Poetry Book 3

By hannahthedaydreamer

94 5 0

third poem collection. they aren't in any particular order or anything like that, and after 100, there will a... More

march second/impromptu poetry
am i
not your gay
karma is proud of you
a desperate prayer to odin
impromptu poetry/april 2 2021
easter dinner
impromptu poetry/ may 17th, 2021
impromptu poetry/end of the shift
impromptu poetry/ nostalgia fucking sucks
memory bottle - 75 Word Short Story
false sunshine - 75 Word Short Story
the river - 75 Word Short Story
happy - 75 Word Short Story
red flag advice - 75 Word Short Story
numb pen - 75 Word Short Story
impromptu poetry/ unknown advice
impromptu poetry/ conquer your fears
impromptu poetry/ mother wasted
impromptu poetry/ end of an era sinking in
impromptu poetry/ i don't know
impromptu poetry/ breathing brain
Boston's Thoughts - 75 Word Short Story
75 Word Short Story - Spine
75 Word Short Story - Partners
75 Word Short Story - Detective David Wayne Loki
complicated art
vanity mirror
haikus on may 3rd
dear street spirits - an ode
impromptu poetry/ poet for a week
impromptu poetry/ empty shell of a morning
shattered glass
75 word short story - rainy eyes
sit with my silence
pity poetry
haikus during an uncomfy emotional time
i'm ok, you need work
Tom Hanson and his mind
75 Word Short Story - Besieged pt. 1
75 Word Short Story - Jump Street Chapel
75 Word Short Story - End of the Day at the Chapel
75 Word Short Story - Jenko's Daughter
75 Word Short Story - Downtime at the Chapel
75 Word Short Story - Firefight
impromptu poetry / unanswered world
impromptu poetry/ can't get over you
75 Word Short Story - Jack Mercer's First Missed Christmas
braindead waves
lone wolf, not social butterfly
impromptu poetry/ street spirits's front doors
eye spy
new years tradition
bottle feelings
Chant Poetry/ DRUNK
quiet help
75 Word Short Story/ The Life of a Whiskey Drinker
75 Word Short Story/ Speakeasy Lights
75 Word Short Story/ rum runners
75 Word Short Story/ ten o'clock
what they don't say
Hello, Old Friend - an ode
impromptu poetry/ dear child of my past
75 Word Short Story/ Inhale
tree cry
street queen
75 Word Short Story - ghost
impromptu poetry/ nighttime
impromptu poetry/ past brain
impromptu poetry/ we're the same person
chant poetry/ but I'm so tired
impromptu poetry/ empty cage
impromptu poetry/ it's okay to be lazy
recalling a time that wasn't mine
impromptu poetry/ lump of hamburger
75 Word Short Story/ pants paint
75 Word Short Story/ dime sized snakes
75 Word Short Story/ dandelions
75 Word Short Story/ Here
impromptu poetry/ seven eleven shit
impromptu poetry/ swimming record
i remember
walking downtown
75 Word Short Story/ my first show
nightmare stones and crystals
haikus on january eighteenth
raven cheer
mother nature's love
75 Word Short Story/ Penhall, The Comedian
75 Word Short Story/ Penhall and a Suit
until next time

impromptu poetry/creative voice

2 0 0
By hannahthedaydreamer

I've just been thinking
About my complete
To be happy
Because of my
Complete lack
Of motivation

To sum it all up
Into one teapot
I'm too tired to move
So I'm too sad to write
Because I hate myself
So instead
I must lay here
And do
Absolutely nothing

Maybe it's the heat stroke talking
Because of this hell wave of 2021
Shouldn't my sadness
And depression
And tiredness for the the thing I love
Push me
To want to pursue it more in depth
To its full potential
Shouldn't this wave
Of clashing emotions
And self discovered anger
Be the nitrous fuel
To write that fucking screenplay
Doesn't that make
The most sense

I wish it were that easy
But it appears that it's not

To that person within me
That writer
That so desperately wants
To tell a story
Speak louder to my laziness
Scream at it
Tell my depression
To stop being a little bitch
And scream your story
Because goddammit
It needs to be

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