Poisonous Love. [EDITING]

By melaninwritess

354K 11.7K 9.7K

BWWM** Seventeen year old aaliyah brown has the hands of an angel and has been gifted with a god given talent... More

i got my acc back
character q & a
character q & a answered
im so sorry:(
Reader Predictions
epilouge 1/3
epilouge 2/3
epilouge 3/3
until next time <3


1.9K 79 7
By melaninwritess


"what do we-i mean,i need to do,in order to get her back?"
aaron asked.

aaron and junior were sitting in the library during lunch,trying to come up with a plan to get aaliyah and aaron back together,or at least friends.

junior shook his head as he rubbed his face.
"honestly,aaron. i don't know if i can help you on this one."
he sighed.

aaron's face fell as he because frustrated.
"why not? you told me you could help me get her back-"

"i told you i could help,but i admitted,it was gonna be hard,and it is gonna be hard."

aaron sighed,putting his head down.

"look,aaliyah has a keen mind,even you know that. she's not one to easily forgive or forget."
junior explained.

"but i'm trying hard,i don't know what else i need to do. do i need to talk to her dad-"

"no,don't do that. he'll kick your ass,i promise you that."
he chuckled.

"look,i'm not gonna sit here and lie to you,telling you that she's just gonna turn around and forgive your sorry ass. you hurt her,shit you hurt me. but the pain that you caused her is inevitable. i would be surprised if she even spoke to you."
he admitted.

"it's up to you to get her back. try hard but don't be pushy,you know how she is. it's all up to you."


"so when we get called up,do i go first or do you go first?"
miles asked.

aaliyah's eyebrows dipped as she looked back at him.
"miles,my name starts with an a,and your name starts with a b,and I'm standing in front of you as we speak,which one do you think?"

aaliyah,mikes and the rest of the seniors were all standing outside on the football field.

with graduation only a week away,the school was doing everything that they could to get their seniors ready to walk the stage.

"remember seniors,i'd the music stops,that means we have to start over,so pay attention!"
the principle informed all of the students as she hopped off of the stage.

"we've been out here for two hours,how much practice can walking across a stage take?"
anthony asked as he rubbed the sweat off of his forehead.

while everybody else was burning up,miles took the liberty of using his varsity jacket to shield the sun away from destiny.

"jesus christ! it's a hundred fucking degrees out here,can we hurry it up!"
junior complained as he heard the music pause making everybody groan and look his way.

"my fault yall!"
he apologized as the music restarted,making everybody have to go back to their spots.

"anyway,have you guys thought about that trip that i was talking about?"
destiny brought up.

junior scratched his head as he re entered the conversation.
"what trip?"

"destiny wants to go on a road trip once we graduate. drive all over the country,see new places,just hang out before we all start school again."

junior nodded as he thought about the idea.
"i mean i'm down,why not?"

"we're all probably gonna be busy this summer,it's for the better-"

"but we should at least give it a try. this could be our last summer together,and if we have the opportunity to spend three months traveling around the country,i say why not?"


"oh my god,you both look so good!"
jackie jumped up and down,looking at destiny's prom dress.

destiny laughed as she fixed her hair before hugging miles.

"okay pictures pictures."

jackie rushed destiny and miles together before taking multiple different pictures of them,from different angles.

"okay okay,mama,that's enough. can we go now?"
she asked with a sigh.

jackie smiled before nodding,hugging her husband.

"i'll drive!"
miles yelled as they exited the door,closing it behind them.

jackie and her husband sat down at the island as they began conversing,aaliyah watching tv on the couch with rocco.

"ohh i'm so happy for them. i hope they have fun and don't stay out too long."
she explained.

"yeah,hopefully,i was thinking about giving them a curfew but i think they're a bit too old for that."
james lugged making them do the same.

james asked the two if they would like a snack before walking to the pantry,jackie turned looking back at aaliyah.

"aaliyah baby,why didn't you go to prom? you would've looked gorgeous in one of my dresses?"
she asked.

aaliyah let out an awkward laugh as she focused her attention on the screen.
"thanks,it just didn't work out,that's all."

jackie hummed with sympathetic smile.
"that's okay,all will be well."
aaliyah looked back and nodded before letting rocco.

"how about we go out to eat?"
james asked as he wiped his hands with the rag.

"it's not too late,the kids are out,we can talk and get a few drinks if you guys want?"
james asked.

they both nodded before getting up,preparing to leave.

"aaliyah? you coming,you haven't ate anything all day?"
james asked as he slipped on his shoes.

aaliyah shook her head as she laid down on the couch,pulling the blanket up to her shoulders.

"i'll bring you back something okay?"
james told her as he took his keys off the hook.

she nodded,"drive safe"
she told them as they closed the door.

aaliyah sighed as her and rocco laid on the couch,sulking in gushers and sad drama movies from ten years ago.


"are you having fun?"
jessica asked as she leaned in to talk,sipping her punch.

"no not really"
aaron said as he leaned back in the chair.

"i'm ready to go home actually."

jessica's smile faded as she leaned back with a smile.
"you know what,this is your own doing."

"if you would've never gotten with that bitch,you wouldn't be in the predicament you're in now."
she explained.

aaron laughed. ok
"you actually think that i care about what the fuck comes out of your mouth? i'm only doing this for her."

"she doesn't care about you anymore,give it up. by time this is all over,aaliyah is gonna be over you. aaron,i'm tryna help you understand,you're wasting your time."
jessica told him.

aaron sat back in his seat angrily as he chewed on his nail.

"it's for the best,aaron."
jessica told him as she looked around the gym.

she gasped.
"let's go take pictures!"
she smiled.

aaron shook his head.
"no no,i'm not-"

"aaron! let's go take pictures now."
she demanded,making him get up and follow her.

they both stood in the line,waiting for their turn before saying hi to the man running the booth.

they paid him and stepped on the backdrop.

aaron sighed before putting on the fakest smile he could,doing multiple poses with jessica take he couldn't stand.

just as jessica was asking him to do a pose where he kissed her on the cheek,aarons phone rang,making him look down at the caller id before stepping out.

"what's are you-"

"i'll be back.i have to take this!"
he told her as he stepped out of the gym,closing the double doors.

he let out a big breath before pressing the answer button.

the line was silent,he almost though she hung up,before she spoke.

"hey. i need you to give the phone to miles."
she said softly.

aaron nodded,even though she couldn't see him,entering the gym again to find miles.

he spotted him and destiny talking to junior by the chef as he handed them all plates of food.

aaron tapped miles on the shoulder as he turned around,looking like he wanted to kill him.

before he could say anything,he put the phone out to him.
"it's aaliyah."

miles snatched the phone,which aaron didn't mind because he deserved it,speaking to her.

"aaliyah! what happened?"
he said worriedly.

"are you sure?"

"it's in my room,under the desk."

"are you sure you're fine?"
he glared at aaron.

"alright,love you too,bye."
he handed aaron back the phone before pouring for him to leave.

aaron turned before putting the phone back up to his ear.

aaron heard nothing,making him ultimately assume that aaliyah had already hung up the phone.

she spoke lowly,he could hear the movie "the boy in the striped pajamas" in the background.

"can we talk?"
he asked as he paced back and forth in front of the doors

aaliyah sighed.
"aaron,we have nothing to talk about. i only called you because miles' puone was dead and i needed to reach-"

"i know i know,i'm sorry,um,but is there any time that you're free? this week i mean?"
he asked.

the line was silent as he heard shuffling.

"no,there isn't. not for you at least. i'm not interested in speaking to you."
she spoke.

aaron took note of her voice and tone.
she didn't sound mad or upset,just tired.

it was fairly late at night but aaron was quite surprised that aaliyah wasn't cussing him out at the moment.

aaron stuttered as he tried to come up with something to say.


"i'm just surprised-"

"about what?"
she asked.

"i don't know"
he shrugged.
"i just thought you'd be way madder-"

"so what? i could cuss you out and have you paint me as the angry black woman? get off my phone aaron-"

"wait wait,no no,i just-i need to talk to you about some stuff. there's a lot that you need to know and I'm willing to-"

"aaron,i already told you. I'm not interested in your lies and excuses. i've dealt with you long enough. i have to move on."
she insisted.

"i know-I'm sorry-"

"stop saying you're sorry because you're not."
she interrupted,making his freeze.

she let out a sigh before he heard her sniffle,letting him know she was crying.

"aaron,what do you want from me?"
she cried lowly,making him feel extremely guilty.

he shrugged.
"I'm sorry-i mean,i just wanna talk,i promise I'm not-"

"you're not what? you can't possibly expect me to believe that after everything you've done to me that you're somewhat of a good person."
she sniffled.

"aaliyah,i didn't mean to hurt you,i swear. i just-i need to figure out how to tell you-I'm trying to figure this out for the both of us-"

"both of us!"
she shouted preposterously.

"we are done,aaron. i don't know what you're smoking or shooting but i can't even imagine the hold it has on you. we haven't talked in weeks and when we did,you were either lying on my name or i was screaming at you. you have caused more pain than i have every experienced in my whole life,including with travis."
she let out.

aaron stayed quiet as she said his name.

"i can't keep allowing myself to have this hold on you,because you want me to wait for you to become a better person? you've treated me like shit the past three months and now all of a sudden you're kissing my ass?"
she sobbed softly.

"aaron,if you really care,about me and my mental health,don't call me,don't text me,don't even look at me. stay the hell away from me. if you call me again,i'm contacting the fucking police,remember that,you sorry son of a bitch."
she cried before hanging up the phone.

aaron felt his body go numb before licking his lips,slipping his phone back into the pocket of his suit.

he wiped his mouth before grabbing onto the door,pulling it open,a warm tear cascading down his face as he stepped back into the dark room full of happy seniors.

him not being one of them.


i got my toes done today for like the first time in months. i'm not rlly girly like that so this was sum new.

and i shaved today because my legs looked like a chinchilla,it's actually pretty sad but idk,i'm not tryna impress nobody so.

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