Dancer in Disguise (The Pack...

By DancerCrafter123

80.3K 3K 1.2K

This story is about a girl, Adriana Garcia, she is a geek, professional dancer, Youtuber, and a gamer. She ha... More

The Beginning of the Drama
Drama in my Home Life
Dance Class
Gaming Video with The Pack
The Divorce
Too Bad to Be True
Secrets Revealed
They Found Me Out
The Announcement and Draw my Life
Anger from The Pack
Youtube Rewind
Rewind Drama
The Battle of the Youtubers
Stand Up
Attempt of a Video with The Pack
SkydoesMinecraft and Discovery
Break From the Drama
New Neighbors
Pit of Lies
Why Me
Making Friends
It is Not What It Looks Like
Kicked Out
Having Fun
What Did You Do
Kicked Out Again
Talent Show Tryouts
A Surprise From Friends
Talent Show
Crazy UHC
Don't Do It
New Hair Style
Light Makeover & #DearMe
New Friends
50 Facts About Me
Who Is It?
Dear Diary
The Dancer in Disguise News Article
Scholarships and Poems
Nothing More Than Fiction
The "Incident"
The Innocent Laughs are Gone
This Is It

Lock Down

1.2K 49 23
By DancerCrafter123

Hey guys! Thank you so much for 2,900 reads! Thank you so much! I can't belive it! I need help. I need ideas! Love ya long time. BAI!


I left the stage. That was amazing. Everyone was so surprised. Even The Pack clapped! The rest of the performers went on and it is now time for the awards. I thought a girl named Kat did great! I think she will win.

"OK! Now we are going to be doing the awards." Said the announcer. 

A guys walked up to him and whispered something in his ear.

"We have a change of plans everyone! The winner gets a 500 dollar scholarship to any summer camp related to their toic that they desire." He said.


"Ok, the third place overall winner is..... Bill, playing the guitars. Second place is......... Kat, she sang." The announcer said. 

So much for getting in the top three.

"And first place in the whole talent show is........ Audriana Garcia! Congratulations Audriana. You get a 500 dollar scholarship." Said the guy.

I walked on stage. I was crying so many tears of joy. 

"Which camp are you going to?" He asked.

"I am applying to the summer camp at Julliard for overall dancing." I said.

"Wow! Great job! Enjoy!" 

"Thank you!" I said and left the stage.

I went home and relaxed. Recorded and had fun. I then got an email.

To: Audrey

From: Lachlan

Do you want to be in UHC tomorrow?

Sent for IPhone


To: Lachlan

From: Audrey


Sent from IPhone

Yay! I am playing UHC! UHC hypeeee.

Ok, lets go to bed.


I decided to wear some really awesome clothes and put on super cool makeup. I looked in the mirror. No wonder the Pack was surprised. I look great. (That answers your question.)  

I went to school. I got into first period. All of The Pack was in this class. Also all of The Sidemen. 

"Hello, good morning. The clock is yellow" That was the signal that we had to hide. The whole class went to the corner of the room. My teacher locked the door. Ok, this is scary. 

"Ok, lets make this simple. Audrey, come to the main office. No one will get hurt." My mom said?!!? 

I started to get up. 

"No! Audrey. Don't." Said Simon and The Sidemen. 

Even the Pack looked sad.

I ran out. I needed to. I went to the main office. I saw my mom. 

"What?" I asked. 

"I have a message. You sister... she is dead." My mom said with a huge grin on her face. 

"W-w-what?" I asked. 

"Thats right. I killed her, you worthless thing." My mom said.

"O-o-k-k." I stuttered. 

"So. Now my desicion. Should I kill you or your classmates?" She said. 

"M-me." I said.

"Oh really?" She said.

"Yes." I said. 

"I guess I can't kill anyone because I will go to jail. So... I will just hurt you." She said. 

She started to hit me. She heard sirens so she ran away. I looked for the sirens. I turned around. I saw Simon holding up his phone with a siren app. I grinned.

"Seriuosly? A siren app? I thought you would get a suit and all." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah. I didn't have time to rent it." He said.

"By the way. Thanks for saving my life." I said.

"Oh, no problem. Ya know. I just happened to have this ap handy and thought I would use it." He said sarcasticly. 

I giggled. 

"I love you." I said.

"You too." He said.


Hey guys! Ok, this is my most dramatic scene. Next chapter... UHC! Thanks for reading Favorite and comment. BAI!

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