You Saved Me / A Jax Teller L...

By kenziehamilton1999

11.6K 233 25

If I just left maby I would forget about you your touch and the way your lips brushed against mine your smile... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
hey 👋 😥

chapter 12

231 4 0
By kenziehamilton1999

Sades pov.

I laid in bed after I stopped crying Jax and Remington laid on the couch and I took Jaxs bed after arguing about it for an hour straight . I felt bad that I took his bed but I caved .

I still hadn't eaten I didn't feel hungry my area was starting to double in pain but I ignored it . I stared at the ceiling shaking . This was my anxiety I knew that after I lost my fiance I had panic attack after panic attack .

I knew the only way to get rid of it is if someone squeezed me to comfort me . I couldn't tell Remington or he would start freaking out and blaming himself I couldn't be a burden to Jax .

After about twenty minutes of battling with myself I decided whoever was awake could comfort me if no one was awake then I guess I wouldn't sleep .

I sat up letting my bare feet touch the cold hard wood floor . As I walked to the living room I was met with a carpet . It was brown and you could see marker and juice stains on it I couldn't help but smile as the thought of the kids ran through my mind .

I began shaking again "shit" I whispered . I had to sit down or I would fall . Five big steps and I could finally sit but no my body wanted to fall .

(Thump) "fucking hell" I said a little louder than I should of . I laid down letting myself shake before I saw Jax looking at me with concern . I wanted to talk but I had to wait till this panic attack was over .

Jax tried to get me to speak having my panic attacks where like seizures I would shake but my eyes wouldn't roll to the back of my head and foam wouldn't come out of my mouth I would just shake not being able to talk or even understand what people said sometimes if it was really bad I would forget about even having one .

I closed my eyes and counted 1...2...3....4....5...6....7...8 . I finally stopped shaking I opened my eyes and seen Remington holding me . Fuck was all I could think .

"Sades why didn't you come to me quicker" . I starred at my concerned brother before hugging him tightly . "I tried bubs but you know how my bodie is it works against me and not with me" .

He sighed "I know" he helped me up off the rug and led me to the couch . "Can someone tell me what the hell just happened" . I forgot Jax saw the whole thing and still lead no idea as to what just happened . I gave him a reassuring smile letting him now I was ok before telling him what happened .

"I have panic attacks my bodie reacts weird so one minute I will be fine then the next im dizzy and start shaking its weird I know but the only way to stop it is to hold me tightly I've been through medicine after medicine but none seem to do justice" .

Jax was still confused as to why it even started so I think its time I gave him my whole story noted it was three in the morning bot no one cared .

I was born in Lexington we moved when I was three to Oakland . Our parents where happy I made good grades and played soccer I didn't wear makeup but I loved dress up and I wasn't aloud to have friends over or go to friends houses .

We had strict parents so I didn't have many friends or any at all but Remington did he played football he was the golden boy but my father never shared a bond with him . Me and my brother where unsepratable my mom and me where friends but my dad and me where each there right or dies .

I loved daddy but when mom started hanging around Eli Rossevelt all his attention went away from us and to killing Eli . Remington stopped him from pulling the trigger the day my mom died . I had a really nice plan for my future I planned ok on traveling the world and living but mom got sick and are family fell apart when I chose Remington my father was heart broken it hurt me so much but not having Remington by my side hurt worse .

So we where fifteen when we got kicked out we quit school got a job and worked when I was eighteen I met ..... William he was everything he ordered from the restaurant every day and asked for my number every day he was rich and I was poor .

William didn't care though so after three months of never ending asking I finally said yes . We went on date after date until I became his girlfriend he spoiled me my brother found a girlfriend Amilla . We planned on moving to New York and starting a life .

I was engaged and in love I was ready to spend the rest of my life with William . Of course everything I touch dies . The night before our wedding he was in a car crash with Amilia they went to pick up our wedding cake . I had panic attacks of cars after that and soon I had them daily but they went away over time I still have them frequently though" . I stopped shaking I stood up kissing my brothers cheek and then Jaxs " well it seems I've stopped panicking thank you and goodnight" .

I walked back to my room laying down i closed my eyes and let myself drift to sleep not letting a worry in the world in my mind .

Flashback to the night before the wedding .

"I love you be safe" I always said that to William i laid in bed tangled in the sheets naked as he got dressed . "I always am" he always said that but it didn't stop me from worrying .

I got up trying to seduce him back into bed . "We are getting married twommoro after that you can have me always" . I smiled at teh thought id having him always .

I kissed him passionately "I love you more than life itself baby" . He smiled "not possible" . I smiled back watching him leave . Amilia and Remington went with him . I got dressed I was happier than ever .

It was a dream getting married moving to New York starting a new life as a writer I already applied for some collages and I got into every one .

I sat on the bed reading my book before I heard a knock at the door . I got up opening it happy but the cops didn't seem as excited as I was they had sorrow in there eyes . "Are you Sades Tukwila" .

I nodded scared and impatient before he spoke again . "Im sorry for your loss William Vanders and Amilia Craz are gone but Remington Tukwila seems to have oy sustained an arm break and a few cuts and bruises" .

I suddenly felt the ground before me dissappear I fell down screaming tears streamed my eyes the cops tried to comfort me as I cried uncontrollably the pain I felt that day was worse than when my mom died . I loved my mom but I was in live with William .

Flashback over

Hey my beautiful people I hope you like it I didn't read through it sorry please VOTE I love each and everyone of you xoxo kenzie 😘❤

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