Getting you slowly

By lazylionn

25.9K 983 144

EARTH; And if love be madness, may I never find sanity again. MIX; I'm cold as ice, but in the right hands I... More

Not an update


833 43 8
By lazylionn


It's been a day since I was discharged from the hospital, I still didn't have a chance to talk to Earth I don't know where is he or what is he doing. Sometimes I want to go out and find him
but my mother doesn't want me to go outside, she's afraid that I might run away from my wedding.

Well she's right I might really do that thing but it's impossible because I already agreed to get married.

I was being busy by daydreaming when my phone suddenly vibrates,
of course, it's Nong Xin. He's been calling me 26 times now since this morning and I'm starting to get annoyed because he's very irritating, but it's normal cause he's pregnant.
I wonder what will happen to him after giving birth to his first kid.


Can you come here? I want to play but my husband doesn't want to play...

Mix It's me, Xin's husband. I'm so sorry if he's bothering you again, I tried to talk to him but he doesn't want me to touch him. Just understand him, after all, he is pregnant.

It's ok, take care of him!!!

Yea I will bye...


Nong Xin is lucky, he has a handsome husband and he's also pregnant. Well, I didn't say that Earth is ugly.

Mix, son...

Shia mom you frightened me
what are you doing here?

I have something to tell you.
a sudden change from my mom's expression gives me chills, she won't talk to me, and she won't ever waste her time by saying nonsense things so I'm sure that it's important or Nah. I don't know.

Mom... you're scaring me why are you looking at me like that? mom if it's about that damn wedding I will never run away I promise, don't worry I can file a divorce paper after years right?

File a divorce paper for what? for Earth?
do you think I don't know what's going on Mix? I saw a change in your behaviors and I'm sure that something is going on. Since when have you guys are dating?

Mom hahaha...

Mix don't laugh at me. I'm serious.

I don't know mom.
Everything... suddenly...
Are you mad at me? please don't tell dad about this...

he knows...
Suddenly my tears streamed down my face, I know my parents, I'm scared... I'm very scared right now.

Why are you crying? HAHAHAHAH

mom why are laughing at me!!!
I shout at my mom when his hands touch my face and wipe my tears away.

I'm happy Mix... your father and I are not against your relationship...
We know that we never take care of you just like what we did on your brother and sisters, but we love you so much Mix... We're happy for both of you.

I love you so much son, I'm so sorry if sometimes we want you to do the things that you never wanted to do since then...

I understand mom, and it's ok for me...
Even this wedding, it's totally fine...

Do you love your boyfriend?
I suddenly laugh at my mother's words. what boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend!

who's boyfriend mom?

you silly! It's Earth!

Mom, he's not my boyfriend!

but he already tops you!

Mom what are you saying! you're making me embarrassed, stop saying those words ok? he's not my boyfriend because he never asked me to be his boyfriend but of course, I love him so much...

Then I'm at peace, it's obvious that he also loves you more than the way you love him


brother when will you going to come back? are you planning to leave Mix at your wedding?

The hell Jade who said I was going to do that silly thing! I was just working on some things but after this, I'm going to his house!

Alright then... I'm going to sleep now!


The last message I received from Jade (my sister) earlier while I was fixing some things on our company, of course, I miss Mix so much but I cannot just suddenly goes back into our house and hug him.

Next week is already our wedding, I'm excited but I'm also nervous what if he suddenly hates me and leaves me all alone? that's not going to happen because I will never let him go.

hello mom!

Earth, come into my office now!

but mom, I'm tired already

Alright, I will cancel your wedding.

alright coming...


I turned off my phone and quickly runs towards my mom's office, I'm sure my sister is laughing at me right now. They want me to work all day to prove that I will take care of Mix. They love my future husband more than their son how cruel of them.


This day I've been very busy. Still, my mom doesn't want me to get out of our house so I started to fix some of my stuff inside my room.

I remove my bedsheets and started to place a new one which is more lively than before. I paint my walls and remove some things that aren't even useful.

Mix what are you doing?

Oh hey, dad...

I was just fixing my bedroom, I feel like I'm going to suffocate in my room's aura.

No, you don't have to do that. Didn't your mom tell you? you're going to move into your new house today. Your husband wants to know you more and have some private talks with you so he buys a house far from here. It's also good because after your wedding we're going to go back to America for some work reasons.

No, I will never live with him or whoever that man is. I want this house and I will live here till I die.
I said and continue to paint my walls when my dad suddenly splashes water on the ground.

don't make me repeat my words. Pack your things and I'm going to drive you to your new house.

after saying those words he gets out of my room so I just did what he said. I don't understand, I can't understand what is happening. I don't want to live with anyone if it's not Earth, I thought they already understand me but why are they doing this to me.

After packing my clothes and painting stuff, I go to P'Jade's house to pick up my little cat but she doesn't want to give Sasha to me so I just approve that Sasha will be her kitten from now on. I guess I can't really adopt a cat right now so I decided to give my little Sasha to P'Jade, she's in good hands.

Dad, where are we going?

to your new home of course, do you have an amnesia Mix?
dad replied while driving

that's not what I mean, our home is inside the forest? are you kidding me?

You'll see...

hour later...

Son wake up, we're already here...
I slowly opened my eyes and I can see the beautiful view outside the car. To be honest, this house is so beautiful, this is my dream house. Oh my god, can I cry right now haha?

Son, I'm sorry I can't help you with your things I still need to go back to the company don't worry tomorrow we will visit you here.

Alright, dad, thanks for the lift love you.

Love you too son...
As soon as I get out of the car I quickly take out the key inside my pocket and roam my eyes in my new house, I mean "our" new house.

He must be rich, but we're also rich tss.

As I was walking I noticed the painting in every corner of the house, there is also a big kitchen not far from 3 rooms that caught my attention especially the room with my name on the door.

I enter my room and all I can see is black so I turned on the light and my face is in complete shock right now. How did he know my favorite color and things I need for my room. Maybe he asks my mom? but... he won't do such things, it's just a waste of time. Well, I'm lucky at least I can sleep peacefully.

After I fixed my things I take a bath and sit on the couch, I just order some food online as I was busy cleaning the house. After I eat I just turn on the television and watch some movies, as I was about to sleep a sudden message coming from Earth beep on my phone. Suddenly I smiled.


Sleep early Mix, I know you're tired. Let's just talk if I have time.


I still don't know. did you even know that I was tired?

Well, Jade message me that you already move to another house with your husband.

You're not jealous?

Why would I?

Fuck you Earth do not message me again.

Wait what did I do? hahaha


Because of anger, I turned off my phone and never open it again. That asshole... He didn't even get jealous that I will live with my future husband from now on? Is he not scared that I might fall for him? wait what? I'm not gay. Only for Earth of course.

But still, I thought he will get mad or he will come into my place or will try anything to stop my wedding but he doesn't even care.

Anyways, I'm tired I need to sleep.


MIX!!! P' MIX!!!

Shia Nong Xin, how did you even found me? Looking at Xin, his face becomes even more chubby than last time. It seems like his husband is taking care of him very well.

I miss you! My husband had work today so he couldn't come. I drove into your house but your parents said that you move out last day. You didn't even tell me.
Nong Xin said as he was fake crying

I'm so sorry Nong Xin, I was tired last day so I couldn't even make a text to any of you. Come on I'm sure you are hungry, I will cook something for you and your baby.


P'Mix do you have an idea about your future husband? seems like he's so rich.

I don't know about him
I also don't care about him.

P'Mix, don't worry after your wedding your not going to be lonely. We're going to school again.

Xin, you can't go to school. You're pregnant.

oh, yea I forgot hehe...
I was looking at P'Mix while he was cooking something, poor guy he doesn't even know that his future husband is Earth. I wonder what will be his reaction on the day of his wedding. Of course, I was invited, and even if I don't have an invitation I will invite myself. That is my best friend's wedding, I should be present there.

Why are you grinning like that?

come let's eat, I'm hungry.


As the afternoon arrives, Xin's husband picks him up to go see a doctor for their baby. And again, I'm all alone now.

I look at the window and all I can see is the beautiful view. This house is perfect but I'm a bit disappointed, do I really have to get married to a man I don't even love.

I love Earth, I love him so much and I can see my future with him. I want to make a big happy family with him in the future. I want to go out with him every time after class, I want to sleep beside him and wake up with his face in front of me. I want to adopt kids cause I know he will be the best Daddy ever. I want to feel his gentle kiss again, I miss his touch, I miss him.

But I don't want to ruin my parent's expectations, we already talk about topic. I'm afraid that another week will come.

I'm afraid to be tied by someone for a long year.

Heyy guys so sorry for the long wait, 2 chapters more before I end this story, thank you so much for those who still read my EarthMix fanfiction. Next chapter will be about their wedding and I also plan to give them a baby. I don't know when will I update the other chapt. but it won't be too long just like this one I promise. keep safe everyone<333

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