Save me.... JUNGKOOKxREADER O...

By Bangtan_storytime07

303 24 20

"the truth is, no matter how much we try, no matter how much we want it to be, some stories just don't have a... More

My name is Jeon Jungkook
I'm sorry.....
Feeding on tears
Hold on.....
Don't come back.
Movie Night
Pool Party

Sweet Revenge

11 1 3
By Bangtan_storytime07

Jungkooks p.o.v


I can't believe this.

Taehyung decides to become friends with her, even after what I told him.

With her coming over every other day to hangout with Tae, it's been a little hard to ignore her.

The first time she comes over, she gets caught with Tae in his room.

The second time, they're cuddling on the couch watching a movie.

Third time, they're going out for ice cream as 'friends'

Today they're going to dinner with a few of her friends, and the other members.

The thing is, Tae keeps saying that they're just friends, but with the way he looks at her,
I find it very hard to believe.

Y/n has started to come over almost every day this past week, and Tae tells her that she should walk with me to make sure she gets there safely.


Y/n walked with me as usual, but I made sure to walk a good 5 feet behind her.

As we arrived, I punched in the code to the gate, and it slowly creaked open.

I pushed open the door, and Taehyung stood there greeting me,

"Hey Jungkook! how was school?" He asked enthusiastically

"Great." I muttered and rolled my eyes

When y/n entered, his eyes lit up, and sparkled in a way I have never seen them light up before.

"Hey y/n. How are you?" He questioned softly

"I'm great! How are you Tae?" She hugged him in a friendly way.

Tsch. How cheesy.

They literally saw each other yesterday.

I mentally gagged, and went to my room.

I flopped down on my soft bed, and closed my eyes briefly.

I quickly opened my eyes wide, and sat up.

I just had the biggest revenge plan idea.

*timeskip right before dinnertime*

So, Tae and y/n we're heading out in about 30 minutes, so that meant y/n was now getting ready.

I headed downstairs to talk to Tae.

He was sitting at the kitchen island, and kicking the white cabinet underneath the countertop while doing something on his phone.

I rudely interrupted his angelic humming,


"Hi?" He responded, not tearing his eyes away from the screen

I went over to him and grabbed his phone.

"Hey! what was that for?" He yelled

I grabbed his phone and saw that he was in the middle of a game of candy crush.

I laughed to myself.

"So, where you going to dinner tonight?" I questioned

"Why would I tell you?" He chided

"Because I'm your brother."

"You'd probably sneak in and join us if you knew." He stated

"Actually, you wouldn't do that. You're wayyyy too socially awkward to even leave the house." He answered himself, and smirked at his own 'roast'

"You suck." I stated

"Love you too" he sarcastically replied

"Are you excited for your secret date then?" I asked looking him directly in the eyes

"I-it's n-not an d-date" he stuttered, while averting his gaze away from me

"Well it sure seems that way. You asked y/n out to dinner didn't you?" 

"I-it's not like that!" He shouted

"You like her, don't you?"

"WHAT? noooo way." He shouted

"Yes way."




"Well if you don't like her, I guess she's up for takes."

"She's not a freaking item you little-"

"Okay then" I put my hands up in surrender, "no need to be so protective"

I muttered the last part loud enough for him to hear, and quickly darted out of the room.

I was out of his sight, so I had time to look for y/n.

My master plan was coming together.

Taehyung obviously liked y/n, so I was going to trigger him a little bit as payback for bringing y/n here almost everyday after I told him that I never wanted to see her again.

I ran down the hallway, still hearing Tae's footsteps downstairs.

(Drunk dazed by ENHYPEN is a good song to play during this part)

I ran past the bedroom y/n stayed in the one time she slept over, and turned the corner to where I heard a sink running.

Y/n stood in the bathroom washing her hands when I entered.

She was wearing a short blue flower print dress, and brown leather flats.

She looked beautiful, with light makeup, and a blush toned lip tint.

The dress had cutouts on either side of her waist, which was really s*xy

What are you saying Jungkook?!

I mentally slapped myself.

All of the sudden I saw y/n snapping me back into reality

Quite literally.

She looked at me innocently, and smiled sweetly

"You good?"

"Y-yeah" it came out a little squeakier than I meant to, so I immediately cleared my throat. "Yes. I'm fine" I lowered my voice

She giggled, which sounded like a beautiful melody, and was about to walk out of the bathroom, when I heard footsteps in the hall.

I knew that Taehyung was going to find me any minute, so I quickly grabbed y/n's wrist and pinned her to the wall.

I looked into her frightened eyes, and thought for a second about fufilling my plan.

Then I heard Taehyung's footsteps nearing, and quickly leaned in to the point where I was an inch from her face.

I looked into her eyes, then to her pink lips.

I smashed my lips onto hers right as Taehyung stepped into the big bathroom.

I made out with her, and Taehyung just stood there in shock.

I pulled away from the one sided kiss, and faced him.

He just gave me a look of disbelief, and gave y/n a look of betrayal.

Then, he walked out of the bathroom, and I heard his footsteps retreat down the hallway.

I smirked, and looked back to y/n.

She gave me a death glare, and slapped me hard across the face.

I reached up to my red cheek, and rubbed it as the pain stung me.

"What the hell Jungkook?!" She yelled before running after Tae.

I felt kind of bad, but at the same time, it was worth it.

Hopefully Tae wouldn't be too mad.

I laughed to myself, and proceeded to exit the bathroom

I ran downstairs as quietly as possible, and tried to listen to their conversation

Y/n's P.O.V

You couldn't believe what Jungkook had just done.

That brat

First he tells you to get out of your life, then he acts like a bish, and kisses you in front of Taehyung.

Now Tae was probably mad at you.

You ran down the stairs after him, and spotted him sitting in the kitchen on a barstool by the kitchen island.

He was on his phone, and you carefully approached him.

"Taehyung?" You asked quietly

He hummed in reply

"Can we talk?"

"What is there to say?" He muttered

He was definitely mad.

"I can explain."

He turned to me in all seriousness.

His cocoa brown eyes were pools of mixed emotions.

They were so intriguing, I almost started drooling.

He opened his mouth to speak,

"Are you dating my brother?"

I almost laughed, but felt it was bad timing

"No. I'm not dating Jungkook."

"Then why were you kissing?" He asked, curiously

"Well, I was just finished getting ready, when he ran in the bathroom and pinned me to the wall. Then you came in, and he started kissing me. I tried to push him off, but then you had already left." You decided to leave out the 'smacking him in the face' part.

"I swear I'm going to kill that kid once we get home."

He met your eyes again, and you both started laughing.

"I'm glad I misunderstood." He said casually

You wondered what he  meant by that, but you shrugged it off.

He stood up, and reached out his arm.

"Shall we dine, My lady?" He asked while offering his arm.

You hooked my arm in his, and you walked to the car.

He dramatically opened the car door for you, saying


You giggled at his goofiness, and admired his 'outside the box' outfit choice.

He went with a Gucci sweater, black shorts, and boots.


You both had a good time at the dinner, and enjoyed laughing and hanging out with friends.

You both tiredly dragged yourselves to the car, and drove home in silence, other than the radio playing smooth jazz music.

You got out of the car and thanked him for the nice dinner.

He took your hand in his, and walked up to the door.

You both looked at each other with concern as you heard the sound of the fire alarm vibrate through the black wooden door.

Taehyung hurriedly got out the keys, and opened the door.

You were both faced with the biggest mess you had ever seen.

There was smoke coming from a burning pan on the stove, and a disaster of food and ingredients was spread across the countertops.

You noticed flour on the floor, and you both looked to the right to see a flustered Jungkook holding a fire extinguisher, trying to calm down the burning pan.

That was all you saw before a blur of white foam spread across your face.

You coughed and chocked, until a had brushed across your face, wiping off the sticky substance.

Taehyung guided you to one of the bathrooms on the main floor, leaving you to wash up.

You were still pretty shocked when you heard Taehyung scream,


Thanks for reading! I really appreciate it. I'm also sorry for the laggy updates. I've been really busy lately. We're moving in a few weeks, but I will try to update as usual. Please stay tuned for the next chapters! (Btw most of this fanfiction is based on me and my best friend, except we never had boyfriends lol..) so, cheers to you bestie!

Here's her account if anyone was interested.

She's obsessed with anime, so that explains.

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