~Lost memories~ (scp 035 x re...

By monstercookie_05

48.8K 1.2K 663

One day (Y/N) wakes up in a strange place. She didn't know how she got there nor does she know what she did t... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
⚠️Attention⚠️ cursed pictures!!
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
⚠️Attention⚠️ cursed pictures!!
chapter 22

chapter 11

1.6K 46 12
By monstercookie_05

{Chaos in the facility}

I woke up without the orange slime. I felt a little bit sad but somehow still happy. I sat up looking around. Nothing there. Normally when I wake up there is somebody. I got a bad felling as I walked to the observing glass. I saw that the door was open and red light was outside. I heard heavy footsteps coming into my derection. Not the kind of footsteps the guard normally have.

I hide behind the wall between the glass and the door. "You think it that one?" A deep voice said. "Well we have already tried three of those cells so why not another one?" Another one said. What the hell is going on? Who are these people? And what cell did they open?! Did someone get hurt?! Question bubbled up my head till I heared a pipping sound coming from the door.

I jumped away just in time when the door bust opened. The door nearly flew across the room. Three man with green military clothes and a gasmasked walked in pointing guns to my head. "See we just had to keep looking." One said. The tallest walked up to me grabbing my upper arm janking me into the air.

Obviously I try to break free and tried to use the power I hold in my body. Sadly with no luck. "Oh come on she is weak just pick her up and lets go before someone get here." I looked at him shocked. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw the men bende down wra ing a arm around my hips and picked me up.

I was now hanging over his shoulder like a fucking potato bag. I hit my fist several times on his back without any resoluts. I stopped and let my body hang. Wow. I fucking weak. What the hell am im going to do now?! I looked around suddenly seeing a black hole on the floor. Whats that? My eyes weiden when a men with completely black skin.

Some black liquid was tripping of his body. I started to scream. "Oh come on why are you screaming like a little kid now?" The one on the front said turning around. Its hard to tell but I guess his eyes widened too as soon as he saw the thing. He pointed his gun at the creature but didn't shoot.

The guy who carried me dropped me and the other pointed there guns at me. I fucking hate guns. What do they think I do? Look them to death. A low giggle escaped the scp and I looked at him. What is he laughting about? I asked myself. In that very moment he pointed his Index finger towards me.

Wait a damn minute can you hear me... "Do you want her?" Big boy said laughing. "You can come with us if you want. We have enough space for you two." I looked at him and shock my head no. One of them kicked me with his legs. Bending down do my level he kneeled behind me. He grabbed my hairs and pulled me back. "What the hell do you think you are doing? Playing hero when you don't even know how to use your power." He let go and stood straight.

So I have no glue if that me or you. But I know for a fact that you can hear me. This people are no good. They gonna hurt you and me. His mouth angles got even higher. He slowly moved to the man. "Yes thats right. You can come with..." He got cut of by a black hole underneath his feed.

The hole swallowed him like he wasn't even there. The other two started to shoot at him. They didn't thought of running from him even though he was very slowly. Both of them fell into the black holes. I looked up at him. Three cells has been opened. One of them is right infront of me.

What are the other two? We stood there looking at eatch other not knowing what to do. "So... would you like to go back to you cell?" I asked politely. He walked closer to me and I took some steps backe. Again we stood there not saying a word. Can he even talk?

He started to laugh in a really low voice. Shifers run up and down my spine. "Kneel." He said. Out of reflex I moved back and fell over my own feet. I looked up at him coming closer to me. I was sure that he was about to attack me but all of a sudden a high scream was to be heard in the halls. I looked around to see where it was coming from but I couldn't see anyone.

He looked at me. "One day." With that he lowered himself into the ground disappearing into the hole. What the hell happened? "Scp 106 successfully contained!" Boomed thru the speakers. I saw some guards running my way. "(Y/N)! Weciuld need your help." Phillip said.

As he came closer a black hole opened on the celling and they moved back. Panic kicking in and I couldn't move. The hole was nearly above me. "A present." Said a low voice thru the portal. We looked at each other. "A present? What does it mean..." the body of one of the men from earlier dropped right onto my legs. He was dead. His face was like has been rotten for days.

I scream at the top of my lungs pushing the body off of me I crawled away. Joshua started to sit in front of me hugged me and tried to calm me down. "What the hell is a chaos insurgency doing here?! How did he get in here?" I looked at Simon question. "Chaos insurgency?" I tilted my head with teary eyes. Still clinging onto Joshua.

"Chaos insurgency is a organisation just like us thought the difference is that they want to use the scp. They don't want to keep them in place, they try to use them as weapon." Daniel explained while Phillip moved the body away from us. I started to calm down.

"So they actually wanted me as a weapon?" I asked more to myself but Simon seem to have heard it. "Well they want every scp they can get into there hands." He said  while nervously looking around. I looked up. "No. They were looking for me. They said that they have open three Chambers and that I was the one they were looking for." I said quietly.

The guards now looked at each other. "How would they know that she exist?" Joshua questioned. I could only snuggle with my shoulders. "Wait you said 'they'. Where there more than one?!" Simon asked now a little bit angry looking around. "They could still be here somewhere." He short of panicked.

I walked to him and placed my hand on his shoulder which he smacked away. I sighed heavily. "Its okay the scp took him into the black hole." You can see that he relaxed as soon as I told him that there are no more here. At least thats what I think. I though to myself.

"So ypu met Larry?" Daniel asked and I glare his way. I raised a brow with him. "Who the hell is Larry?" Phillip snort. "Larry is scp 106. He got the nick name Larry. We don't know why though." Ahhhh. "So what would you need my help for?" I was about to move my head towards the dead body to look at it.

Joshua put his gloved hands onto of my head stopping me from doing so. He turend my head back to the front. "Don't look at it." I only nodded. "Omg yeah. There are two more scp to be contained. Scp 049 and 096. Obviously 049 is not too dangerous thought 096 is too dangerous." I looked at them. 096 can't remember meeting it yet.

"Luckily we let all the stuff know that he containment breached. So they know what to do." I was irritated if he is dangerous what the hell can you do? "You have to keep your gaze on the floor. You not allow to look at his face." Not look at his face?!  "How we ganna contain him?" I already started to look at floor.

I hear quite sopping coming from a direction. I wanted to help the person maybe he was hurt by the chaos. I was about to look up when a hand placed itself on my head again. "Don't look that scp 096." Simon said. So I continued to look at the floor. Wow would you look at the floor. Beautiful. I joked in my head.

"Now is not the moment to joke around." My head snapped into his derection. "But.. but I didn't say anything?" I said unsure if I was talking in my head or in real. Sadly I looked its way forgotten not to look at him. He covered his face. "Fuck did you look at him?!" Phillip yelled.

"Will he only attack me? If so don't look! Dont try to save me. After all I can't die even if I want to!" I yelled. The guard hold there gaze onto the floor squeesing there eyes shot. "Wait? Even if you want to?" Screaming of the scp echoed thru the halls. Screams and crying were to be heard all around me. It started to speed up to me. My eyes widened at his speed.

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