Everyone Has Secrets

By writerIikeme

67.2K 2.1K 331

When the body reveals its secrets, there's no turning back. The good news is, when the truth is out you'll kn... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Outtake: Meeting Derek's Parents

Chapter 33

1.2K 46 5
By writerIikeme

He hadn't had much trouble getting Maddie to sleep. She'd been bouncing with excitement ever since they'd seen Meredith at lunchtime and had been more than happy to go to sleep at bedtime knowing what they had planned to do tomorrow. Now he was in the kitchen, prepping the picnic that his daughter had made a list for earlier of everything she deemed important to include.

His mind started to wander as he buttered slices of bread for the egg salad sandwiches, thinking back to before Maddie had arrived, before Meredith had gone away to Italy. The rendezvous' they'd had, secret meetings, nights spent at her apartment. The date they'd been on.

One memory in particular was going round and round in his head; he couldn't stop thinking about it. The way they had both seemed so carefree, but desperate for each other. The back and forth, the teasing... He wanted that back, and more. He wanted a future with Meredith Grey, but he wasn't sure that's what she wanted, and he needed to try and come to terms with that.

He packed up the food he'd prepared before grabbing a glass of whisky, sitting on the couch in the living room as he leaned back against the cushions. He closed his eyes as he let himself sink back into the memory.


Her hair was thrown up on her head, messy, as though she'd just thrown it up out of the way as she worked. His eyes focused on the end of the pencil between her teeth as she read over the information in front of her on the computer screen. She hadn't noticed his presence yet, and he took the opportunity to stand and watch her for a moment before finally speaking.

"Chief Grey," he teased, smirking slightly as she glanced up.

She smirked slightly as she rolled her eyes before looking back at the laptop, pulling the pencil from her lips as she spoke, "What do you want from me?"

"What makes you say that?" he frowned as he stepped further into the office.

"Like, five things about your behaviour right now," she laughed slightly, not taking her eyes off the screen in front of her.

He couldn't keep his eyes off her as he regarded her statement, completely dumbfounded by her words, "Well, I definitely need to hear this."

"Close the door," she glanced up at him, raising an eyebrow.

He turned and shut the door, making sure it was locked before he moved closer to her desk, leaning against the side of it, his arms crossed over his chest, "Tell me about these five things."

"First of all, you called me Chief," she started as she pushed her chair back from the desk and stood up, her nose scrunching up slightly as she faced him, "Which I'm not, my mother is, so that is just weird."

He chuckled slightly, his eyes narrowing at her as he kept quiet, waiting for her to continue. She moved around the desk, her lips pursed a moment as though she was thinking of how to word her next point. He couldn't stop studying the fullness of her lips, wanting to just grab her and kiss her now, but he knew that would just distract her and he'd never get his answers.

"Secondly, your tone of voice," her voice was slightly lower in volume, her eyes avoiding his gaze still, "You act like you're totally innocent, never done a thing wrong."

"We both know I'm not innocent," he smirked, his head turning to follow her as she stood by the window, glancing outside.

"Number three," she disregarded his statement, turning to look at him again as she gestured with her hand toward the desk, "You lean against things; the desk, doorways, chairs; if it's stable enough, you'll lean against it."

"I really didn't think you actually had a whole list," he frowned, standing up a little straighter. Meredith was far more observant than he clearly gave her credit for. He didn't realise she watched everything he did. He wasn't sure whether he found that endearing – or worrying.

"Number four, your eyes do this weird sparkly thing, well not weird, but... Cristina calls it your McDreamy look, but I'd like to think I'm immune to it," she shrugged, walking slowly toward him, "And finally, you haven't tried to feel me up yet."

"That last one is total –"

"Truth?" she stopped just in front of him, one hand on her hip as her head tilted to the side slightly, "You want something from me, approval to do or buy something, or hire someone. If you wanted something more personal, you'd have definitely tried to feel me up by now, but you haven't; playing professional to get what you want."

"You pay a lot of attention, how do you know I wasn't about to start feeling you up?" he grinned at her, itching to step closer and put his hand on her waist, cup her cheek, anything to be touching her; to feel that connection.

"You would've already tried by now; you wouldn't have kept your distance," she looked down at her watch before glancing up at him, "It's a shame, really, I was going to page you in about ten minutes, but since you've come here in a professional capacity – I'll have to wait. What do you want?"

"See, now you're thrown me off my game and I've completely forgot what I came in here to ask about," he groaned softly, holding his hand out as he stepped forward, his fingers brushing her waist, "Because not only am I wondering exactly what you wanted to page me for in ten minutes, but you're wearing that damn dress."

His eyes wandered up and down her form, noting the deep purple dress under her lab coat. He'd seen it on her before, and he knew that a zip ran from the nape of her neck right down to the hem of the dress. One quick motion is all it would take to peel it off her, leaving her naked, with only her bra and panties to be pulled away.

"That's very unprofessional of you, Dr Shepherd," she whispered, and he swore the minute she bit her lip, he was seconds away from ripping the dress off her.

His hand curled around her waist with a tighter grip, lowering his lips close to her ear as he spoke in his own low whisper, "I can show you unprofessional if you'd like me to."

Despite noticing the shiver that ran through her, the slightly glazed look in her eyes, she quickly broke out of it, pulling back with a shrug, "Maybe in ten minutes."

"What if I lean against things and use my sparkly eyes?" he teased lightly, tilting his head slightly as he watched her take of her lab coat, unable to stop his wandering gaze from finding the curve of her ass.

"I never said any of those five things actually worked," she pointed out, a warning tone in her voice that had him looking up at her raised eyebrow, knowing he'd been caught looking.

"Not even the fifth one?" he said in shock surprise, laying his hand against his chest.

"Maybe the fifth one," she murmured after a moment of deliberation, and he didn't miss the slight blush that appeared on her cheeks.

"Good to know," he smirked, lowering his hand again.

"That wasn't permission to feel me up whenever you want something from me, to get what you want," she shook her head with an amused smile.

He stepped toward her as she started packing up her things on the desk, "What if I just want to feel you up for my own pleasure, or better yet, for your pleasure?"

"Well, that's a different story," she let out a soft sigh that he was pretty sure was involuntary, the skin of her cheeks and her upper chest turning a light shade of pink.

"See, I just want to feel you up now, all this talk of touching reminding me how soft your skin is, how your touch burns me in the most delightful ways," his voice lowered an octave.

She considered his words a moment, her lips pressed tightly together, but he knew he had an effect on her given her slightly erratic breathing as she spoke, "What if I want to feel you up?"

"Unlike you, I have no objections to that," he chuckled, raising an eyebrow and moving around the desk to stand beside her.

"I never objected!" she insisted as she reached for her trench coat, but she didn't put it on, instead folding it over her arm, "I was thinking more... postponing."

"I definitely felt rejected," he feigned hurt, his lips falling into a pout as he stepped closer, brushing his hand over hers.

"Oh, hush," she laughed, taking his hand a second and squeezing it gently before dropping it again, "If anything it spurred you on."

"Have I ever told you how right you always are?" his hand lifted to cup her cheek, shaking his head slightly.

"Did you remember what you came in here to ask me?" she asked, her chin lifting slightly as she met his eyes, "Because number six is compliments."

"I compliment you all the time," he frowned slightly, his fingers brushing her skin slightly.

"Because you always want something from me," she accused.

"You know me too well; scarily well," he chuckled, his lisp angling towards hers a little more.

"Stop distracting me, there's still a few minutes left," she frowned slightly, her brow creasing slightly as she stepped back, his hand dropping from her face.

"Come on, I even locked the door behind me," he smirked slightly, "I missed you."

"It's not even been twenty four hours yet," she shook her head, laughing a little louder, "Now stop changing the subject."

"What subject? I'm ready to get down to business," he smirked wider at the double meaning behind his words, knowing it would irk her.

"I don't swap favours for sex, Dr Shepherd," she rose her eyebrows at him, her arms crossing over her chest.

"I never said you did," he sighed softly, losing his smirk to let her know he was sincere.

"Just making sure it's on record," she rolled her eyes, keeping her arms crossed.

"Just kiss me, beautiful," he grinned softly.

"There's still one minute left," she glanced up at the wall behind him, assumedly at the clock above the office door.

"Why are we doing this on a schedule?" he asked, leaning back so he half sat on the desk behind him.

"Because," she shrugged, sitting in the desk chair again as she grabbed her diary from out of the drawer and put it in her bag, "Things go wrong if you don't."

"Be spontaneous," his head tilted as he regarded her, wondering the reasoning behind her words.

"Spontaneity just leaves room for mistakes," she shook her head, standing up again.

"Spontaneity is exciting," he gave her a warm smile, noticing a slight change in her demeanour.

She glared at him, standing in front of him but not close enough that they were touching, "Derek."

"Dropping the formalities, I like where this is headed," he nodded, widening his smile.

"No, I'm drawing a clear line,"' he could tell she was trying to be stern, but the slight uplift of the corners of her mouth gave her away.

"Is this an invisible line, or do I need to get you a marker?" he teased, lifting his hand to brush his fingers over a loose strand of hair.

"You're impossible you know?" she laughed slightly, her smile growing.

"You're irresistible," he murmured, weaving his fingers through her hair, loosening it from the hair tie as she leaned into his touch.

She stepped toward him, her hand moving to his thigh, "It's weird, you know, how you try and seduce me in my mother's office."

"It's only weird now that you said it," his lips lifted in a smirk, his free hand moving to her waist.

"She'd have a field day if she knew," she smirked back at him, her eyes glistening with excitement.

"Oh, so now that it involves defying your mother, you get excited?" he raised an eyebrow again, gently pulling her closer.

"Let me make something clear to you, and I'm only going to say this once because you hardly need the ego boost," an air of authority laced her tone, her lips lowering to his ear, "The sex we have? Best sex of my life, and I'm not just saying that, I really mean it, so trust me when I say, I've been excited since the second you showed up at that door, I just don't display it as plainly as you do."

"Fuck, Meredith," he breathed, feeling somewhat winded by her words.

"Did you remember why you came to speak to me, or are we leaving that another time?" she pressed a soft kiss just below his ear, her voice a whisper, "Ten minutes are up."

"It probably wasn't important anyway," his hand curled around the back of her head, fully releasing her hair to let it fall down her back, the pressure of his hand on her hip increasing slightly.

"That's what I thought," she laughed softly, her nose brushing against his.

"Are you really that bothered about having sex in your Mom's office?" his voice was almost pained as he brushed his lips over hers, holding her between his legs.

"Derek Shepherd," her voice became sharp as her forehead touched against his, "Fuck me, or I'm going to the bar across the street to find someone who will."

"Don't you dare," he practically growled, pulling her tighter against him, his lips crashing on hers.

He heard her coat fall to the ground before her other hand weaved into his hair, locking his face to hers. The obvious desperation in their kisses only turned him on more, his hand on her hip snaking around her waist, his fingers brushing over her zip.

In one swift movement, he turned them so that she sat on the desk, his hands at her thighs with a gentle grip. Her hands kept his face against hers, their kiss not breaking for even a moment as he moved them. His hands pushed up the hem of her skirt so it sat at her waist, his fingers brushing between her legs with a soft groan as he felt how wet she was already. He attempted to pull  her panties down but ripped them unintentionally in his urgency.

He gasped against her lips, nipping her lower lip as her fingers brushed over his erection, before pulling down at his scrub pants, taking the boxers down simultaneously. He sucked slightly on her lower lip, nestling himself between her legs as they gripped around him, enjoying he soft moans she made. A louder moan escaped both of them at the same time, their foreheads touching as he pushed inside her effortlessly, with a only a little resistance from her tight walls, a sure sign of how much their bodies knew each other at this point.

"Finally," she breathed, her head tilting back slightly as his lips moved along her jaw.

He pushed himself as far as he could go, holding still a moment as he murmured against her warm skin, "All you had to do was ask."

"My way was much more fun," he could hear the smirk in her voice, glancing up to find it painting her lips.

He smirked himself, moving his lips to the hollow of her neck where he nipped her skin lightly before sucking it between his teeth, simultaneously starting to move his hips against her in slow, but hard, movements. He could feel every inch of her tight around him as he started moving faster, relishing in the delicious sounds of her moans each time he filled her. Her heels started to dig into his thighs as the slight lifting of her hips allowed him to push himself deeper. Her fingers gripped his hair tighter, tugging slightly as his lips moved along her collarbone, his tongue darting out against her skin as he traced the outline of her breasts that had begun to spill out the top of the dress with each of his firm movements.

"Fuck, Derek," she whimpered, her skin heating with a redder blush with each of his movements.

"Meredith," he responded with a groan, sliding one hand up her back to grip her loose hair in his hands, twisting it around his fingers as he met her lips with a bruising kiss.

"I'm close, fuck, I'm so close," she gasped, and he could feel her starting to tense, a sure sign that her words were true.

His hand that still gripped her thigh pushed her legs a little further apart, allowing him to enter her at an angle that enabled him to hit her at just the right spot, the one he knew would have her coming undone in seconds. He kept his lips locked on hers, seeking out her tongue with this own.

"Come for me, baby," he murmured as he pulled back to quickly catch his breath.

He forced his eyes to stay open, controlling his own orgasm so he wouldn't finish yet, wanting to watch her as the orgasm enslaved her. Her back arched and he manipulated her hair around his hand so that she was looking directly at him, her eyes filled with desire locking on his. Her hips jutted forward just as she tipped over the edge of her climax, her eyes rolled backward slightly as her lips parted and she moaned out loud. Not as loud as she had ever been with him, he knew they could do better, but he was also aware she was probably trying her best not to be too loud. Her breathing became heavier as her body limped slightly, and he heard the groan escaping him as he felt her cum wash over his throbbing dick. He knew he had to make her cum again before he finished, hopefully with her this time.

His hand released her hair, his fingers fumbling with the dress' zip as he paused the movements of her hips. Her head fell forward against his shoulder as he unzipped the dress and pulled it from her, kissing the top of her head as he did so. He instantly realised she hadn't been wearing a bra underneath and he swore the room temperature increased by a good ten degrees at the thought of her having not worn one this whole time – the whole day even.

He wanted her on top of him, controlling him, to see her moving on top of him was one of the most amazing things he had ever witnessed. He moved his hands to her thighs again as her lips starting kissing his neck, letting him know her energy was back. He lifted her steady, making sure his dick didn't slip from inside her as he carried them over to the couch, sitting down and making sure she was straddling him.

Her eyes met his, a determination that he would see when she was concentrating on a case, or on reports, only made ten times hotter by the fact she was naked and straddling him, and he was inside her. He knew she'd caught on to what he wanted, and after pulling off his scrub top, her hand moved to his shoulder, pushing him to lay back on the couch as she stayed upright.

He knew he wasn't going to last much longer, but at the same time wanted to enjoy this for as long as he possibly could, and he had to make sure she got to finish again. He slid one hand up her side, cupping her breast as she started to move slowly on top of him, not quite taking him all of him just yet but certainly building up to it. His thumb flickered against her taut nipple, enticing soft moans from her lips as she locked his gaze.

His own hips began to rise up and meet her movements as they became harder and she took his full length now, his tip hitting deep inside to the same spot that had her coming undone just moments before. He could feel the walls of her vagina gripping around his pulsating dick, and he pinched her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, stimulating her further as his other hand gripped her hip. He couldn't help thrusting his hips upward, hard, to meet her downward movements, and soon his thumb was rubbing her wet, swollen clit in fast, firm circles.

"Derek, Der –" she whimpered, her head tilting back as her eyes squeezed shut, "Fuck."

"Fuck, Meredith," he groaned louder, releasing her breast as he half sat up and tangled his fingers into her hair, pulling her lips toward his to quieten what he knew could definitely end up being screams of pleasure.

The final grip of her walls around his throbbing dick pushed him over the edge, his tongue tangling with hers as his mind went blank, besides the intense rush of pleasure that coincided with his orgasm. Their kisses became messy and disorganised as they rode out their highs together, his cum spilling inside her for what felt like forever, the moment briefly suspended in time. He opened his eyes, holding her face close to his, to watch her as the last remnants of her orgasm rushed through her. It never got old seeing her like this, at her most beautiful, her most vulnerable. He loved that she trusted him so much to let him see her like this.

His arm moved around her waist to hold her against him as she fell forward against his chest, her head on his shoulder again as she tried to regain control of her breathing. His fingers were still tangled in her hair as he held her, pressing soft kisses to the side of her forehead.

"I swear, that gets better every single time," she murmured breathlessly, so quite he almost missed the words, and he could feel her begin to press soft kisses against his neck.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to think straight in this office again," he mumbled, catching his own breath as he lay back, holding her on top of him still.

"We should probably get out of here," she whispered, her lips still continuing their onslaught of kisses but along his collarbone now, "I don't know about you, but I'm so not finished yet."

"I'm definitely not finished with you," he all but growled against her forehead, his fingers playing with her hair, "I have a lot of time to make up for."

Her lips traced back over his collarbone and jaw, before pressing to his lips in a soft kiss, a smile playing at the corners of her mouth, "Meet me at my place, there's a spare key in the back of the plant pot, I'll wait for you."

His head was still spinning. He still couldn't believe any of this was happening. He was sure from the start it would've been a one-time, two-time thing before she got bored of him and called it off, but here they were almost three weeks later, still unable to get enough of each other, always wanting more. He really needed to get his own place, move out of his mom's. He needed to get it all sorted, and he needed to....

His train of thought was interrupted as Meredith pulled herself off him, leaving him feeling slightly bereft. His eyes stayed fixed on her bare body as she walked across the room to retrieve her dress, watching as she skilfully pulled it back on and zipped it up. Flexible. He didn't miss the small frown on her face though, and was about to ask the reason before she held up her ruined panties and turned to him.

"Did you have to rip them like that?" she asked him, quirking an eyebrow, "I don't exactly carry spares, and I liked those ones."

"It just makes things easier," he shrugged with nonchalance as he stood, walking over to where she stood by the desk to grab his boxers and pull them on.

"Care to demonstrate how?" she smirked up at him, her bottom lip caught slightly in her teeth.

"You really are insatiable," he muttered with a grin, shaking his head as he backed her up against the wall and he kissed her as he felt himself quickly growing erect again.

Right now, everything else could wait. He was too busy enjoying the woman in his arms, too busy making her squirm and plead for him, too busy making her scream out his name. Everything else could wait.


He brought himself back out of the memory as his phone started ringing, Meredith's name flashing up on the screen and he frowned slightly. Had she known he was thinking about her? Obviously not, but it was still strange. She barely even text him back on good days, never mind calling, and at this time – his eyes glanced up at the clock on the wall showing the late hour. He brought the phone to his ear as he answered.


He didn't miss the shakiness in her voice, and he was instantly on high alert, "Can I come and see you?"

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