Shipping(Hartbig fanfiction f...

By NeonBullet207

24.9K 579 244

As Hannah and Grace take the roads of love,they pick up a few friends,forgive old enemy's,and watch the mirac... More

Chapter 1-Almost
Chapter 2-Waiting
Chapter 3-Time
Chapter 4-Half First Kiss
Chapter 5-Fangirls and Bad Dreams
Chapter 6-Telling
Chapter 7-Missing you
Chapter 8-Wide awake
Chapter 9-Home
Chapter 10-Dreams
Chapter 11-Your way
Chapter 12-Good
Chapter 13-Tweets
Chapter 14-The Video
Chapter 15-Out on the town
Chapter 16-Playboys
Chapter 17-Cakes and Plans
Chapter 18-No Spark
Chapter 19-Apologies
Chapter 20-Mester
Chapter 21-The 1z
Chapter 22-Date Night
Chapter 23-Breakfast & Lunch
Chapter 24-Talk and Tears
Chapter 25-Warm Places
Chapter 26-Talk to me
Chapter 27-I love this
Chapter 29-Nice talking to you
Chapter 30-Planning
Chapter 31-Letter
Chapter 32-Call him!
Chapter 33-On Our Way
Chapter 34-I love you
Chapter 35-Mourn before the Storm
Chapter 36-Mr.Mellet
Chapter 37-Hailey Kate Hillers
Chapter 38-Well,you are cute
Chapter 38-Baby got Back
Chapter 39-Teaser
Chapter 40-Well...
Chapter 41-Proposing?
Chapter 43-Good Luck
Chapter 44-Honeymoon

Chapter 28-I'm sorry?

596 12 8
By NeonBullet207

I do not think Mamrie is a bitch one bit.I love Mamrie to death so dont take this the wrong way please.


Sam's POV


Waking up feeling like you are going to puke is the worst.

Sitting up I become even more sick and dash to the guest restroom.There goes dinner from last night.And my appetite.I think to myself flushing the toilet.

"You okay in there?"I here Lilly ask from the other side of the door.

"Um yeah.I think."I say opening the door.

"You sure?You sounded pretty sick."She says worried.

"Could have been the food maybe?"I tell her.

"I dont think so.The rest of us didnt get sick.You dont think that..."she trails off as she looks down at my stomach.

Fear finally snatches me out of thin air.My stomach clentches and my heart starts to race.Fuck!

Next thing I know...

2 hours later

 "I'm scared for her.She passed out just by her asking if she could be pregnant.I dont know Mamrie.She just fainted after she implied it.It could be.I got to go she is coming to."Heather says from the other side of the guest room.There is a little bit of wheight on my right side.I look over to see Rachel looking at me with big eyes.

"Hey,how you feeling?"Heather says bringing me a cup of tea.

"What happened and why were you talking to the bitch of highschool?"I ask still kind of out of it and with a scratchy voice.

"It was nothing."She says carfully but I am pretty sure I heard her mumble 'Yet'."So,do you remember anything from before?"she asks.

I put my head down in awnser,"Sam?Sam it will be okay.I had Lilly go to his house to get your stuff.He had just packed it to give it away."she says poiting to the corner with about 3 trashbags and a box of my stuff.

I nod and continue to look at the sheets on the bed.

I hear a sigh from Rachel.I kind of forgot that she was there when I called Mamrie a bitch.Whoops.Heather must have noticed because she spoke,"Its okay,she knows better then to say those words."I stay silent still,"Do you want to talk about it.By the looks of it,you didnt have very much there.Is there anywhere else that you had stuff at?"

I shake my head and after a moment Heather tells Rachel to go find Venessa,the maid.She does as she is told but moves slowly.After she leaves,Heather shuts the door and looks at me.She hesitates before she comes to sit down again;

"Alright,what is it?Did he force you?"She says,becoming angry at the possiblity.

I sigh,"Might as well tell someone."I whisper.Heather's face turn hard and overcome by a frown.She turns dark red,almost like a brick wall.

"He did didnt he?"She says through clenched teeth.

I nod my head solmnly.She stands up,picks up her phone,"No,please dont!"I yell.

"Sam,he raped you!We have to call the police!"She yells continuing to type 911.

I stand up and snatch the phone out of her hand and hanging up before it even begins to call,"You cant.He will come after me!"

"How would he do that?He would be in jail!"She asks trying to get her phone back.

"He has people working for him to!"I inform her.

"So.We can get them arrested to."She tells me giving up on the phone for the moment.

"They didnt do anything and I am not going to lie to the police."I say in and 'Duh" tone of voice.

She stays silent for a moment before Rachel comes running back in,"Mommy mommy,someone is here for you!"She says.

Heather's face brightens up in a idea,"What?"I ask tilting my head.

"Um,just stay here.I will be right back.Do not move."She instructs and leads Rachel out of the room.

Being the little snoop I am,I unlocked her unprotected IPhone.I look at the contacts.Mamrie.


Hey,long time no talk.Kind of.Anyway,is everything okay with Sam?Is she okay?

This makes not since.She hated me yesterday and know she is wanting to know how I am doing.


She just passed out because Lilly asked if she was pregnant.We are taking that as a yes but we dont know what happened.You can call me and I can fill you in on yesterday and today.

Thats where they stop.

After I lock the phone I lay on my side in the bed and wrap my arms around my stomache.It has only been a month but I knew he didn't use protection.And I missed my period.I let it happen.


"You are going to hold still or so help me I will break up with you right now.Then who will love you?"He spits at me angrily.I hate when he gets drunk like this.He becomes aggresive.He never has tried to penitrate me while he was like this but he has made me give him blow jobs.I can feel his hot breath that reeked of beer and whiskey on my face.I stop struggleing but I still look away from him.

Without warning or anything he rips my pants and panties off of my body.The hot tears pouring down my face has he lets go of my waist barely to take his own pants off.The cuffs digging deep into my wrist as I plead silently for it all to stop.

WIthout any kind of lubricant or anything,he sticks himself into me.I have to fight myself not to scream because I dont want him to leave me.When he is finished he lays next to me and uncuffs me but doesnt let me go.He pulls me close and eventually,I sneak to the bathroom to take a shower and get the filth off of me while crying.

Flashback over

As I think of the memory tears roll down my face.

Next thing I know,someone comes knocking on the door.I turn to see someone I wasnt expecting to see.Grace.

"Whats wrong?"She asks sitting next to me.

"Is Hannah and Mamrie here to?"I ask wiping my tears.

She sighs and nods her head yes,"They are.Everyone is talking about something that I am not aloud to tell you yet so instead I thought I would come to comfort you.Do you want to talk about it?"She asks causiosly.

"Not really but it would be healthy.What better way then to tell someone that I barely know."I laugh.

She laughs to but then her face turns into a frown.I sigh and tell her the story.When I finish I add,"I remember feeling,only a month ago,so empty inside.Like a failure.It is pretty obvious I am not empty though."I giggle at myself.

"Im so sorry."Grace says,"What made you stop stuggling though?"

"I was afraid he was right.Who else was going to love me.As it turns out,after leting yourself go like that really makes you feel worthless."I say on the very verge of tears.

"Sam.You are not worthless one bit.You are going to be a amazing mother.Anyone would be lucky to have you."she says with secierty.

"I find it funny that you are comforting me.Your girlfriend's ex,who broke her heart.And you hated my guts almost two days ago."I laugh she laughs with me.

Soon we end up talking about work and stuff.Like how she did HeyUSA and Camp Takota.I told her that I would love to do those kinds of things but now,with a kid,it would be much much harder.

"Well,maybe you can go with Hannah and I while Mamrie babysits one day and we will have a little adventure.Or you can take the kid with you and I stay behind."she laughs.

"Maybe."I say.I look down and for the first time I notice her bandage,"What happened?"I ask.

"Hm?"she says but then looks down,"Oh.Its a long story.One I really dont want to share right at the moment."

I nod and then Lilly comes in,"Hi."She says to Grace,"We have a idea.Come with me."she says wiggling her finger to come on.

I stand up hesitantly but eventually follow,being trailed by Grace.When I walk into the room,I can feel the tension.She smiles warmly so im not sure if the tension is from Mamrie and I or not.

I sit on the couch and wait for someone to start talking.Rachel runs up and jumps on my lap and Heather clears her throat and looks at Mamrie.

"Um hey.So Hannah told me the truth.I had no idea so I want to apoligize.Im sorry.I had to track your Facebook and then I couldnt message you so I found Heather instead.I felt horrible.You can ask the girls,"She says pointing to the girls that are,by know occupied with Rachel,who I didnt know got off my lap,with Heather and Lilly,"I was a mess yesterday.Such a mess,they made me sleep on a air matriss in their room."She laughs.

I smile,"Im sorry to."I tell her loseing the humor.

Her eyebrows furrow together,"For what?"

I sigh,"For leaving.Or leaving without telling.Or leaving without explaining why."I tell her,memories of my father in the court room,my mothers bruised face coming back to me.Tears start to brim my eyes.

"Hey,you didnt have to tell anyone anything.I understand,you had a hard thing you went through and you wanted it all gone.Thats why,this time,I will help you.If you want you can come live with me until the little rascal is born or however long after,as long as we move if you stay longer then a year,and protect you and the baby.Sound good?"She informs me.

"Really?You would do that?"I ask kind of in shock.She nods her head.

"Its the least I can do since I said all those things to you.I really dont want all this guilt eating me alive."She laughs.

I nod my head,"I think I accept,as long at the other two are okay with it."I say.

"Oh trust me they are fine.Hannah has long gotten over it and Grace feels bad.They wont mind.Beanz on the other hand,I dont know."she says laughing a little.

"Beanz?"I ask.

"My dog."she explains.

"Oh."I laugh.


Pretty long chapter but oh well your welcome.

This is a little late because of many reasons.So much in the fandom,like Grace's show premire date,the costume reveal for EWDG,Mamrie on TV.And my entire body hurts.

If you go to my Fan Acc on Instagram I have things there that tell you info about what has happend to me that made me happy af lately.@youtube_gives_me_lyfe

Qotd:What are you more excited for EWDG or The Grace Helbig Show?

Aotd:My question,I will decide if I awnser it or not.In this case I cant choose.


Stay Awesome


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