Unreal Realities - Creepypas...

By GetJinxed0

327K 13K 9.7K

A story about a girl and her brother goin around eatin people's and killing people's (duh) then one day they... More

Chappy 1 - Past in the Present
Chappy 2 - New Future for the Two
Chappy 3 - Meetings of Mad People
Chappy 4 - Calling of the Duty
Chappy 5 - Trollololololololo
Chappy 6 - The Slendies
Chappy 7 - Man Eating Friends
Chappy 9 - I-It Can't Be
Chappy 10 - Broken
Chappy 11 - Eyebrows On Fleek Tho
Chappy 12 - KIDENYS!!!!!!
Chappy 13 - My Savior
Chappy 14 - KAWAII!!!!!!!!!
Chappy 15 - Halloween
Chappy 16 - That's NOT Candy!
Chappy 17 - Nice Feelings
Chappy 18 - Just a Little Bit of Nothing
Chappy 19 - ALL THE BACON IS WHAT?!?!?
Chappy 20 - Bloody Boys
Chappy 21 - Lovefool
Chappy 22 - OH SHIT!!
Chappy 23 - Giant Ass House
Chappy 24 - TAKE IT!!!!
Chappy 26 - Hi
Chappy 27 - Really?!
Chappy 28 - Saved (some what)
Chappy 29 - Old Friends
Chappy 30 - Comfort from a Friend
Chappy 31 - Drunk as Fuck
Chappy 32 - Insert Title Because I'm so Good at Making Titles. Arent I?
Chappy 33 - The New Guy, Animal, Pet, Thing
Chappy 34 - B-But What Happened to the Other Little Shit?
Chappy 35 - Fuck, Marry, Kill
Chappy 36 - FNAF?
Cahappy 37 - I'm Not Dead..... Right?
Chappy 38 - Building Back Up
Chappy 39 - Admiration
Chappy 40 - Wait!
Chappy 41 - Listen, Please!
Chappy 42 - A Pedo Thing?
Chappy 43 - Tachyon
Chappy 44 - ?
Chappy 45 - .........
Chappy 46 - This is a lemon. Sour, is it not?
Chappy 47 - Il Vit Et Nous Célébrons
Chappy 48 - The Other Side Is Now and It's Confusing

Chappy 25 - Why?

5.5K 263 141
By GetJinxed0

After finishing the delicious lollipop and annoying the hell out of everyone, you stood up and began to walk around again. You wandered for a bit and looked around the maze like halls not really carrying if you got lost or not. You saw so much weird shit like mouths on the walls that smiled at you and even opened a door to a room with nothing but candy in it.

You guessed it was because a lot of people in the house like candy. WHY DOSEN'T LJ HAVE ONE OF THESE?! As you hummed and walked through the halls you could hear someone mimicking your hums.

You kept humming for who ever was copying you and then started to follow where the hum was coming from. It was pretty hard since the hum was having their voice thrown through all the halls.

You finally reached the room of where the hum was emerging from, you opened the door. Inside looked a bit like Sally's room but with much more drawings on the walls. You looked at the drawings and then noticed a little girl humming a toon while playing in the floor with dolls.

"Hello." you said to the little girl.

"Hello." she said back with a smile but didn't face you.

"Are you mimicking me?" You asked with a smile back.

"Are you mimicking me?" she asked with an eye brow raised and slowly turned to you.

"I think I am mimicking you!" you said and put a hand over your mouth for dramatic effect.

"Then, stop it!" she said with a joking smile.

"Okay." you said and giggled. The girl giggle too.

Then you realized how much she resembled Sally. She had brown hair that may have been a little bit lighter then Sally's, a pink dress that my have been a bit darker than Sally's. And red eyes that are very different from Sally's green ones.

You sat down next to her and she handed you a doll. You played with the doll's hair and changed it's dress for a bit.

"So, what's your name?" you asked the little girl kindly.

"I'm Lazari! What's your name?" she asked with her head titled in the cutest way.

"I'm y/n! My Creepypasta name is (Cp/n)." you told her enthusiastically.

"That's a pretty name." she said with a smiled.

"Which one?" You asked confused as to which one she was referring to.

"Both! But my daddy said you came from Mr. Slenderman's mansion. Is that true?" She asked looking at and touching her doll's hair.

"Yes, it's true." you said no really knowing why she wasn't looking at you. In fact she wasn't smiling at all!

"Well, my Daddy said that Mr. Slenderman is bad." Lazari said looking at you with saddened eyes.

"Why?" You asked with your head tilted.

"Daddy never told me." she said and looked back down at her doll.

"Who's your daddy?" You asked.

"Zalgo." Lazari said with a smile.

"What?!" You said out loud with mixed emotion.

Then, the door of the room was opened abruptly and In came Kagekou. He looked at you and sighed in relief.

"I thought you ran away." Kagekou said with a look of stress in his mask.

"I'm not a dog." you said with a bit of anger.

"I know, Zalgo wants to see you again down stairs." Kagekou said and signaled down stairs with a weird move of his head.

"Daddy!!!" Lazari said and ran outside the door.

"Okay, okay, but you have to take me cuz I don't know how to go back down stairs." you said with a shrug and followed Kagekou down stairs.

Once you both made it, you noticed some new faces. You felt like you were having meeting about a drug problem or something. You took a seat on the floor next to the fox you threw earlier. You nugged Tails and smiled at him.

"I'm still mad at you." Tails said crossing his arms.

"I'm sorry, okay? I was freaked the fuck out." you said and scratched the back of your head like a cheesy apology.

Tails just quieted and looked forward to Zalgo.

"Okay, I know we don't usually have meetings but now that y/n is here I want to have an-" Zalgo was cut off by you.

"Let's just get into this. Hello everyone, my name is y/n, I've been sober for-" Zalgo cut you off.

"Y/n, it's not an intervention." Zalgo said with a 'what the fuck' face.

"Oh." you said and laughed.

"Anyway, everyone, I guess since y/n hasn't met some of you yet, we should all introduced ourselves." Zalgo said.

"I'M KAGEKOU!!!!" Kagekou suddenly said in your face.


"NICE TO MEET ME TOO" Kagekou said and chuckled then put an arm around Sadie. Sadie chuckled and nugged him slightly nearly pushing him off the red couch.

"You met me already." Liu said from the same seat he was in before.

"Nice to meet you, met me already." you said and gave him a closed eye smile.

"Excuse me, it's you met me already." Liu said jokingly.

"Whatever." you said and rolled your eyes with a smile.

"It's not whatever, it's-" he was suddenly cut off.

"WE GET IT ALL READY!" Everyone said killing his joke. You snorted with laughter as Liu looked down with a fake sad face.

"What a nerd." Nemeisis said as she began to introduce herself.

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