By castleMG

74.7K 4.2K 583

*The story is mine but the pictures are not so, credits to the owners* About: A sequel of 'Trust in Love Agai... More

11. SURPRISE!!!!!
Just your author
21. πŸ”ž
28. Surprise update❗❗
29. Finale


1.7K 114 29
By castleMG

Tomorrow came and the triplets are feeling nervous, especially Thari. He doesn't know what will happen to him today.

He and Thanari decided to make a sequence of events. First will be the thing they spoke about when Ari left, then, his pregnancy reveals, and lastly, the bombs that Thari got for everyone.

🤖: Are you sure everything will be fine?

Thari asked his siblings. They are in Thana's room in their parents' house...

🚀: Maybe...

Thana said while Ari just shrugged...

🦋: Don't think too much, Phi. Come on it's time to party.

The triplets went down. They decided to celebrate in their house...

The party started... They are having fun but they are tense at the same time and it didn't go unnoticed by their Mama Gulf.

🌻: What's wrong with the three of you?

Gulf asked... The triplets stiffened...

🚀: Nothing Mama... Don't worry...

Thana said... Gulf nodded. He didn't believe but he shrugged it for now.

🐦: Ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention, please?

They all stopped what they're doing and turned to Mild.

🐦: It's time for blowing the candles!

They clapped their hands and Mild called the triplets. They stand beside their cake...

🐦: We will have Ari first since she's the only lady... You can make a wish then blow the candle...

Ari closed her eyes and wish. After a while, she opened her eyes and blow her candles... They clap after that.

🐦: Okay, before we proceed to Thanari, let's ask her boyfriend for a message...

Thari informed Mild earlier to call for Jeon. Jeon came forward and stand in front of Ari.

🍪: Babe, first and foremost, happy happy birthday. I wish you nothing but pure happiness and good health. Thank you for accepting me and giving me the chance to experience the joy that I thought I would never have.

Thank you for loving me. Thank you for cheering me up when I'm feeling down. I always tell you I love you and I will never get tired of repeating it. And on this day on your 22nd birthday...

*gasps* Jeon kneels...

🍪: Babe, I want to level up our status... Can we leave the boyfriend-girlfriend status and climb up to being a fiance-fiancee? Will you accept me as your life partner and marry me?

Jeon finished with his eyes glistening with unshed tears... Ari, on the contrary, is good at controlling her tears... She stretched forward her hand that is visibly shaking and Jeon smiled at her widely...

🦋: Yes, babe. I will.

Series of cheers and whistles are heard... Gulf is crying in his hubby's arms.

☀: Another baby will leave my nest...

Mew grumbled... Gulf and the others chuckled at him. Thari and Thana look at each other and gave each other an encouraging smile.

When they calmed down, Mild called for Thanari... Thanari is now facing his cake...

He heaved a deep breath before closing his eyes and wish. His wish is for everything to go well. His and Rawin's pregnancy and for his brother to survive this day.

He blew the candle and claps echoed the garden. Axis was called too for a birthday message...

'Happy Birthday my dear wifey. My only wish for you is to stay healthy and happy. I want to tell you that I am so blessed to have you in my life. I love you and only you.' Axis said before kissing Thanari's forehead...

Mild is up to call Thari but Thanari stopped him...

'Uhm, I have something to say first before we proceed to P'Thari.' He said

🌻: Go on, dear...

Thana nods and took his hubby's hand. They are looking at each other lovingly, though Axis is a little confused...

The elders gasped when Thana place Axis's palm on his flat tummy.

'Say hi to our little one.' Thanari told Axis

Axis's brain stopped working for a moment but his eyes widened when he realized.

'I'm going to be a father?!' He asked loudly... Thanari nods smiling...

Axis cupped his face and smashed their lips forgetting the people around them...


He pulled away and look to see who dared to smack him but he swallowed his prepared cursing words when he saw Dada Mew crossing his arms glaring at him.

☀: Control yourself you beast. My baby boy is pregnant and you're sucking the life out of him...

'Hehe... Sorry, Dada'

Thanari giggled and went to Mew's arms.

☀: Congrats, baby bun...

Mew said kissing the top of Thana's head... Gulf came to him and hugged him too...

🌻: My baby will have his own baby na~

Thana kissed his Mama's cheek. His in-laws hug him too and the rest congratulate him. They asked him how far along he is. And he told them he's exactly three weeks pregnant today.

Thari and Rawin are both nervous because it's time for the bomb to be released. Thari was called and he stared at his cake.

His siblings are on alert. Axis and Jeon felt the uneasiness of their partners but they chose to remain quiet and just be on guard.

🌻: Make a wish son and blow your candle...

Gulf told his eldest son. Thari smiled thinly and grabbed Rawin's hand tightly before closing his eyes and took a deep breath. The others found that gesture cute...

Thari opened his eyes and glances at Ari and Thanari who mouthed *su su* to him. He curtly nods and faces them.

🤖: I wish for my parents, Dada Bright and Dada Win to not be mad at us especially at Rawin.

The people that were mentioned frowned in confusion but they stay quiet...

🤖: All my life, I saw how my parents love each other. How they took care of one another. I am proud that I am one of their children. I told myself that someday, I will have someone that I will take care of and will also take care of me.

I love my family so much but I feel like I'm a failure as a son...

🌻: What are you saying, son?

Gulf can't help to ask...

'Ma, let Phi finish...' Thana said holding his Mama's hand.

🤖: I'm sorry that I didn't keep my promise to not disappoint you. Da, Ma *turning to Bright and Win* Dada Bright and Dada Win...

*Thari and Rawin both kneel without letting each other's hand go*

Their parents gasped...

🤖👾: We're sorry.

Thari and Rawin's start crying. Ari and Thana too but they are trying to be strong for their brother and friend...

K3: What's going on? Why are you two like this?

🌻: Right, babies... Stand up, please...

🤖: Mama~ Dada ~ I'm sorry...

Thari cried out to Gulf and Win... Their mothers are in tears already...

Bright's face remained stoic. He and Mew have a hunch of what's going on...

K1: Both of you stand up. If you want us to understand you both, stand up and tell us exactly what's going on.

Bright said finally breaking his peace. Gulf and Win helped both their sons... They made them sit on the chairs. Wine gave the two glasses of water...

☀: Now tell us what's going on.

Thari and Rawin glanced at each other. Thari nods. Their hands are intertwined.

👾: Papa, Daddy, Mama, Dada... I...I'm p-pregnant...

Rawin finally said. No one speaks. The silence is making the young ones scared... Their grandparents are all quietly listening... They already knew everything. They are more nosy at their grandchildren's life than the children's parents. They are just watching how the kids will handle everything.

K3: How far long?

👾: One month and two weeks

Gulf turned to Ari and Thana.

🌻: You two knew?

🤖: I only told them yesterday, Ma...

Thari answered for them...

☀: And you didn't tell us?

Asked Mew sternly...

🦋: It's not ours to tell... Sorry Ma, Da...

Ari said. Thanari is looking down trying to control his breathing. Their parents sighed...

K1: What about your studies? You still have a year to finish.

👾: I will still attend until I need to take a leave.

☀: Are you going to be okay if the students gossip about you?

🌻: Getting pregnant while still in school. Not to mention out of wedlock...

Gulf said rubbing his face with his hand...

🤖: Uhm, t-that's another t-thing...

They look at Thari.

K2: What do you mean?

🤖: W-we're m-married...

K3: 😳

🌻: 😵


Their Dads yelled at the same time... The kids flinched...

👴: 😏

Both fathers are fuming... The kids are more scared now. This time, the grandparents decided to intervene.

'When did you two get married?' Forth asked

🤖: Two weeks after we confirmed that he's pregnant, Grandee

Forth nodded.

' Wow... Can't believe our only grandchild is already married.' Kit said...

'Bright is so weak. He only gave us one grandchild.' Pha said

Yo smacked his chest...

'Shut up old man. You're no different.' Yo said...

Their sons are gaping watching them...

'Geez, stop bickering. And you! *pointing at Thari* You will give my one and only grandchild an extravagant wedding after he gives birth, understand?' Ming said


'Auu...What was that for, P'Kitty?' Ming whined

'How dare you threatened my grandson-in-law? You just wanted to make Forth spend his fortune. Simple wedding will do they are already married after all.' Said Kit

'True. They can have the ceremony tomorrow if they want to.' Beam said

The rest are just watching the oldies talk...

'P'Beam is right. So, Brighty, Mew, don't give our grandchildren a hard time. Look at Rawin and Thanari, they are stressing over this. Also, today is the triplets' birthday, we should celebrate not grilling the kids.' Yo said

'Nong is right. It's good enough that the kids know how to take responsibility for their deeds. This is a wonderful day. Not only, we celebrate their birthdays but also the new life that they are going to live and the babies that are growing in them.' Krist said...

Gulf and Win smiled at each other and start squealing...

K2/K3: We're gonna be grandparents!!!!

🌻: We need to shop Win. I'm telling you, I will spoil my grandchildren!

K3: Hahaha me too... Tomorrow, let's buy the shop- I mean let's shop...

🌻: Oh, hehe. I almost agree there... But hell, I will buy them malls if they ask me...

The kids are dumbfounded at the turn of events. Their Dads are scratching their not-so-itchy heads.

'That went well....I guess.' Thana thought

Thanks for reading and sorry for the errors...

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