Running with the Wolves

By hybridbanshee

101 7 0

"It's beacon hills, the weirdest thing here is the guy standing next to me. Sorry Stiles, but it's true." Sea... More



10 1 0
By hybridbanshee

"What's wrong?" I asked as my brother stalked his way towards the benches. He had just tried to talk to Scott, but he was brushed off.

"Dad got the fiber analysis back. It's a wolf."

My eyes widened in shock and I stared at my brother. "But wolves left Beacon Hills years ago. How would that be possible?"

"I don't know." He grumbled angrily, getting up from the bench and walking towards the sidelines. Everyone cheered as Scott played but my brother. I walked towards him, elbowing him slightly.

"Why are you so stressed? What's the big deal about wolves finding their way back here?"

"Look at Scott, Nina. You think he can do that on his own?" His voice raised slightly before he backed off apologetically.

"You're not seriously suggesting-"

"I don't know. But I'm gonna find out."

"Stiles wait!" It was too late. He was already jogging to his car, mind obviously on a mission. "But you were my ride home."


"Um, I don't really know ..." I trailed, looking around for anyone to help. Unfortunately, no one was around to spare me of Lydia's insistence.

"You're Scott's little sister right?" Lydia said, looping her arm around mine.

"No, uh I'm actually Stiles' sister. Scott and I are just-"

"Right. Well, they're coming to the party today along with practically everyone else so we can just take you straight there. You can even borrow some of my clothes. Look cute, maybe meet a new guy..." Lydia said, giving me a pointed look and I knew there was no way out of this.

"What Lydia wants, Lydia gets. Just get in the car Nancy." Jackson said, sliding his seat forward and gesturing towards the back.

"It's Nina." Lydia said, crinkling her nose at me before getting into the car herself. I could tell this night was not going to be fun.


I stood in a far corner as more people arrived, arms gathered in front of my chest. Despite my protest, Lydia put me in a little black dress with a rounded scoop neckline that showed off more than it probably should. She gave me black heels to match and squealed when I was able to walk in them.

Heels weren't a problem for me. When I much younger, right after my mom passed I would steal her clothes to feel closer to her. She had a favorite pair of heels she said I would wear to prom one day and I wore them everywhere for a month straight. I learned how to properly walk just to feel closer to her.

But right now I felt closer to hell than anything because of how short the dress was. My eyes burned with the mascara that Lydia slabbed on me but I still kept them wide open in order to avoid Scott and Stiles.

"That tastes terrible."

Oh gosh. I spotted Scott laughing with Allison as he led her to the dance floor. I side stepped and scurried towards the other corner where I hoped he couldn't see me.

"Nina?" I heard to my right, and turned fully. The knots in my stomach loosened when I finally saw someone I knew.

"Harley. Hi. How are you?"

"I'm a little drunk so great!" She said as she took my hand and spun me around in a circle. "I can't believe little miss perfect is at a party."

"I was dragged." I laughed, accepting her half empty solo cup. She gave me a nod and I hesitantly took a sip. I winced, "He's right that is terrible."

"Yeah but it feels so good" she sang, dancing around me and laughing. I loosened up slightly as I took another sip of her drink and danced along with her.

"Yeah Nina!" She said, twirling around again. "Girl you look so good! I can't believe your brother let you out of the house like that?"

I didn't completely register what she said and just laughed along. "He doesn't control me."

"Hell yes girl!" She said, turning to look towards the crowd. "You hear that Stiles! You don't control her!"

Again, I laughed and swayed my hips to the music. I won't lie, it felt good. To let loose and for once not care about what was going to happen in the future. For the first time in a while, I was in the moment and it was freeing.

"What. The. Hell."

And just like that the feeling was gone.

"Nina? What the hell are you doing here?" He said, handing Harley his cup. She gave me an apologetic smile and walked away, drink in hand. "And what are you wearing oh my gosh."

"I'm wearing a dress. Lydia let me borrow it."

"Lydia let you borrow it? Ugh, ew. Two worlds that don't need to collide. Take it off."


"No, I remember that dress now. It was an image that lasted me many nights take it off."

"Stiles ew!" I said, jerking away from his grip. "I'm not taking it off and I'm not going home."

"What has gotten into you?"

I grabbed a cup from someone walking by, downing it in one go. "Alcohol."

I walked away before Stiles could respond.

Hours passed and as the alcohol left my system guilt flooded it. Scott had run off hours ago and I had no idea where to find Stiles. I was all alone now and I couldn't believe what I did.

It was stupid and reckless and I knew I had to apologize to Stiles when I got home. But right now, I had to actually find a way back home.

"Allison!" I sped up when I saw her standing outside. She turned slightly, revealing Derek Hale, who was smiling warmly. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, you know him? He says he's Scott's friend."

"Um" I looked between her and him, confused. "I uh. Yeah, I know Derek. Hey."

He gave a nod. "I was just offering Allison a ride back. Do you need one too?"

My heart pounded slightly as he gave another smile. He was much friendlier than when I saw him last, probably because I wasn't trespassing on his property. I looked down at my fidgeting hands before calming them, very aware of the eyes on me.

"I'd love one, but I'd hate to waste your gas."

I looked at Allison who looked slightly uncomfortable with the idea of getting into the car with a strange man. "But maybe you could drop me off at Allison's? If you don't mind. My brother could pick me up from there."

"Sure." He nodded, before opening the door to his camero, allowing us inside.

The car ride was awkward to say the least and when we pulled into Allison's house I almost screamed of happiness. Derek didn't say much, to my surprise. I couldn't help but stare at him through the mirror though, studying his features and the way he carried himself. It was addicting. Different. There was something different about him that I couldn't quite pin. Maybe it was just confidence, I couldn't tell.

"Hey Derek wait." I said, turning back as Allison opened the front door. "Thank you. For the ride."

I covered my chest as I leaned down to his window, hoping I didn't just flash the dude. His eyes glanced down at them briefly before looking back. His mouth turned upwards and he reached in the passenger seat, grabbing the leather jacket he was previously wearing. He tossed it at me, "To save you from the looks of disappointment."

I pulled it on and smiled, "Right. I'll give it back, thank you." I turned on my heels and ran back to Allison who was waiting for me at the front door.

I said hello to her mother and was led upstairs to Allison's room. "I'm still unpacking, sorry about the mess."

"Oh no worries at all. When you have a brother like mine a dumpster is considered clean." I waved, sitting on her bed, watching her laugh.

She was very pretty, although her curls could be brushed out. Her smile was radiant and her skin was perfect, I could see why Scott liked her. And Lydia. And everyone else. "Sorry if this is weird, but you're really pretty. Stunning actually."

Her fair skin blushed, "so are you."

I laughed, "not really. My top lip hasn't grown in yet, there's some bumps on my face I've been meaning to treat, and unfortunately I got my aunt's nose. But it's fine, a cultural fixation on female beauty is a cultural fixation on female obedience and I'm a feminist so..." I looked up at her and covered my face with my hands, "I am so sorry that was too much information, you probably think I'm so weird now. I should go."

"No, I can handle weird, don't worry. And for what it's worth, I disagree. About your appearance, not the feminist part. That I totally agree with." She sat next to me on the bed, nudging my shoulder. "You just have to own it. Everyone's insecure about something, nobody's perfect. Maybe dress more confidently, keep your head up."

"Looking pretty is the least of my concerns, trust me. I have goals and none of which include external validation for something that'll fade in 30 years." I put a hand on her arm, the words making me feel somewhat myself again. This was who I was. And I needed to remind myself of it after tonight. "But I appreciate it, thank you. I should probably call Stiles now."

"Allison!" Her mom yelled from downstairs, "It's for you."

She walked towards her door and I followed, expecting it to be Scott on his knees begging for forgiveness. But it wasn't. It was Stiles.

"Well that was quick." Allison said, turning to me. "I'll see you at school?"

"Uh yeah." I walked down the steps after giving her a hug. I walked past a shocked Stiles who was still just staring at Allison. "Stiles."

"Right yeah." He said, closing the door and pulling out his keys. He opened his door and got in, without sparing another glance. I followed, getting into the passenger seat.

There was an awkward beat of silence before he signed. I gave in. "Stiles I'm so sorry for what I said at the party I shouldn't have done that and I'm sorry it was stupid I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that and then-"

"Nina shut the hell up." He said, covering my mouth with his hand. "It's fine. That's not what I'm concerned about."

"Then what is it?"

"Derek turned Scott."

"What do you mean Derek turned Scott? Into what?"

"Derek's a werewolf, and now he turned Scott into one."


End of episode one thank goodness.

If you're reading this story, then you probably already know the plot line of Teen Wolf, so I'm not going to include every little scene or that would take absolutely forever and I'm impatient.

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