Will I be ever Loved?(Complet...

By FlowerVine98

435K 23.7K 7K

She was once loved He too once loved. She is fat, He is fit. She stopped showing emotions, He too stopped sh... More

Author's Note
Character Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 38

5.1K 333 49
By FlowerVine98

Ezhilarasi pov:

What the fuck is, Vihaan's problem. Why he is always being with me. He said that he is my daughter's dad. No.

He don't know anything about my past. My past.

He is now being like my Vihaan. My love. Who always love to bicker with me. We always fights over every silly things, but at the end of the day, we both will speak like a best friends.

I love him. I love that Vihaan. I love the Vihaan, who keep me as his priority. Who didn't think me as ugly girl, who didn't think me as bad omen.

That one year with him is the blissful year. I enjoyed but at the same time it's all fake right.

But why I felt like, that am wrong in judging him. The man who hated me at first is now behaving like a lover boy. Why he is missing me. Is he want to taste the fat girls, like once he said. No right. It is different. I mean if he is a manwhore means he would have enjoying right now with his lover nit like sleeping in the garden. But he is not at all seeing Ananya. Not at all speaking with her. Not at all spending time with her.

I mean that ananya too didn't spending time with Vihaan. She always going out somewhere, even Vihaan is unaware of those. Or is he?

What it might be.

Something is off. I mean, he is... He.. Mi.. Might be......My...da..same. vihaan... whom.. I loved...

But then why he has the need to mock before every students. Okay did he thought that am a slut.

Wait wait. First of all, he don't know that it's me right. Or he knows that am his fluffy.

No no.

He won't identify me. No right. No no.



"Ahhhh" I shouted by grabbing my hair. What the fuck is happening around me. What the fuck am unaware of.

Why God.

I just closed my eyes as Vihaan is sitting beside me in the garden. Yes we both were sleeping in the bench. He wrapped his hand over my stomach by sitting beside me in his sleepy state.

I too let him, as he is enough to stop my nightmare.

See why he is hugging me. There is no need for that. The man who mocked my appearance at our marriage, why he need to wrap his hand over me.

"Why Vihaan, why.... What you were hiding from me. But something is there Vihaan. Something is there. You are now behaving like my old Vihaan. Like my love" I said at him. I placed my head at his chest.

"I love you Vihaan. Still now." I said at him slowly.

My eyes started to droop on its own. I too let it. As for this I have prayed many times, just to get sleep.

"Love you Vihaan" I again said at him.

Why am not hating him.

I slept.

At morning I wokeup, and seen that am alone in the bench. I know this Vihaan might have wokeup before me and gone.

With that thought I entered into the home, when I entered there midhuna is watching the TV at morning itself.

'Midhuna "I called her.

" Oh my god "I heard her voice. She tried to switch off the TV in remote. But she pressed someting, as the music channel came it seems with heavy sound. I didn't seen it.

" Midhuna sweety, why you wokeup this early "I asked her. I took the remote from her hand and lowered the sound

" Mumma, I... You... Only always ask me right to wakeup early that's why amma" she gave the brilliant reply.

"But Sweety, I asked you to woke up early morning in weekdays sweety. Not in weekends. In weekdays sleeping like as there is no other day. But in weekends you don't get sleep right" I aksed her by sitting beside her.

"Ahh, Mumma, that... No... No.... I di.. Dint.. Ge.. Get... Sleep... Me.. Is.. Good.. Girl...." she said at me. And runned away from me as I tried to tickle her. I nodded my head as no. Naughty girl. Getting spoil by this Vihaan. Uff.

I turned and started to switch off the TV through remote. But I stopped as, its not some music channel. It is some news it's seems. But... B...

My breath hitched.






How they... My... Whole body started to tremble. No.... Its... Painc attack...

I couldnt able to breath.

My breathing turned heavy. I started to take heavy breath. But.. No....i couldn't... I just clutched the sofa tightly... But... But.. Nothing is working...

I again tried to take heavy breath. Some how I started to take it. My tears started to flow freely from my eyes.

"This too shall pass"

"This too shall pass"

"This too shall pass" I chanted slowly.

I triedd to count the numbers in reversely. After 15 mins, I somehow controlled it. I wiped my tears.

I again turned some other news channel. Everything is flashing the same.

There the video of confession which is given by kavin.. The rapist. Who raped me. Who took my innocence. Who made me to hate myself. Who is the reason for my fucked up life. He is.. There giving his confession... It looks like some video clipping.

He itself accepting... Wait its not him only, the other two rapist too present there. Who gangraped me. What is happening. How... As far as I know, kavin's father is having more political influence right. Them how comes,....

They raped 18 members... Oh my god. Its not only me. Even 5 died. Shit.

"The girls who got raped by these rapist can file a case against him. We will get the justice for them. They don't have to worry, we won't reveal their identity. We just need the complaints in order to make this case strong. " an Assistant commissioner said.

I just kept looking at them.

Seeing them, I started to scratch my skin. Their hands which roamed over my full body.... Their mouth which bited all over my body. Their hands in my....

My eyes again started to tear up. My vision got blurred. I just closed my eyes.

"Man the pleasure is something" I heard the kavin voice. I closed my ears with my hands.

"She is one piece of meat to fuck. Seriously, her pu**y, which is tight to fuck her. Ahhh, I love it man... She is ugly but the pleasure is worth" another one voice I again heard.

"She is.... Tight" kavin word which he uttered when he penetrated his pen*S into my vagina.


"Please leave me" I shouted and kneel down in the floor. I closed my ears even more tightly. But nothing, it kept hearing to me. Their words. Their....

"No. No..." I again shouted.

Vihaan pov:

Our plan is executing smoothly. After 4 days we released the videos in every social media platform in yesterday night. Suresh and abinash is in that building. I need to go there.

First I have to prepare the breakfast something special. With this thought I started to go down.

But I heard an shrilling voice.

"Please leave.. Me" I heard iniya voice.

I immediately ranned towards the hall. Where iniya is kneeling down and hugging herself. She then immediately lie down in the floor in foetus position. Oh no...

I runned towards her. There in the TV, that videos were playing. Okay okay. It's trauma. I can understand.

I immediately took her in my embrace.

"Ezhil, don't cry Calm down. Calm down." I said to her. She immediately wrapped her hands over me and hugged me tightly.

"Vih......." she stopped and hugged me even more tightly.

As she is having problem in breathing, so she stopped her words it's seems.

Oh my god.

"Take breath. Slowly. Take breath" I commanded at her. She nodded her head at my chest and started to take the breath.

Her tears were kept falling from her eyes. I hate it.

I wiped again

"Breath" I said to her. She too nodded her head again and breathed.

"Good girl You are doing fine. Let me help you" saying this I took her to my room in bridal state. I made her to sleep in the bed.

"Please sleep with me." she asked me. I nodded my head at her. And slept beside her. She immediately wrapped her hands over my Stomach. And also kept her legs over mine.

"Sleep Ezhil" I said to her. She immediately closed her eyes and started to breath normally. I kept tapping her back, as if it will help her to sleep.

Her trembling were starting to get normal.

She slept atlast. After an half an hour, I came out of the room, ensuring that she is in deep sleep.

Then I reached to the kitchen to prepare the breakfast. Midhuna came running towards me.

"Appa," she hsiuted at me.

"Yes midhuna" I immediately kneel down on the floor.

"Appa, what is the breakfast toda....."

"Appa? " I heard another annoying voice. I looked up and seen that ananya is standing in the kitchen.

"Vihaan, why this brat is calling you as. Appa" she asked me. I just scooped midhuna in my arms and made her to sit in the kitchen island.

"Ananya, mind your words. She is not a brat. She is just a child." I shouted at her.

"you Vihaan. You were shouting at me. I see" saying this she started to came towards me.

No no.

I immediately took midhuna in arms and made her to stand in the floor.

"Midhuna, appa will meet you after speaking with this aunty okay" I said to her. She nodded her head as yes. She grabbed my face and kissed my cheeks. She then turned and seen that ananya. And she runned from the kitchen. And gone out.

"Appa, you useless shit Vihaan. How can you allow some low class girl to call you as dad." she shouted at me.

"Like am allowing some bitch to call me as her lover." I replied to her in non chantly.

"Oh, Vihaan you got your tongue it seems. Wait let me show your place" saying this she came towards.


My breath hitched.

No no.


She came towards me and wrapped her hands over my torso. My trembling started.

My breath becomes difficult.

The every rape scenes kept flashing before me.

That's it.,....


I can't manup myself and show these creatures their places.

I tried to push her away. But it seems like my hands were as if its tied. No no.

I know am a weak. But not this level.

Why.. Why I can't manup myself.


How will I going to come out of these bitches clutches.

"See Vihaan, you can't be man. You were a raped soul. An broken soul to be precise who can't even swat away my hands. Not only mine, every opposite gender. You will just stand like a statue. Anyone can utilise this opportunity to have sex with you... Ahh.. No no.. I mean anyone can rape you. Here you were allowing one small girl to call you as appa. When she grownup, you even will have the fear over her. Because she is a girl child. I think aunty trained you well. Comeon boy, don't be kidding. And be a man. As my parents were going to visit next week. Just act like a good boy who is in very much love with me. They are one pure soul who thinks me as a good daughter, and don't know my bitch side. Okay leave this. Just prepare some breakfast to me. I have to freshenup"she said and gone away from me. Not before kissing my lips.

I felt ashamed.

I just came out of the kitchen. And gone towards my bedroom. There iniya is sleeping peacefully.

I gone before her, and kneel down in the floor, beside her.

"Am useless fluffy" I said to her. The tears which I controlled started to flow on its own.

I just hop on to the bed and wrapped my hands over iniya. And hugged her very tightly. My tears were kept wetting her dress. But I couldn't control myself.

Why am like this.

Why am behaving like small boy who couldn't stand up against them.

I don't want to be like this.

"Am useless iniya. Am useless"

"Am useless"

"Am useless"

"Am useless"

"Am raped"

"Am useless"

"Am useless......" my eyes closed on its own.

Will I be able to get out their clutch. Is it possible. If at all I came out, then am I worth for iniya.

No right.

Am not best for iniya.

But I want to be selfish in this.

I want to.

But before that how am going to manup myself and going to come out of the clutch. How????

My thinking stopped as, in sleep iniya wrapped her hand over my torso. For split second, my breath hitched as I got the rape scenes.

She then put her legs over me. I felt safe. I felt safe as if child feeling safe inside the mother womb.

She is my everything.

She is my everything.

'An love is not about only kiss and cuddles,
Its about feeling safe,
To feel safe with your partner' I thought.

I kissed her forehead. She stirred in her sleep, so I immediately closed my eyes. She again slept without opening her eyes. I opened and kept seeing her for sometime. Then I don't know when, how i slept. But I slept without any demons tortures.

Ezhilarasi pov:

I opened my eyes from heavy sleep, and seen here and there. Where am, ahh.

My head is paining.

Wait, why am feeling something heavy is placed over me.

I turned my head and seen that, vihaan is partially sleeping over me. What!!

My breath hitched.

He kept his head over my chest. Okay. He is wrapping his hands over my stomach and even our legs were entangled with each other. Even my traitor hands were wrapped around him. I turned and seen the clock which shows the time as 12.

What happened. That is when I started to think.

The rapist, police, case, 5 dead, 18 rape case.... Ahhh. His words. Vihaan consolings everything flashed before me.

Okay okay.

'They caught'

'But how. Who did this'

'Don't know, the video which played in the news were seems like their own confession. But someone might have take their revenge. Am glad they took it. 5 girls were died, balance 13 woukd be like me only who have to have fear over every opposite gender. Even with their own dad too right, like I got feared over my own brother.

Its cruel right.

'Ezhil, don't forget the AC words. Are you going to file the complaint over those rapist or not' my mind asked me.

'I don't think so, as I don't want my daughter to get a name as rapist daughter. Eventhough she is not, as she is not my biological daughter. But everyone will think her as rapist daughter. As they don't know my history. The world cruel part is, if a boy or girl child which is born as the result of rape means. Then the society is enough to mock them. They are enough, if its a son there is no bound for their critics,like a rapist son will also becomes like rapist only. Seriously that small child don't even knows what it might be. But this society won't let that small child to grow up normally. It won't. I don't want my midhuna to be pointed out as results of rape. For me it won't be any problem. But I don't want my daughter to be suffered. 'I replied.

' But is it okay, to left them just like that. This is one opportunity ezhil, think about it. These creatures are need to punished. Think ezhil' my mind again reminded me.

'Yes, it's right. Wait AC said that they won't reveal the identity right. So I can rely on them. Yes, I don't want to miss the chance. How they beated latha akka. I won't miss the chance. How those creatures, raped me. How they made me to hate myself. Hoe...how much days I didn't able to sleep. How many days. I need to get my revenge. I need to get my justice. Justice for my rape. Justice.... Yes I need it. I need it 'I replied to it.

Today itself I will file my complaint over those bastards. I will definitely do it.


I turned and seen Vihaan, who is sleeping like a baby. He helped me. There is no need for him to help me.

"You are a mystery Vihaan."

"You are" I slowly said to him by ruffling his hair. He is very handsome. He is still pure at his heart.

Did he really thought me as a friend in school days. Nope. Or he thought me as a slut. That day his face holds sadness as if he was worried about me. He looked lifeless at that day. It's still remember to me. That's why I asked him many time at that day, even leaving my self respect.


I don't know what I want to do with him.

'Don't forget he is going to get married in next 2 months.' my mind replied. I immediately took my hand from his head.

With that my mind got sulked. Okay leave this.

Wait why the fuck am not getting the panic attacks beside him.

Without thinking much, I turned my face. My eyes first settled on that door. I mean that room door, which I thought as bathroom. How much of an dump me right.

What that room might have. He even locked it. It's looks fishy right. I mean, did anyone lock the room which is inside the bedroom. Did he having any important possession over there. If it's then what it might be.

Aha, who knows.

Don't think much about this Vihaan. He stirred in the sleep. He immediately opened his eyes. Oops.


He smiled at me.

What the fuck.

"Why you were smiling at me" I asked him.

"You looks creepy with smile like that" I again said at him. As he didn't replied.

"Is it Mrs. Ezhilarasi Vihaan" he said to me.

"Don't call me Mrs." I shouted at him.

He sat up in the bed, and made me to sit before him in indian style in bed.

"I will, because you are my wife" he said to me slowly.

"Ahhh, you moron" I shouted at him.

"Don't shout Mrs. Ezhilarasi Vihaan" saying this he grabbed and turned me and made me to sit in between his legs. What he is upto. Ahh. Man he is having heavy strength.

"Leave me you moron" I shouted at him.

"I won't" he immediately said at me.

He wrapped his hand over my waist even more tightly.

"Why are you doing like this Sir" I shouted at him. And tried to take of his hand which is over my stomach.

He clutched me tightly even more and made me to lean over his chest, such that my back is hitting over his chest. He placed his head in my neck.

" Are you okay now" he asked me. I melted at his tone.



This concern which only can show by my vihaan. Whom I loved. Whom I still love. I felt that again.


Still loving!

I heaved a sigh.

"Ye.. Yes" I stuttered. Fuck you ezhil.

"Mmmm" he said and placed his lips over my neck. My breath hitched.

No.. No.....


"Cool cool" he slowly said to me, by taking his lips from my neck. I slowly started to turn normal.

"You are fine right" he asked me as if he knows my every dark past.


"Yeah" I said to him.

I have to start the fight here not to reply back to him normally right.

Am a slut.


Or else I won't enjoy his kiss right. His hands roaming over my body, I won't enjoy it right. But see here am enjoying it. Thinking this my eyes lid started to fill with salt water.


Only I can shed those. Only that!!

"Don't think anything Mrs. Vihaan, just think about this" saying this he turned me and kissed my lips just like that.

I kept looking his eyes, but he kept kissing me with his eyes focusing on me.

Once we ran out of breath, he left me.

"Think this." he said to me.

He placed his both palm over my both cheeks. He smiled at me.

He brushed his lips over mine,

"Always think about happy moments Mrs Vihaan" saying this he again kissed my lips. Then he left the bed. I kept sitting in the bed dumbfoundedly. He then entered into the bathroom.

"What happened right now?" I asked at no one. I touched my lips.


I didn't get any panic attacks. Is an finally out of that torture.

Is am?

Or is am slut who enjoying this everything.

'Don't think like this ezhil' I scolded myself.

' Always Think about happy moments'his voice ranged in my ear.

I tried to smile by thinking his words. But it doesn't happen. But my heart felt happy.

As if, am happy!

That won't happen right!

Me being happy! Is won't happen atleast not in this life?

Author's note :

Thank you all!

How was the chapter?

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Please bear with the mistakes.

Love you all❣️

Love yourself💞

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