A New Frontier | Clem X Male...

By TurdBoii

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Danger are everywhere when you're alone. But no one ever noticed that a community can be even more dangerous... More



524 10 5
By TurdBoii

(Y/N) Your Name

(L/N) Last name

(H/C) Hair color

(E/C) Eye Color


No one's pov

The baseball cap girl flinched at the sudden threat by (Y/N), playing it safe. She puts both her hands up and turn around slowly.

Her hazel eyes meets the stranger's, from the looks of it, he's a little older than her. His alluring (E/C) eyes brings sense of loneliness, his (H/C) shine flawlessly with the help of the sun, his flyaways blowed by the wind, slightly covering his eyes. As she looked closer, she noticed a scar across his face. For a moment, she wanted to know where he got it.

Later, she comes to her senses, scars like that are normal nowadays. Doesn't make him any special.

She furrowed her eyebrows, eyes glaring at the stranger.

(Y/N) does the same.

The girl in front of him looks around teen age. She's wearing white long-sleeved shirt, pulled up to her elbows. Jeans and a pretty torn up red jacket around her hips. And uhh.. What it seems like a sports bra..

Dammit (Y/N)!

Anyway, she brings in a different type of aura which he can't seem to pick up on. If there's an information that says she murdered someone before, (Y/N) wouldn't be surprised. She doesn't look like someone who hesitate to kill, but the opposite. Looking at her hazel eyes, he sees what it seem like...


Like she's lost someone dearly before. Mybe recently? She has brunette like hair colored, tied up into small ponytails. Is that what you called it? I'm no professional. (Y/N) then proceeds to look at her hat, there's a D on it but he didn't really bother to think what it mean.

She could be one of them. There's a possibility.

It wasn't long until the rest of her group member enter the scene. This particular boy wearing a beanie comes in with a gun in his hand and point it towards (Y/N).

??? : Let her go!

(Y/N) moves his eyes slowly towards the boy, only to see him holding the gun with shaky hands.

Analysing the boy, he look around 13 or 14 years old, blue-ish colored hoodie with a white shirt underneath, black colored pants, brown hair color, same as his eyes. Also, one clothing that makes him stand out. His orange colored beanie. Overall, pretty standard outfit. But, there's something about him that is really distracting.

This boy doesn't look like anything as to what Jesus said. He said they are ruthless and bloodthirsty. But this boy doesn't have the look of "I'm a member of The New Frontier"... Mybe it's just a shock tactic. Who knows.. But, with his trembling hands, something tells me this kid hasn't kill anyone. More specifically, a human.

"Go on. Shoot." (Y/N) said, narrowing his eyes.

The beanie boy gasp, if his hands wasn't shaking before, they are now.

Before anything escalate, the other two men saw the standoff and comes running to prevent anyone dying.

??? : You best drop it kid.

The man points his assault rifle at (Y/N).

(Y/N) take a close look at the viking, he has green colored eyes. At the gas station, the obvious one would be.. Well, his blonde hair colored man bun. Same goes for his beard. He wears white shirt underneath the blue short-sleeved button up shirt and blue-ish camo pants.

(Y/N) mentally remind himself of the plan, he proceed to follow, dropping the gun.

All of them look at each other before someone breaks the silence.

Viking : Well, are they with them?

Jesus : Hey man, what do you mean by "them"? Who's them?

Viking : You know what I'm talking about. The New Frontier.

Huh, so guess they're not them.

Jesus : What? No, we're not with those guys. You got this backwards.

Viking : Javi, these guys are full of donkey shit.

So the baseball guy is Javi.

(Y/N) : Check for the brand if you want.

All of them look at each other before agreeing. The man named Javi check Jesus while the shotgun man look for mine.

He has light blue eyes, darker skin color, short sleeve shirt but this time it's yellow-ish. He also wears a vest with a zip with black colored pants. Mainly, he's bald.

I slightly expose my neck, making the guy's job easier.

A few seconds of checking, he look at his friends


The plan seems to work, we have our answer now. But, question is, are we dealing with more dangerous group?

I look at beanie boy.

Yeah, probably not.

Jesus : Look, I'm telling you. We're on our way to Richmond, just like you. We lost touch with some good people there when the New Frontier took over.

The viking lowers his gun and look around in shocked. The others did the same.

Baseball girl : What did you say?

Jesus : The New Frontier. They took over Richmond.

Jesus looks at them dumbfounded.

"Don't tell me you didn't know that? Just like (Y/N) here. " Jesus added.

(Y/N) : Well a bird told me but I didn't believe it.

(Y/N) rolled his eyes, how does he know about these news? Does he secretly have a cellphone or something?

First person to lose their cool is the beanie boy.

Beanie boy : Fuck...

Viking : Oh, god. Eleanor and Kate. They're headed right into the middle of those assholes!

So those are the women in the car?

Baldie : At least now we got an excuse to go after those motherfuckers.

The baseball girl lowers her gun and moves somewhere. (Y/N) sign, feel less threatened.

(Y/N) : Everyone, calm down.

The viking looks at (Y/N) before exploding.

Viking : Calm down? Calm down?! How do expect us to be calm down about this? They're gonna fuckin' kill 'em!

(Y/N) : How does panacking is gonna help your friends?

Javi : He's right, we can stop them if we get to them first.

Jesus looks hesitant, looking at (Y/N) and then the group. He looks up and point his finger somewhere. We all look where he's pointing.

Jesus : There's an old train tunnel that runs under the James river. From what I hear, it should be a straight shot into Richmond.

Viking : A train tunnel?

"Again, how do you know about these things?" (Y/N) turns around, looking at Jesus. "We could've escape before."

"Hey, can't help the curiosity."

Jesus then looks back at the group.

Jesus : I could lead us there. But since Javi here said you're good people and all... Mybe you could lower those guns first?

And just like that, they point their guns back at us. Jesus lift his hands up instinctively while (Y/N) hesitate before doing so.

Baldie : Lower than my ass. We're gonna tie you both up and make sure your story checks out.

(Y/N) : That's really not necessary. Trust me

Hell, even if they do, Jesus could break out easily. No question.

Javi : Lower your guns.

Viking : Javi, man. Don't-

"Do you trust me, or not?" Javi added quickly before the viking response. As a result, he lift his gun up and the others put away their weapon.

Jesus looks at Javi, grateful.

"Ready? This way." Jesus said, leading the way.

Javi : Hey, what do we call both of you?

"Sorry, forgot to introduce ourselves. It's Paul, but my friends call me Je-"

"Jesus." (Y/N) cutting him off. Walking behind Jesus.

Javi : Uh.. That makes sense.. I guess.. But, what about you?

Javi change his gaze towards the other one.

He turns his head slowly. "You probably heard. It's (Y/N)"

Javi : I'm Javier, this is Tripp, Conrad, Gabe, and Clementine. While the girls were.. You also probably heard, Kate and Eleanor.

(Y/N) nod and proceed to follow Jesus.

In the background, he could hear the small argument, the guy name Tripp argue about trust issues, while Javi just respond saying "He's just a kid."


Timeskip brought to you Jesus complimenting Tripp's man bun

No one's pov

"These tunnels were abandoned decades ago. But, I've heard you can get through... Here's hoping." Jesus said

"I don't know about you, but... I have a feeling.. " (Y/N) pulls out his knife. "it's not SO abandoned."

(Y/N) turn his head around. "Be ready for anything."

The atmosphere went silent for a while before Tripp decides to break it.

"Hey uhh.. Kid?" (Y/N) turns his head towards Tripp. "Want to tell us 'bout yourself?"

Ah shit, here we go again.

(Y/N) take a brief moment before answering.

"I'm from Savannah."

"Long way from home, heard some news. That place ain't exactly safe for a kid."

"I got lucky, that's all, been on the road for a long time after that. Then, long story short.." (Y/N) looking at Jesus. "He found me in the middle of the forest."

"So you guys are best buds?" Conrad joining the conversation.

"Nah, I just met him." deep inside (Y/N) hope Jesus isn't hurt. But he just met him so.. Why would he?

"So how old are you now, kid?"

"I'm 15."

Tripp looks behind him, then look back at (Y/N).

"Mybe you can talk to gabe or clementine here, if you need someone your age to talk to that is." Tripp suggest,

"Thanks.. I guess. "

"No mean to pry but, are you always alone?.." Tripp question now with more serious expression.

No response.

"Wow, rude" suddenly the beanie boy spoke. Earning a glare from both Tripp and (Y/N).

"Christ, I get it kid. I'm sorry." Tripp frown. 

(Y/N) remind himself in his head, he's here just to help Jesus get his friends out, that's all.

"... Let's just keep goin-"

"Y'all planning on joining us?"

Conrad suddenly spoke loudly, causing all of us to flinch in shocked. He looks back at Javi and Clem who seems to be distracted.

Tripp shuts him up

"Everyone, stay sharp, it's dark here so keep an eye out." knife in hand, (Y/N) slow walk into the train tracks.

"Y'all heard that?" Tripp ask the group. "Coming from over there." Javi response.

"Can you see anything?"

Javi wave his flashlight deep into the train tracks. For a while, it seems like the tunnel IS really abandoned.

Out of nowhere, a walker in front of him come up from the ground. Javi swiftly back away.

"They're everywhere!"

"Fuck! They are. Keep sharp."

"Stay quiet, we don't want more of 'em coming our way." (Y/N) look around carefully "Watch out!"

Javi look behind him and gasped.

(Y/N) lunges forward, force his way into the walker's skull with his knife.

"Javi, help!"

(Y/N) gives javi a slight nod as he goes to Gabe's aid. But Jesus beat him to it. He uses the wall to get higher and kick a walker in the head then use his hand to grab another, bringing him down, he use his foot to keep the walker down and tells Javi to take it out.

(Y/N) put his knife fighting skills to use, he tighten his grip on the knife. Not letting it slip away, stabbing a walker at the side of it's head, pulling it out and stab another close by.

"Shit!" (Y/N) turns to his side noticing clem having some trouble.

Clem's weapon is on the floor, the walker has his arms wide open ready to grab, his head aiming to bite her neck. (Y/N) quicken his pace.

Using his hand, he grab the walker's neck form the side, pulling him down hard onto the floor and stomp his face twice to confirm kill.

"That was close, thanks." clem gives a timid smile then crouch down to grab her weapon.

"Yeah, just be careful. It's dark."

The survivors fight the walkers that are near with their melee weapons as to not draw any more of them. However, Conrad broke the rule and start to use his shotgun, which cost a lot of noise and echoed in the tunnel.


"Fuckers are everywhere!"

"Christ Almighty, Conrad. Now every walker from the fuckin' county is gonna be headin' this way!" Tripp snapped.

"C'mon, follow me." Javi leads the group. (Y/N) and the others follow.

(Y/N) pull out his gun and start to shoot at any walkers that's in the way.

So much for staying quiet

A few seconds of running has led them to a train blocking the way.

"What the fuck?!"

"No one ever mention a train in the way..."

"Well, there's another train coming our way." (Y/N) looks behind him "Find a way out, I'll hold them off."

"I'll help too." Clem stand beside him and aims her gun, waiting for incoming walkers.

(Y/N) raise his eyebrow and looks at clem.

"What? Just returning the favor."

The two teens started to shoot the incoming walkers which then followed by Tripp and Conrad while Gabe help Javi getting the rusty door open.

Once the door opened, the group rushes inside and close the door. Seeing the daylight, Trip's worried washes and replace with determination.

Clem, Javi and Gabe decided to stay behind to block the door, it didn't take long until Conrad also volunteered to stay behind.

Escaping through the giant hole, Tripp and the others climbed up. He offered his hand to (Y/N) which he accepts to pull him up. (Y/N) fixes himself then thank him.

He looks back at the giant hold "They're taking too long."

"Don't worry kid, they're tough as nails. I'm sure they'll be back." Tripp put his hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder.

After a couple seconds of waiting, their shadow started to appear more and more clearer. All of them got out of the giant hole, they dusted themselves off until Conrad points his gun at clementine, surprisingly, she didn't even flinch.

Tripp question with a puzzled look. "Why does Conrad have a gun on clementine?"

"You wanna tell 'em or should I?" Conrad looking at Javi.

"The New Frontier? She was one of them."

" "Was"my ass, her brand is on her arm."

(Y/N) remembers the stories Jesus told about New Frontier when he was following him. They brand themselves on their skin to show loyalty. But, there's no loyalty if your heart is not there. Right?

The group felt shocked except for Conrad, Javi and Gabe. There's a sense of rage in Gabe, is it cause he felt betrayed?

While Javi has a sense of regret. Mybe he failed keeping it a secret? Or did he trust her but she doesn't trust him enough to tell him earlier? Or the other way around?

(Y/N) looks at clementine, who's face clearly said that she's pissed. Mybe the fact that she got found out? Is getting caught part of her plan? Or was her plan is just to lead them here then attack?

It wasn't surprising to (Y/N), the first time they met he already suspected her for being one of them. But now seems like her own people didn't even know.

"She has been all along, they're gonna be real happy so see her. I put my money on it."

"He's not wrong.. This could be useful."

Wait, Jesus is supporting human trade?

(Y/N) decides to stay quiet, he doesn't know much about the new group. It wasn't his place to say anything. If this is really their plan then it's up to them.

After a while, Javi and the group starts to go on a search for their friends, who didn't know that Richmond has been taken over.

"Why is it so quiet? Thought there'll be New Frontier marching in the streets or something.. Practising on walkers or - whatever the he'll they do." Tripp question.

Sure, it is pretty quiet.

"Don't get too cocky, they could be watching us" Javi answered.

"Roger that."

"Trust me... They're out there." clementine speaks up.

"Shut and keep walking." Conrad still aiming the gun at her.

(Y/N) understands why he's doing what he's doing. But accidently pulling the trigger isn't going to end well. At the end of day, she's still a girl.

"How about you lower gun down?" (Y/N) look behind, trying to reason with him.

"And risk her getting away? No chance."

"Even if she run, what'd you plan to do? Shoot her? Firing a gun here just gonna get us into more trouble. You're not thinking straight."

(Y/N) sigh at Conrad's behaviour. He takes a deep breath before speaking up again.

"Look, if you're really THAT worried." (Y/N) reach his hand out and grab clem's arm, pulling her gently towards him so she's walking next to him, while still holding her arm, making sure she's not running away.

"There. You can put the gun down now."

"Oh for all I know, you're one of them too. Just trying to save your friend?"

"Oh wow look at that, seems like everyone here is New Frontier."

"Fuckin' Christ, that's enough." Tripp raises his voice slightly, getting the attention of both (Y/N) and Conrad.

They continue walking for a while, (Y/N) looks to his side after feeling a little tug on his hoodie, he sees clem mouth the words "Thank you" and gives him a small smile.

Who knew New Frontier could be so friendly? But she's one of them.. Friendly isn't exactly a perk of New Frontier. At least from what Jesus said.

(Y/N) battles with his thoughts for a while, snap back to reality. He gives her a smile back as a "You're Welcome". He mentally remind himself not to hold her too strongly. Father always said, gotta treat women gently.

He frown at the thought of his father.. He misses his family, his father, his mother and his little sister. A part of him wish they were still alive, while another part is glad they didn't see what he has become. The things that he did to survive, killing another to save himself. And in some cases, to save another.

They all continue walking until Javi order the group to stay down, he saw some people patrolling around.

"Shit, did they see us?" Tripp question with worry

"I don't think so."

"Go take a look, are they still there?"

Javi proceeds to poke his head out slowly. His gaze landed on an armoured vehicle, from the look of his face. He recognise quickly who it belong to. Without wasting time, he slowly go to the car.

"Kate? Kate! Can you hear me?" Javi ask with worry in his eyes.

From the looks of it, she looks like she's injured, not knowing how but seing the bandage around her stomach already proof enough that she's hurt. Javi then opens the door and talks to her. Hoping she would answer him, he wouldn't want the worse to happen.

After Javi make sure she's not dead, he pull her into a quick embrace. Grateful he didn't lose another family member.

Javi, Gabe and the girl named Kate have their own little reunion while the others except Tripp just sit back and watch. He asked her where Eleanor is which she responded saying she went looking for help but didn't come back. Tripp's face was easy to read. (Y/N) could clearly see he's worried about her.

(Y/N) let go of clem's arm, letting her arm rest from his grip. He gives her a small smile which she return with a puzzled look then stand against the wall. Pulling out his knife, he twist and turns the knife, avoiding the blade in the process, he wouldn't want to waste a bandage.

"And who's the other kid?"

(Y/N) stopped playing with his knife and look up to see Kate pointing her finger at him while looking at Javi.

"Oh, the name's (Y/N)." He steps forward and lift his hand up for a handshake.

She gently shakes his hand, careful not to injurt herself more.

"Nice to meet you (Y/N)" She gives him smile then look at Javi "You really should stop dragging kids around."

From close up, (Y/N) can see she's got green colored eyes, brown hair, dark-ish skin color, she's also wearing a red flannel with a green-ish colored shirt underneath and blue colored jeans. Are they jeans that are not blue colored?

Javi chuckled a little then gives her a brief explanation of how they met. However, his explanation was cut off due to Kate's coughing. Javi's expression was replaced with worry. He picked her up bridal style while she lay head head on his chest. Javi let the group know she may not have much time, so they're going for a direct approach.

Jesus lead the way to the main gates while the others follow.

(Y/N) forgot he was supposed to hold clem's arm so that Conrad doesn't constantly aim his gun behind her head. His worried washes when (Y/N) look back to see she's in good hands, Conrad didn't have a gun on his hand and she's walking beside Gabe. He saw Gabe's overly happy expression before turning back to face the road.

A few minutes of walking has led them to a giant gate with New Frontier's logo on it. A small bridge on top to let people stand and watch the outside. Barricades and broken cars left and right, providing cover if there's a shootout.

"Jesus, (Y/N), there's a possibility that this may not go our way. If you guys wanna hang back, I wouldn't blame ya."

"Hey, this is where we were going in the first place."

"Appreciate the concern Tripp, but I'm good." (Y/N) added.

"Tough kid."

The small bridge was filled with three people aiming their guns at Javi and the rest.

"Hey!" Javi started the conversation

"You again? You must have some kind of deathwish."

"They know each other?" (Y/N) thought.

"She needs medical help!" Javi take a step forward, same goes for Tripp "And, you have one of our people."

"Uh-huh, what's your point?"

"Sorry about this clem." Javi said then Conrad pushes clem forward almost making her fall.

"Clementine? How long's it been?"

She raises her middle finger up. "Not long enough."

"Cute. She's got you mix up in all this? Who is she to you?"

Javi then proceed to follow their plan, using clementine as a trade so they could get help for their people. Specifically, Kate. Doing this, they could get what they want and make sure they're safe.

One of their people whispered something to the other, which followed with a nod then leave.

"Now all of you, lower your weapons."

The group look at each other, wondering if they should or shouldn't. Since these people are ruthless, it's no doubt they could open fire at any minute. But, clementine's here, so will they? She IS one of them after all.

After a few seconds of thinking, Javi ask his people to put down their weapons. By doing so, it could help them get inside and get Kate some help.

(Y/N) just play along with the group.

"So you're serious about this after all."

The giant gate then opens, a few more of New Frontiers came outside with their AKs and point them at Javi and his friends. One man in the middle came forward, assuming he's in charge.

"What the hell is going on out here." The mystery man said with authority.

"They said they weren't here to hurt anybody, so I was trying to see if the-"

"Oh my god."

The man has dark skin color, brown-ish hair color, He's wearing a yellow long-sleeved shirt with a white shirt underneath, plus, an unbutton vest . He's also wearing black trousers with a gun holster at the side of his hip. Most importantly, the famous burn mark on his neck.

From far away, (Y/N) can't tell what color his eyes are. But what he can tell is.. He looks a lot  like Javi. But, less handsome..


Well fuck me then.


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