My Deskmate Is A KITTY


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Felix is just a normal boy who is afraid of cats. But afraid of a cat has gave him a life cursed, which is... More

not an update
The Sequel!!!
(😌Bonus chapter😌)


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"Brownies?" I felt weird.

I know I've always received a lot of gifts almost everyday but never in my life someone gave me a home-made brownies, no cards or name. What a mysterious guy.

"Wow! Brownies? Your mom made this?" Ask Han while taking one piece of it and shove it into his mouth.

I shook my head. "Nope. Someone gave me. Its there on my table this morning."

Han stopped munching. "What- so do you want me to spit it?"

"Why though? You've already ate it." I said.

"Who knows there's might be poison in it and I will die after swallowing it."

I laughed hard. This guy in front of me... Really have such imaginations.

"Its safe, dummy. Probably from our juniors. Gonna eat this, it looks yummy though."

I took one piece and devour it.

Wow!! It is so delicious.. my eyes widely opened. Amazed with the taste of this brownies.

"Look! You're already having a crisis. I told you! There's poison inside it!!" Han with his dramatic self start to panicked.

"Han ah... Can you stop being so dramatic. This brownies is good though." I said, still haven't finish munching yet.

Then Felix enter the classroom. He is the last student to enter.

"Hey, guys!" Felix greet us with a bright smile.

I am shook and Han is in shocked.

"Felix? Is this really you?"

Felix looks at Han. "Why? My face changed?" Felix starting to look panic.

"No, but.. you look bright today. You used to be emotionless before." Said Han again, Looking so concerned.

Felix rolled his eyes at Han while took some books out of his bag.

"Yeah, thats the Felix I know. Very fierce and intimidating!"

I just laugh it off. These boys really love to quarrel with each other.

"Ah, shut up you both. Stop fighting, teacher will coming in soon." I said, realizing the time.

"Aih, meori apeuda..." Said Han, while faking to hit his head and turn around to the front.

"What's wrong with that squirrel?" Ask Felix.

I chuckles, this is the first time I hear Felix call Han with his nickname.

"He must have been listening to Side Effects a lot these days." I said.

"Oh, Side Effects! I love that song!" He happily expressed.

Never thought Felix likes kpop too. I thoughts he didnt even care about Kpop.

"Really? So you must be a fan of Stray Kids, right?"

He nods. "All of their songs are masterpieces. You like them too?"

Me? Huh.. I'm the biggest Stay ever!

"Of course! I love them! They're so talented." I said.

"Good, then. I will text you my fav songs of them."


Then the teacher coming in, we all stand up to greet her and she reply our greet before all of us sits down again.

The class goes on like usual. Mrs. Yoon was explaining the next chapter of Science.

Everyone focused on her and taking some notes including me.

But sometimes I take a glance at Hyunjin's table. I saw Hyunjin is munching something and I saw a box of brownies under his table, a smirk flashed on my face. I remember how I sneaking in our class just to put the brownies and left without any traces.

He ate it. Gonna give him more tomorrow.

I'm so happy!


Because I think.. I already like him. And I'm sure of it.

"Okay, class. Before we end the class I would like to remind you about our upcoming Science project. As I already told you last week about the school trip and I hope you're already preparing for it." Said the teacher.

The whole class start to make a happy noises.

"Well, no need to be so excited. This is a trip while studying not to play around. Its your best time to get to know about trees and animals better, understand?" Mrs. Yoon explained.

The whole class said yes in sync.

"Okay, the trip is in a week from now. Class dismissed." Mrs. Yoon left some notes before leaving the classroom.

"Yah, Jinnie.. Kitty.. can we go shopping today? I need to buy some stuff for the trip." Han turn to us.

"Once again you call me kitty I will kill you!" I murder Han with my eyes.

Han just stick his tongue out. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Are we going?" He ask again.

"Sure. I have some things to buy too,what about you Felix?" Asked Hyunjin.

Me? I felt worried. Trip means staying for the night, right? And I think... I will have to tell teacher that I'm not going to join the trip.

What if I turns into cat in front of the class? Yo! It will be a big problem..!!


I snapped out from my thoughts and saw Han and Hyunjin staring at me.

"Y-yes?" I am in a confusion.

Han just face palming himself. "See? I told you, he is not going."

"Going where?" I asks again.

"I asked are you going with us? Buying stuff for the school trip?" Hyunjin said.

"O-oh.. Yes. I'm going. Haha."

A bit awkward but oh well.

"Okay! See you guys at 5."



Felix's widen his eyes, surprised with what he saw.

"Wow! That's a lot!" Said Felix as he saw Hyunjin's cart full with stuff compared to his.

"Well, its Han's too. Lets go pay."


After making a payment, the three of them decides to grab some cakes and coffee.

They happily sitting while putting the cakes on the table.

"Jinnie, I heard there's new pets shop at the lobby." Said Han before sipping on his coffee.

"Uh yes. Wanna go and take a look?" Suggest Hyunjin.

"Sure! I want to adopt cats." Said Han, smirking.

Felix starts to chokes on his cakes, listening to a word's 'cat' is enough to scared him. 

"Whats wrong, Felix?" Hyunjin rubbed Felix's back to calm him down.

"N-nothing." Felix acts normal.

"I heard they have a lot of cute cats there. Minho hyung must be happy if I gave him cats as a gift." Han is looking so sparkling talking about his Minho hyung.

"He likes cats?" Asked Hyunjin, interested.

"He love them more than me!" Han pouted.

Felix once again choking. Both Han and Hyunjin starts to feel worry.

"Are you okay?" Ask Han. This time Han is also rubbing Felix back.

"Yeah.. I'm fine. Just this cake is too sweet." Said him while shaking his head.

Then Hyunjin and Han continuously talking about cats which making Felix feels uncomfortable.

But what's worst is, he can feel some fury linger around his foot, might probably be cats.

He hesitantly took a glance under his table and yes, its a cat.

"No!" He shouted while putting his foot up on a chair he was sitting in.

Hyunjin and Han is in shocked.

"W-why.. whats wrong?" Hyunjin take a look under his table too after that, so did Han.

"Please, make them go away...please." said Felix looking so scared.

He cant control his fear now. Cats are scary.

"Okay.. okay.. hold on." Said Hyunjin, didnt care if people were watching them, he scoot down and carries the cat to put them away far from Felix.

Han just bow to everyone who looks at them while saying, "sorry"


"I'm sorry." Only that words can come out from Felix's mouth. He is sitting at the back in a car.

"No, its okay. We're understand." Said Hyunjin while driving.

"Yes, you dont have to feel sorry. Everyone has fears of something." Said Han.

They dont judged Felix but still, Felix is feeling uncomfortable.

After sending Han home, Hyunjin drop Felix at his house and go back home.


We dont talk too much, because I dont know what to say and Hyunjin just keep quiet. Maybe he didnt want to make me feel more uncomfortable about what happened earlier.

Gosh! Why would I need to meet with the cats everywhere I go?

(Trett trett)

My phone notified me about about new messages.

I take a look and saw 7 unread messages from Hyunjin.


Hey, are you okay?
1 minute ago

I think I know now
Why you suddenly
Feeling not well..that day
50 seconds ago

Was it because I
Mentioned about cats?
40 seconds ago

I'm sorry
30 seconds ago

But can I know why?
15 seconds ago

There's must be a reason, right?
10 seconds ago

You traumatized earlier, lix
1 second ago

I sigh. Should I tell him? Maybe I should. Since, Hyunjin is my friend now, a very special one. So he has right to know it.


Are you sure you want to
Know why?

Well, if you
Want to share..
I'm all hear

Okay, sure
See you outside now..
I will tell you



(Tadaah! I have time to update!!)

(Fortunately all the problems solved today. So I will be updating as usual. But maybe I also ruin this chapter too.. haha. Sorry! Really sorry. I will try my best for the next chapter.)

(Thank you for Staying..)

(Anyway.. how was your day?)

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