The Darkest Awakening Vol. 5

By Zoethe80slover

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With a new era dawning with Zach as the new leader, things have changed. The amulets have got a new design, Z... More

Chapter 1: A New Era
Chapter 2: More Rivalries
Chapter 3: Darkness
Chapter 4: Dream Vs. Zodiac Heroes and Yuansu Park Spirits
Chapter 5: Courses
Chapter 6: Meeting Up Again
Chapter 7: Time For A New Beginning
Season 1: 1# It's Been A While
Season 1: 2# New Inventions and Team Member
Season 1: 3# Memory Book
Season 1: 4# Tommy Vs. Dream
Season 1: 5# The Sick Leave
Season 1: 6# The Dragon Gem
Season 2: 1# The Legend Behind It
Season 2: 2# Dinner
Season 2: 3# Mysterious Spirits
Season 2: 4# Back To The Hospital
Season 2: 5# The New Amulets
Season 2: 6# Jschlatt Became Dictator
Season 3: 1# Keeping The Dragon Gem Safe
Season 3: 2# Plan To Overthrow The Dictator
Season 3: 3# Preventing Lunatite Vines
Season 3: 5# Extracting My Spiritual Self
Season 3: 6# Work On The Plan
Season 4: 1# As The Sun Sets
Season 4: 2# Getting Executed
Season 4: 3# Saving Tubbo
Season 4: 4# Lunatite Poisoning
Season 4: 5# Tommy's Out Of The Hospital
Season 4: 6# A Week Later
Season 5: 1# The Lowest Point
Season 5: 2# Nightmares
Season 5: 3# Walking Again
Season 5: 4# Firework Attack
Season 5: 5# Therapy Sessions
Season 5: 6# Welcome To The Team
Season 6: 1# Maggie's Backstory
Season 6: 2# Cool Outfits
Season 6: 3# Hog Hunt
Season 6: 4# Quackity's Eye
Season 6: 5# Blinded By The Injuries
Season 6: 6# The Beginning Of The Trial
Season 7: 1# Trial Time
Season 7: 2# Training
Season 7: 3# No More Trauma
Season 7: 4# Afternoon Plans
Season 7: 5# Hunting Dream
Season 7: 6# Slimecicle's First Day
Season 8: 1# After Courses
Season 8: 2# Dream Stuff
Season 3# Dream In Yuansu Park
Season 8: 4# Just A Normal Day
Season 8: 5# Simon Meets Brad... Again
Season 8: 6# A Normal Night
Season 9: 1# A Few Months Went By
Season 9: 2# They're Back
Season 9: 3# The Footage
Season 9: 4# Jschlatt
Season 9: 5# Assembly
Season 9: 6# Going To London
Season 10: To The World

Season 3: 4# The Kidnapped Leaders

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By Zoethe80slover

Brad's POV

It seems like tonight's a nightmare, Zach has almost been kidnapped by Jschlatt. Luckily, he escaped his grasp and walked back to his dorm. However, what happened to the other 2 leaders, Tommy and Toby? Well, let's find out.

Zach's POV

I was shivering until I managed to reach my dorm where everyone else is. Ryan went up to me as everyone else followed and I hugged him. I was so cold so he told Noah to grab my jumper as he lead me to one of the seats in the common room. I was also coughing so he also told him to bring my nasal cannula.

Ryan L: What's happened?

Zach: I got kidnapped.

Corbyn: Kidnapped?

Jonah: By who?

Zach: Jschlatt.

Alex: Jschlatt?!

Zak: Did he take the gem?

Zach: No, luckily. But he took Tommy and Tubbo.

Floris: This isn't good.

Then, Noah came down with my jumper I wear everyday and my nasal cannula. I put them on and then decided to think about how and why did Jschlatt decided to kidnap me. Because honestly, all I know is that he wants me for the Dragon Gem which is not in my pockets right now.

Yuto: Why do you think that Jschlatt wanted to kidnap you, Tommy and Tubbo?

Zach: I dunno, unless someone or something has been spying on us. Knowing every move we were doing to get rid of Jschlatt.

Zoe: How can you tell?

Zach: There's probably a device hidden somewhere here. In order to spy on us.

Josh: Where?

Zach: Underneath this table.

I took out a device that was stuck under the table and showed it to everyone. It turns out to be a recording connected to a thumb drive. So I took out my laptop, connected it and then tried to hear the recording.

Rena: The recording is actually our plan to overthrow Jschlatt. From this morning.

Zach: Yeah.

Ryan L: What else did you find?

Zach: Another recording.

Wilbur: Can you turn up the volume?

I nodded and turned up the volume. The recording turned out to be Jschlatt planning something before planting the USB under our table.

Jschlatt: (from the recording) So, it seems like the Texan kid's team has been planning to overthrow me.

Henchman: (from the recording) So what are we going to do?

Jschlatt: (from the recording) Kidnap their leaders and put them in prison. Oh and put the Texan and the Brighton boys on death sentence because they are going to be executed. While the Nottingham boy shall be tortured by Dream for life.

Zach: What?!

Ryan L: What's wrong?

Connor: Wait, how does he know you're from Texas?

Jonah: His accent.

Zach: Why did he put Toby and I on death sentence?! He wanted to kill us?!

Ryan L: Calm down, Zachariah, calm down.

Niki: Look, panicking won't help us find out where Tommy and Tubbo are now.

Zach: Oh my god.

I calmed down a bit when another recording came in. It is after Jschlatt kidnapped Tommy and Tubbo and attempted to kidnap me. And I knew what was going on because I couldn't get into a deep sleep. Also, it seems like the recorder connected to the thumb drive is able to hear what's going on in and out of our dorm.

Jschlatt: (in the recording) Okay, we got the young leaders. Now it's time to send them to Pandora's Vault in Norfolk county.

Zach: (in the recording) What?

Henchman 2: Jschlatt, I think one of them is awake.

Jschlatt: (in the recording) What?

Zach: (in the recording) Oi! Where are you taking me?

Jschlatt: (in the recording) Prison, just like Toby Smith and Tommy Simons.

Zach: (in the recording) What?! Let me go!

Jschlatt: (in the recording) Not until you be a good Texan boy and follow me to prison.

Zach: (in the recording) No!

Jschlatt: (in the recording) You have the Dragon Gem, right?

Zach: (in the recording) It's not on me.

Jschlatt: (in the recording) I know you're lying.

Zach: (in the recording) Of course I'm not, I seriously don't have it. My pockets are empty.

Eddie: What?

Zach: That's when I attacked Jschlatt because he assumed that I have the gem when I didn't.

Noah: Of course, when I was grabbing Zach's sweater and nasal cannula, the Dragon Gem is just in his drawer of his bedside table. How come Jschlatt didn't notice it right away?

Zach: When the Dragon Gem is entirely soaked in the potion, it doesn't glow. That means he couldn't find it and luckily the gem is safe. But that's not what we're gonna do now, we have to save Tommy and Tubbo.

Floris: So where do we find them.

Zach: Norfolk.

Bindi: Norfolk?

Robert: Are we seriously going back there?

Zach: Norfolk as in Norfolk county. Not Norfolk Island.

George D: But the problem is, we dunno how to get there to save Tommy and Tubbo and save Yuansu Park from Jschlatt.

Zach: There's only one way to find out.

I pushed the button on the table to call Aren about what happened. Which probably explains why we aren't sleeping yet because it is the middle of the night. My teammates have been kidnapped by the worst dictator ever and now they're in prison.

Zach: Aren? Aren, c'mon pick up.

Ryan L: Zach, calm down.

Zach: How can I stay calm when the other 2 leaders, my friends, have been kidnapped?!

Cooper: Look, I know it's hard for you but don't worry about it. Aren would know soon.

Aren: Hello, what happened? Where are Toby and Tommy?

Zach: They were kidnapped by Jschlatt.

Aren: Jschlatt? Why? Where are they taken to?

Zach: Norfolk county. It's just north-east from here.

Aren: I heard that Norfolk has a huge prison which imprisons the most dangerous spirits in the world. Both Light and Dark. Dark Spirits who won't awaken again remain here.

Shawn: That's where Chase, Medusa, Hydra, Stheno and Lord have been all along as they're sleeping. Same for Caligula, Bloody Mary and Genghis.

Zach: Thought they wouldn't come back.

Aren: They won't come out of that prison.

Zach: So how do we save them?

Aren: We have to break into prison and save them. But unfortunately, Pandora's Vault is inaccessible for anyone. Only a portal made by any Zodiac hero could access it. Well, I'll have a Guardian explain to you more.

Cooper: What?

Zach: Who? Sir Simon? Jackie? Mr. Tan?

Aren: No, a World War 2 veteran who was captured by the Japanese and forced to build a railway from Burma to Thailand. Mathew John Baynton.

Jaimie: Huh?

Zach: Who?

Aren: Mat Baynton, a British World War 2 veteran and is a Guardian. He's currently in Thailand right now.

Jenna: Thailand? That's where I was originally from.

Aren: I'll put him on call.

Mat: Hello?

We were all shocked when we heard the unfamiliar voice but at the same time, some of us are familiar with it. This is honestly confusing like we've known him in a past life or something. I dunno but it just clicked that we've known him somewhere.

Zach: Erm... hi? This is Zach Herron, the leader of the current team of Zodiac Heroes.

Mat: Oh yes, you revolutionised the concept of Zodiac heroes. You added other kinds of spirits asides from Dragon spirits, you added an additional leader-

Niki: Yeah, Tommy.

Mat: You also added new kinds of heroes called Spirit heroes-

Sam: Yup.

Floris: That's us.

Mat: And you, Brad and Luke just made the most diverse team in history.

Zach: Yeah, but Brad and Luke graduated.

Mat: Oh well. So, what's going on?

Zach: We were wondering if you have any information about Pandora's Vault in Norfolk county.

Mat: Oh yes, Larry has been telling me all about that.

Cara: Larry?

Mat: So the Pandora's Vault is known for keeping Dark Spirits after being defeated by a team of Zodiac heroes. But later, it is used for Light Spirits and humans too. I heard that recently, Dream and Alyssa were put there while Callahan escaped.

George D: What? That doesn't make sense.

Mat: The prison is located in Norwich, a city in Norfolk north-east of England. However, no one could see it so it is only accessible for Zodiac heroes who are able to teleport and make portals.

Ranboo: Guess Jacob has to be the one teaching me how to get there.

Zach: No, I'll go in there and rescue them.

Mat: I dunno, it might be too late. I heard that Toby would be executed tomorrow night for you guys and you won't have the time to rescue them right now.

Hannah: Yeah, sun rise would come anytime soon.

Mat: That's the point, because Pandora's Vault won't be accessible during the day time. So I suggest during the night. Once the sun sets, you need to teleport yourself and a companion to Pandora's Vault.

Zach: But who'll go with me?

Nick: I will.

Zach: Are you sure?

Nick: Yeah, my grandma, Medusa, is in that vault and my dad and I used to frequently visit her. My mum would come along too. But that was while Pandora's Vault was accessible for everyone.

Zach: Wait really?

Nick: Yeah, after Lord and Stheno were added, it is inaccessible to keep everyone safe and only spirits who can teleport and their companion can enter. But at the same time, my mum died of poisoning.

Zach: Sorry to hear that.

Mat: Look, if you want to find Tommy and Toby in the prison, you ned to make sure no one sees you. You need to extract your spiritual self.

Zach: Well, I could just transform into a Dragon.

Mat: No, the power to transform into your spiritual self doesn't actually work in the Pandora's Vault. So you need to learn how to extract your spiritual self to find Tommy and Toby. You won't be a dragon, you need to meditate and then your spiritual self could be extracted. However, no one could see you, only your teammates and Guardians.

Zach: Does it only work at night?

Mat: No, it works anytime and anywhere. Try to work on it tomorrow.

Zach: Tomorrow?

Jonah: Doesn't he have Computer Science courses tomorrow?

Mat: I know, but he really has to learn how to extract himself. I know he can because he is spiritually strong.

Zach: You're right, I gotta practise tomorrow.

Mat: Good, I'm counting on you. Now, how do I hang up?

Zach: There's a hang up button on the lower right side of the hologram.

Mat: Oh, okay.

After Mat hung up, we all went back to our dorms because it is now 3 am in the morning. We really did stay up all night and we have courses at 8 am. Right now, I'm in my room trying to think about what happened tonight while sitting on my bed.

Ryan L: You okay?

Zach: I'm good.

Ryan L: You sure? You seem upset after Jschlatt kidnapped you.

Zach: I'm not upset, I'm worried. What if things went wrong while trying to rescue Tommy and Tubbo?

Ryan L: We'll try to figure it out tomorrow night. You need rest, Zach. You can't always stay up all night worrying about what happened.

Noah: Yeah.

Zach: But what if Tubbo dies tonight after being executed?

Ryan L: Oh yeah, I haven't thought about that.

Noah: We'll try to stop the execution and try to rescue him. And at the same time we'll defeat Jschlatt in no time. As soon as we defeat him, we'll file a lawsuit against him and boom he's gone.

Zach: That was supposed to be our plan before this thing happened.

Ryan L: But we'll make it work this time, tomorrow night. Only this time, you also need to learn how to extract your spiritual self.

Zach: I'll try tomorrow, I need to rest now.

Ryan L: That's good. Tomorrow, make sure that you can master extracting yourself.

Zach: Good night.

Ryan L: Good night.

Noah: Good night.

The end...

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