โ๐Ž ๐” ๐“ ๐‚ ๐Ž ๐Œ ๐„โž

By Mid-NightCrisis

260K 9.4K 5.7K

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6.7K 260 75
By Mid-NightCrisis

◤◢◣◤◢◣sᴛᴀʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍᴇ◢◣◤◢◣◤

This chapter contains sexual content, please skip or read with caution.

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★                                              ★

It was dark, it was cold yet comforting and warm. You could feel yourself moving feeling the sheets as if you were in a bed, your eyes struggled to open but eventually you did. Your [E/C] eyes scanned the room, it was huge and spacious that two more king sized beds could fit in here. You looked to your right seeing a huge wall of glass giving you a clear view of the city lights even where you're at. There was only one person you knew that had this view, that being was no other than Daisuke. You lifted yourself up hissing at a pain that came from your stomach, you grunted in pain quietly lifting up your cleaned shirt that you didn't have on before.

And there you could feel that you had a line of stitches going down in a straight line, but you had seen white bandages going around your stomach. From the bottom of your bellybutton, to the ends of your hips. You sighed putting it back down hearing footsteps coming from where you would enter. You glanced over seeing Daisuke walk in having a surprised to see you awake. "You're awake!" He exclaimed quickly going to your side placing his hand on your shoulder making sure you don't move as much. "How are you feeling?" You slightly frowned your eyebrows remembering what happened to you earlier today, you looked passed Daisuke looking at the night sky then looking at Daisuke. "How long was I out?" He sat on the bed glancing at your stomach. "A few hours." You looked down at your clothes lifting up the blankets up to your chest now noticing that the things you were only wearing was Daisuke's white t-shirt, and your [F/C] underwear; nothing else underneath. "Did you?-" he hummed putting his hand behind his neck slightly blushing. "I didn't do anything in that way my dear. Though..." He paused glancing at you. "It was hard to not look." You left your mouth agape looking around the room for your pants and shoes, you grabbed the blanket going to the edge making Daisuke stand up going over to you which you were already out of bed. "[Y/N], you're not supposed to be moving." He grabbed your arms gently making you back up almost falling on the bed but Daisuke had pulled you into his chest knowing that if you fell back your stitches would open.

You began to feel your face heat up and since Daisuke had held onto your arm while his hand hand was around your waist, the blanket that you dearly wanted fell onto the floor. Daisuke's shirt fell to your thighs, he pressed you closer that you didn't have a choice but to look at him or else your face would be buried in his chest. When you did, his eyes were already on you and you could see a tint of red across his cheeks. You were in this situation more than you can count with Daisuke, you grabbed his hand that was around your waist removing it away from you giving you the opportunity to move away from him.

You quicky walked out of the room red like a cherry, you lifted up your [S/C] fingers touching your lips remembering the times Daisuke's kissed you. If you had stayed there any longer, there was a chance that he would've kissed you. That time where you both were at Misa's clothing store, was a very similar feeling right now. Only this time — you didn't know and you sure didn't wanna find out if he would go farther or go all the way. You shook all the thoughts away arriving where the living room and kitchen were connected. Usually — where there's a kitchen there's usually laundry room, so you went in the kitchen looking around for it. "Your clothes aren't here my dear." You slightly jumped turning your head seeing Daisuke having his arms crossed leaning on the wall. You couldn't help but check him out, he was wearing a white button up collar shirt tucked in his black pants but like per usual — four of the buttons were undone having the sleeves rolled up near where his elbows would be having half of his chest and collarbone exposed. It was clear that he would work out in his own time, his biceps weren't too big nor too small. He had broad shoulders that anything would look good on him, a part of you thought what that shirt would look in him if it was soaked. Your eyes wandered down to his waist, he had a small curve thanks to his pants; his body was perfect, perfect posture. Every man would kill for a body like his. Your eyes went back on his neck slowly going up to his sharp jawline, you even questioned yourself if he even had any unwanted fat.

"My eyes are up here [Y/N]." You snapped out of it looking directly in his eyes giving you the perfect view of his face, his hair was messy having his forehead exposed as he smirked knowing that you were checking him out. You turned around exhaling telling yourself to get ahold of yourself. "Do you know where my clothes are?" He Snickered quietly making his way over to you standing behind you. "They won't be here until tomorrow." You knew he was behind you considering how his voice was closer and clearer. "Do you have any clothes that I actually fit in?"

"Afraid not dear," he paused lifting up his hands making them slowly go around your waist making you stiff up. "It's also very late my love, I wouldn't dare send you off at night."

"You can call your driver, right?"

He frowned his eyebrows in disapproval bringing you closer that way your back was now pressed against his chest. "Are you forgetting the fact that you're hurt right now?" You looked to your left noticing a small bottle being an orange color. You squinted your eyes trying to read what it's for. "I'm not in pain right now though."

"My love, stop being persistent. You say that right now, but what happens in the next twenty minutes you start to feel that pain? I won't be there to look after you." Instead of feeling flustered, or your heart skipping a beat — this feeling was an unpleasant feeling, the way Daisuke was talking was as if he was trying to manipulate you into staying here.

"Daisuke, I can look out for myself. You don't need to worry about me-"

"How can I not worry for you? Did you also forget that I love you?"

He pulled back placing his hands on your shoulder turning you around that way your facing him. "I just really think I should go home." He frowned his eyebrows in slight anger that he slightly tightened his grip on your shoulders. "Why?" He whispered lowering his head that you couldn't hear at first, and as you were about to say something he rose his head up again having an angry expression. "Why do you so desperately wanna go home [Y/N]? Are you that uncomfortable with me? You know my feelings for you yet you still toss them aside like they're nothing." This was yet another side you never knew Daisuke had, he looked down at your wrist getting more angry that he grabbed your wrist pulling the bracelet off. "Is this why you don't love me? Why you don't wanna be with me?  Because of that bastard who gave you this?" His eyes held so much anger yet so much sadness and pain.

"Do you not care for my feelings?" You didn't know what to do in this situation, a part of you wanted you to keep your distance from him that way you don't send out mixed signals. "Of course I do Daisuke, we're friends-"

"I don't wanna be just friends [Y/N], why can't you see that all this time I've been trying so desperately for us to be alone like this. Without anyone telling us we can't be together because of our social status. Without any obstacles getting in the way. God damnit, I'm furious that I let this happen to you." He panted, making you take a step back bumping the kitchen counter placing your hand on your stomach somehow knowing what he meant that he was the main reason that you got hurt today. "I didn't tell you everything when I told you that I loved you when we were on the island." He slicked his hair back standing in front of you towering you. "I would do absolutely anything if it means that I can have you all for myself." He reached out to you with his hand that you backed away from aching his heart. "Do you understand? It means that I would become a man that you want, it means that I will abandon my title as CEO if it means I can stay by your side forever. It means that I will get rid of the people who do and did you harm. Even if it means I have to get my hands covered in blood." He grabbed your hands that you wanted to take back not being able to touch him right now, the pictures back in the alleyway began running in your head. The reason why Daisuke didn't want you to look was because he had killed the man. "Daisuke don't-" he forcefully hugged you closing his eyes. "In all my life everything was always given to me, or I would have to give things away. Nothing and no one was special to me. You're the only person who I truly deeply love [Y/N], and I will always love you even if you hate me, even after death. That means I won't be giving you up so easily, I won't let you leave my sight, I won't let you leave me."

He was desperate, the only thing he wanted was you and only you. You never got a confession like this in all your life. "When you're not by my side, you have no idea how worried I get, how I get filled with anxiety. Please [Y/N], stay with me." Daisuke's phone began to ring but it seemed he didn't hear it at all, you placed your hand on his shoulders trying to back him up. So you faked being in pain. "Daisuke, you're hugging me too tight." You hissed and as you predicted he backed away having his eyebrows frowned in wordiness. "The doctor left some pills here, I could call the chief to make you something. You can't take pills with an empty stomach." He held your hands as you refused to look at him but nodded your head anyway since you didn't wanna anger Daisuke, he smiled leaning down kissing your cheek grabbing the kitchen phone already making the call ignoring his own call. You grabbed the pill box reading the description and it was just ibuprofen, a pain reliever. Daisuke with his hand gently lowered it making it clear that you can't take them yet.

You went to the open space living room going to the huge window that still was beautiful to look whether it was day or night. Only this time, it feels like you're being forced to stay here, you brought up your arms trying to warm yourself up. That's when a black blanket went around you making you turn your head around seeing no other than Daisuke. "If it makes you comfortable my love."

You looked out the window again sighing quietly hoping what you asked for of Katsu and Ryuu will be here soon. Then it hit you. "Daisuke, what happened to those young females? Did you stop meeting with them?" Daisuke stood behind you placing his hands on where your waist should be. "I don't have to anymore, despite my father being angry." You looked slightly up to see the windows reflection seeing Daisuke burry his head into the side of your neck. "If you're wondering why, isn't it obvious? Because now, I have you." You covered yourself more with the blanket inhaling and exhaling. "What if I told you, you need to." He slowly backed up that you closed your eyes taking in a deep breath turning to face him. "You want me to?" You didn't mean to take advantage of Daisuke's love for you, but you still had so much you needed to do. If he was really serious about you not leaving this place and you being by his side forever, then you needed to do this.

You still needed to take that final test, you still needed to work, you still wanted to see your brother. Any person would tell Daisuke to pay absolutely everything for them, but that's just being nothing but a freeloader. You didn't wanna leach off of him, you weren't gonna have your mother's teaching being independent go to waste.

"Will you go to those meetings that way your father doesn't have to be behind your back, and for you to be less stressed?" The blanket fell since you were doing small circles on his chest then having your hands on his arms that were around your waist. You repeatedly apologized to Daisuke in your head — after all, you were giving him the wrong signals now. "I'll only go if you stay here my love, will that be alright?" You nodded smiling slightly as Daisuke smiled leaning down that you couldn't just back away now. His lips pressed against yours that you needed to kiss back, he began to walk forward making you back up hitting the glass window as one hand was placed on it while his other hand remained on your waist. You didn't wanna touch him since you were afraid that you would be giving him the okay signal for him to continue. His hand left your waist going up to your chin as he pulled away. "Open." He demanded but he whispered it sending shivers down your spine opening your mouth just a tad bit, Daisuke took advantage of this opening your mouth more due to his hand being on your chin placing his lips on yours again.

Your mouth was more open than before when you were at Misa's clothing store. Daisuke's tongue swirled around your mouth that you couldn't help but release a sound; Being sure to not release a sound of pleasure. He bent down picking you up having one hand near your bottom and the other on your back. You were running out of air that you placed your hands on his shoulders making Daisuke open his eyes seeing your closed eyes having your eyebrows frowned making it clear that he needed to back away for you to catch your breath. He pulled back as you panted giving him this time to go to your neck giving it light kisses, he then licked and sucked on your neck making you jump closing your eyes begging for someone to call or come in like they always do when you're both doing this.

Daisuke pulled slightly back seeing he left a pink mark placed on your [S/C] skin, he went to your collarbone doing the same and yet again you released a sound that you didn't mean to. He slightly lowered you on purpose to feel his erection that you quietly gasped making him smirk.

Your mind and body were having different reactions to this scenario, that it was clear what the two wanted. He began grinding against you slowly that you couldn't help but moan, he grunted setting you down making you back up to the couch making you fall as he hovered over you spreading your legs a bit slowly grinding himself against you that your legs pulled him in even more, you mentally slapped yourself that your body was answering for you while your mind was yelling at you to stop.

His hands went inside the oversized shirt touching your [S/C] skin, feeling your curves, your hips. His eyes landed on your expression, your blushed pleasured face. Just as he imagined when he had these thoughts of you, he leaned in kissing you on the lips again as one hand held your thigh while the other was doing circles then made their way to your inner thigh making you shiver. His tongue interwined with yours and just when his hand was about to reach that area a knock was heard making you sit up pushing Daisuke's hands away pushing yourself up from the couch fixing the shirt so it goes to your thighs again fixing your hair then you remembered your neck and collarbone were marked. You picked up the blanket covering yourself looking back at Daisuke who was panting having blush his face as he smirked winking at you. You shook your head nodding your head at the door.

Daisuke went to the door opening it seeing a young man in a suit. "Your food Mr Suzuki." He nodded stepping to the side as he wheeled in the table with the food setting it in the living room glancing at you then at Daisuke. With his thumb he lifted it up to the edge of his lips looking at you licking his lips. "Will that be all sir?" He nodded as the young man bowed walking out as Daisuke closed the door. He walked to the table lifting the cover taking in the smell of freshly cooked food, he glanced over at you still wrapped around the blanket keeping your distance from him. "Are you not going to eat my dear?" You slowly went over looking at the the food, at first you weren't very hungry — but now that it's right in front of you, you couldn't help but have a meal this late. His hands looked like they were going to touch your hands making you flinch. "Relax baby, I won't bite." He smirked taking his plate leaving you flustered that you didn't know Daisuke would even call you that.

▁▂▃▅▆▇ Word Count: 3054 ▇▆▅▃▂▁

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