clouds if he could've!

His world was amazing.

Gideon sat on car, the radio playing some song by The Smiths. One he could never relate to. All of a sudden he read between the lines, and realized the meaning of the song. The light that never goes out is something between hope, excitement and the thrill of what just might happen, and that anything could happen. And that's what Gideon felt. Adelaide was his unlikely dream, the butterflies in your stomach, the anticipation of the unknown, of life being lived to its fullest, without the mind ever capturing how that might be, the thrill of opening your mind and heart to the most extreme emotions you can imagine without the fear of what harm may come of it.

And although he had only talked to her for less than an hour but longer than half, he knew she was special. Something beyond the ordinary. Wasn't going to be a pass time.

Gideon took his phone out, and opened his gallery, to find the photo he had token. Gideon hadn't seen in his excitement, he was seeing it now. Beside Adelaide's name there was a broken heart. He didn't read into it a lot more, 'they were probably having an argument?' Gideon thought. He saved her number and called her, after a few rings, she picked up.

"Hey Adelaide, it's- it's Gideon, from Max party" he stuttered out.

"Oh, hey! How'd you get my number?" Ade said, and although he couldn't see her, he knew she was smiling, he could hear her amusement from her words.

"Uh, I may or may not had to basically invade Max's privacy to get it" at that moment, Gideon scratched his neck, and his heart almost stopped as he heard her giggle. God, he wouldn't mind dying in that moment, if he could hear her giggle one last time.

"Hey, I was wondering. Uh- would you like to go out sometime? We don't have to, if you don't want. But if you did, that would be amazing, I would totally not mind. Not that I'm desperate, I-" he was cut off, by Adelaide chuckling.

"Yes Gideon, I'll go out with you" Gideon smiled like a fool, and said goodbye, with a few stutters here and there. He was going to go on a date with her. He was content.

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