
infamous0110 द्वारा

696 180 221

Zora always knew she didn't belong to this world. She didn't even know her real name. She never met her birth... अधिक

Disclaimer and Character Aesthetics
CH 12 - SPY
CH 27 - DATE


10 3 0
infamous0110 द्वारा

Blurry - unable to perceive clear or sharp images.

Bryce found Zora in the library. Zora had called Bryce to show Piper's visions of whatever was going on. Bryce knew it would take more than the two of them to figure this all out, so he got a small squad involved. While Bryce was discussing things with Scott and Derek over the phone in the hallway since they were home visiting family, a few members of the wolf pack overheard. They relied on the information to their pack leader. Once everyone was back at school, Zora could see more and more students getting involved in locating this weapon.

"So, there is this weapon. And we must first find this weapon, a weapon that will help us defeat whatever is coming next?" asked Paul.


"And this weapon is hidden somewhere, like a cave or lake where no light can reach."


"And this is all what those Sirens told you?" Zora rubbed her temples, getting annoyed. Everything around her has been blurry. Even Piper's visions are making little sense these days.

"Yes, for the last time, Paul Yes!" Zora finally snapped, unfortunately it was at Paul. Paul was taken aback and started to remark back when Derek stopped him.

"How can we help?" Derek asked, patiently, knowing Zora was close to blasting them with lightning.

"Just help us find the mountain range and we will do the rest," Bryce said.

"You want us to do research while you and your girlfriend go and get all the credit?" Paul said.

"I didn't ask you to join us?" Bryce stepped up to Paul. "You were eavesdropping on private conversations."

"You were talking about the Demon Mother Lilith. She is the bringer of all evil and monsters. If she is involved, you need all the help you can get."

"You are welcome to put your life at risk if you want to," Zora snarked back. "Where were you when the Sirens attacked? Oh, that's right, hiding!"

Paul was angry but didn't reply. He did hide when Sirens made his worst nightmare come true, he was paralyzed in fear. His worst fear was a monster he couldn't defeat.

Paul just glared at her as she glared back.

"Paul stand down!" said the booming voice of his alpha.

Paul shook his head and took a step back.

"I am sorry for Paul," said a tall boy, with a warm chestnut colour and dark black long hair. "My name is Liam Black, and I am the new Alpha of the Quileute here since Sam graduated."

They all nodded at him and went back to look at Zora.

"Look if you want to come with us and risk your lives, you are more than welcome to!" Zora said. "If you are not then please don't whine and bitch about the fact that you don't get any credit. I think we have bigger problems than who takes credit right now. There is a serious darkness looming over this school."

They all looked sheepish and nodded.

"We'll research and help in any way we can," Liam said.

Liam kept looking at Zora. He found her attractive. Her little heart shaped face, her brown eyes, her body coiled in anger. He couldn't help but imagine her beneath him, writhing in pleasure. A growl sounded in the air, and he came out of his thoughts. Liam looked around to see Derek looking at him in amusement, Zora looking at Bryce in worry and Bryce looking at Liam in anger.

"Don't ever think about her like that again," Bryce threatened the alpha. His pack hissed in shock as no one dares to challenge Liam Black, the biggest wolf of the group.

Liam looked around in confusion and said, "What?"

Zora took pity at him and said, "Bryce can read minds."

Holy Shit, Liam thought as he looked at Bryce. Fuck. He must have read that he likes her as well or something.

"Hey, Zora, right?" Liam asked her.

She nodded and he gave her a full teeth smile, "Can I also come with you on this trip?"

She looked surprised. The only person here who had the decency to ask her if they could come.

"Like your pack member said, we need all the help we can get," she replied with a smile.

"All right," he said, clapping his hands. "I'll help you with the research and let me know whenever we leave." Zora smiled and nodded. Liam smiled back and left to help organize his pack to go into research.

Zora smiled as she turned to look at Bryce. He was glaring at Liam. She went to him and nestled in his arms. He came back to his senses and held her tightly.

"What was he thinking about?"

"You are mine."

"I see," Zora said knowing Liam's mind was probably not what a boyfriend wants to hear. "Yes Bryce. I am yours. Forever." Bryce kissed the side of her head. Liam had peeked back to find Zora in the arms of Bryce. He frowned. He knew he would have his work cut out to take on the tribrid and win in the battle of love for Zora Lowell.

A few days passed since the group meeting happened. And no one had any leads. Whenever they had time, they would spend it in the library. It was hard with classes and tests coming up after the short break, but they made it work. Everyone would give a supportive smile to each other before going into research. The worst part about this was that it was boring. Reading about different mountains was boring. They had Piper's drawings, but they didn't even know what to look for since most mountains had similar peaks.

Zora noticed Liam around her a lot. He had almost the same classes as she did since they were both at the same level in the academy. He was always there, and he was so funny and easy-going Zora found it hard to not be friends with him. But she made sure to keep it there and be respectful of Bryce. It probably wasn't easy when a guy was crushing on your girlfriend right under you. Zora knew Bryce wanted to pound the pup but held back out of respect for her. Zora loved Bryce even more for his restraint.

"Man, this is boring!" Liam said loudly before Zora hit him with her book.

"Ow!" he rubbed his side as she shushed him.

"We are in a library!" she whispered at him, and he nodded.

"Right," he rolled his eyes and leaned back against the bookshelf. They were sitting on the library floor with books all around them.

"I am starting to think we are not going to find anything," Derek whispered to her. "How about your Super Squad friends?"


"You know, big shot Bryce Cullen and his friends."

"You called them Super Squad?"

"Well, that's what all the other students call them. They are our monster hunters." Zora chuckled.

"I like that Super Squad. I got to tell Bryce."

"He probably knows," Liam said. "Mind reader in all."

Zora shook her head. "So, I read about Sirens some more. When they are dying, they get to know the truth about anything. That is why Sirens were so scared after Violet and I defeated Theneh. They don't do something unless they are absolutely sure that it will work."

"They attacked you and failed though," he said.

"Because they were just adolescents. Even with how mature Theneh was, he was still incredibly young to lead," she replied, looking at him. "Sirens don't let adolescents roam free very often. They are supposed to reach a certain age and wisdom before they get sent out to our world. Margaret took a chance to bring Theneh since he was the only partial adult Siren there. He seemed to control the small group, but his plan was different and what happened was different. So, when I asked Theneh about the weapon, he was telling the truth. No one tells the truth like a dying Siren."

He nodded at her and went back to his book on Lilith. He had heard a few of the horror stories about Lilith and wondered what else was there. Liam didn't like reading all this stuff. But History is important. He always wanted to be a superhero, and then he found out he carried the wolf gene to transform. He was not on his way to becoming a real superhero. Sort of. But the best part about all this researching is that he was spending time with Zora. She is awesome. She can control lightning, is sarcastic and funny, has a great personality and doesn't look down on him. She wouldn't care if he had three eyes or a strangled face. She is amazing. He wishes he met her first.

"Zora?" asked someone. They both turned to look who it was, and it was her boyfriend. Bryce.

"Hi baby!" she said as Bryce came and sat beside her.

"Hi," he whispered back and kissed her. He put his arm around her neck and kissed her slowly.

Zora's insides turned to mush with Bryce gently kissed. She loved his gentle kisses. She loved all his kisses but that was beside the point.

They pulled back and looked at each other, crazy in love. Liam's jealous thoughts were out of control. Bryce could hear them shouting at him. Liam wants Zora to look at him like that. Zora turned and leaned on Bryce as she continued to research.

Liam ignored Bryce's existence and Bryce tried to do the same, though he did smirk at the jealous rants fuming around Liam's head.

"Found anything?" Bryce asked her quietly.

"Not yet," she said. "I feel like we are missing something. There must be some significance to this mountain. What else did Theneh said?"

"Deep in the cave of highlands lowlands, where no light reaches, rests the vehicle of demon's mother salvation. It's the blood that can release that will free the weapon, for her creation shall wield it..." Bryce said.

"Maybe the mountain has a significance to whatever is coming?" she said.

"Demon mother's salvation. Wait... Found something," Liam said after flipping through some pages.

They both looked at Liam and he raised his book.

"See, here," he said. He put the book on the floor between them and pointed. Zora gasped. It was the same mountain from Piper's vision and drawings. "That is supposedly the most significant landmark when Lilith was alive. It was rumoured to have a portal to the other world where the book says Lilith sacrificed her humanity to get as powerful as she did."


"You said demon's mother salvation. Lilith is the only demon mother powerful enough to have created such a dagger."

Zora tried not to relax as she heard that name again. "Does it say if the portal was ever found?" she asked Liam.

"Nothing yet, but it's location is given, not exact but we can find something of it I guess?" he said, frowning at the text.

"What is it?" Zora asked.

"Hawaii?" Bryce said, having read Liam's mind.

"The language is Hawaiian, tribrid, the mountain is in Hawaii." Liam said. "We'll go where witches' magic feels strong."

"Show me the book," Zora said, putting her hand out. Liam gently passed the book to her, and she read.

The KOLOB MOUNTAIN PEAK lies in the strongest of ley lines, hidden in plain sight. This is said to be the birthplace of the witch now known as Lilith. The mountain has a deep cave, that cave is the entry to the other world. A second dimension of time and space where Lilith sacrificed her humanity and became a- vessel for dark magic.

Zora stopped reading after that.

"The strongest of ley lines," she said, her mind going a million miles. "Liam is right, where we need to go is in Hawaii."

Zora looked at Bryce and saw that he was sulking. He really didn't want the pup to be right.

Zora grasped his chin, turned him towards her and kissed him.

"We found it," she said. He smiled at her and nodded.

"I'll tell everyone." Bryce said and got up. He looked at Liam at his sarcastic comment. "Yes, the Super Squad."

"Thanks for all the help, Jake," Zora said, nicely and Liam gave her a smile.

"It's time to whoop some ass!" Liam said.

"Absolutely not!' Margaret said. "I am not putting my students in danger in the hopes to find some weapon!"

"This is the only way," Zora said. "Either you send us with your blessing and help us as much as you can, or we can go on our own and you can keep wondering if we made it or not."

Margaret looked at the young woman in front of her. This is not the Zora who came into the school a few months ago. That Zora was meek and afraid. This is a leader. She knows what she can do and is not afraid to go after what she wants with full power. This Zora is formidable and strong.

Margaret sighed and ran her hands over her face.

"Can I have some time to think about it?" Margaret asked, tiredly.

Zora sighed and nodded. She put her hands on the chair and softly said, "I know you are afraid and worried for us, and you have every right to be. What we are going to do is dangerous. We are kids and we shouldn't be doing this. But we don't have a choice. You did reach out to others and if no one is going to help us then we have to help ourselves."

Margaret sighed knowing Zora was right. She had reached out to the other schools and supernatural societies getting minimal response. They think if they stick their head in the sand far enough, they won't get burned.

"Give me some time,' Margaret said again, and Zora left her office.

Zora went to the gym and started to physically train. She warmed up and then practiced her kicks and punches on the boxing bag. It felt amazing to stretch her body, releasing all the tension inside it.

The Super Squad came to their routine training and saw Zora doing some kick ass moves. And she has only been training for a few months.

"Damn girl!" Emmet said. "That is a good move,"

Zora performed some self defence and offense moves and ended with a back kick.

"Hey guys," she panted. She went over to the benches and got some water.

"You guys want to spar?" she asked him.

"I will," Derek said, moving forward.

"Alright," Zora said and gave him a wooden stick. "Go easy on me," she joked as she took the defensive pose.

Derek smirked and got in defensive mode. Both had a competitive gleam in their eyes, and they took their opponent.

Derek was experienced. He probably knows her every move, so she must act smart. Zora was on high alert and then Derek attacked. He brought the wooden stick to her right and she blocked it. Derek was merciless as he continued to attack Zora. His strength, Zora noticed, was short range attacks. She needed to get out of his zone. She finally turned her tactics to offensive and hit him hard on his chest. He staggered back as Zora flexed her stick and made its length for attack long. She didn't waste time and attacked him from all sides. Derek had a tough time keeping up with her as she probably bruised his ribs. But he pushed through the pain and fought back.

Derek had a window of opportunity, and he attacked her head, but she expected that and went low. She whipped her stick, on Derek's legs and he fell. She put the stick under his face and smirked.

"Yield," she said.

Derek smirked and nodded.

"Yield," he replied.

She smiled brightly at him and helped him up. He stood up and smiled back at her. He really enjoyed sparring with her.

"We should make this a daily thing," he suggested.

She smiled brightly at him and nodded. "Yeah definitely."

There were slow claps coming from the benches. They turned around to see everyone, Emmet, Violet, Bryce, Liam, and Piper clapping at them.

"That was amazing!" Emmet said. "Can you guys be our teachers?"

Zora laughed at his antics and played along, "Sure, Sure."

A message was floating in the air, and it came inside the gym. It floated around everyone's head and came to Zora. She held her hand up and took the message.

Come see me in the office with your team.
If you are going to do this, you will need all the help you can get.

~Administrator Cullen

"We have been summoned," Zora said, looking up at all of them. Bryce nodded at her encouragingly.


"You all have to understand the danger behind this," Margaret said. "Professor Caius, Professor Eleazar, Professor Luther and I will teach you a crash course on defensive magic and survival. Now a few of you may already know this is strictly forbidden but we have no choice. I will accompany you to Hawaii and after that it is all on you. The crash course will be of four weeks. No arguments." She said sternly.

"Yes ma'am," everyone said. They were slightly relieved; they were not going to be completely unprepared for something as big as this.

Zora looked at Margaret and mouthed, Thank you.

Margaret smiled at Zora and nodded. Time to get them trained.


The spy goes into the Whispering Woods to talk to her master alone. She had tried to talk earlier, but Piper came into the room, and she didn't want to get caught. The ghoul looked up to see the Master waiting where the magic orb led her into the woods. It flowed with dark energy with a portal surrounding the Master.

"Why summon me?"

"They seem to be training heavily for something Master."

"Interesting... after the sirens were defeated, they probably learned something important."

"How important?"

"Maybe a weapon," he said. "Keep a closer eye on them and if you can, slow down their training. I can't have them gaining more abilities and powers. I have yet to gain half the forces we need to take down the school's protective barrier."

"Of course, Master."

"Do some more resources on what defensive spells they have for the school. We need that barrier taken down or risk losing the battle before we even begin."

"Yes Master."


We are one comment away from a 100 comments! Thank you all so much for this!  I hope you all find this interesting!!

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