Jacob Bertrand Imagines

ElementOfARose द्वारा

39K 346 66

Basically just whole bunch one shots of Jacob Bertrand and all the characters he plays on TV. No longer taki... अधिक

Jacob - Comic Con
Jacob - Wedding
Jacob - Bathroom
Hawk - Attention
Jacob - Surprise!
Hawk - Bra
Jacob - Birthday
Hawk - Closet
Hawk - Caught
Joey - U Tech (Request)
Jacob - Family (Request)
Eli - Movie Night
Hawk - Hurt
Jacob - Texts (Request)
Hawk - Periods
Hawk - Accident (Request)
Hawk - The Real Thing (Request)
Hawk - Negative or Positive?
Hawk - Vacation Gone Wrong

Hawk - Forrest

2.3K 22 3
ElementOfARose द्वारा

For this imagine, the reader is an OC. The OC's name is Lindsay Drake. She is Samantha LaRussos cousin from her moms side. She was taught Karate with Sam by Daniel when they were both 8 until Lindsays family decided to move to Canada. There, Lindsay continued to take Karate and became a 3 time national champion. In winter of 2018, her family decided to move back to Encino Hills. There, she joined "Miyagi Fang" with her cousin. She seemed to get along with everyone there except one person, Hawk.


Johnny and Daniel had created an exercise for the miyagi fang students. Except this activity took place in the woods. The woods where Coyote Creek is, to be exact. Everyone was gathered around the entrance to where the forest started, where their senseis explained the task.

"QUIET" Johnny screamed which made everyone shut up and Daniel roll his eyes.

" Today's activity will be in the woods. It's an obstacle course. You and a partner will go through this obstacle course that LaRusso and I have set up." Johnny explains.

"This obstacle course should take you about 3 hours to complete. There are 11 checkpoints to which you should complete all of them. The first team to make it to the other side of the forest having gone through all 11 wins" Daniel finish's.

Everyone groans when they hear how long it will take.

"What's the prize?" Hawk asks coolly.

"You'll see." Is all Johnny says. When in reality they didn't know what to give them as a prize.

"How will we pick our partner?" Penis Breath asks the two Sensei's.

Daniel smiles at the question. "Great question! All of your names have been put into this hat" he says presenting the hat of names to everyone.

"Each of you will pick a name. Whoever's name you get, they're your partner, no exception" Johnny says.

You all sort of exchange looks with each other as if you weren't sure of this exercise.

"Now! Who's first!" Johnny calls out.

"I'll go first Sensei" Miguel offers.

Both senseis nod as Miguel steps up to take a name out of the hat. His hand shuffles in there for a couple seconds before finally picking a name. He opens the slip of paper and grins.

"Hawk." He says showing the paper to everyone. Everyone groans, as the some of the two best students got paired up.

Lindsay rolls her eyes when she sees Hawk grin and give Miguel a bro hug before bragging to everyone about how they'll win.

"Dammit, Miguel and Hawk will totally win" Chris says nudging Demetri as more people came up to get their partner.

At that very moment, Lindsay herself came up to grab a name from the hat. She fooled around for a little and finally pulled out a name.

"I mean yea your right, well, unless Lindsay gets-" Demetri gets cut off when Lindsay grins and shows the paper to everyone saying "Miss LaRusso".

Sam grins at her and they both squeal that they both got picked.

"Yea no they're gonna win" Demetri says to Chris looking at the two girls.

Hawk, overhearing this, isn't too pleased at his best friends words and speaks up.

"What do you mean they're gonna win? Miguel and I totally have this in the bag" he smirks as he and Miguel fist bump.

"Dude, Sam's been doing Karate since she was 8 and Lindsays a 3 time national champ. We're all screwed. Might as well accept our fate" Bert says joining in on the conversation.

Lindsay and Sam overhear the convo as well and decide to join in. "Yea sorry boys, but Sam and I are gonna whip all your asses" Lindsay says putting her arm around Sam's shoulder. Sam grins as well putting her arm around her as well.

Hawk on the other hand, scoffs. "Yea right. Look Canada, just because your tough, doesn't mean you'll stand a chance against Diaz and I" Hawk says smirking and getting up in Lindsays face.

Lindsay makes an angry face and unwraps her arm from Sam, getting in the Mohawked boy's face as well.

"I think you're forgetting who you're talking to here? How many championships have you won? Oh that's right! You got disqualified." She says smirking at him.

His smirk was wiped off his face and immediately turned into anger. "Why you little-" Hawk didn't get to finish his sentence as he was cut off by Sensei Lawrence.

"Alright alright that's enough you two. Everyone get with your partners" Sensei Lawrence says.

Hawk gives her one last nasty look before returning next to Miguel. Miguel just smirks to himself at how riled up his best friend gets with the Canadian girl. If he didn't know better, he'd say that he liked her. But he wouldn't share his opinion with him. At least not yet.

"Alright, everyone get ready. Sensei LaRusso will give out your first Check point cards. Each group has a different task to complete that should all take up around the same amount of time." Sensei Lawrence explains as Sensei LaRusso hands out the cards.

After giving them out. LaRusso returns back next to Johnny and yells "Go!" Everyone then runs into the forest.

What they didn't know was that Cobra Kai was hiding in the bushes listening to the entire thing. It was the perfect time to strike.


It had been about an hour and the girls had just finished there 6th checkpoint. They were going through it speedy fast. They had a couple run ins with other teams like Demetri and Chris, Bert and Nate, and none other than Hawk and Miguel.

To say they were pleased with how far ahead they were than the others would be an understatement. Especially Hawk and Miguel. Lindsay loved how she was proving Hawk wrong. She never knew why he always hated her in the first place, but over time she just learned to get used it and fought back. With that she always found herself constantly thinking about the red hair boy, she didn't know why he had this effect on her, but he just did, and she didn't like that very much.

This behaviour didn't go unnoticed by her best friend and cousin, Sam. So when they were walking and she noticed her cousin deep in thought, she decided now would be a good time to speak up about the topic of her and hawk.

"So what's going on with you and Hawk?" Sam asks her.

Lindsay looked at her stunned. "I don't know what you mean" she said avoiding eye contact with her cousin.

"Oh come on! It's so obvious he likes you!!" She squeals at her. Lindsay on the other hand looked taken aback.

"What? No he doesn't. That guy hates my guts" she says with a bit of a frown.

The small frown didn't go unnoticed by Sam. Then she gasped when she pieced it together. "Oh my god! You like Hawk don't you!?" She exclaims loudly.

Lindsay immediately shushed her and put a hand over her mouth. "Oh my god do you want everyone to hear you?!!" Lindsay says scolding her.

Sam takes her hand off her mouth. "Sorry, I guess that was a bit loud. But you're not denying it!! You do!" She says.

" Well I'm not confirming it either. Besides, even if I did, we would never work. Are you forgetting he hates me?" Lindsay says.

"Are you blind? That dude is totally into you! I swear he pops a boner just being in the same room as you!" She says giggling a bit.

Lindsay however turned red at this. "I-what!? No he doesn't!! Why would you- ugh- who says that!?" Lindsay stammers turning into a tomato.

Sam giggles at her stammering friend before hearing a couple twigs snap behind her. She looks behind her and sees nothing. She shrugs it off and continues strolling through the woods. She heard a couple more twigs being snapped again and turned around. This time Lindsay noticing as well.

"Who's there? I swear to god Miguel or Hawk if that's you-" Sam gets cut off by a voice she knew all too well behind her.

"Sorry princess, think again." Tory says smirking.

They both turn around abruptly at the voice. Sam breath starts to quicken as her enemy stands right in front of her. Finally coming back to their senses, both girls get into a fighting position waiting for Tory to strike. What they didn't notice were Kyler, Rickenberger and Big red come up behind them.

"Is this-?" Lindsay gets cut off by Sam nodding her head vigorously. Lindsay had heard about this Tory girl and how much she traumatized Sam. That just made her only angrier.

"And who do we have here? Another weak link to your pathetic dojo" Tory says acknowledging Lindsay.

Lindsays face darkened even more. "Nah, just a girl who's going to beat your ass for all the pain you've caused my cousin." Lindsay says not backing down.

"Cousin eh? Well then, anyone related to LaRusso deserves this just as much as she does. NOW!" She yells.

Suddenly a whole group of Cobra Kai's come out of there hiding place and surround the two girls. Meanwhile Kyler, Rickenberger and Big Red have already come up behind them and have disarmed them both by kicking them to the ground.

Both girls groan as the cobras circle around them. They look at each other with with equally scared looks on their face for what they're about to endure.

"Are you ready? Because your worlds are about to be infiltrated with unimaginable pain" Tory says looking down at the two girls.

She gets her spiked bracelet ready, the same one she swiped Sam's arm with and utters the words "no mercy". With that, all of the cobras go at them, with no mercy being shown whatsoever.


After 3 hours, Hawk and Miguel finally complete there 11th and final checkpoint. They see the end of the woods quite clear, and to their happy surprise and confusion, the girls hadn't made it there yet. Oh how Hawk could not wait to rub this in Lindsays face.

As they exit the woods, Johnny and Daniel come up to them to congratulate them.

"Congratulations on being the first ones out! Here's your prize" Daniel said handing them their prize. While the students were busy with the obstacle course, Johnny and Daniel were able to go out and get a prize, a gift card to In N Out.

"Oh yea! We did it! Hah! I cannot wait to rub it in the girls faces when they see we won" Hawk says fist bumping Miguel. Miguel grins back, but his grin falters for a second.

Hawk, noticing this, speaks up. "Bro did you not just hear what I said? We won! Why aren't you happy?" Hawk asks his Best friend.

"No I am happy. I just don't understand how we actually beat them. I mean when we were on our third task, they were already on their sixth. How did we beat them?" Miguel asks him.

Hawk frowns for a moment thinking about it too. But his frown was then replaced by a smirk. "Look they probably got lost. Their tough. But not as tough as we are apparently!! Look they'll probably come right through those trees any minute now, and will be here waiting for them, bragging our victory " Hawk says cooly.

"If you say so" Miguel says, still having doubts in his head. He was hoping that Hawk was right and that they just got lost. But he still couldn't shake the feeling that something bad has happened.


It had been another half an hour and a couple teams had made it to the finish line, but none of those groups included the girls. Hawk had to admit, if those teams beat them, then maybe something did happen to the girls. The thought started to worry him a bit. But he didn't let it show and acted like everything was cool.

Miguel on the other hand was starting freak out a bit. The thought of his girlfriend possibly in danger did not sit well with him. He tried calling and texting Sam multiple times but she never answered. He even tried Lindsay but she wasn't picking up either.

Daniel was starting to panic noticing that his daughter and niece, his two best students were yet to show themselves. He hoped that nothing bad happened to them but it was hard not to. Everyone seemed a little on edge waiting for the girls to show up. But they never did.

Finally the last team came through the exit of the woods. And that's when Miguel declared he would go looking for the girls. There's no way that last team could have beaten them. Something definitely must have happened.

Surprisingly, Hawk was also equally worried and wanted to come with Miguel. Johnny and Daniel decided to have a search team look for the girls. They all got into their original teams and decided to look around the forest for where they may be.


By the time the Cobras were finished with the two girls, they couldn't even move. Their entire bodies were filled with cuts, bruises, even a couple burns. Lindsay felt like her whole body was on fire. The pain was unbearable and wouldn't stop.

She managed to turn her head to look at her cousin. She was knocked out awhile ago. Lindsay was telling her body to get up and check on her but she was in too much pain. She came back to reality when a boot came in contact with her face, knocking her out cold.

With that, the Cobras all looked at each other with a smirk and left the scene. Boy, did they have some good news for Sensei Kreese and Sensei Silver.


After the first 10 minutes of searching, Miguel was noticing Hawk getting more and more frustrated. He tried to hold back a grin as he knew his concern was all for the Canadian girl.

They were walking when they heard unrecognizable voices. They looked at each other and then darted for the nearest hiding spot. What they saw made their blood boil. Tory and the rest of the Cobra Kai's walking out of the forest wearing smirks on their faces and their knuckles stained with blood. They both looked at each other before Miguel got out his phone and started recording them. This could be used as evidence later if they needed it.

After making sure the coast is clear, they both got out of the hiding spot and really began searching. They didn't waste a single second knowing that the girls were left somewhere probably injured. Miguel also called Johnny to tell him what they saw.

"Fuck- are you sure?" Johnny asked over the phone.

"I'm sure sensei. Do you think their ok?" Miguel asked his father figure with concern. The thought of Sam in pain made him ache.

"Honestly Miguel, I'm not sure. Look, I'm sure we'll find them in no time. Just hang in there ok?" Johnny said to Miguel.

Miguel sighed and and answered with a simple "ok" before he hung up. He looked at Hawk, who had a pained and shocked look on his face. How he wanted so bad to find her. He didn't even care about his bad boy facade anymore. He just wanted to make sure she was ok.

Miguel clamped a hand on his shoulder. "We'll find them. And then you can finally tell Lindsay how you feel" Miguel says walking again.

"W-what? What do you mean tell her how I feel? I don't feel anything for her" Hawk attempts to deny.

"I'm your best friend, I know when your crushing on a girl. So don't worry, we'll find her" Miguel states.

Hawk smiles slightly. Not like a smirk or grin but a genuine smile. An Eli smile. "Thanks man" he responds softly. Miguel is one of the few people that Hawk really shows his vulnerability too.

"No problem, now let's go find our girls" Miguel replies. And on they went.


It wasn't until another half an hour had passed when they found the girls. Shock and anger rushed through them as they looked at the girls state. They rushed to their sides attempting to wake them up. Miguel also called Johnny to let them know they found them.

Hawk was still trying to shake Lindsay awake. "Linds! Hey! Lindsay wake up!" He said shaking her gently. God he was hoping she would open her beautiful eyes. Miguel was doing the same with Sam. Thankfully, Lindsay had woken up.

"Wha... what? W-whats going on?" She spoke softly gritting her teeth in pain. It was then she noticed Hawk hovering over her with a concerned and soft look on his face.

"Shhh, don't talk. We're gonna get you help ok?" He reassured her. She looked around a bit to notice she was still in the forest. It was then she remembered everything that happened. She started to cry.

Hawk noticing this, muttered a quick "shit" to himself, as he doesn't have any experience consoling a crying girl. " hey hey hey, don't cry. You're gonna be ok" Hawk said attempting at making her feel better. He carefully brought his hand up to her face and gently wiped away some of her tears, and a little blood as well.

It was then he noticed that Miguel had picked Sam up bridal style. "Let's bring them back towards the exit of the forest. I called Sensei and there are ambulances waiting there to take them to the hospital" Miguel said making sure Sam was comfortable.

Hawk muttered an "ok" and gently brought his arms underneath her and picked her up. Lindsay wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled into his shoulder. He smiled softly at her and started walking back with Miguel.

As they walked back, the walking had started lulling Lindsay back to sleep. It was not before she almost asleep that she quietly uttered the words "you smell good" and passed out. Her arms loosened around his neck as she fell out of consciousness, but he still held a firm grip on her. He smirked slightly hearing what she said. He was so going to tease her about that later.

After walking for another 15 minutes, they made it back to where everyone was. Everyone immediately rushed over to them. Daniel had taken Sam out of Miguel's arms with tears in his eyes. The ambulance had gotten there right on time. They put the girls on the stretcher and into separate ambulances. Being her father, Daniel immediately went with Sam. Since no one else had volunteered, hawk had offered to go with Lindsay while the others meet them at the hospital.

Everyone left Coyote Creek feeling angry and heartbroken. They were gonna get the Cobras for what they did.


It wasn't until 4 hours later that Lindsay woke up. Except she noticed she was in a different landscape. She turned her head to see Hawk typing away on his phone right next to her, not noticing she had woken up.

"H-hawk" she tried getting out. Her voice felt strained and tired. Hawk immediately looked up from his phone and rushed to her side.

"Hey there Canada. How are you feeling?" Hawk asked using the signature nickname he had started using when they first met. I guess some things never change.

Lindsay pointed her head towards the cup of water that was sitting right next to her on the table. Hawk got the hint and helped her sit up. He gently placed below her lips as she took a couple little sips. Once she was done he set it back down on the table.

"What happened?" She asked him. She had a faint idea, but her mind was still a little groggy so she wasn't too sure what was real or not.

"Cobra Kai attacked you guys during our exercise today. The doctors said you have a sprained wrist, two broken ribs, a mild concussion and a broken ankle. Not to mention the amount of cuts and bruises on you as well. They really did a number on you and Sam" he stated.

The sound of her cousins name made her shoot up. "Wait. Where's Sam? Is she ok?" You asked Hawk frantically.

"Calm down princess. Don't worry, she's in the next room. She's doing fine. She woke up about 40 minutes ago." He explained. That made her more at ease as she sunk back on to the hospital bed.

"Where are my parents?" You asked him.

"They should be back soon, they went out to grab some takeout dinner since hospital food is ass. In the meantime I get to keep you company" he says grinning at her.

She smiled back at him sheepishly. He was always able to make her so smitten. They both looked at each other before turning away as the silence became a little awkward.

"Hey, uh, I don't know if this is the right time to do this with you in the hospital and everything and with Cobra Kai, and I mean you just got attacked so actually neverm-" Hawks rambling got cut off by Lindsay pressing her lips against his.

It took him a moment before he came to his senses and started to kiss back. They kissed for a couple moments before separating. They both looked at each other and laughed.

"That was..." Lindsay started.

"That was nice. And Id definitely like to do it again sometime" Hawk finished making her laugh.

"I think I'd like that as well" she said smiling at Hawk

And thus began their relationship.


Man this was a long chapter lmao.

Hopefully you liked it tho!

Word count: 3651

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