Angel - (Fem reader X Bucky B...

By PapaIV_

62.5K 2.2K 587

You are the daughter of Richard and Mary Parker. You were born with special abilities...and no one knows how... More

Chapter 1 - Beginning
Chapter 2 - Team?
Chapter 3 - Chaos
Chapter 4 - Battle
Chapter 5 - Undercover
Chapter 6 - Connection
Chapter 7 - Nick
Chapter 8 - Taking Down Shield
Chapter 9 - Scepter
Chapter 10 - Party Ruined
Chapter 11 - Papers
Chapter 12 - Nightmares
Chapter 13 - Vision
Chapter 14 - Ultron
Chapter 15 - Birthday
Chapter 16 - Accords
Chapter 17 - Bucky
Chapter 18 - Office
Chapter 19 - Family Fight
Chapter 20 - Prison
Chapter 21 - Hiding
Chapter 22 - Home
Chapter 23 - Thanos
Chapter 24 - Gone
Chapter 25 - Shield
Chapter 26 - John
Chapter 27 - Jail
Chapter 28 - Zemo
Chapter 29 - Sharon
Chapter 30 - Party
Chapter 31 - Dr. Nagel
Chapter 32 - Donya Madani
Chapter 33 - Followed
Chapter 35 - The Boat
Chapter 36 - Date
Chapter 37 - End of the Flag Smashers
Chapter 38 - Free
Chapter 39 - The End

Chapter 34 - The Whole World Is Watching

994 40 13
By PapaIV_

"She said what? Right. Hold on, hold on. I know, I know.
Listen, pack an overnight bag and take the boys."

"What happened?" I ask, Sam seemed very angry on the phone as we walked down the sidewalk.

"Karli called Sarah. She threatened my nephews." He says to us. "Okay. Go somewhere safe. Only pay cash. All right? Let me know when you get there. I know. Look, I love you. I'll never let anything happen to you and the boys, you know that. Okay. Bye." Sam sighs. "Karli wants to meet. She left a contact number." His phone chimes. "She said come alone."

"We're coming with you." I nod.

After suiting up we rush to the location, "Karli!" Sam yells. We look up to see her leaning over the ledge above, we run up the small set of stairs to face her. "You called my sister? That's how we're gonna play this?"

"Sam, I would never hurt her. I just wanted to understand you better......I see you, um, didn't come alone."

"You have to end this now." Sam nods.

"I don't wanna hurt you. You're just a tool in the regimes I'm looking to destroy. You're not hiding behind a shield. If I were to kill you, it'd be meaningless. I was gonna ask you to join me. Or do the world a favor and let me go."

Sam looks aside for a moment, he then looks back at us, "It's Walker." As Bucky leaps off the ledge, Karli punches him into the wall. I jump down and blast her back. "I'll send you the location. Go!" Sam yells to Bucky.

He nods at me and we fly off, I flip back as he crashes through a window, landing below. "I can hear fighting....up there." I close my eyes and point. "It's John....Sam...somethings not right. I feel...." I start to panic. "There's so much strength....anger. It's overwhelming."

Suddenly a man is kicked through a glass door, slamming to the wall next to us. I grab onto Sam as we watch John walk down, the man tries to hit him with a pipe but John grabs it....bending it in half. He grabs the man and throws him past us.

"What'd you do?" Sam asks in shock.

"They've got Lemar." He walks past us as the man runs off.
We walk into an empty room, turning as three people jump off and behind us. I spread my wings and knock a woman down, grabbing her knife and breaking it with my hands. "What's with all the knives?" John asks angrily.

I flip back and blast the woman into the wall, only to stun her, not kill her. I don't want to kill people. I fly over and kick her stomach, touching her head to make her sleep. I look back as Lemar joins, he gets up as Karli punches him into a pillar.

I was overwhelmed by everyone's emotions...I could feel it. His heart was no longer beating. I grab onto Bucky as Karli runs off.

Bucky pulls me with him to chase her, I turn a different way from them to cut her off, flying through the street. I stop at a crowed and put my wings away, walking closer as I see John raising the shield at a man. I cover my mouth and scream as I watch him beat the man's chest with the shield.

Bucky grabs me as I fall back, watching as John stands with the bloody shield against him.

He was pure evil.

I wouldn't lie...witnessing this really messed me up. I had never seen Steve kill someone with that shield...I have never seen blood on it like that.

I felt sick as we found John in an abandoned warehouse. He was talking to himself.

"Walker." Sam tries to stop him as he walks off.

"You guys should see a medic, you don't look so good."

"Stop, Walker." Sam says louder.

"What? You saw what happened, you know what I had to do. I killed him because I had to! He killed Lemar!"

"He didn't kill Lemar, John. Don't go down that road. Believe me, it doesn't end well." Bucky shakes his head.

"I'm not like you."

"Listen, it was the heat of the battle, okay? If you explain what happened, they may consider your record. We don't want anyone else to get hurt. John... You gotta give me the shield, man."

"Oh. So that's what this is. You almost got me." John smiles.

"You made a mistake." Sam nods.

"You don't wanna do this."

I kept staring at the blood on the shield.....I've never felt this scared before. Never.

Bucky looks at us, "Yeah, we do."

Bucky lunges first, I stand still, frozen and he kicks Sam back, punching Bucky. My wings spread as he raises the shield to strike Bucky's face. "No!" I dive forward and kick the shield out of the way. He swings it back and hits my face before I can cover myself with my wings. Bucky leaps up and hits the shield, then getting hit in the face. I jump up as John kicks Sam and hurls the shield at Bucky, throwing him into a machine. I chase after John and he grabs Bucky and throws him into a pillar, knocking him out.

I smack John with my wing, as I go to blast him, he grabs my hands and squeezes my wrists, trying to break them. I kick his chest, making him let go. John spins me and grabs my wings, snapping both of them.

I scream out in pain, falling onto my stomach, my wings laying loosely around me, trying to heal. John slams my head against the cement floor twice and puts a foot on my back, raising the shield to strike me.

Before he can, Sam tackles him off. I look over and gasp for air, slowly raising my hand and blasting John's leg.

I slowly get on my knees, crying out as I spit out blood, my wings were snapping into place, the worst feeling ever. I shakily stand and look over as John breaks off Sam's wings. Anger fills me as I stumble forward, as he raises the shield, I throw myself on him and knock him down. Bucky runs over punches him. I scream out as my other wing snaps into place.

I get up as they hold John down and hold his arm out, "Y/N!" Sam yells as I run to them, I leap up and jump into his arm, breaking it back so they can have the shield. I gasp as I fall onto my back, onto my wings.

John screams, "It's mine!"

"It's over John."

"It's mine!" As they knock him down, I tap his head to make him sleep, stretching my wings out with a loud scream.

Bucky stands and drops the shield to Sam, grabbing me and walking off.

The next couple days we felt defeated, "The GRC is conducting raids to try and find Karli. But so far, they've only found her followers. They've searched this camp, and just like the last camp, nothing. She's gone. We'll never find her." Sam nods.

Torres walks in, "Hey! You got your, uh, you got your sleeve back!" He says to Bucky.

Bucky turns, "Are you off to take care of Zemo?" Sam asks.

Bucky turns back at me and nods...he knew I'd always go with him if he wanted me to.

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