Hired (L.H, Luke Hemmings)

By Suckmyirwin

421K 8.5K 4.4K

"Have you even considered going out with a celeb?" "I mean, I guess I have." "How a... More

My Name Is
Car Radio
Luke's Girlfriend
They Look Like A Real Couple!
I Like You
Aaron & Sam
I've Got This
First Night Of Tour
Why Don't You?
She's In A Skirt
I'm Done
It's Your Choice
Evil Bitch Who's Making Me Date Satan
Thanks For Pretending With Me
My Weakness
Your Mother Is Terrifying
Why Now?
Haliee, What Is That?
Haliee Danielle
Danielle Elisabeth
Blair Olivia
Alexa Ashen
Wait... Really?
Will You Post A Picture To Twitter
Merry Christmas!
Drunk Beaching
To New Beginnings
Surprise B*tch
Big Brother
Broken computer
Writers Block:/
Bridesmaid Dresses
Tour Starts Again
Reunited/Bridesmaid Dresses Pt2
Girlfriend Interview
Sleepy Luke
New computer
Back On Tour
Decided For Us
Takeout Today, Love
Modeling 2.0
He Shaved?! Ugh.
I Dont Want a Dog- I Need One
Her Hair Is Purple?!
Hey Hey Haliee
Welcome Jack
CALcium Is Shit
To Dani/Bye Tour
Bye 'Hired':(


4.6K 112 32
By Suckmyirwin


I'm back at the hotel, still sobbing. I cannot stop. I shut the connecting doors between mine and Lexi's room. My mind is racing over all the things that were said. I try to come up with excuses for Luke doing that. She kissed him, she had to have... Right? I love that boy so much, this has to be a mistake. My heart is completely broken, I can't feel anything other than pain, sadness, betrayal and my heart aching for Luke again.



"Camryn, what the hell is wrong with you?" I raise my voice.

"She deserved to know, Luke." Camryn raises an eyebrow.

"I'm fucking engaged to her! We have made it so far, you didn't have to ruin my life!"

"I did no such thing. I doubt you're engaged anymore, you can get with me now and show what you really want." Camryn steps closer to me and I move back.

"I want NOTHING to do with you. Ever." I spit at her. She ruined everything. I did lie, I'm going to be honest, I did and I feel so beyond guilty. I feel guilty that I put her in so much pain again, especially after these past few months. How am I going to fix this? How are the boys going to react? How are the girls going to react? How is the public going to react? No, the public won't find out. I really messed this one up, God I'm such an ass.



I am still on the floor, crying all of my makeup off. I hear a knock at the door, but leave it because of the state I'm in. Whoever it is, continues to knock.

"Haliee, please let me in. I want to explain." It was Luke. His voice made me more weak then I was before, making me sob more. "Hale, please. She was a mistake."
"The mistake was trusting you. I cannot believe you lied to me for this long, leave. I do not want you here." I try to keep my voice strong and together, but it came out broken, sad and shaky, just like how I feel. He makes me want to love him. God, I love him so much it hurts. I want to let him in so much, i want to forgive him, I want to kiss his lips and taste the minty taste I crave all the time, I want to spend the rest of my life with him- But I can't, not after this.


Haliee's voice sounded like she was crying, which made my heart hurt. I feel so beyond guilty that I lied to her. It's true I wasn't drunk, but I didn't do more than make out with Camryn, even that makes me upset at myself.

"Hale, please. She was a mistake, I don't want to be around her ever, I want to be with you. Let me in to explain, please?" I lean my body against her door.

"Leave." She tries to sound more assertive, I can tell, but she only sounds upset. Her upset makes me want to cry.

I cannot believe what has happened to her these past few months- hell, what I've done to her kills me. I'm such an asshole. I love her so much, so much it hurts sometimes. I need her back, I will find a way to get her back. I can't leave her, I can't give her up.



It's been a couple hours of crying and pacing and Luke leaving the door. I've poured my heart out into songs. So many things have been thrown and broken because of anger. How am I going to live like this? How am I going to be okay with being around his band members who are dating my best friends? How am I going to be able to handle Dani dating Michael without him reminding me of Luke? How am I going to go out on stage and sing every song about Luke I've written? How am I going to go out in public and be asked about Luke? How am I going to be able to think about Luke? How am I going to be able to hear his name without breaking down?

"FUCK!" I yell, throwing my phone against the wall and breaking down again. I am so beyond upset, so beyond angry, so beyond being okay. I stop pacing and look into the mirror. I look like a mess. Makeup is running down my face, my hair is a mess from the tugging at it, my eyes are swollen from crying and I'm so tired from crying. Pull yourself together, Haliee. Damn it, you're stronger than this. I turn into my bathroom and take all my makeup off, I change into shorts, a top, put my hair up and look at my phone, which is now cracked from throwing it. It's almost 5:00 AM, which has made me think about going to sleep, I have a long day tomorrow and i have to get up in 3 hours. I climb into my bed and attempt to forget everything.


"Hale wake up." I'm shaken awake. "Haliee Elizabeth."

"Hmm? What? I'm awake." I sit up and Dani is sitting on my bed.

"Holy shit, Hale you look like a mess." Dani says.

"Way to put it softly, Dan." I say, moving the stray hair that came out of my ponytail in my sleep.

"The girls and I are going out, you wanna come?" Dani asks.

"Sure, I'll get ready and meet you guys in the loby."

"Okay, get ready. You look like hell." Dani laughs and walks into Lexis room.

I get up and go into the bathroom, I do look like hell. I wash my face to try to wash my swollen eyes away. I go onto makeup and do the usual, concealer, powder, eyeliner, mascara (water proof day, as I'll probably cry again) and bronzer. I decide to wear my black jeans with the rips in the knees, a Green Day shirt and my black Docs, finally I put my hair up in a ponytail as I had no more effort to put in. I grab my phone, place my sunglasses on my face and leave through the front door. I look down and Luke is asleep next to my door. He heard everything I did last night, damn it. The sight of him like this makes me want to breakdown into sobs. The fact that he stayed here all night makes me want to give in and forgive him. I shut my door and he jumps awake. I try to make my exit as soon as possible.

"Haliee, wait!" I hear Luke say, running towards me. "Please let me talk."

"I have somewhere to be. I don't want to deal with you right now." I reply, continuing to walk and not look at him.

"Please, Haliee it was a mistake."

"Haven't you done enough?" I stop walking once we reach the elevator and push the button and turn to him. "I do not want to have a conversation with you right now. Leave me alone."

"I'm sorry." Luke says quietly.

"Are you sorry that it happened, or sorry I found out?" I ask. "You know what? Don't answer that. I don't care or want to know right now. Have a nice life, Luke." I say before turning and going into the elevator. The doors close and open a few seconds later, revealing the lobby, where the girls are laughing.

"Haliee, you look a hundred times better than you did this morning." Dani laughs.

"Thanks, lets head out." I say, already over this day.


A/N: HEY EVERYBODY! I want to say thank you for the input you all gave me these past few days on my new story! I also want to say that I really love your comments and thank you all for reading my story, it means a lot!

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