Marriage and other threads

By Goerks97

22.7K 1.5K 2.1K

This story is a vampire/ werewolf au. Where reader is a werewolf and has arranged marriage with a vampire. Th... More

The meeting
Hurt Feelings
A short conversation
The wedding
A new beginning
The grand tour
A dinner with Werewolfs
Full moon
A meeting with the alpha
A strange feeling
Vampires and Werewolfs
A unexpected turn
The plan
No risk no fun
Time to heal
Time to heal part two
The library
Sadness and cuddles
The door
Hanging out with friends
The fight
A sad story
Back to normal
Sweet gestures
Another plan?
The barn
Treason and bloody hands
I love you
The ex-girlfriend
A new case
A proposal
First practice
The silver book
A moment of doubt
The need to talk
The deepest trust
The gift
A nice dinner
In the library part one
In the library part two
Bad news
The sweet sound
Nightmares or Visions?
Hard decisions
You are never a bother
The date
We need answers
Fear and guilt
Leave her?
The search
Hard times
Stress and fear
The white room
On the inside
A light in the dark
The cathedral
What's next?
Hurt and comfort
A promise
Look inside my heart
The Queen
Save you
Take me back
Back to life
My universe

Old memorys

323 19 11
By Goerks97

Dami's pov:

She was still impressed by the look of the library. It was a huge room with white walls made of stone. Old paintings hung on them. They showed Vampires, Werewolves, and other creatures. In the middle of the ceiling was a dome. It showed another old-looking painting. Under the dome was a long table, made out of marble. The shelves were made out of massive, dark wood. It seemed that even the strongest Vampire couldn't move them. The books and scrolls look very old and fragile and the air in the room was really dry. Her father placed his bag on the table and looked back at Dami. She was still admiring the library. It made him smile, that she was looking around with her eyes wide open like a child.

"Do you like it?" He asked with an amused tone in his voice.

"I think I could stay here forever and read for hours." She answered.

He chuckled.

"Let's see if we find something." He said.

Dami nodded and followed him to a bookshelf on the right side of the large hall.

"In this section, we should find some information about the creature, but I'm afraid we have to go through a lot of books and scrolls." Her father said and gestured to a tall shelf.

"Then let's start," Dami replied excitedly.

They grabbed a few books and carried them back to the large table. The two Vampires sat down and started to go through the notes and records. Time passed without them talking. Just their breaths and the turning of pages could be heard in the giant room. Dami loved to spend some time with her father, even when they didn't talk at all.

Siyeon's pov:

She stepped into her apartment and was pulled into a tight hug immediately.

"Hey." She greeted her girlfriend with a smile.

"I missed you," Sua said.

"Really?" Siyeon asked.

"Yes," Sua replied and pulled her even closer.

They didn't see each other for two days, because Siyeon was caught up with work and always was home late at night.

"I got the whole day off tomorrow, so we can spend it together if you like," Siyeon said, as she stroked Sua's hair.

"I would love that, but unfortunately I have to work," Sua whined, as she pulled back.

"I will die of boredom then," Siyeon replied and pouted.

"I guess you have no choice." The smaller girl chuckled. 

She leaned in and kissed her girlfriend with all her passion. Siyeon pulled back, just to kiss her jaw, and sucked on the soft skin of her girlfriend's neck. Sua was in the middle of untucking her girlfriend's shirt when her phone rang. A sigh left Sua's mouth when she reached for it. Siyeon didn't stop kissing her neck.

Sua's pov:

"Hello?" Sua said.

"Hey, Sua what are you doing? I'm bored and need something to do before I will die because of it." She heard Y/n's voice from the other end of the line.

"Who is it?" Siyeon asked in between kisses.

"It's Y/n," The smaller girl whispered.

"Can you please come over?" The whiny voice of her best friend reached her ear.

"I'm in the middle of something," Sua replied.

"Please," Y/n whined. " Dami is at the ancient library and I need someone to hang out with me." She added.

"Okay, I will come over, but just if Siyeon can come as well," Sua replied.

Siyeon pulled back and looked into Sua's eyes. The smaller girl gave her a pleading look and Siyeon playfully rolled her eyes. She nodded and let go of Sua's body, as she made her way to the bathroom. 

Siyeon's pov:

"I swear that Y/n has just the worst timing ever." She thought. 

She took a quick shower and when she stepped out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around her body, Sua was still on the phone with Y/n. Siyeon quickly put on some clothes and placed herself next to Sua on the couch. Her hair was still wet.

"Okay, we will be there soon. See you later." Sua ended the phone call.

She threw her phone on the couch table.

"I'm sorry, but I want to see her. I still feel guilty about her getting beat up." The smaller girl while a sad look covered her face.

"I understand. What are we waiting for? Let's go." Siyeon replied.

She took Sua's hand and pulled her with her. After they put on their shoes and coats, they made their way to Siyeon's car. It was one of these old muscle cars. Siyeon always got teased by her girlfriend because of it but for Siyeon it was the best car ever. The car ride was short because they lived on the edge of the city and Dami's and Y/n's house was not far away. Siyeon parked her car next to Y/n's. After they got out of the car, they made their way to the front door.

"Thank you for coming. I know you must be tired after you worked overtime two days in a row." Sua said as she grabbed Siyeon's hand.

"It's okay. At least I can spend time with you." She replied as she knocked on the door.

Sua smiled at her and gave her a swift kiss on the cheek.

"I swear she is the cutest person ever." Siyeon thought, as the door opened and a happy Y/n greeted them.

Sua immediately took her into one of her tight hugs.

"Wow, easy girl. My ribs are still in the healing process." Y/n chuckled.

Moments like this usually made Siyeon jealous, but she knew the two other women were best friends, so she didn't mind at all, plus it was just Sua's nature to be friendly with everyone she met.

"It's good to see you," Siyeon said, as she joined the hug.

"Thanks to Sua I'm still alive," Y/n replied. 

The three girls stood there for a while until Y/n pulled back. She had a huge smile on her face after the group hug. 

"Come in." She said.

Sua and Siyeon stepped into the house. It seemed that the summer heat had no chance to find a way into the house so the air was a lot colder. 

"We can watch a movie if you want." Y/n pointed out.

"Let's watch Avengers." Sua and Siyeon said at the same time.

"I already knew you would say this, so I already set it up," Y/n explained.

"Nice," Siyeon replied, as she and Sua kicked off their shoes.

They followed Y/n to the living room, where everything for a nice movie night was already set up. There was a bowl of popcorn, some soft drinks, and some blankets if they got cold. The girls sat down and made themself comfortable. Y/n started the movie and they watched it without saying a word. After the movie was finished, Siyeon let out a long yawn.

"Is my wolfie tired?" Sua asked and kissed her temple.

"Just a little," Siyeon admitted.

"I was wondering, did you find something out about the murders?" Y/n asked curiously.

"No, but there were more people killed in the same way. We found four other bodies yesterday. All were Vampires." Siyeon said with a sad voice.

"Damn it. Then there is at least one more of this creature out there, killing people." Sua pointed out.

Y/n and Siyeon nodded in agreement.

"You said Dami is in the ancient library. Do you think there will be some information about them?" Sua asked.

"If there is any information about them, it will be in that library," Y/n replied.

"Then let's hope Dami will find it," Siyeon said.

"Otherwise Handong has to torture the information out of the creature and we all know she is capable of that," Y/n replied, as her gaze wandered to her hands.

Siyeon remembered Handong as a cold and emotionless person. Never in her life had Siyeon seen the ice princess smile.

"Are you feeling sorry for that creature?" Sua asked.

"Maybe," Y/n replied, as a sad look crossed her face.

"Do I have to remind you that you got beaten up by it," Sua said a little angry.

"Yes, and it probably killed a lot of people," Siyeon added.

"That doesn't matter. No living creature should be tortured." Y/n explained as she looked up from her hands.

"Well, you are not in charge of it. You should not feel guilty." Siyeon tried to comfort the other girl a little.

The sad look on Y/n face started to fade.

"She is still the caring girl, I met all those years ago." Siyeon thought.

She remembered the first time she met these two girls and a smile grew on her face. 

A few years ago:

It was on a sunny Monday morning. Her parents had just moved to this city and it was her first day at the new school. It was her last year of high school. Siyeon had walked into the classroom and the teacher had forced her to introduce herself to the class. She was nervous and stuttered. Every student in the classroom laughed at her. Just two girls in the back row stood silent. One was reading a book and the other one gave her the sweetest smile ever.

"Why don't you sit down?" The teacher asked.

The only chair left was beside the smiling girl so Siyeon sat down and started to unpack her stuff. The teacher started to talk, but a sweet voice drowned him out.

"Hi, my name is Kim Bora, but my friends call me Sua." The girl next to her greeted Siyeon.

Siyeon turned her head, just to look at the sweetest smile ever.

"It's nice to meet you, Bora," Siyeon said and smiled as well.

"Please call me Sua, because you are my friend now." The other girl said. "This is Y/n by the way," Sua added as she pointed over her shoulder to the reading girl.

Y/n didn't look up from her book, as she waved with one of her hands.

"You must excuse her. She is a little introverted." Sua explained.

"I see," Siyeon replied.

Sua turned back and listened to the teacher. Siyeon eyed the other girls up and down. Sua was constantly smiling and Y/n was focused on her book. 

"It could be worse. At least I made some friends already." Siyeon thought.

The lesson was soon over and Siyeon made her way to her next class.

"Hey Siyeon, wait." She heard someone yell after her.

Siyeon turned around to face Sua and Y/n.

"Bora, what's up?" Siyeon said in a cool way.

"First call me Sua and second, I was wondering if you have literature next," Sua said.

Siyeon looked at her schedule, which she got from the secretariat.

"No, I have math next." She replied.

"Oh, well Y/n has math as well. Maybe you can go with her." Sua pointed out.

"Sure," Siyeon said smiling.

"Good. I see you later." Sua said, as she walked away and waved.

Siyeon was left with Y/n. The other girl made a gesture to follow her. They reached the classroom and Y/n sat down in the back row. Siyeon sat down beside her. Y/n pulled out her book again and started to read. The teacher was already busy explaining, while Siyeon looked at the other girl.

"Is she ever gonna talk?" Siyeon thought.

"Are you not going  to pay attention?" Siyeon whispered.

"Nope," Y/n said without looking up from her book.

Siyeon turned her attention back to the teacher. It seemed that Y/n was not willing to talk to her or even bothered to look up from her book. The class was long and boring and at that point, Siyeon wished for a book as well. The ringing of the bell took her back to reality. She quickly packed all her stuff. Y/n was already waiting at the door for her.

"That was boring," Siyeon said.

Y/n just nodded. 

"Thank god, it is lunchtime. Maybe I get her to talk a little. She seemed to be a cold and repellent person." Siyeon thought.

The two girls made their way to the canteen and sat down at a table. It was in a corner and a little separated from the others. Y/n pulled out a lunch box from her backpack. Siyeon looked her up and down.

"Is she always this unfriendly?" Siyeon thought. "She also doesn't seem to care about others."

Siyeon pulled her own lunch out of her backpack and started to eat. Y/n was already finished and pulled her book out again. 

"Hey, bestie. How was math?" Siyeon heard a familiar voice ask.

"Boring as always," Y/n replied, as she quickly looked up from her book.

Siyeon turned around and locked eyes with Sua.

"How about you?" Sua asked.

"I can only agree with Y/n," Siyeon replied, as Sua sat down beside her.

Sua placed a tray full of canteen food on the table and started to eat.

"Did you and Y/n have a nice talk?" Sua asked as a huge smirk appeared on her face.

"Not really," Siyeon admitted.

"That is no surprise. Our Y/n does not talk much, but she is a lovely person. Am I right?" Sua said.

"If you say so," Y/n replied and turned a page of her book.

She was clearly uninterested in a conversation. Siyeon chuckled.

"One of them is loud and energetic and the other one is the quietest person I ever met, but they seem to be best friends. That is funny." Siyeon thought.

"You two are a lovely duo." She pointed out.

Sua laughed out loud and Siyeon joined.

"Can you please keep it down a little I'm trying to read?" Y/n complained.

That made Sua laugh even louder.

Suddenly a loud yell interrupted her laughter.

"Hey loser, keep it down." A loud voice said behind Siyeon.

Sua's laughter died down.

"Sorry, but I think we are allowed to have a little fun," Siyeon said as she turned around.

She locked eyes with a tall boy who had a smug grin on his face.

"Ah, you must be the new girl. You don't know how things work here, do you? You nerds are at the lowest point of the food chain. Just stay silent and don't bother the authority." He said as a scoff left his mouth.

"I hope you don't mean yourself with authority," Siyeon replied with a cocky tone.

Sua grabbed her arm.

"Just stay silent, please." She said, as her grip tightened.

"How dare you! You fucking bitch!" The boy said angrily, as he closed the distance between them.

He grabbed the collar of Siyeon's shirt and pulled her up. Siyeon was surprised by the sudden violence. Fear raised in her body as the boy wanted to punch her. For a moment everything seemed to freeze as Siyeon closed her eyes until someone spoke.

"I think you should let her go." Y/n interrupted.

Her voice was calm but intimidating. Siyeon opened her eyes and saw Y/n had gotten up from her seat. She looked at the boy with such an iize-cold gaze, that even Siyeon was scared of her. The boy had put his fist down and looked at Y/n in fear.

"Y/n, I didn't see you there." He said scared.

Y/n just raised an eyebrow, as she tilted her head to the side. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't know she is your friend." He quickly said as he let go of Siyeon's shirt.

"If you ever touch her again you know what will happen," Y/n said with a glow in her eyes.

The boy swallowed hard and made a 90-degree bow.

"I'm so sorry." The boy replied.

"You can leave us now," Y/n said.

The boy turned around and ran out of the canteen. Y/n sat down again and let out a sigh while. A soft pull on her sleeve made her come back to reality and she sat down as well. Y/n's eyes met Siyeon's.

"Are you okay?" She asked with a concerned look on her face.

"Yeah, thank you for helping me out," Siyeon replied. "He was really scared of you." She added.

Y/n crossed her arms before her chest, as she leaned back in her chair.

"You have to know, Y/n is known to be the person that beat the crap out of you if you bully her or her friends," Sua explained.

"You didn't seem to be a violent person." Siyeon pointed out, as she looked at Y/n.

"I'm not, but trust me if you get into trouble again with anyone here, I will help you out no matter what," Y/n promised, as she smiled for the first time.

Siyeon smiled back.

"I don't like when other people get hurt just because some guy thinks he's stronger. It makes me feel guilty when I don't interfere." Y/n explained as her look landed on Siyeon.

"It seems, she isn't that cold and repellent at all. She even cares about others." Siyeon thought. 

"Looks like you are approved by Y/n." Sua smiled.

"Is that a good thing?" Siyeon asked.

"It's a very good thing. You are my friend now." Y/n replied.

After that day the three girls became best friends. Y/n opened up more and more every day and let Siyeon see her real self. 

Present day:

"My first impression of her was wrong. She is a kind and caring person, but she just doesn't show it to everyone." Siyeon thought.

"Listen, You should concentrate on getting healthy again and don't let it bother you," Siyeon said.

"You know it's hard for me to look away when someone gets hurt," Y/n replied. "When Dami got hurt the other week, I felt so guilty for not being able to protect her." She added.

"But you saved her. That is all that matters." Sua replied.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. You did everything you could." Siyeon agreed.

"You saved me so many times already, I lost count," Sua said. "So don't feel guilty when I safe your ass for once." She added.

"Yeah, thank you for that," Y/n replied, as she gave Sua the sweetest smile ever.

"You are so very welcome," Sua said.

"You are my best friends. I never told you, but you helped me a lot when we were at school." Y/n explained.

"What do you mean?" Siyeon asked.

"I had and still have panic attacks. Books and music helped me a lot through these hard times, but it was you two that helped me the most." Y/n admitted.

Tears built up in her eyes. It must be hard for Y/n to talk about her mental health and it was the first time she showed herself so vulnerable at least to Siyeon. The doctor had suspected that Y/n had problems with her mental health but she didn't know the other girl suffered for such a long time already.

"That's why you were always reading?" Siyeon asked in shock.

Y/n nodded.

"I didn't know about that," Sua said.

"It started early when we were in high school. I was too afraid to tell anyone, so I hid it behind books. Y/n admitted. "But soon I found out my friends were the best cure for it," Y/n added happily.

"I'm glad we could help you through this," Siyeon replied.

"How about now? Do you still have anxiety and does Dami know about it?" Sua asked.

Y/n licked her lips and nodded

"I still have it, but they are not as strong as before and Dami knows," Y/n explained.

"Good. If you feel the need to talk or anything just call us. We are always there for you." Siyeon replied.

"Thank you," Y/n said.

"No problem and now give us a hug," Sua said with her usual energetic tone.

All three girls stood up and hugged each other tightly. 

Siyeon let out a giggle.

"What is so funny?" Sua asked.

"I remember the day when we first met and how Y/n threatened the poor boy," Siyeon explained.

"He deserved it." Y/n pointed out, while she let go of the other girls.

The girls sat down again and talked about their school days. The time rushed by and soon Siyeon was too tired to keep her eyes open.

"I think we should go home. Siyeon will fall asleep on the couch otherwise." Sua said.

The girls said goodbye and left Y/n's home.

Sua sat down in the driver's seat because Siyeon was clearly too tired to drive. As they reached their apartment building, Siyeon was already fast asleep. Sua decided to carry her upstairs. It was a funny sight. The shorter girl carried the taller one to their shared apartment.

Meanwhile in the library:

Dami's pov:

They searched for hours but didn't find some information. It was long after midnight and Dami was tired. Her eyes started to burn and her back hurt.

"I think we should call it a day and head home." She said as she brushed through her hair. 

She looked into the tired face of her father. He simply nodded and closed the book he was currently reading in. Dami stretched her body and stood up. She was feeling down a little.

"I thought we would find something," Dami said with a low voice.

"There is no need to feel down. This is just the beginning. There are a lot of books we haven't touched yet. I'm sure we will find something." Her father replied as he stood up as well.

Dami nodded.

"Let's try to find the information tomorrow." He added as he grabbed his bag.

They made their way to the door. Dami touched the carvings on the wood, as she closed the door. She looked at the ancient runes, as her finger glided over them. Her father turned back.

"Is something wrong?" He asked curiously.

"No, I just need to take a photo of the door." She pulled out her phone and took a few pictures.

"Why?" Her father asked as she joined him.

"I saw them somewhere before," Dami explained as they waked up the stairs together.

"May I ask where? Her father replied as the bookshelf got back to its old position.

"Y/n has a ring with similar carvings on it," Dami told him.

"You think she knows something about it?" Her father asked.

"Maybe," Dami said with hope in her voice, as she stepped out in the cool night air.

They got into his car and he drove Dami safely back to her home. He parked the car in the gateway.

"Yubin listen, I think you should not investigate this old rune. I might think you could find something disturbing." He said in a concerned tone.

"Is this one of your intuitions?" She asked.

Her father was known to have a special ability. He could see the future but he had no control over it. Some of the Vampires had special abilities. Such as mind reading, manipulating other people's thoughts, or seeing the future. Dami was unlucky, she had none of these abilities but breeders usually didn't have an ability. It would make them too powerful and there was no documented case of a breeder having a special ability.

"I'm not sure. Everything is in a deep fog when I try to look at it." He admitted.

"I will be careful, so don't be scared, plus I have a pretty strong Werewolf on my side if something would happen," Dami assured him.

"I have a bad feeling about this." He said with frowned brows. "Just be very carefull when you investigate."

"I will," Dami promised, as she hugged him tightly.

She let go of him and got out of the car. He waved at her, as he started the engine again and drove away. Dami opened the front door and stepped into the quiet house.

"She must be asleep already," The Vampire girl said to herself and looked at her wristwatch.

It was 2.41 am. Dami kicked off her shoes and locked the door. She hung her coat on a hook and made her way up the stairs. Arrived at her room, she changed into a loose shirt and some sweatpants. After that, she sneaked into her wife's room and opened the door as quietly as possible. Y/n was already fast asleep. Dami closed the door carefully and slipped under the covers beside the Werewolf girl. Y/n turned around.

"Dami?" She asked in a sleepy voice.

"Hey, puppy. It's late go back to sleep." Dami whispered and placed a kiss on the other girl's temple.

She didn't have to tell her wife twice. The other girl closed her eyes again, as she snuggled her face into the crook of Dami's neck. Dami breathed in her scent and listened to her steady breaths for a while. Her eyes got heavy and she fell into a deep sleep.

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