Bound To A Vampire (A Harry P...

By toonanimals317

65.9K 1.6K 194

Discontinued Story. Feel free to read it anyways. THIS STORY IS BEING REWRITTEN! Will be posted separately... More

Cheesy Is A Good Thing, Granger
The Day
The Night
Midnight Strikes
A Little Taste Of A Witch
This Is A Bit Overwhelming...
A New Day
Obvious Changes
Back To Class
Head Boy and Head Girl
It's Official
Dorm Mates
Outfits Are Key
Restricted Section
Warmth and Anger
|Sorry... and A Preview|
...What's This?
In Need Of Beta

The Library

2K 61 5
By toonanimals317


Chapter 18: The Library

Draco's head jerked to the side as he heard various people talking all around them as they entered the library. Despite their quiet tones, he could hear them all so... so well. Saturday was a good day to come study or do homework in the library, so it was more busy then usual. He licked his lips and glanced at Hermione, who still was holding his hand as she dragged him towards the Restricted Section.

"Why are we heading back there...?" he questioned, and then Hermione looked at him, an almost smug look on her face, "Well, I doubt the spell we're looking for will be anywhere out here, and besides, I have a pass." she held up a black card with the Hogwarts crest on it.

Before they could reach their destination though, they were stopped by none other then Pansy Parkinson, who was looking at their intertwined hands with disdain. She then looked Draco up and down, seeming surprised by his current appearance but said nothing about it.

"What do you want, Pansy?" Draco asked slowly, his tone a bit sharp.

Pansy glared lightly, "Where are you going?" she questioned.

"Restricted Section." Hermione chimed in, sounding as nonchalant as a person could possibly sound.

Pansy scrunched up her nose, "What are you going to do? Snog?" Pansy snorted loudly.

"We're going to be doing some research actually." Hermione replied hotly.

"Oh, really? As if I believe you." Pansy snarled.

"Pansy move along before I do something I regret." Draco stated, his silver eyes narrowing into slits.

"You wouldn't touch me, Draco." Pansy replied, and flipped her hair over her shoulder, her pug-like face scrunching up even more.

Hermione placed a hand on Draco's arm to hold him back. His eyes flickered from silver to red and he looked fierce, frightening to a point really, with the darkness around his eyes.

"What's going on over here?" a voice questioned.

Hermione and Draco turned their heads to see Madam Pince standing with her hands on her hips, staring at them.

Draco's red eyes went back to silver, and he glanced towards Pansy before looking back at the librarian. "Pansy is simply in our way, madam, and she won't move."

Madam Pince narrowed her eyes slightly, "There's other ways around." she said.

"Yes but she also seems to be wanting to threaten us." Hermione said.

Pansy glared, and not caring if she got in trouble, shrieked, "He's supposed to be with me not you!"

"Actually no, I was promised to Astoria Greengrass by my parents, but we broke off our 'engagement' a few months before the Second Wizarding War." Draco announced looking at Pansy in a scrutinizing way, "So if anyone should be with me other then Hermione it should be her."

Hermione looked at him. "You didn't tell me you were engaged! At any point in time!" she gasped.

"I'm not anymore don't worry, love." he ran a soothing hand through her hair.

Before Pansy could yell again, Madam Pince spoke up, "Ms Parkinson, please stop annoying Ms Granger and Mr Malfoy. You should treat them with more respect, as they are the Head Girl and Boy."

Pansy looked infuriated but groaned and stomped away.

Hermione sent Madam Pince a smile, "Thank you Madam Pince! Oh, and..." she held up her card, "May we go into the Restricted Section?"

"Not a problem," Madam Pince waved her hand, "And of course you may enter! You're the Head Girl and Boy." she seemed to be acting nicer than usual. Odd.

Draco sent her an almost wary look before entering the Restricted Section behind Hermione.

"She was acting strange," he whispered when they were out of range.

Hermione nodded slightly, "Perhaps the war made her a better person. Like it did you." he poked his side and chuckled.

He snorted, lightly, and sighed. Restricted Section here they come.

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