Sharing Sanjivani -Part 4

By gbhatt55

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After a long break of eight-month, I am back to you with my search of knowledge and queries about what to do... More

Chapter(473) How is this universe created?
(474) How to be free from doubt and have faith in ...?
Chapter- (475) What is the gain of faith in Paramatma?
Chapter-( 477) What should we do for liberation?
Chapter- (478) How could we be conscious spiritually ?
Chapter-(479) Why should a person be alert for 24*7 abandoning...?
Chapter-( 480) How can we see Paramatma's ALAUKIK Swaroop with...?
Chapter-(481) How to know what we see as truth and untruth?
Chapter-(482) How to see Paramatma's Sakar Swaroop in NIRAKAR Brahm?
Chapter-(483) How could the entire universe exist within Paramatma and...?
Chapter- (484) Why do all feel fear looking at VIRAT Swaroop of...?
Chapter-(485) Why Sanjay is not afraid of Virat Swaroop?
Chapter-(486) Why did Arjun asks Paramatma as BHAVAN KA:?
Chapter-(487) When Kal decided to kill all, what should I do, asks ...?
Chapter-(488) How to be only NIMITMATREN, a doer without the burden of ...?
Chapter (489) How to be free from attachment as karta?
Chapter- (490) Why should we worry, when everything is predestined?
Chapter-(491) Why does Arjun feel sorry when he sees Virat Swaroop?
Chapter- (492) Why does Arjun's feeling of friendship transform into ...?
Chapter(493) Why does Arjun want to see Chaturbhuj Swaroop of ...?
Chapter-(494) Why are we getting afraid of the furious Swaroop...?
chapter- (495) What do we demand from Paramatm and what do we get?
Chapter-(496) Who could concentrate his total attention on Paramatma ?
Chapter-( 497) How to be eligible for Bhakti Marg?
Chapter-(498) Which are the conditions to follow Bhakti Marg?
Chapter-( 499 ) How to live life as if every activity is a meditation?
Chapter( 500) What is the fruit of serving Paramatma in any form?
Chapter- (501) Which kind of worship is the best?
Chapter-(502) Why is it easy to serve Sakar Swaroop of Paramatma ?
Chapter-(503) How to understand two opposite kinds of Swaroop of Paramatma?
Chapter-(504) What should be offered to Paramatma and how to use all ..?
Chapter-( 505) Why it becomes difficult for a devotee of Nirakar Brahm ...?
Chapter- (506) What should a Sadhak or a devotee choose to do as his karma?
chapter-(507) What are the reactions of a saint to good and bad people?
chapter- (508) Who is known as YATATMA यतात्मा?
Chapter-(509) What are the characteristics of a Siddha devotee?
Chapter-(510) How does Siddha Bhakt loved by Paramatma?
Chapter- (511) How to accept our body and soul as separated when we ....
Chapter (512) When the soul is independent, how could he see ...
Chapter-(513) Which are the six things that every Sadhak must know?
Chapter-514 How could we overcome these VIKARS OF KSHETRA-our body?
Chapter-(517) Why is it necessary to serve Guru and maintain cleanliness...?
Chapter- (516) How could we learn to forgive others?
Chapter(515) How could a Sadhak overcome VIKAR of violence?
Chapter- (518) How could a person follow AATMANIGRAH?
Chapter-(519)How to be free from BHOG and PRABHAV of joys and sorrows?
CHAPTER-(520) What is the ignorance of a Sadhak that ...?
CHAPTER-(521) What is the real Swaroop of Paramatma?
CHAPTER- (522) When can our mind not recognize multiple forms of...?
CHAPTER-( 523)How could a Sadhak feel oneness ADWAITYA?
CHAPTER-(524) What is the real Swaroop of Pride that rules over ...?
CHAPTER-(525)Who could be a real BHOKTA of ...?
CHAPTER- (526) When could a Sadhak free himself from the feeling of BHOKTA?
Chapter- (527) Why do even the strongest have to be dying and see destruction?
Chapter (528) How could Paramatma exist with Prakruti remaining detached?
Chapter-(529) Who is the real Karta when Paramatma is not doing anything?
Chapter-(530) Which are the Siddhis that mislead a Sadhak?
Chapter-(531) How does every creature feel bondage with Prakruti...?
Chapter-( 532) How does Vikars of Rajas create bondage of birth and death?
Chapter-(533) How could Tamas create bondage of rebirth?
Chapter-(534) How could we know that we are inclined to Satva virtue?
Chapter-(535) What would be the result when Rajas and Tamas develop...?
CHAPTER-(536) What is the Swaroop of Tamas virtue seen in a person?
CHAPTER-(537) Where does a Jivatma go with his trio virtues after death?
Chapter-(538)Why are the fruits of trio virtues different?
Chapter-(539 )How could a person remain free from trio virtues?
Chapter-(540) What are the significant characteristics of a free man?
Chapter-(541) What are the intentions that create trio virtue influence
Chapter- ( 542) How to overcome the impact of trio virtues and ...?
Chapter-(543) How to be a true devotee through Bhakti Yoga?
chapter-(544) What is the first step to remain detached from Sansar?
Chapter-(545) What are the different stages that a Sadhak should ...?
Chapter-(546) How to recognize the ascetic Vairagi Saint?
Chapter-(547) What could a Sadhak do when he remains detached from Sansar?
Character-(548) What are the characteristics of ... a PARAM HANSA?
Chapter-(549) What happens to a Sadhak when he surrenders to Paramatma?
Chapter-(550) How to recognize the Saint who attains Param Pad?
Chapter-(551) Why is it becomes difficult to remain detached from desires?
Chapter-(552) What is the Swaroop of Avinashi Pad-an invincible post?
Chapter -(553) Why is every Jivatma not able to see the Param Dham ?
Chapter-(554)What are the mistakes done by us in acceptance of ...?
Chapter-(555)What should a Sadhak do to feel unification with Paramatma?
Chapter-(556) How long does a Jivatma roam in the cycle with his six senses?
Chapter-(557) How are the six senses overpowered by our minds?
Chapter-(558) How does five Mahabhut have impact on our minds?
Chapter-(559) Why are we not able to recognize the original Swaroop of Jivatma?
Chapter-(560) Who could understand Swaroop of Paramatma and how?
Chapter-( 561) What is the difference in a wise and an ignorant person?
Chapter-(562) How to accept what we see is untruth and what is invisible ..?
Chapter-(563) How does a Sadhak see Paramatma in all?
Chapter-( 564) How do we overcome our Vikars ?
chapter-(565) How to understand coordination of a triangle?
Chapter-(566) Why does Paramatma open up his secret to all ..?
Chapter- (567) What is the meaning of SATVASAMSUDDHI?
Chapter(569) What is the difference between Mahatma and Duratma ?
Chapter-(568)How does five Mahabhut have impact on our minds?

Chapter-(476) Why do we not have faith in Paramatma?

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By gbhatt55

Why do we not have faith or why are we not ready to believe in Paramatma?

Even though we have seen miracles in every element, everywhere, every day and night; and still we do not surrender to Almighty?

Arjun says,

एवम् एतत् परमेश्वर AEVAM AETAT HE PARMESHWAR

O, God! Are you the same as you have described yourself as the root cause, BIJAM of ever-living and nonliving? Do you really exist after every Pralay? Though I have heard from your mouth everything, I am now out of illusion but I want to see your Divine Swaroop.

Here lies the tragedy of the human mind. Even though he sees Paramatma in front of him, he hears GITA GYAN From HIM, he still has doubts about his form and existence. Hence Tulsidasji begs Ram to implant faith in him.

राम – भरोसो, राम –बल,राम-नाम-विश्वास।

सुमिरत सुभ मंगल कुसल,माँगत तुलसीदास ।।(तुलसी दोहावली)

Tulsidasji begs for only steady faith in HIM, Strength from HIM, and trust in the recitation of Ram –Nam Jap karma because only Ram Nam can bless us all the welfare and well-being in this world.

As Paramatma is the BIJ, he is the creator, Saviour, and destructor. There is no other cause of the creation of this universe

VASNA VASYDEVSYA वासना वासुदेवस्य वासितं भुवनत्रयम्।

Paramatma multiplied himself in billions of forms and created this universe, galaxies, seas. He is in the form of Brahma, ARTH, Dharma, karma, Spirituality, AADI BHUT, AADI DAIVA, AADI YAGNA. He is in every particle of the universe and Sansar but Sansar does not exist within him. He is NIRLAP as a lotus that does not get wet living in the mud and water. He himself remains aloof from everything. He is in the form of truth and untruth. As you told me, O god Krishna! entire Sansar is within a particle of your entire existence. I want to see that Swaroop of Paramatma. As you told me that you being my chariot driver drives according to my desire, I wish to see your Divine Swaroop . You told me about all your VIBHUTIS and still, you added that these are not all  Your VIBHUTIS is endless. Hence I want to see all your endless Swaroop द्रष्टुम् इच्छसि ...and Shri Krishna says to Arjun that now you can see all my Swaroop, as I told you to ask for whatever you want to see .when Shri Krishna says that the entire universe exists in a particle of VIBHUTI Arjun could not understand how a little human Swaroop of Shri Krishna could hold the entire universe. Hence he told here , Arjun to see that only Swaroop.

Here again, we see human nature.  When we heard about something new, strange, or unbelievable things, we want to justify it through our other senses. Is it true? What I heard me, Give me Demonstration. Arjun requested Shri Krishna if you think that I can see your Swaroop, please bless me with DARSHANAM of that Swaroop . If I am not able to see it, please bless me with the power and strength to see it as you are the only power bank of AASTANG YOGA. Whether it may be Gyan yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raj Yoga, Hath Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Laya Yoga, Gyan, Bhakti, and Karma Yoga. Bless me to see your Swaroop that exists even after PRALAY in SARG after SARG and yug after yug.

In Uddhav Gita When Yudhisthira went to Bhishma to know how to be eligible for salvation after killing of all his relatives. Bhishma told him that

नवैकादशञ्चत्रीन्भावान्भूतेषु येन वै।

ईक्षेताथैकमप्येषु तज्ज्ञानं मम निश्र्चितम्।।(उद्धव गीता-14-14)

I consider that the knowledge implies that one who can see the nine elements as Prakruti, Purusham, Mahat i.e. cosmic intelligence, Ahamkar, Pride and ego and five Tanmatras with eleven organs from which five organs of action, KARMENDRIYA five organs of knowledge GYANENDRIYA and MANAS, the mind along with five elements as earth, water, fire, air and ether and three virtues as Satva, Rajas and Tamas, he could understand everything in this universe. This knowledge becomes the cause of realization as he could understand the process of emerging, sustaining, and destruction of everything in what a person sees feels, or hears through his senses in every Yug. And hence Paramatma blessed Arjun and allow him to show his VIRAT SWAROOP in which he could see all the Swaroop he has taken till now and he is going to take in the future. They are of different colors, as white-yellow, blue, red . They are of different sizes, bodies, small and big, large, extra large, and so on...just a part of the land is a part of the entire earth. This Virat Swaroop is also a part of the unlimited incredible and endless Swaroop of Paramatma. But nobody can see it even when Paramatma takes Avtar everybody living with him does not accept him as God as Kansa or Rawan, Hiranyakashyapu or Duryodhan.

The fact is that Arjun begs to see only a particle of Paramatma's Swaroop which holds the entire universe but when Paramatma is pleased with his devotee, he blesses him with the showers of gifts and shows him millions and billions of trillions Swaroop. When a devotee having eight virtues as intelligence, royal birth, knowledge of Shastra, control over his senses, speaks less, does charities, and remains thankful to all, can be blessed by Paramatma . Vidur Niti says ;

अभिप्राय यो विदित्वा तु भर्तुः सर्वाणि कार्याणि करोत्यतन्द्री।

वक्ता हितानामनुरक्त आर्यः शक्तिज्ञ आत्मेव सोङनुकम्प्यः।।25।।

A person who knows well what his boss desires and follows his instructions accomplishes his allotted task carefully without being lazy, kills everything in a sweet and manner full speech who loves and remains honest to his own conscious and follow rules of best mannerism with good character who knows his strength and weaknesses well, he is always blessed by the boss and the king, then how could Paramatma abandon him. Arjun is a good pupil having all the above virtues described by Vidurji so he is the favorite one of Jagat Guru even if a Sadhak learns Vedas and Purans, Upanishad and Sukta he is considered as an ABHYUSHUDDHI because he could not understand Bhagavad LILA. A desire to help the needy by charity, speaking and talking in a way that could not hurt anybody, to believe and having faith in Paramatma's existence, and to respect all the elders, parents, Guru are signs of a divine character Arjun is blessed with the virtues and here Shri Krishna now wants to show him various kinds of Varna, and figures, shapes of various kinds of JIVATMA in his own Swaroop

Then what should one do as the right path of salvation?

Let us surrender to Shri Krishna and quench our thirst....

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