π‘ƒπ‘’π‘Ÿπ‘π‘Žπ‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘“π‘’π‘π‘‘ | A...

By Navzoon

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176 9 9
By Navzoon

Hey Percashippers! Another update, I'm so proud of myself for keeping up with these. Anyway this is an AU with Punk!Percy and Girly!Annabeth because I am a sucker for that version of the ship. This kinda has mention of ⚠️ rape ⚠️ but nothing happens but I still wanted to warn everyone. Also up above is Annabeth's Outfit. DON'T SLUT-SHAME AND SAY THAT IT'S TOO 'REVEALING' BECAUSE I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT AND I WILL BLOCK YOU! A GIRL CAN WEAR WHATEVER SHE WANTS.

Annabeth was uncomfortable. She had come to this punk concert thinking it would be a fun way to spend time with Thalia but now she'd gone to buy food and Annabeth had stupidly told her that she would be fine on her own. She was wrong. The thing is Annabeth was not exactly the type of person you would see at a punk concert, in fact, Thalia usually brought Piper as her plus one but since Piper was busy, Annabeth had decided to come. She stuck out like a sore thumb in her pink skirt, white crop top and blond princess curls while everyone else was sporting black leather jackets, ripped jeans and crazy dyed hair. To make matters worse she had chosen to wear heels on the sticky and uneven floor.

It was a nightmare. People kept staring at her and whispering things and usually, she wouldn't have cared what they thought. Except that these people were strange men, strange older men. Now Annabeth wasn't stupid she knew what they wanted, but she was never going to give it to them. She'd had guys look her in that way before but these guys were just idiotic high school fuckboys not full-grown men in their thirties.

She thought just ignoring would make them stop or go away. She was utterly wrong. One of these men decided to come up to her and talk to her. Annabeth really wished that Thalia would come back, she'd be able to scare them away no problem. Annabeth didn't exactly look intimidating in her pastel pink heels.

"What's your name, beautiful?" He winked at her and smiled putting all of his disgusting rotted teeth on display. Annabeth wanted to throw up. The man looked about her father's age, he was tall with dirty blond hair and she didn't just mean in colour she meant literally. He could have actually been attractive if he took better care of himself and didn't spend all of his time drunk at a concert hitting on teenage girls.

Annabeth shivered and turned away trying to ignore him, desperately trying. But that only made him try harder to get her attention. And he did something that made Annabeth uncomfortable on a whole new level. He put his arm around her waist, she could feel his cold, dirty hand on her bare skin. Annabeth wanted to run and scream, how was no one noticing this or maybe they just didn't care.

"I'm talking to you, Blondie?" He said next to her ear. She heard his friends laughing behind him and Annabeth knew she had to get out of here before something terrible happened. So she stepped on his foot with her heel, she made sure it was hard.

He yelled in pain and momentarily let go of her, she took that as an opportunity to kick him one more where the sun doesn't shine. She didn't stick around to see the results of her actions. She ran as fast as she could in heels, she was glad she'd worn them because without them she could be in a very dark place.

As Annabeth was speed walking away, she bumped into some guy's chest.


The last thing Annabeth wanted was another encounter with these guys. But Annabeth was surprised when she looked up. It was Percy Jackson, The notorious punk of Goode High. She shouldn't have been surprised after all these concerts were made for people like Percy. But he sure did look surprised to see Annabeth.

Percy was surprised, beyond surprised. Annabeth Chase was the last person that he thought of when he thought of punk. She was the complete opposite of anything and everything punk. She was the smart, perfect blonde, who was stunning to look at. Percy had never really paid any attention to her or at least he tried not to. He didn't see a point in crushing on her not when he didn't stand a chance, he was definitely not her type. She had every single guy, and some girls, at Goode who wasn't already taken trying to get her number or take her out. He was just facing the facts, he would be an idiot to think that she would like him.

"Sorry! Sorry!' Annabeth said nearly tripping over in her heels.

Who wears heels to a concert?

Percy thought. "Fancy seeing you here, Princess? You don't seem like the type of person to show up at one of these concerts." Percy smirked.

"I'm not. I came here with Thalia as her plus one and let's just say that I'm regretting my decision." Annabeth looked behind her with an uneasy expression.

Percy knew what she meant and it made him angry. He knew that loads of strange men turned up to these things, men that would love to get their hands on a girl as gorgeous as Annabeth. It was fucked up on a whole new level. No wonder she was uncomfortable, he would be too if he was in her situation. Sure he'd never had it happen to him being a guy and all, but that didn't mean he didn't care. After all his mother had raised him right.

People always assumed that he was a player because of his looks, but in all honesty, Percy had never even had a girlfriend. He respected women more than any of the guys at Goode, his mother would disown him if he played with some poor girl's heart.

So Percy decided to help her out. "Are you ok? I could take you home if you wanted?"

Annabeth looked back at him surprised, he looked genuinely concerned and Annabeth turned a little pink. "Really, could you? I mean I don't want to ruin your night, I could just wait for Thals."

"Really it's not a problem, besides this band isn't even that good." Percy lied. He loved this band, they were his favourite but right now making Annabeth feel comfortable was more important.

"You aren't drunk right?"

Percy was a little taken aback by the question but it was valid when drinks were being given out everywhere. "No, I don't drink." Percy's memories flashed back to Gabe and the glass beer bottles, when Gabe was put in jail Percy promised himself that he would never drink he didn't want to hurt his mother or anyone else because of it.

"A 'bad boy' who doesn't drink. Who knew?" She said using air quotes, Percy laughed. Annabeth was a little shocked that Percy was helping her out and most of all that he didn't drink. It was almost like he wasn't as tough as everyone thought like he was a completely different person from who he claimed to be.

"I'm not a bad boy now come on, Wise Girl my car's outside."

"I wish you would stop with the nicknames, Seaweed Brain." She glared back though he didn't seem very angry.

"No can do, Princess."


"This not a car, you know that right?" Annabeth said staring at Blackjack and then looked up grimaced at Percy with her arms crossed.

"Oops, Did I say car I meant to say motorcycle," He grinned handsomely. "Annabeth say hello to Blackjack."

"You named it?" She snickered.

"Yes, now if you wanna go home you're going to have to say 'Hi, Blackjack don't you think that Percy's super hot.' " He said smirking and running a hand through his raven black hair. She took back what she said about him being nice, he was so annoying. But she couldn't deny that he was hot however there was no way she was going to say it out loud. She'd rather go through the pits of hell.

She doubled over laughing hysterically. "I'd rather walk home, Seaweed Brain." To prove her point she started walking away from him.

She was about halfway across the parking lot when he yelled. "So you're going to walk home in the dark in heels, good luck Princess." Annabeth groaned in frustration, she knew he was right.

She turned around and started making her way back, Percy couldn't help but stare. He now knew why half the guys on the football team were into her, she was breathtaking without even trying.

"Fine, you win, Jerk." She hit him in the chest and glared at the motorcycle for a good five seconds before saying, "Hi, Blackjack don't you think that Percy's super hot." in her most sarcastic tone.

"Blackjack agrees, he says you have good taste in guys." He winked at her.

She turned bright red she found herself thanking the deities that might be out there that it was dark. "Shut up, if you're the best I'd hate to see what comes after you." She climbed onto Blackjack and told him the address of her place while forcing herself to wrap her arms around his torso because she knew it was the only way she wouldn't die.

Now it was Percy's turn to blush, strangely her touch was comforting and he found himself leaning into it. No way he could not like Annabeth Chase, there was no chance, not in a million fucking years. Annabeth on the other hand found herself blushing even harder at how defined his muscles were.

Dam he has a nice six-pack. What am I saying? Shut up, Chase.

She could not like Percy Jackson it was impossible. He was so punk, not to mention completely annoying. She wished there was a way she could get rid of those stupid smirks of his. Sure they were attractive, he was attractive. But he was such an unbearable jerk, but then he did offer to take her home. So maybe he wasn't that bad, but he was still bad.

He revved up the engine, it was as if he was trying to make it extra loud just to be extra annoying. She was about to tell him to go slow when they took off. Annabeth's heart jumped out of her chest and her hair was flying everywhere, she should've tied it up. They rushed past the streets of New York, the city was just a blur of lights and dark buildings with lines of cars passing by. She'd never really thought of New York City as beautiful, it was always congested and dirty with the smell of smoke and trash constantly in the air invading and getting rid of any good smells. New York was very different from California where Annabeth had spent most of her life before moving in the freshman year of high school. For one it was always cold in New York so you could never go to the beach but even if the weather was nice you wouldn't want to go to the beach. The beaches in New York were not exactly clean. (My Dad visited NY in 2019 and said that the beaches weren't great I don't mean to insult anyone k but as an Aussie, I do have to say ur beaches are a disappointment)

Annabeth had no idea how much time had passed when they stopped in front of her house. Annabeth quickly let go of Percy brushing herself off and clearing her throat before saying. "Uh thanks, I really appreciate it in fact I appreciate it so much that maybe you should come inside and meet my father." She joked, she didn't actually want Percy to meet her Dad it might make him think she was going through another 'phase'. Percy Jackson was not the type of guy you bring home to meet the parents.

"No way, you might wish that you were dating this, but I do not need to experience an awkward family dinner with anyone's father. Though I do have an idea on how you could thank me." He pointed at his cheek, he was joking obviously. Though maybe he wouldn't of minded getting a kiss from her, maybe.

Annabeth wasn't sure what came over her next but it definitely wasn't sane. The next thing she knew her lips were on his cheek as she pulled away she realised exactly what she'd just done. They both turned scarlet in the chilly New York night, the street lamps buzzing and flickering in the street.

It was so awkward.

Annabeth didn't know what to say, Percy was utterly dumbfounded. He would've sat there all night trying to remember what his name was and who he was.

Annabeth finally spoke up, "Um, well thanks for the ride. Bye." And she walked out of there as fast as possible, thank goodness she had the keys.

Percy watched her go, "Uh, yeah bye Princess." and then stupidly said, "See you tomorrow." Why he said that was beyond him, he never even talked to Annabeth at school a kiss on the cheek didn't change anything. Or so he thought.


Percy couldn't get Annabeth Chase out of his head. Worst of all he couldn't stop staring at the pretty blonde sitting across the cafeteria and unfortunately, that pretty blonde happened to be her. It was official, he, Perseus Alec Riker Jackson was falling in love with the one of the most popular girls at school. A girl way out of his league.

"Earth to Percy, I repeat earth to  Perseus Jackson this is Jason Grace your best friend speaking," Jason said waving his hand in front of Percy's face. Percy scowled and rolled his eyes. Jason raised his eyebrow and smirked. "Why do keep staring Annabeth Chase?"

"Ooh, someone has a crush," Leo said in a high pitched voice, he sounded like a twelve-year-old girl.

"Shut up Valdez, I'm not staring at Annabeth Chase."

"Then what are you staring at? The wall can't be that interesting, eh Perce?" Jason nudged him in the elbow with a coy smile, Percy turned as red as Frank's shirt. Frank was the only slightly 'normal' one out of them.

"I'm, uh, there's um this spot... Shekissedmeonthecheekokay." They looked at him dumbfounded, even Frank stopped reading his book.

"Can you repeat that? I didn't quite get it on record." Leo said with a phone in his hand and a grin on his face.

"I offered to take her home from a concert and she, uh, kissed me... it was on the cheek though." Percy scratched the back of his neck and hoped that he would be called into the principal's office, anytime now would be good.

"You know what that means right, bro? Annabeth Chase could like you." Jason whisper-yelled.

"I don't think so... She's not my type anyway." Percy wasn't usually into girly girls, usually.

"Your joking right, Annabeth Chase isn't your type. Percy, she's practically everyone's type, if I were you I would ask her out maybe you can use one of my amazing pick-up lines on her." Leo flipped his imaginary hair.

Frank finally spoke up. "Don't use on Leo's pick up lines, she'll never talk to you again."

"I'm not going to because I'm not asking her out," Percy concluded.

"Yes, you are. I will make sure you ask her out even if it's the last thing I do." Percy groaned at Jason.

"It's not simple, she's doesn't like me. Even if I like her, let's be honest she's probably into guys like Luke. She could have any guy she wanted, why would she choose me." Percy sighed and put his head in his hands. 'Wake up and smell the coffee, Jase, I'm not her type and she's way out of my league anyway. So who cares?"

"I care, you so obviously like her, so we're-" He looked at Leo and Frank. "-Going to get you a date, I mean what are best friends for."

"And how are you going to that?"

"Simple, just ask her out after the big football game, duh," Jason said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I am not asking out one of the cheerleaders after a big football game, I don't want to be publicly humiliated when she says no."

"Yes, you are and you're not doing it in front of everyone just take her behind the bleachers or something, Pipes and I can help put in a good one word for you." Piper Mclean was Jason's girlfriend and Annabeth's best friend but she was almost the complete the opposite of Annabeth, she would never be caught dead in a dress or heels. Maybe this would work Jason was football captain and him and Annabeth were already pretty good friends because he was in practically all her classes being a straight-A student and all. Jason Grace might just be his grace and Saviour.


Annabeth wasn't doing any better. The girls had noticed that she seemed distracted and they had decided that it would be funny to try to find out who this so-called crush was. Unfortunately for her, this crush was Percy Jackson. Percy Jackson, the annoyingly attractive punk of the school. A boy that was bad news according to the logical side of her brain.

"Just tell us Annabeth, please," Piper whined. "Who is he? Matt Sloan? Luke Castellan? Wait do you like Jason because if you like-"

"Piper I don't like Jason or anyone for that matter," Annabeth had a feeling that Piper was just throwing random guys that go to Goode at her specifically avoiding someone in particular. She knew that Jason was best friends with Percy and if Piper found out about her not crush on him she would try to get Jason to set them up. However, like she said before she was not into annoyingly attractive jerks who'd been expelled from six schools in six years and whose entire wardrobe consisted of leather jackets and piercings. Not to mention that he also had about ten tattoos.

"Ok, fine then who is it because you obviously like someone you've had this dreamy look on your face all day." Piper countered. Annabeth gave up she knew that Piper would never let her live it down but she had to stop thinking about how good Percy would look without his shirt on or how his lips would taste.

"It's Percy, ok! Are you happy?" Thalia attempted to look surprised by spitting out her drink, she'd been texting Reyna this whole time. Piper looked shocked, then confused, then excited but the emotions all looked fake almost like someone (Jason) had already told her. Calypso had been in the kitchen with Hazel making dinner, but after hearing Annabeth yell Percy's name they had come back to join the conversation.

The girls bombarded her with questions, guess the certain someone hadn't told them all the details. Asking her if they'd kissed yet or if she'd seen him shirtless, she blushed at one she'll admit. Then Thalia finally yelled, "Shut up! I can't hear a fucking thing, Piper stop asking her about their meet-cute." She looked accusatorily at the other girl. "Now Annabeth tell us what happened."

"Ok, fine. Thals took me to some punk concert and went to get food. I bumped - quite literally - into Percy and she was taking forever so he offered to take me home. And uh, I might've kissed on him on the cheek. That's all it's not that big of a deal."           

"Not that big of a deal, my ass," Piper muttered.

"Look I don't like him, he's such a pain."

"Yep, she's definitely into him."

Annabeth groaned. "Calypso what part of 'he's such a pain' did you not get."

"I think that might just be part of his charm, Beth," Hazel said passing some popcorn to Thalia.

"Really, Hazel, you too? Percy Jackson is anything but charming, being attractive doesn't make you a nice person." Annabeth was so frustrated. Her mind kept telling her that he was bad news and that she'd probably end up heartbroken if she trusted him but her heart wouldn't listen because he was just so good looking and sometimes he was even sweet. Annabeth didn't know what to do.

"Annabeth. Stop. Denying. It." Piper facepalmed.

"Fine, even if I did like him, he's not into me. It was one stupid kiss on the cheek nothing else. End of fucking story."

The girls looked at one another knowingly. Annabeth hated that she was the only one who didn't know what was going on. "There's more chance of Thalia not wearing leather for a day, than him not crushing on you."

"What does that even mean, Piper?"

"Ok, bad example but the point is-"

Calypso interrupted. "What Piper is trying to say is that Honey, you're stunning, own it. There's a reason why so many guys are into you." Annabeth turned red, sure guys had liked her before and asked her out but she'd never thought about it like that.

"So what do you want me to do? Ask him out?"

"Don't do anything, maybe just flirt with him, make him want you because I have a feeling that he might ask you out sooner than you think." They looked at each other knowingly again with sly smirks.

"Ok, what's with the looks?"


Annabeth spent next week, the week before the big football game, flirting with Percy. Nothing too special, just playing with her hair around him, biting her lip whenever she was talking or sitting next to him and of course, giggling at all his jokes and remarks even the ones that weren't funny. She was happy to find that it seemed to be working and Piper kept giving her knowing looks from across the classroom.

Now it was the day of the game and in all honesty, Annabeth was hoping that Percy would ask her out. She was only waiting because the other girls told her not to do anything, but if he didn't ask her out today she was more than happy to do it for him.

Annabeth was in the girls' locker room putting on her cheer uniform when Calypso came up to her. "Do you mind helping me with my hair?"

"Sure." Annabeth started braiding her hair Carmel coloured hair making sure to keep it tight and secure because she didn't want it falling out in the middle of the game.

"Do you think he'll ask you out?" Calypso said passing her a green bow to finish the braid with.

"I sure hope so, otherwise all my flirting would have been useless."

Calypso laughed. "Beth, if he doesn't get the hint after your excessive giggling at his stupid jokes, I don't know what to say."

"Half of his jokes were so terrible that I cringed at my own giggling, this better pay off." Annabeth had to admit Percy was usually funny, usually. Sometimes his jokes were a miss, a really big miss.

Then coach yelled from outside the door, "Hurry up Cupcakes!" There were a flurry of answers but eventually, everyone rushed out hair done and makeup fixed. Ready to start the game.


"Good job, Jase." Percy patted him on the back, Goode had won the game by a single goal thanks to Jason. "I'm so proud of you bro."

"Thanks, bro. Anyway, I think you something to do. I'll leave you to it." Jason walked over to Piper but not before smirking at Percy.

Percy had never been so nervous in his life. She was just a girl, right?

That you really like, don't screw this up, Jackson.

Percy took a deep breath and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and flashed one of her beautiful smiles at him, those smiles of hers made his stomach fill up with more butterflies than before. "Um uh, could I talk to you, privately?" He said in his most nonchalant tone, well he tried anyway.

"Sure." She turned around back to Hazel, Calypso and Thalia. "I'll be right back."

As they were both leaving Thalia yelled," Use protection, Beth." Annabeth and Percy both turned bright red, he should've won the academy award for the most embarrassed person to ever live.

When they behind the bleachers and away from everyone, Annabeth spoke up. "So, uh, what did you want to ask me?" She really hoped he would finally ask her out, she really wanted him to like her. Sure he was annoying sometimes, but in other times, he was so sweet. She had started to wonder whether he was bipolar.

Percy built up all his courage, there wasn't a lot of it and finally asked. "Annabeth, do you want to go to dinner with me tomorrow night?"

"Like on a date?" She asked hopefully.

Please God, let this oblivious idiot finally realise that I like him.

"Um, yeah?" It came out more like a question. "I mean yes I want to take you on a date, I mean that is if you want to go out with me." He said sheepishly, Annabeth thought he was really cute when he was flustered.


"So is that a-" She kissed him, on the lips this time. He kissed her back wrapping his arms around her waist. Her lips tasted like strawberries, they were intoxicating. Annabeth wrapped her arms around his neck, this was the best kiss she'd ever had.

They pulled away, red faces, hair slightly messy with smiles on their faces. "Tonight at 7, Princess. Dress nicely." He said one arm still around her waist.

"I can't wait, Seaweed Brain."

Annabeth had a great time, turns out Percy really knew how to impress a girl. He had flowers and everything, who knew a punk could be so sweet. Percy had a great time too, she really took that dress nicely thing seriously. He asked her to be his girlfriend and thankfully she said yes. Who knew the punk and the princess could work so well together.

Dam that's the longest chapter I've ever written. I'm pretty proud of myself. This took me about 3 days I really hope you enjoyed it, you can probably guess that I really like Punk!Percy and Girly!Annabeth.

Thanks for reading as always ;)


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