The Memory of You and I (Heeh...

By AmethystAngel657

32.6K 2K 379

An unexpected reunion had occrued in the land of Azrael, a land far from which you have heard of. Where a kin... More

Years Ago...
Once Upon a Time
After the fight
The Life Change
The Life Change pt2
The Introduction to a New Life
The Tour
Some Sudden Occurrences
Night at the Palace
The First Official Day
The Prince from Sirius
Sickness Symptoms
The Golden Celebration
A Close Call
The Royal Ball
A Dance to Remember
They're back...
A Quick Edit😋
The Past
You're Not ill, You're Love Sick
My Name is Hoonie!!
The Real Truth
Connections of Memories
The Rescue
A Change of Pace
A New Leaf
A Future to Look Forward to
To Stay By Your Side

The Parents

1K 70 11
By AmethystAngel657

Heeseung's POV


"Where were you?" She asked in a cold tone without looking at him.

"I just went out for a walk that's all"

"Is that so" She got up and made her way towards Heeseung. Her fits were clenched shut you can see the anger in her eyes.
"Do you know-"

"How much I missed you!" She blurted out as she hugged me tightly. "Where have you been?"

Suddenly her expression changed completely and became like a responsible mother. Most likely because she saw the boy behind me and acted out of panic. Then she started to whisper something in my ear making me send shivers up my spine "Your gonna explain this after this."

"So who is this boy, I've never seen you before" she asked as she pushed me slightly to get me of her.

"Oh mom t..this is...umm what is your name?"

Sunghoon's POV

"Oh my name is Sung-" I covered my mouth realising what I was doing before I could say my whole name.


"I..I mean my name is Sung...yong y..yeah my name is Sungyong "

Sorry Heeseung I had to lie so you don't know that I'm a prince.

"O..ok then. He will be staying the night here just once then he will go tomorrow morning" there was a short silence that emerged. "Umm so mom we are going up stairs i..if that's ok with you"

"Alright then, up you go"

We arrived upstairs and walked to Heeseung's room. As we walked there, some of the doors were open and I couldn't help but notice a big room with a gigantic bed in the middle with a large wardrobe to the side of the room and fancy decorations hung and placed everywhere. Were all bedrooms like this?

After s few moments of looking around, we finally reached Heeseung's room. He opened the door and turned on the lights. I couldn't believe my eyes. The room was...

Small...very small

Smaller than the previous bedroom I saw. This was only a quarter of its size to be exact.

We got into the room and all I could see was a small window infront of me. And to the left of that small window was a bed and to the right was a desk and a chair. There were no decoration nor fancy things in the room.

"Sorry if this room is not to your standards" Heeseung said as sat on his bed

"No no I like it it's very simple it's nice"

Once again the silence took over the confiscation for a good few minutes we had nothing to say to each other neither did we know each other besides our names. So I decided to ask some questions. "So do you have any siblings?"

'Umm no I don't do you?"

"Uh, no same here" I replied. I looked back at the desk and saw a piece of purple folded cloth and made my way there. "What's this?" I reached out to grab it. But before I could grab it, Heeseung snatched it away and put it in his pockets nudging me slightly knocking off my hat. Luckily, my hair got in the way of my eye sight covering most of my eyes.

"It's nothing special"

Heeseung's POV

I hid it away in my pocket hoping he didn't take such a good look at it. I look at him and noticed what I have done. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to knock your hat off"

"It's ok I know you didn't mean to-" he was about to adjust his hat but stopped halfway and looked at me

"Is there something wrong Sungyong?"

He walked up to me making me take steps back until I hit the wall behind me." What happened to your face?" He asked

"What do you mean?"

"You have a bruise on your right side of your cheek"

"Oh that, that is..." I started panicking like crazy did he just noticed my bruise from this morning. "..I fell of the bed when I woke up this morning. I must have gotten a bruise from the fall"

He looked at me even closer, closing in the space between us I closed my eyes. He came up to my right ear "really now..." We stayed in this position for a few seconds until he drew away from me. "It's getting late do you have a blanket that I could use?" Sungyong asked.

"Yes yes I do let me go and get one for you" I hurriedly got out of the door and got a blanket out of the cupboard in another room. As I was going out of the room, my face felt hot and red thinking about what just happened just now. I was shaking my head like crazy trying to get that thought out of my head. "Come on Heeseung snap out of it"

I got out of the room and headed towards my bedroom only to see Sungyong dozing off while sitting on my bed. I went up to him and looked at him in the face. I shook him a little only for him to fall on my shoulder.

My heart started to pound faster than before. The warmth that was radiating of from his body felt some what familiar to me but I couldn't put my tongue on it. I grabbed his shoulders and shook them lightly. "Sungyong, Sungyong wake up" I received no reply. So in the end, I laid him down on the and slept beside him hoping he won't mind.

Through the night, it was freezing cold and I couldn't help but wake up. I sat up looking at my surroundings until my eyes fell on Sungyong. His back was facing me so I couldn't see his face. I remembered the feeling from when his head fell on my shoulder... He wouldn't mind if I hug him right?

I laid down again and wrapped my arms around his chest and put my head against his back and felt his warmth once again. I felt warm and safe the moment I hugged him. Afterwards, my eyes started to feel heavy and drifted of to sleep.

In the morning...

I woke up from the light that was coming from the window and sat up looking for the boy. He was no where to be seen.

I got out of my bed and went downstairs only to see my parents at the bottom of the stairs. I was frozen half way down the stairs. My dad came up the stairs to where I was...

"It's time for you to talk boy"

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