I ..❔.. YOU

By JessieJoy086

43.2K 3.6K 389

"I look at you I owe you I trust you But what do you think about me? Can't you give me a clear answer.." Repl... More

New Freshman..??
"Crazy person"
A memory..we may share
Unexpected person...
I'm not a bully
The bridge
I owe you
Not yet..
Mr. Bigmouth..
Bad timing??
"I belong to you"
The News..
Unrequited Lo..
Past Love.!.!..
Destroy: Side Story
Coward: Side story
The victim??
The hidden culprit
A parent!!
In pretense of..
It's Hard to get together again after a break
' Whisper '

Mole's confession

695 67 7
By JessieJoy086

At the morning,
Suhan knocked on Jungkook's room.
Suhan," Kook.. Wake up."
Jungkook," Hmm.."
Suhan," Get up fast.. Or else you will be late.. I need to go fast, today.. Then, I'm leaving."
Jungkook heard the sound of closing of door. He got up.
Jungkook sighed," How am I going to face him?.. Uff.. Why did you run away from him?.. Idiot."

After Jungkook moved near to Jin yesterday, he got pannicked himself because of his heart beat so he ended up running away from Jin making Jin confused and alone. Jungkook ended up coming home without attending any classes. He closed himself inside his room. To avoid getting calls from Jin, he switched off his phone. He started to wonder in his own thoughts. Aftersometime he ended up sleeping. Suhan didnot want to disturb Jungkook so he also didn't knock at his door.

After waking up, Jungkook had lots of doubts on himself.
Jungkook looking himself at the mirror," Are you an idiot?.. It's not as you think.. He is a man.. Stupid...It just.. It just you felt touched from his words.. Right.. you just got touched." Assuring himself.
Aftersometime he switched his phone on. There were indeed lots of calls and messages from Jin.. A second later, Jungkook realized Namjoon too called him. Jungkook called Namjoon back.

Namjoon angrily," You.. What happened to your phone, yesterday?"
Jungkook," Oh.. It was off.. Is there something wrong?"
Namjoon," Of course.. Why didn't you tell me, Jin.. I mean my juniors weren't planning anything against Suhan.. It was just misunderstanding. And also my relationship with you and Suhan got exposed."
Jungkook," Huh?.. How did you find out?" He remembered meeting Min.
" And is there anything else you got informed about?"
Namjoon," Why?.. What do you mean by anything else?..Could it be you weren't planning me to tell about their drunkard nonsense?

Jungkook," Why would I do that?.. Actually I was going to but I forget..There are other things that I got engaged on."
Namjoon," Engaged?.. Well, I don't know what you are doing recently.. Just good to know your mission is accomplished now.. So you could come back anytime."
Jungkook got startled," Wha.. What?"
Namjoon," Why?.. Why aren't you sound so pleased?"
Jungkook pursed his lips," It's not like that.. Actually I wanted to stay for some time."
Namjoon shockingly," What?.. You hate study but still you are insisting on staying.. Is there something that's making you stay?"

Jungkook suddenly remembered his sister, Suhan, Min and unconsiously Jin.
Jungkook snaps himself so he quickly answered," No.."
Namjoon," Do whatever.. It's not that I'm interested on your life.."
Namjoon cut off his phone.

Jungkook sighed," Thank god.. He don't know anything about Min yet.. And why did I suddenly rememner Jin?.. Huss.."
Jungkook decided not to attend his classes today so he again laid on his bed. As he was thinking, Jungkook suddenly woke up," How can Namjoon knew it was just a misunderstanding because of drunkards talk..when it was just the conversation between Me, Suhan, Jin, Yoongi, Dim, Doc and Tae."

Jungkook quickly dressed himself. He went to the university. At the council room, he met Hoseok.
Hoseok," Oh!.. You are here."
Jungkook," Umm.. Senior, I want to ask about yesterday."
Hoseok," Yesterday.. You didn't come right?"
Jungkook," I mean.. Did anyone tell you what happened to the infirmary?"
Hoseok confused," What?"
Yoongi entered.

Yoongi," Oh.. Kook, you are here."
Jungkook,'' Senior, Didn't you tell Senior Hoseok anything what happened yesterday at the infirmary?"
Yoongi," No... After you left, Jin scold me for being bigmouth.. So I didn't tell anyone about it."
Hoseok," Why?.. What had happened?"
Yoongi told Hoseok everything.

Hoseok knocking on Yoongi's head,
" You.. Idiot.. Don't you know where to open your mouth?.. Who asked you to give TMI to everyone?"
Yoongi," Sorry.. I just tell everything on the flow."
Jungkook," It means Senior hadn't tell anyone about it?"
Yoongi," Of course, I hadn't.. I don't want to get scold by Jin again."

Jin too arrived.
Jungkook looked at Jin. His heart again start to beat faster. He avoid himself to look at Jin.
Hoseok," But why you wanted to know Yoongi had tell anyone else about it or not?"
Jungkook," Actually I got called by Namjoon.. And he knew about this misunderstanding."
Hoseok shockingly," Huh?.. The thing that I even don't know despite living at this university, he already knew about it."
Jin looking at Jungkook," Well..May be he had a very good informant."
Jungkook avoiding his gaze," That's what it is strange.. Suhan hadnot called Namjoon yet.. Dim even don't know anything about Namjoon and he too hadn't tell anyone about it.. I don't think Doc will informed Namjoon.''

Jin," Why would Hyung do that?.. You even Know how he hate Namjoon.. And also.. because of him.. He hate you too.."
Yoongi," Hold a second.. What are you saying, Kook?"
Hoseok," Exactly tell in a way that make us understood."
Jungkook," It means Namjoon's informant was there with us yesterday.. Or maybe someone told that informant.."
Jin," Huh?.. How can it be?.. " Suspiciously looking at Yoongi.
Yoongi," Why are you suddenly looking at me like that?"
Hoseok," I don't think it's Yoongi.. I mean I don't think Yoongi is an informant."
Jin," I am not suspecting him for that.. I think he again spilled the tea near the informant."

Yoongi," I promise.. I didn't tell anyone about it."
Hoseok," Jin, Yoongi even hadn't tell anything about yesterday to me too.. So this time I think Yoongi is innocent."
Jungkook," And Senior Jin.. I.."
Jin interrupted," What?.. You are doubting me?"
Jungkook straightly looked at Jin,
"No.. I even once had never thought of doubting you."
Jungkook quickly avoid his eyes from Jin.

Jin thought," Why is he acting weird today?.. Did I say something that he supposed to not want to listen yesterday?.. May be that's why he suddenly ran away from me.. Could it be that's why he is avoiding me?"
Jungkook," I think Tae....."

Jimin and Tae to arrived together. After seeing Jungkook at the council room,
Jimin quickly  interrupted," Kook.. Why didnot you attend your class yesterday?.. I heard that you were present at the university.. "
Jungkook," Oh! Hi Jimin.. I.. I had something urgent to do."
Jimin," Don't you think these days you are available at the council room more than your class?"
Jungkook," It's not like that.. Well, today I will join class with you, Happy.''
Jimin," Fine then."

Tae going near to Jin,
Tae," Senior, Is there something I can help?"
Jin," No.. There are not that much work today."
Tae muttered," Really.. Then that's bad."
Jin knew Tae is suspicious according to Hoseok and Jungkook. But without any proof, Jin don't want to be against Tae while Tae had always offered his help to Jin. Jin patted Tae," If there is anything else, I will definitely ask you for help."
Tae smiled," Really?.. Okay ..Then."

Jungkook didnot like how Tae was talking so closely to Jin. He really wanted to push Tae away from Jin. And the way Tae was smiling looking at Jin, make him more uncomfortable. Jungkook knew Jin still trust Tae so it was more unbearable for him. Hoseok noticed Jungkook staring at Tae and Jin.

Hoseok whispered to Jungkook," So you too think like that."
Jungkook got startled," Hmm?.. What?"
Hoseok," You too think Tae can be informant, right?"
Jungkook surprisingly," Huh?.. How did you know I was doubting at him?"
Hoseok," Well you are looking at them quite weirdly.. And I also hate Jin being close to Tae when he too knew Tae is suspicious person."
Hoseok," Aren't you thinking like that?"
Jungkook," Oh.. Yeah.. I was also thinking the same."

Jin," Ah.. I need that file."
Tae quickly passed the file to Jin.
Jin smiled to Tae," Thank you."
Jungkook muttered," Stop smiling.. Stop smiling in front of him."
Jungkook snaps himself. He suddenly stood up. Everyone looked at Jungkook.
Jimin," What's wrong?"
Jungkook pannicking," Umm.. I.. I need to go to restroom."
Tae," Then go.. Why are you distracting us?"
Jungkook irritatingly left.

After washing his face,
Jungkook himself," What the hell were you thinking?.. As Senior Hoseok tell I was only doubting Tae, there's no need to be uncomfortable seeing them together.. Right.. It's like that."

When Jungkook came out, he saw Jin standing. Jungkook wanted to ignore Jin again but Jin interrogated him.

Jin," Why are you ignoring me today?"
Jungkook still avoiding looking towards Jin,"Hmm?.. I was?.. No, I wasn't ignoring you."
Jin," Is it because of yesterday?"
Jungkook," Yesterday?"
Again Jungkook's heart started to beat louder after remembering yesterday.
Jin coming close to Jungkook," Did I really say something bad to you?.. Is it because you really hate me to interfere in your life?"

Jungkook heart beats even more louder. He couldn't heard what Jin was saying to him. He just wanted to run away again. He wanted to stop this sound of his heart beat.

Jungkook loudly," Aah..Stop annoying me.."
Jin," What?.. Am I really annoying you?"
Jungkook snaps," Huh?.. It's.."
Jin," Sorry.. I won't irritate you anymore."
Jungkook," Wai.."
Before Jungkook could say anything, Jin walked away quickly.
Jungkook muttered," Why?.. Why is everything going against me?"

He went to the council room. Jin was sitting with Tae and this time Jin ignored him. Suddenly Min arrived.
Min," Whoa.. Is this room always this quiet?"
Hoseok shockingly," What?.. What are you doing here?"
Min," Don't you know?.. After such bad incident happened with Council's president yesterday, I was asked to be in charge of council.. Don't worry My work is only supposed to take care of the council's members not to interfere.. Do whatever you want.. I will keep you all safe, my students."
Jungkook thought," What is he suddenly doing here?.. Is he following me?.. Or could it be he is worried about his brother?.. Why is he suddenly joining the student council?"
Yoongi," What?"

Min," Please take care of me from now on..  And I'm really sorry for what happened to our president yesterday.. So to avoid those activities, I am here.."
Hoseok angrily," We.."
Jin interrupted politely," Then .. you are welcome here, Senior."
Hoseok looked at Jin shockingly. He couldn't understand why Jin was behaving so politely to Min.

Min," Well.. I heard you all guys knew that Kook is not Namjoon's real brother."
Hoseok suspiciously," How did you know about it?"
Min," I heard from..." looked at Tae,
" I just heard.."
Tae pannicking quickly," Namjoon Hyung felt happy when he found out it was just a misunderstanding.. I'm sure he had called you, Kook right?"
Jungkook," How did you know he was happy to find that?"
Tae pannicked," Well.. To know that your brother is safe.. Everyone will be happy."
Yoongi,'' Well it's true."

Jimin confusingly," What are you all saying?.. I couldn't understand you at all."
Tae,'' Actually someone informed Namjoon Hyung that Seniors are planning to bully his brother at the fresher party time.. So he asked Jungkook to replace Suhan to avoid bullying to his real brother while Suhan was still abroad.. For one month, Jungkook was here to teach Senior's lesson... It was a good plan..Right?.."
Jungkook smirked," I don't think yesterday Senior Yoongi or Senior Jin mentioned about fresher party, Tae.. And I don't think I even told you I was here for just 1 month.. Don't you think you are quite detailed person?"
Tae pannicked," Well..I.."
Jungkook," So it was true.. You are the informant of Namjoon."
Tae," Huh?.. What.."
Jin," Tae, is it true?"

Tae knew that he can't lie again when he himself was quite obvious.
Tae sighed," Yes, it was me.. But believe me Seniors, I just don't want any harm to anyone.. I also didnot know how kind and nice persons you were at that time.. I just wanted to inform Namjoon Hyung about the danger.. That's it."
Hoseok standing up," Didn't I told you before Tae is not such a innocent person as he seems?"
Jin," I can't believe you are a mole, Tae."
Tae," Believe me Senior Jin, I just wanted to save that innocent person..And I don't want any harm to you.. I will never intend to hurt you in the future too."

Hoseok angrily," And why would we believe you?.. Who knows what you are planning against us and Jin with Namjoon?"
Tae," I am not planning anything.. I will never do that.."
Jin irritatingly," And why are you so confident about it?"
Tae loudly," Because I like you.. Senior.. I really like you.."
Jungkook shockingly," What?"

Everyone got shocked of this sudden confession of Tae including Min. Min had never thought his brother will ever developed feelings towards the person whom he had always hated.

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