My Hero Academia: Joining For...

By 08Icedcoffeee80

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*CURRENTLY BEING RE-EDITED FOR BETTER QUALITY* It's been a couple of months since the fight with Overhaul occ... More

Introduction to the Series
Chapter: #1: "Help From the Heroes?"
Chapter 2: "Who are They...?"
Chapter 3: "Who Knows What They're Planning..."
Chapter 5: Someone Who Can Help
Chapter 6: Project 167
Chapter 7: The Black Diamonds
Chapter 8: Daisuke & Azumi
Chapter 9: "He Knows..."
Chapter 10: The Grand Finale~

Chapter 4: Where is Bakugo?

746 43 4
By 08Icedcoffeee80


Izuku Midoriya POV~

It's currently 7:28 AM, and I guess everyone is being themselves. Asui- no Tsu, was talking with Ochaco, Tokoyami was being- well, Tokayomi and surprisingly Todoroki was talking with Yaoyorozu Kirishima and Kaminari. It's so unlike him. I guess he's finally being comfortable with everyone! 

"CLASS IS ABOUT TO START, PLEASE, EVERYONE TAKE A SEAT! AND HAS ANYONE SEEN BAKUGO?" I turn to Iida, who was yelling at everyone and doing his hand chopping motions. It's all fun and games until he's got murder in his eyes. Actually, that was really insensitive of me, I shouldn't say that!

"Huh that's weird, he was supposed to be here already." Kirishima was Kachaan's best friend, I thought that if he was gonna be with anyone, it would be him. I look around the classroom, and sure enough, he's not here.


"I don't think I've even seen him today. Kiri, have you?" Mina asks loudly enough so everyone could hear.

"I saw him leave the dorms at around 6, saying he'll go for a short run, but after that, I haven't..." That's true, Kachaan loves taking walks, or jogging. I asked him once if I could join, it didn't end too good for me in the end.

Shota Aizawa POV~

As I walk down the halls to the classroom, I can practically hear my students, yelling. I don't think I can even call them that. I open the door to the class. Sure enough, the problem children were up to no good as usual. Iida, the only sensible one here- no scratch that. That kid has issues too. He went all psycho and tried to kill Stain. Can't blame him though, but it was stupid.

"Alright everyone get into your seats, you have a written exam today." I look over at Denki Kaminari. His face rushes into panic, and I see him pale a bit. I could almost hear him thinking 'Oh shit, I forgot about that.'

I look over at the students and see a desk missing. That's right, there was no protest, no explosions, no property that had been damaged.

"Before we begin, does anyone know where Bakugo is?"

"I don't know, but I don't care because that means no one will be able to restrict me from-" I grab my scarf and wrap it around his grape ass existence. I feel so tempted to suffocate him.

"Say one more thing, and you'll be 6 feet under." I can feel my quirk being activated. I release him, unfortunately, because I'm a teacher, not a grape killer.

"Alright, well we won't be waiting for Bakugo any further. He'll just have to face the consequences. Everyone pencils up, you may begin your exam." I must admit, Bakugo wouldn't stay in the dorms if he had some cold, or sickness, especially if he has a test or an exam of some sort. It's weird, but I don't have time to think about that.

After class~

Tokoyami Fumikage POV~

I leave class with two of the weirdest people in the class. Actually no, Mineta is the weirdest. I walk down the halls towards the dorms accompanied by Kaminari, a human portable charging station, and Kirishima, a guy whose vibe is always... I don't even know the word.

"UGH, I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THE TEST, I'M SO GONNA FAIL!" I totally didn't expect that from Kaminari. I swear he needs to set a reminder or something.

"Bro, same! I was going to ask Bakugo for help, but I forgot. Speaking of Bakugo, where is he?"

"Knowing Bakugo, he would never miss a day of training, and especially a test... where is he?" I say

"Well, let's go look in the dorms again, maybe he's there?" I was going to say some snarky remarks but refrain from doing so. Step one to making friends, I guess. That's what Shoji says. Maybe I should just ignore that part-

We all enter the dorms and start looking. I head towards Bakugo's room, to see if he's there, while Kaminari and Kirishima stay behind and look in the common room. I knock on the door a couple of times, but I don't hear anything. He's not there for sure, if he was he'd probably yell something like "IF YOU DON'T GO AWAY I'M GONNA BLAST YOU ALL THE WAY TO HELL!" So, I make my way downstairs to see if the others found him, although I doubt it.

"UGH, THIS IS POINTLESS IT'S OBVIOUS HE'S NOT HERE!" You know what, I'm sorry and excuse my language, but fuck Shoji's "How to make Friends Guide" 

"Kaminari I swear-"

"Who's not here." We all turn to see Yaoyorozu standing in the doorway.

"Oh hello, Yaoyorozu! We were just looking around for Bakubro!"

"Well, I would have to agree it's pointless looking for him here. Have you tried looking where he usually runs?" Finally, someone with common sense around here.

"OMG YOU'RE SO SMART, LETS GO LOOK THERE, GUYS!" I could practically sense the energy sparks around the guy.

" if you'd like, I could help look around for him."

"Please do." I'm sorry, but I'm tried being the one with all the brain cells around here. I guess I know why Bakugo is the way he is.

No One POV~

All of them leave UA and follow Kirishima, who's showing the way Bakugo usually goes.

"I once made him take me along. It was brutal, that's all I'm gonna say. I don't know how he can run that much."

All of them continue walking when Yaoyorozu stops.

"Hey, why'd you stop?" Asked Tokoyami

"There's something on the ground!"

They all run to the mysterious object that she had spotted.

"Hey, it's a phone" Points out Kirishima

"Yeah it is, and it's Bakugo's too."

"Wow Kaminari, I'm surprised you know what his phone looks like, But what's it doing here? He'd never just abandon his phone."

"Maybe he didn't do it willingly, Yaoyorozu."

"Wait what do you mean? You're not saying... that..."

Kaminari's eyes widen


"Bro don't say that so loud! But Tokoyami... are you sure?"

"I mean Bakugo is strong, and won't go without a fight. We're obviously facing a different enemy. I don't think the League would be able to do this..."

"I think it's best to tell Mr. Aizawa this...."


With that last sentence Kaminari spoke, all of them rushed back into UA...






1059 Words

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed! 

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