New Boy on the Block. (A Prod...

By BriTrendyMe__

6.1K 125 24

Makayla seems to have a liking to the new kid. He seems like a good boy, but they say don't judge a book by i... More

New Boy on the Block. (A Prodigy Love Story)
Unspoken Words.
Late Nights.
Just Not Ready.
I Love You.
Gone Wrong.

I've been thinkin' bout you.

574 20 4
By BriTrendyMe__

-------------------------------------------Gold all in my chain. Gold all in my rang. Gold all in my watch. Don't believe just watch, nigga, nigga, nigga. My alarm went off. It was Saturday, but I still liked to get up early. I slithered out of my queen sized bed and made my way to the bathroom.

"Sweetie, your gonna have to watch Hayden today." My mom said once I got downstairs to the kitchen.


"Me and your aunt have some plans for today, and she needs someone to watch him." Hayden is my 2 year old cousin. He's adorable and all, but he can get a tad evil.

"Moooom," I whined. "I wanted to go out with some friends today."

"Well, I'm sorry. You'll have to cancel your plans." She got up and left out the kitchen.

I went up to my room and texted my friends that I couldn't make it. After a few hours my mom left and it was just me and Hayden. We watched Adventure Time for a while until he started whining about going outside.

"Pleeeeeeeeease?" He tugged on my shirt. He had an innocent, cute look on his face.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes playfully at him. "Go get your shoes on." I tickled him as he got up.

I sat on the porch while Hayden ran around with a few kids from on my street. They asked me to join in on a few games, but I declined their offers. A boy about 5 or 6 sat next to me for a little rest. He sorta looked like Craig, but doesn't have a younger brother...or at least I don't think he does.

"You're Makayla, right?" He asked looking up at me. His eyes squinted from the sun in his face.

"Uh, yeah..why?" I replied, slightly confused of where the question came from.

"My brother talks about you a lot."


"Yeah, Craig. He's my bother." He had a huge grin on his face. I giggled. Did he set him up to this? Plus, he barely knows me, and he talks about me a lot. We just met yesterday! "He said your really pretty and you smell good."

I blushed. "Really?"

"Yeah," The faint sound of a basketball dribbling came from down the street. "He told me not to tell you." He jumped up and went back to playing with the kids. The dribbling became more clear. Turns out it was Craig with a few guys coming back from the park. Craig had his shirt slung on his shoulder and was all sweaty. I tried my best not to stare, but damn.....shawty had it going on. I was knocked out of my trance by Craig's voice. "Hey Makayla." He smiled at me and I returned it. His friends whispered something to him and he smiled as he went into his house, & his friends left. He came back out after a few minutes with a new shirt on, making his way over to my house. I pretended to play on my phone.

"Hey." He sat next to me.


"Why you say it all dry like that?" He chuckled and looked at me.

"No reason." I laughed. "Your little brother told me your secret." His face flushed with a bright red. "Oh c'mon!" I giggled. "I thought it was cute. It was rather nice to know that you liked the way I smell."

He laughed and played with his fingers. "It was probably the brownies I was smelling."

"Oh, shut up." I laughed and playfully hit him. "You ain't gotta lie, shawty."

"Ain't nobody lying." He laughed. "Soo, you got a number?"

I chewed on my bottom lip for a second, then held my hand out. "Give me your phone." He did as told and I put my number in it, then took a picture of me to save as the caller ID thingy. "There." I smiled as I handed his phone back.

"Alright." He smiled and stood up. "I'll text you later." I nodded and smiled up at him. "So I don't get a hug?" He asked pretending to be offended.

"Nope." I smirked and crossed my arms.

I'm about being single, seeing double, making triple. I hope them broke hating ass niggas never make a nickel. My phone rang as I stepped out the shower. I looked at it and saw I had a text.

Unknown- hey there Kayla. :)

K-Dawg- who is this?

Unknown- Craig foo'! Lol

K-Dawg- ohhhh what's up?!

YoungThug- Lol nothing much. :) I was just thinking about you.


SORRY! It's super short & sucky. I don't like it. :( I've been having writer's block since I've started. Comment, rate, vote, fan.

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