You & I: Autumn Cupid

By fangirl1539

2.1K 29 13

It's been almost two year since James gave me my promise ring and I absolutely love him. People have finally... More

Chapter 1: Woebegone Beginnings
Chapter 2: I Get Stuck in Cardboard
Chapter 3: Left Hanging
Chapter 4: Losing my ring
Chapter 5: Yards and Yards of Hotel Rooms
Chapter 6: Officers Arrest Me for Something I Didn't Do
Chapter 7: Under Lock and Steel
Chapter 8: Mega Delivery
Chapter 9: All About the Tank
Chapter 10: Really Weird Secrets
Chapter 11: Red Cup Challenge
Chapter 13: Messy Messy Boxes
Chapter 14: Everything is Buried in Peanuts

Chapter 12: You're Bald!

127 2 0
By fangirl1539

The boys told me they were filming a video today. It was something about not laughing. I decided not to join this one. I was going shopping.

While picking out my groceries, a little kid walks up to me and tugs on my shirt. "Have you seen my mama?"

"Oh sweetie, no. I haven't seen your mama. How about we look together, hm? What's your name?"

"My name is Paulie."

"Well, Paulie, let's go find your mama."

The poor girl doesn't look much older than four. I pick her up and balance her on one hip as I push my cart. I get to the central isle and someone walks up to me.

"Are you (Y/c)?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Can I get a picture?"

"Sure thing."

Before I can even move to put Paulie down, she whips out her phone and snaps a photo of me in the store.

"Ha! That's why she's with James! She has his kid!"

"What? No. I found her-."

"Everyone's gonna freak when they see this online! Enjoy your shopping trip, you two-bit tramp."

I cover Paulie's ears the best I can with one arm. She doesn't need to be hearing words like that at such a young age. I continue walking around the store, more often than not getting accusatory stares from people. I even overhear one woman whispering how I am a teen mother. First of all, I know I look young, but I'm not a teenager anymore. I turned 20 a while ago. Second, it's not my child. I'm just looking for her actual mom. I ignore them and continue on shopping, keeping an eye out for Paulie's mom. When I get down one isle, I hear a woman frantically screaming.

"Paulie! Has anyone seen my daughter? She's three years old and was wearing a yellow shirt. Paulie where are you?"

"Mama!" the girl cries in my arms.

"Excuse me, Ma'am? I found your daughter in the produce isle."

"Oh thank you so much!" she cries before reaching out for her baby. I hand Paulie back to her and they both start crying.

"Don't you ever run off like that again, Paulie."

"Yes Mama."

I almost turn to walk away when the woman grabs my arm. "Thank you so much for finding my daughter."

"It was no big deal. Actually, she found me."

"Oh, that's just like my Paulie, always looking for someone who can help her."

"Well, you raised an amazing daughter."

"Are you (Y/c)?"

"Yes I am."

"I can't believe that (Y/c) found my baby! Can I please get a picture with you?"

"Of course! As long as Paulie can be in it too."

We take the photo and I get one as well so I can remember her and her amazing daughter. After that we part ways and I drive back home. When I get inside, I walk right to the kitchen and set down my grocery bags. Nathan walks up to me, without his hat on. Cedrick isn't far away, a recording camera in his hands.

"Hey (Y/n). Whatcha doin'?"

"Putting groceries away?"

"That's nice."

"What is up with you? You never take interest when I'm putting groceries away."

"You don't notice anything different?" he asks, moving his head around in all sorts of directions.

"No. Am I supposed to?"

"You're no fun (Y/n)!" he whines before sulking off. Cedrick follows him and I laugh a bit before going back to my groceries.

"Now what was that all about?"

In a few minutes, Gabe comes in with a broom. He starts sweeping the living room floor.


"Hey Gabe. Why are you sweeping?"

"Just for a video." Cedrick is back again, camera recording this interaction.

"What is up with you guys today?" I ask.

Gabe seems to ignore me and says, "Gotta go the other way now."

When he turns around, I nearly spit out my drink. Instead, I start laughing, yelling, and choking all at the same time.

"What?! You look like two different people!" I back up and run into someone.

"Sorry Babe."

"Sugar do you see-." I get cut off by my own laughter when I turn around. James has his head shaved on the top, but not the sides. I manage to get out between laughs, "You look like a friar!"

"We were trying to make each other laugh. Looks like we got you more than each other," James laughs.

"Please don't tell me you're gonna stay looking like that." I'm getting breathless from laughing so hard.

"What? You don't think I'm handsome anymore?"

"Not looking like that. You look like a goof."

"But I'm your goof." James laughs and picks me up.

"But seriously, you gotta fix this mess," I say, gesturing to his hair.

"You love it."

"I love you, not your hair."

"Shut up. You love it."

I roll my eyes before pulling him into a kiss. After a few seconds, the guys start groaning and yelling random things about PDA.

"Come on guys. Let me kiss my future wife."

The guys all stop talking and stare at James. I'm staring at James confused.

"You really think we're gonna get married?"

"I love you so much. I wouldn't be surprised if we did get married."

"I hope you don't mean right now. That hair wouldn't look good in wedding photos."

"No, my hair's gotta grow back."

"Good. Now, I gotta put my groceries away. Keep trying to make each other laugh."

I shake my head while they run off, doing who knows what to get the others to laugh. Did James really mean what he said about me being his future wife? I mean, we never really talked about the future that way. I guess I just assumed that we would always be together. Maybe even get married. I smile at the thought of James and I being married and maybe having little kids running around. The feeling makes my heart flutter a bit. James makes me so happy and I would love to spend the rest of my life with him.

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