Half-Blood Prince's True Heri...

By HibariShikaru

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So it all started into Severus' third year at Hogwarts with a confused look from his certain rival and #1 ene... More

Chapter I:The Vongola Decimo and the Snapes
Chapter II:Home
Chapter III:Back to Hogwarts
Chapter IV:The Two Skies and the Storm In Hogwarts
Chapter V: Professor Sawada,Professor Gokudera and Good Ol' Professor Snape
Chapter VI:Who's My Guardian?!
Chapter VIII: A Sky's Attraction and Their Emotions
Chapter IX:Memories

Chapter VII: Severus,Vongola and the Family

239 4 3
By HibariShikaru

𝐴𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟'𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒: 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑆𝑙𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑛'𝑠 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒇𝒖𝒍 *𝑠ℎ𝑢𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐺𝑎𝑖-𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑖* 𝐻𝑜𝑔𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑠 𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑙 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠,𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎 𝑓𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎 𝑏𝑖𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦--𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑏𝑣𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑙𝑦,𝑎 𝑙𝑜𝑡 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑚𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟'𝑠 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒.

𝑊𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑒 𝑑𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎 𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑡ℎ 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑠' 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑎 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑖𝑛 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝑎𝑠 𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑎𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑡.

𝐼 ℎ𝑜𝑝𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢'𝑙𝑙 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑒𝑛𝑗𝑜𝑦~!


The day when Severus was going to be introduced to the whole alliance...

Severus fidgeted in his seat:it was only a few hours away before he was to be introduced formally to the whole familgia--meaning,the Tri-Ni-Sette(it basically consists of Vongola,Millefiore,
Shimon,Cavalone,CEDEF,Tomaso,Varia etc)alliance.

...Even though he met every single one of them already in the past weeks that he had moved in with his father.

The reason why he met them even though they weren't yet supposed to,was because everyone in his father's(Tsuna) family had popped in one of the Vongola Headquarters--which is the one where they were in now,the HQ in London--unannounced and claiming ridiculous claims and excuses.

So yes,he had basically met every single one of them in the alliance:the only thing left now,was to formally and officially announce his existence to the underworld as the next heir.

...Or so his father says,and while he's flattered to be considered as heir and boss material(who wouldn't be considered as such if you trained with Reborn)to the Vongola,he didn't want to carry such a heavy responsibility.

But then again,backing out would have made his father be a laughing stock for producing an unwilling heir--what more if they would announce that they refuse to accept such position.

(Little did he know,that his father,Tsuna,was also unwilling to be the heir back when he was around his age.)

To be frank,he doesn't want to be in the mafia:who would,unless you're like those psycophaths who call themselves the Varia.

Or the Millefiore.

Or the Tomaso.

Or every single familgia out there.


Everyone's insane and barking in his father's world.

But then,if it means he'll get to stay where he is right now and far from Tobias Snape's reaches,he'd definitely choose to suffer being in Vongola.

While he still had doubts that the brunet man loved him,he had no doubt that the man truly loved his mother and would take care of her.


"Ow!" He yelped,glaring at the source of the pain,and then at the one who threw it as he rubbed his forehead.

Reborn smirked,his eyes glinting with a promise of something Severus would rather not know.

"Pay attention,bambino.Or else I'll be having you hang out with the Varia today."

Horrified,the Slytherin protested at the unfairness of it all.

"What?!You already threw me at Uncle--"

"'Zio'." Reborn promptly corrected as they were supposed to be talking in basic Italian,but he ignored that and went on.

"--Hibari last week, and now you're dumping me with those-those...those nutjobs?!Didn't Father forbid anyone from meeting with the people from the alliance because things are tense with so many enemy familgias being active and all?!Not to mention the party for the announcement of the official heir is a few hours away!"

Reborn snorted,whacking his head once and smirking at the yelp that followed.

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him.And you deserve being dumped with the 'nutjobs' for not paying attention,gaki."

"Stop calling me names!"

"Oh?How are you so sure that they're names?"

"I don't,but it sure does sound like it!"

"Oho...seems like you really want to get punished~."

Severus,at hearing the word "punish",immediately snapped his mouth shut,jaw clenching as he glared defiantly at his tutor and grandfather.

Who hummed thoughtfully as he circled the other like a hawk,scrutinizing everything in him.

"That's better...I really am surprised that you're related to Dame-Tsuna:he never had much of a backbone from the beginning and was quite weak--physically,emotionally,and mentally.He never did stand up for himself until I entered his life and kicked his ass." Reborn smirk,reminscing a bit before shaking his head.

Then he snorted,as he walked around once more and poked the hissing Slytherin now and then to correct his posture,continueing his tale.

"...Although he did have quite a sarcastic streak--he tended to mutter things under his breath and made an awful lot of comments,thinking that no one knew what he was thinking.Hah.As if I,the Greatest Hitman in the world,Reborn,wouldn't be able to see what he's practically thinking of."

Severus snorted at that,but quieted and stood up straighter when his Nonno gave him a look.

"Now,as I was saying earlier--you are to behave yourself and act with grace and elegance that is befitting of a Vongola heir.I do not want to see you acting rude or sarcastic,so you better be polite at all times:either smile or keep a pokerface when talking to people whom you may find unpleasant.No screeching like a banshee--"

"I do not screech like a banshee!I don't even do those things!" The Slytherin protested,but Reborn ignored him and continued talking.

"--and keep your posture like how you are doing it now,yes,stand up straight.No slouching,no eating before you are permitted by the Vongola boss...a boss must let the guests eat first,before he and his heir will do the same.You may,however,be allowed to have a drink provided to you by either the boss' guardians or your guardians themselves--but since you are lacking guardians as of now,your father's left-hand guardian will be the one to serve you.As you are still new to our world,you need not worry about dancing for now." The hitman listed off,his teaching rod whipping out to flick his hand.

"Ow!" Severus glared,rubbing his hand,only to be smacked again.

"Did I give you permission to move your hands?If you make one more move,I'll whack you harder." Reborn said sternly,glaring at him.

With a small grumble(that earned him a small whack from the rod)Severus gritted his teeth and stood straighter.

Reborn circled around him,nodding to himself now and then as he made adjusted on some of Severus' oufit for the evening party held for him.

For Reborn,he was delighted that this Vongola heir had more of a backbone than his father,which was his former student.

(No matter what Severus says,he will always be the Vongola heir as he is the first born:and yes,even if he doesn't want to,he cannot hand it off to someone else.)

The only problem was....that he couldn't exactly use all his usual(sadistic) teaching methods on him, as compared to Dame-Tsuna, Severus was a lot more....emotionally and mentally unstable.

Not in a 'he's-crazy-and-lost-all-sense' kind of mentally unstable.

It was more of the 'he-was-abused-at-a-young-age-and-now-it's-hard-to-use-my-sadistic-teaching-methods' kind of thing.

Like,if this kid saw a hint of physical violence of any sort especially one filled with malice,he would revert to his old self--the version that was wary of everyone and was especially hostile to Dame-Tsuna due to distrust--like an angry hissing,spitting,rabid cat.

He's better now though,after two and a half weeks of getting used to Vongola and their antics.

So Reborn had no choice but to tone down his sadistic teaching methods,or risk an angry father--a.k.a.,Dame-Tsuna
--going after his head.

No,he wasn't afraid of Dame-Tsuna or of the dying at his hands if he did incure his wrath;but it would be quite foolish of him to provoke him when his former student was powerful to the point of managing to defeat Kawahira(the bastard)in his own game when no one could.

The same Dame kid who beat the Kokuyo gang and their leader,Rokudo Mukuro:and also the one to win the Ring Conflict Battle and went toe-to-toe with Xanxus and the Varia.

Not to mention,Dame-Tsuna was the one who ended the mad,marshmallow-
loving,world conqueror--Gesso Byakuran--at the age of 14 when his future self brought him and his guardian's past selves into the future.

And there was also the Vindice to begin with:even Reborn couldn't go against the bastard Kawahira and the Vindice,so he had resigned to his fate,accepting the fact that he would die...he had to,because there was really no choice.

There was also the fact that Dame-Tsuna was chosen as a candidate for Sky Arcobaleno,after Checkerface/Kawahira had intended to take the pacifiers from the old arcobalenos to pass the burden of the curse to the new generation.

Reborn had argued of course.

He did not raise Dame-Tsuna to be a Sky Arcobaleno,but the Vongola Decimo:as much as he didn't want to admit it then,he was attached to his student and for him,Dame-Tsuna was like a son....he didn't want to lose and feel the pain of losing someone again.

....He already lost Luce:he didn't want to lose someone precious to him again.

This determination to not allow his son shoulder the arcobaleno's duties was cemented more firmly than ever:after being brought to the future-that-never-was, he felt afraid and sorrowful when he thought he lost him.

(As for Luce,yes,even though she had technically betrayed him and his fellow arcobalenos by not giving them a heads up on what was about to happen,which was being turned into babies of all things!)

And so Checkerface had offered to him a deal:and that was for Reborn to accept his death,convince his fellow arcobalenos to give up as well,and when the immortal takes the pacifier from them,he would leave their loved ones alone.

But Severus' father,Dame-Tsuna,was stubborn.

He did not want anyone dying for him:he had gotten furious,filled with anger at the thought of anyone dying for him--especially if it was Reborn,the one he came to accept as his family.

Dame-Tsuna was angry for him:and Reborn was shocked that his student--who was usually easily discouraged by things like this--was filled with such burning,unwavering resolve to save him.

Sawada Tsunayoshi had vowed to do everything within his power to not only save him,but his comrades as well.

And well...he couldn't and wouldn't deny the fact that his flames had finally clicked with his student's flames and bonded:drawn in by the strong resolve,and by those beautiful sunset-orange hues that never seemed to waver and shone brightly on his forehead as his eyes stared with confidence and determination.

Suffice to say,when Dame-Tsuna had achieved his goal and ended the Arcobaleno Curse, he was proud to have a student like him.

Reborn sighed,thoughtlessly correcting a bit of Severus' position as he remembered those days.

Life had been a mix of exciting,amusing,sort of crazy and shitty whenever he followed his student's everyday life.

Dame-Tsuna never failed to amuse him,and he had never run out of entertainment when his student or his guardians(mostly his dame student)were involved.

In a moment of absentmindedness,Reborn spoke what was on his mind,still reminscing some of the past battles and hardships.

"....You look so much like your father."

And Severus gave him a look for that,a complicated mix of disbelief and being weirded out.

"I...do?" He muttered,his tone confused.

Reborn deadpanned at him.

"Stop that.You look constipated."

"Who do you think is the cause?" Was the ravenet's retort.

And that earn him a smack to the head.

"Don't talk back to me,Grumpy."

"For the last time,don't call me 'Grumpy'!I'm not those stupid Disney princess' dwarf!"

"Well now,have you ever heard me say that?"

"You didn't!But that's what you're implying!

Reborn tutted at him in mock disappointment.

"Everybody loves Disney,Grumpy.Even Xanxus loves it,though he wouldn't exactly admit it:he has this weird fixation to Mother Gothel."

Severus opened his mouth,ready to retort when a knock was heard on his door,and a voice spoke up.


"Don't let Xanxus hear you say that."

Both the ravenets paused,before Reborn turned to look at the door.

On the entrance,Tsuna was leaning against the door frame,a wry smile on his face.

"Hello,Severus-kun.I see Reborn has been,hm...tormenting you a bit.Lay off a bit,will you?"

Reborn snorted at this,rolling his eyes.

Severus gaped at his father,before muttering a slow, "...Hello." in response.

He wore a white suit,black dress shirt underneath,and white tie as well as his usual traditional and antique-looking black cloak draped over his shoulders:he wore white dress shoes with black socks.

....Severus thought that the colours would have looked quite...boring,but somehow that was not the case:in fact,he often found himself wondering why his father always looked good in everything.

...Elegant,graceful,charming and dashing as well--Severus wonders if he'll at least inherit one of those traits:and he wondered even more if he would look good in those types of clothes just like his father did.

"Didn't I teach you to wait for an answer when knocking,before entering,il mio idiota figlio?" Reborn narrowed his eyes at the brunet.

Tsuna raised an eybrow at him,smiling in amusement at his former tutor.

"You left the door ajar.Besides...not like you do that too--you always entered my room without giving me time to answer when I was younger.You still do actually." He snorted.

Reborn smirked,his eyes glinting with something that Severus knew all too well.

"You have guts to talk back to me like that,il mio stupido figlio."

".After all,that's how conversations work."


With a cheerful grin,Tsuna smoothly ducked under the bullet and let it harmlessly pass by over his head:Severus blinked in shock as he tried to process in his mind on 'what-the-hell-just-happened'.

He didn't even see Reborn pull out his gun!

He was frozen for a moment as he tried to wrap his mind on what happened.

....Before coming to a conclusion that Reborn was being his usual sadistic self(both he and the hitman knew that Reborn was holding back from using his usual sadiatic tortu--tutoring methods only because a certain brunet said so)and was nearly over his boiling point...that was why he was using his father as a target practice.

"Can we not do this,Reborn?We have a few minutes before we enter the hall." Tsuna smiled exasperatedly.

Reborn regarded him for a moment,before he let Leon turn back to his original form,huffing.

"You owe me a damn sparring,stupido figlio."

Tsuna beamed at him at that,sweeping into a mocking bow.

"Why,of course,papa."

"Don't get smart with me,Dame-Tsuna--or I'll be handing your ass to you within the first few seconds of sparring tomorrow." The hitman snorted at the other's attempt in being dramatic and all.

Severus observed from the sidelines,unsure on what to do when his father turned to him and gave him a reassuring smile.

The moment they made eye contact,he felt this...warmth spreading within him,and he subconsiously lifted a hand up to his heart,as if he was searching for it.


Tsuna smiled softly,as if he knew what the Slytherin was thinking,and was therefore,confirming it.

"Yes.What you felt was my flames...my Rain flames,that is.You need to relax a bit--just be yourself and let me handle the rest."

Reborn shook his head,clicking his tongue at that.

"He had to learn to act like a Vongola heir,Dame-Tsuna--don't shoulder it all and let him figure things out."

"All within a month?Reborn,Severus has only been around my family for two weeks and a half...you can't expect him to learn and act like a Vongola heir all within or at the end of a month.Even for a Vongola,who are known for their impossible growth in everything else--to the point of it being abnormal and unnatural--it's impossible to adapt that quickly.If it took years for the previous Vongola heirs to become a boss..." Tsuna shook his head,before he continued after musing a bit.

"...And if it took me 2 and a half years to officially be the Vongola heir,then into the Vongola Decimo in the next 2 and a half years...then we should give him time to adjust.There's a process for everything.I'm still alive,and I'd only hand it over to Severus once he is ready...for now,I want him to experience as normal a childhood that a Vongola would have." The brunet firmly stated,staring at his former tutor in a silent challenge.

Severus shivered at the silent exchanged,and at the same time,he felt....awed and touched his father stood up for him.

He felt the weight of being the heir to the most powerful mafia family and the most ancient magical family lighten,as if the words of his father had an effect to it.

Suffice to say,when he was introduced the familgia and it's alliance that day, he was in a calm state thanks to his father's declaration and his Rain flames calming him so that he wouldn't be anxious.


On the month of May,the day of Eileen and Tsuna's wedding...

Severus was walkimg around with Lily,showing him the best views and places to hang out in the garden,where the wedding reception was being held.

But on their way to their table,they noticed a couple of new additions to it...what's more,two of them were the unpleasant members of a certain House.

"Why is he here?"  Severus scrunched up his face,a snarl in place.

"Sev,don't be like that!It's the day of your parent's wedding!You should be polite to the guests!" Lily,who wore a pretty cream colored dress,scolded him.

Just sitting across them on the other side of the round table,were James and Siruis,looking equally uncomfortable at being around their nemesis' parent's wedding.

"...Tsk.If you weren't distantly related to the Hibaris and if Zia Chrome hadn't invited you,this would've made it all the more joyous occasion." The Slytherin muttered,glaring at James.

"It's not like we also wanted to attend the wedding of a certain slimy Slytherin's loony parents." Sirius muttered,and Severus full on snarled at him,abruptly standing up to lean over the table and glare at him.

"Watch your mouth,Black--you are insulting the Head of Vongola and his wife.You may be my cousin as your father is related to my father's mother--but I will not let it slide if you insult my parents.Call me names all you like,pick on me,beat me,insult me...but if you touch my family or insult them in anyway,be assured that I'll have the most precious thing to you get taken away." Severus growled lowly,his eyes flashing and turning a molten orange.

Lily looked mortified at his threat,and tried to pull him back down to his seat by grabbing on his arm:while Siruis stiffened,as if realizing just now that he spoke out of turn,and his face paled at the hidden meaning of his words.

A mild satisfied look was on the Slytherin's face as he let himself be pulled down,his eye contact unbroken as he stared Sirius down.

"Severus!Why did you threaten them?That was too much,you shouldn't have done that--!" Lily hissed,lecturing him,before he coolly pinned her with a stern look.

"Lily.I know you're upset by how I acted,but you should know,this is the Vongola.What I did was a mere admonishment to them." He stated,sighing.

Confused,the redhead pulled back a bit and spoke in a hesitant tone.

"What...what do you mean?"

Severus pulled him back towards him,leaning his head down to whisper at her and gesturing as subtle as he could to the other guests, the Vongola,and the Tri-Ni-Sette alliance that surrounded them at all sides.

Their table was near the front,and just a bit ahead and on top of a platform stage,was his parents' table:they were eating there and giving a speech to the guests.

"...Look around you."

And Lily did.

And that's when she noticed,that both the family of Potters and Blacks looked stiff and tense,fingering their wands as they warily eyed those around them--while the Vongola and the others eyed their group,and most especially...their table.

"I may be new to this mafia business,but I wasn't given heir training nor am I in Slytherin for no reason.We're being watched and observed.What I did was something that's an equivalent of a warning...'a small slap to the wrist',so to speak.Have you noticed how tense Potter and Black's family are?They knew that if one of their own messes up,it could mean war,Lily.This is Vongola and it's allies that we're speaking of--nothing is as simple as it looks.You think this is a normal,happy wedding?While it is one in a sense,there's also an underlying battle of politics going on." He whispered fervently to her,and Lily looked shocked and mixed with something else.

"But...how did you know?"

Dawning realization,Severus noticed,was the other emotion that she was feeling.

Severus smiled,though it held no light amd looked a bit...dim.

"...I'm a Slytherin,rememeber?The House of snakes tend to be full of politics going on,and you really have to be careful around certain pureblood families' kid.We hold a lot of it,especially with Malfoy joining the Board."

Then he cleared his throat,glancing at his Nonno...who was observing him from the distance with an unreadable look:Severus wouldn't put it past him to be able to hear their conversation,even with the distance between them.

"Anyway,what I told you was the truth.I merely gave Potter and Black a warning.If I didn't warn and stop them from insulting my father and mother,he'd have the entire Vongola after them and their family."

"No way..."

"Yes,way.Vongola,well...they're bloody overprotective of their family:if you insult and declare a fight with one of them,you have insulted and declared a war to all--and when I say 'all',I mean every single one,including those whom are part of the alliance.Potter and Black's family were tense,because they somehow expected that their spawns would accidentally say something unpleasant.By me,the Vongola heir,threatening them,no one else would attack both them and their family--and I'm not trying to sound like I acted like a hero to them,I don't want to be a Gryffindor--and they'll be safe."

Lily grumbled.

"You say that like it's a bad thing...being a Gryffindor,that is."

Severus snorted.

"It is."

Silence settled in between them,before Lily spoke up again.

"....I never knew politics could be this...complicated."

"Now you have an idea at least." The ravenet wearily sighed.

"Is it like this everyday?"

"Oh,on a normal day?No.On occasions and banquets being held with almost everyone gathered and invited?Yes."

"...And you get to deal with this on every formal occasion."

"Unfortunately,yes.As the heir,I have to...attendance is a must.And I have to make sure to make anyone who looks down on me,the heir,to respect me properly and to put them into place if they step out of line."

"Why?Couldn't you just...politely talk them or something?Maybe to even negotiate?"

Severus sighed exasperatedly.

"Lily,that's not how politics work...it doesn't work that easily."

Lily placed her hands on her hips,glaring at him.

"Why not?It worked well with our government!"

"Lily,that's normal,muggle,civilian government.Not mafia government.And our government works differently--that's just not how it works.If I don't put them in their place as the heir now,I'll have trouble dealing with them as the boss of Vongola in the future--maybe their would even be a mutiny or something if I don't.And yes,that's just how complicated it is."

As Lily opened her mouth to argue,possibly being stubborn on the fact that maybe it could work,when his father appeared.

....Sometimes Severus wondered if his father was even human:he looked too beautiful and handsome to be one.

His mother looked positively glowing,and she looked just as beautiful...ethereal in a sense.

(Was that the effects of Sun flames?Or was it something else?Just what exactly did the arcobaleno Verde concocted and given to them?)

"Ciao,Severus-kun.Everything alright here?You two seemed to be in a heated discussion..." Tsuna smiled warmly down at Lily.

Who flushed at the attention of a handsome man being turned towards her,and she went even brighter when she caught Eileen beaming at her.

"I-it's nothing,sir,just a bit of a mild agrument."

Eileen then spotted the two stiff Gryffindors,smiling at them.

James stood up stiffly,followed by Sirius.

"We greet the Purest of the Skies,the Vongola Sky of the Vongola Familgia,
Néo Vongola Primo and the saint of the mafia,the Vongola Decimo and the Vongola Matron." They both intoned,and Tsuna smiled warmly at them and raised a hand.

"At ease.Welcome to the family,James Potter and Sirius Black." He said,gesturing a hand for them to rise.

From the corner of his eyes,Severus noticed both families of Potter and Black relaxing,the breath that they subconciously held getting released.

"Please relax...there's no need to be so tense on such an occasion.We've invite you all since you're part of the family." Eileen told them kindly.

Somehow...why did his parents look all the more...unworldly?Like they were not of this world?

Chrome,who was passing by and placing a tray of treats on each table,smiled at his reaction and whispered the reason for the odd aura surrounding his parents.

"It's the result of Sun flames treatment--and a bit of some special effects from me and Mukuro...most of it is their natural charm though." She winked at him,before gliding away.

Severus blinked and slowly looked away from the direction that she went to,before he shook his head to get rid of his dazed stupor,clearing his throat.

"Everything's well.Just had a bit of a disagreement."

A voice chuckled behind him,making him whirl around at the sound.

"'A disagreement',he says." Reborn mused,and Severus shot him an annoyed glare because of that.

Tsuna raised his eyebrows at Reborn,gesturing to the Millefiore table.

"No need to annoy him,papa.Besides...
shouldn't you be with Yuni?"

"In a moment--can't I greet my figlio and give him my congratulations on such a joyous day?"

Tsuna rolled his eyes at that,retorting.

"No,you weren't.You just want to make sure that I keep my promise of a spar with you and my guardians next week...and so that I didn't run."

Severus watched them banter back and forth:he noticed that he did a lot of those the moment he began to live with his father.

He wondered why?He also seemed to be thinking deeply these past few months.

Did he wished to have the same relationship with his father?Was he longing to have the same intimate and close family-like relationship with his future guardians?

....He supposed he does.

"Are you alright?" A voice asked him,making him look up.

He didn't realize that Potter and Black had went on to mingle with the other teens their age,which were the Vongola and the alliance's kids...even Lily had disappeared to the different groups gathering on some of the parts of the wide-spaced garden.

"Zio Takeshi,Zio Hayato." He nodded in acknowledgement towards them.

"I'm alright,I just...noticed I did a lot of things that I didn't before.It's been like that ever since I met my father."

Takeshi laughed,placing his arms behind his head as he grinned brightly.

"Ahahah~!Well,that's Tsuna for you!He does have that kind of effect on people!"

Besides him,Hayato bristled at what he called their long-time friend and boss.

"It's Juudaime or Decimo,Yakyuu-baka!"

"Eh?But Tsuna's been our friend for a long time...don't you think it's okay to call him by his name by now?"

"That's not something you could just decide by yourself!"

"Hahahah!You really do get riled up pretty quickly!I guess it's no wonder why you're a Storm!"

Hayato glared,taking out his dynamites threateningly.

"You wanna die?!"

Severus groaned.

"Oh no...not again."



[This part will be censored due the unexpected violence,which had escalated into a full on fighting when the other guardians joined,followed by the Tomaso,
some of the members of Varia,and then the Millefiore.Surprisingly enough,the ones who didn't join were Xanxus and Squalo,as they had been forbidden by their wives to not join or elsr they'll sleep on the couch.]



What am I?Where am I?Who am I?

Those were the questions looping a dazed Severus' head as he surveyed the damage of half of the Vongola mansion--AGAIN--and the total destruction of the garden.

"Ushishishishi~!Nice try,puppy,but you missed!"


"Urusei!Take this,you creep!"


"Ahahahah!This is fun!"


"Ehhh~my dragon missed!Tsu-chan,play with me~!




"Kufufufu~!Oya,Skylark-kun,aren't you being too violent?I didn't even throw that pie at you."


"Uwaah!You almost cut my precious hair!My girl wouldn't like me anymore if I don't look like my super awesome Naito Longchamp self!"


"𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒔...𝒐𝒇 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒆𝒙𝒕𝒓𝒂 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆,𝒊𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒘𝒆𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈?𝑫𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒅𝒊𝒆?"


It was chaos all around,and even Severus couldn't believe how this all started with something as small as his Zio Takeshi teasing Zio Hayato.

"Woah!Chill out,Tsuna-nii,I wasn't even part of this!I was only dragged in--gyah!Watch it,Hayato-nii!I almost got hit in the face by your bomb--ah!Excuse me!Sorry,Ryohei-nii and Luss-san,coming through a bit,thanks!Uwaah!Takeshi-nii,watch it with the blade,you almost cut my hair!Ok,almost there at the edge of the battlefield....!" Lambo continued dodging attacks,already used to it all and was actually near the edge of the war zone.

...Until Mukuro grabbed him,hauling him up and using him as a meat shield against Kyoya.


"Gueeeh!" Lambo was whacked hard in the abdomen,making him pass out from the hard blow as he fell on the ground,frothing at the mouth.


"...Is he dead?" Fran monotonously asked,poking the other with a stick.

"Fran,get back here,you dont want to be dragged in there." I-pin pulled at the collar of her unconcious husband and Fran,dragging them away to safety.

Meanwhile,Severus and a couple of others were struggling to process the scene....

"...Lily,am I dreaming?Am I finally dead?"

"..." Lily did not say anything,as she was stunned at the scene before her.

"I'm surprised...that you haven't died yet from how...chaotic...and destructive your family are." James wheezed,almost gagging at the rise of dust blowing over to them.

"Unfortunately--we're part of said...*cough cough* family now...." Sirius coughed,waving his hand to get rid of the dust.

Just standing beside them,was the Future Regulus,looking dazed:his appearance looked ruffled,and there were burnt parts of his dirty clothing.

...He was probably in a middle of a spar or potion making,when he was sent here.

"...I don't even know why I'm here."

Eileen looked blankly at the destruction,before she beamed at them as she clapped her hands,ignoring the fact that some unconcious...Millefiore membed(Nozaru) was bleeding out a few inches away from her and his blood was seeping into her floor-lengthed dress.

"Come along,children,let's get you all washed up and ready for bed!"

Lily look sicked at the sight of blood,while Severus was struggling to maintain his sanity:a Vongola heir/boss must maintain a bit of sanity,if not for others' sake,but for their sake.

Chrome had already began to usher some of the bored looking teens and kids from both Vongola and the alliance with the help of Yuni,the Shimon Familgia,and a couple of others who didn't join the free-for-all-chaos.

"Mother,there's blood seeping at the edges of your dress." Severus deadpanned.

"Oh dear...this dress was expensive--but I suppose it can't be helped." His mother sighed.

She grabbed the edge of her skirt,and pulled it apart,ripping it until it was knee-lengthed.


"Now,there.Much better,isn't it,dear?Shall we go on then?" She smiled at the horrified Slytherin,who stared at the torn part of the dress and watched in mortification as she threw the blood-soaked part of the expensive wedding dress.

"...Ma'am,there's a war zone behind you." A polite Future Regulus hesitantly pointed out.

"Shush,Regulus...go wash up now,and hurry to the Vongola Mansion--go to the side that's still intact,alright?" Eileen shushed,pushing him and Severus towards the evacuating group that also held the dazed and horrified Potter and Black families.

Chrome,who spotted him,turned to Severus:and despite knowing the answer,she still asked him anyway...as if asking would make her be able to ascertain his current state of mind.

"What happened?Who is that?"

"Regulus,Sirius' little brother.Bazooka malfunctioned and sent him here from the future." Severus tiredly informed.

By the time the 'battle' ended,a couple of people who never knew how chaotic the Vongola and it's alliance were(aside from rumors,that is)ended up in the medical ward to either physically or mentally recover.

When they left the Vongola mansion the next day,their sanity was never the same again.

(Future Regulus went back into the future the same day that the guests left,which was the next day,as he was only sent there in the past because of a malfunctioning bazooka.)

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