Locatlie: The End. (Book 7)

By Locatlie

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This is the last instalment in Julia's story. 15 months have passed since Julia was taken by a foreign count... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 19

242 17 11
By Locatlie

The doors opened and I heard some commotion and whispers. I walked towards the end of the balcony, resting my hands on the side and I looked ahead powerfully. I could see in the bottom of my vision that everyone was standing and gawking at me. I also heard some gasps; which was my intention.

I knew that this blood red look would do exactly what it intended; it shocked everyone and that was exactly my intention. I also knew that my body in this light would be highlighted and put on a magnifying glass. I knew that the dark red also brought out the red of my scars on my arms, and I knew that everyone could already see I was missing a finger.

I decided to look down now, at where my heart knew my husbands were.

My eyes then met the brown of Hugo's and there were tears in his eyes. My grey then met William's green and he decided not to give a shit anymore and there was a huge smile on his face. Trevor's blue met mine then, and he also had a huge smile on his face as he looked at me. That angered me though, and that helped my demeanor, but it did not help with my progress.

To add some dramatics to this situation, I flicked my hair from my shoulders and I turned my head towards the stairs. It was immensely silent in the room, the only thing you could hear was the band softly playing classical music in the background. Everyone's eyes were on me, and that is exactly what I wanted. I walked down the stairs, my hand with four fingers on the railing to make sure that everyone could see what they had done to me.

When I arrived at the bottom, I almost wanted to smile as I saw Hugo standing there, holding out his hand to help me. I looked at him, into those brown eyes, and that's when the wall I had put up disappeared for one brief second as my eyes lit up. Those brown eyes would be able to hurt me over and over again, as long as I got the time to look into those brown eyes.

I looked away from those brown eyes though and looked into the audience, waiting for everyone to kneel for me. My husbands sisters, whom all looked as stunning as always, were standing on the right of this huge ball room and they understood right away what I was expecting and they bowed down on one knee. That seemed to give a domino effect and everyone kneeled for me. I turned my head sideways as I saw that there was a table where my husbands were sitting with their fathers. To my huge surprise, all five of them had kneeled for me now too. I looked at the seven chairs that were here, as I saw a waitress quickly walking away and I squinted for a second. I saw that the fathers of my kings were sitting on the left, and that on the right my kings were. Normally it would be Hugo, William, Me, and lastly Trevor. But I really was not in the mood to sit next to Trevor.

I walked towards the chairs and decided to sit on the designated seat of William. Hugo gave me this confused look, wondering why I was sitting on William's chair, but I gave him the look back with 'I know what I'm doing'. He gave me a curt nod before kneeling as well. The moment I sat down, everyone stood up and I could feel everyone staring at me. I ignored that though as I saw Williams glass in front of me and it was red wine. I grabbed it and took a sip. William went and sat on my designated seat, and the rest of the kings shortly followed.

"I'm happy that you're here, my queen." William said in his curtly fashion and I couldn't help but smile a bit.

"Great entrance, very dramatic." Trevor added, which made the smile disappear off of my face.

"I would not miss a party, now would I?" I replied casually as I took another sip. "Has everyone been informed of the customs of the Locatlie royal house?"

"Everyone has gotten an itinerary with the customs and the rules. They have all agreed to uphold it. One of the most important rules is that if the Queen of Locatlie is present at any event, she will not be spoken to or bothered, without being told 'You may address'." Hugo replied and I raised my eyebrow to look at everyone in the hall. People had stopped staring at me now and were softly conversing with one another. "The kings of Locatlie do not have to abide to those rules." He added, sensing my confusion.

"How very pragmatic." I replied casually. "What's the vibe like?" I said looking at Hugo and Hugo stared back at me with amusement.

"Argentina is hard to persuade." He replied casually. "They don't agree that every country should pay for their own damages. They want Chili to pay them for the damages." I gave him a curt nod. "Behind closed doors it is very clear that everyone is petrified of another war, mainly because they know that we are pulling the strings. They're petrified of us."

"As they should." I said calmly as I took another sip of the wine. "This is splendid wine." I said looking down at the glass.

"I thought so too." William replied and I couldn't help but smile at that a bit as I looked at him and he gave me a wink.

"Grumpy goose tonight or?"

"Mildly-grumpy." He replied casually as he looked ahead. "They're scared of me without my pokerface, so why be grumpy?"

"Good." I replied as I looked ahead again. "What's the story on the US-presidency?"

"They came to us asking what we would feel most comfortable with. They are deeply sorry for everything that has transpired during the war and want to make it up to us in any way. We told them to abolish the 2-party system. Every state now has to vote 2 representatives. The 100 representatives then decide on a president together. She came out of it."

"And?" I said looking at her, as she was talking to the British Prime Minister.

"She was the strong opponent in the Senate during Jason's presidency." Hugo replied and I nodded slowly. "We like her."

"Good." I said with a small sigh as I stared ahead. "How is X-F doing?" I said looking sideways at Trevor whom was staring ahead with tears in his eyes. He blinked and looked at me, but the moment he did, I looked away.

"All still very much alive." Trevor replied casually and I nodded slowly at that.

"Hows your heart?" I said taking another sip of the wine and I could just feel him frowning. "This must be a security logistical nightmare. I know how angsty you get during logistical nightmares."

"O. It's ok." Trevor said and I nodded slowly at that. "We told them if any representative of a country decides to act, we'll bomb the shit out of that country."

"Sounds appropriate." I replied with a small smile.

"I thought so too." Trevor said and I nodded.

"How is Locatlie doing?" I asked William.

"I could ask you the same thing." He said and I couldn't help but smile at that as I looked at the Russian President, whom was staring at me with that disgusting look that made me want to barf. "Highest economy. We have highered the tariffs for everyone. The 452 people we lost, had a regal funeral and will have their names in the holy books." He said and I nodded slowly at that. I looked at the sisters of my kings and they were all talking amongst one another.

"I think this is the second time that I've seen Natalie actually wearing a dress."

"It looks amazing indeed." Hugo confirmed and I took another sip of my drink.

"I'm going to talk to Natalie and Jasmine for a bit." I said and I stood up and my husbands all looked at me shocked, but they weren't actually going to stop me. I pushed the chair back and then put it back on its spot, something totally unregal like. Lucas, Steven and Simon all looked at me with their cute smiles. "It's great to see the three of you again." I said, putting my hand on each of their shoulders.

"Thank you, my queen." Steven said and I nodded as I walked down the steps of this dramatic stage and everyone looked at me now but then looked away, wondering what I was going to do. I walked up towards the standing table with the sisters and all their loved ones. They all didn't dare look into my eyes, but they did look at me. I walked past some of them and went towards Jasmine.

"You may address, Princess Jasmine." I said calmly and she looked up at me and a small smile appeared on her face. "You look absolutely stunning."

"Thank you, my Queen." She said with a small smile and I smiled back at her.

"I want to apologise and thank you for that night." I said and she blinked at me a couple of times.

"Of course. My queen. All is forgiven." She said and I then looked next to her and I turned my head sideways.

"This must be Chen?" I said with a huge smile looking at her breasts for a second and Jasmine looked at my face, seeing where I was looking at. Jasmine laughed very loudly at that clapping.

"This is my Chen yes." She said.

"You may address Chen. I apologise for checking you out, I've heard lots about you from my husband Hugo." I said and Chen looked at me with a huge smile.

"I'm sure you have, my Queen." She said and I giggled a bit as I asked them about their sons and Jasmine showed me some pictures and I smiled very widely at that laughing. I turned my head and Natalie was standing close.

"Nat" I said and she turned her head. "Address." I demanded with a huge smile and she giggled as she walked up and I held out my arm and she hugged me. "How are you, my princess?"

"I am very well."

"It is so true what we talked about that night." I said looking at Wendy whom was standing relatively close.

"What is?" Natalie said as Wendy was looking in my direction.

"That Jasmine is a perfect mix of Wendy and you." I said looking at Natalie whom looked at me. "All of Lucas' offspring is.""

"I'm a mini dad, Wendy a mini mum." She said and I smiled very widely. "Even personality wise."

"So not intimidating at all? Trevor wrote me saying that the jail in Brussels was as intimidating as Wendy."" I said and Wendy burst out into laughter, even though she was not part of the conversation.

"O yeah she's, yeah no. She can be scary when need be, but it's nothing." She said waving it away and I giggled a bit at that.

"Wendy, you may address." I said and she smiled looking at me. "You've got the same smile as Will." I said squinting.

"He's got mum's smile." Wendy said. "He looks the most like mum."

"Yeah." I nodded looking at her. "You do look more like Will than you look like Trev, even though-."

"I am clearly a daughter of Lucas." She confirmed with a huge smile and I nodded at that as I looked at Trevor whom was observing me, his eyes on me like a hawk. "Trevor is being weird."

"When isn't he?" I replied and Wendy smiled very widely at that and nodded as I talked to her about her kids for a bit. "I'm going to the bar really quickly." I stated and she nodded as I walked up to the bar, people walking to the sides to make sure that I had room and they wouldn't come close to me. When I arrived at the bar, I ordered a vodka redbull and they handed it to me right away. I turned around, my arms on the leaning as I observed everyone. The leaders were all talking and laughing with one another, some people were dancing and I smiled a bit at that. I took a sip of my vodka redbull and I turned my head as I saw Tiffany, Trevor's assistant, in the most beautiful yellow dress.

"Tiffany." I said and she turned her head and her eyes widened. "You may address." I said and she walked up to me and bowed. I looked at the Argentine president whom was talking immensely serious with the Chili president. They were going to cause a problem soon. "Yellow suits you." I stated.

"Thank you" She stammered and I nodded slowly at that.

"Can you do something for me?" I asked as I felt Trevor still staring at me. All the kings had stood up and were talking to people and yet Trevor was staring at me, watching me, observing me.

"Of course, my Queen."

"Can you go to the Argentine president for me." I said casually.

"What?" She asked confused.

"Yes. Can you go to the Argentine president and ask if he might want to ask my hand in a dance?" I said and I looked sideways and the look of pure shock on her face amused me. "Now please." I said and she nodded and she walked through the room and I looked at Trevor whom was staring at me with a frown; not understanding what I was doing. I gave him a raised eyebrow before I turned my head to the Argentine president whom listened to Tiffany and he stared at me, his eyes widening. I gave him this look of 'if we do this, you agree to anything'. He looked at me and gulped.

He knew that if I were to dance with him, give him that honour, he would go down in history. He knew how special it was for me to offer this, what an honour this would be. But he would also have to agree to my terms. He then gave Tiffany a curt nod and he put his glass down and he walked up towards me carefully. People started to notice it and were looking at me staring at the Argentine Prime Minister. In the corner of my eyes I saw that Nat had slapped Williams chest and pointed to me.

"You may Address." I said calmly to the president and he stared at me with his eyes widened.

"Would you like to dance, my queen?" He stammered and I stared back at him.

"Do you understand the terms?" I replied calmly looking at him.

"I do my queen." He said and I nodded slowly as I put my glass down and I held out my hand towards his and he grabbed it and an audible gasp happened. "Do you know the foxtrot, my queen?" he said as he showed me to the dance floor, everyone backing away.

"I do. Will you lead?" I said as he nodded looking at me as I then held up four fingers, not that I could do anymore, to state which song I wanted; knowing that Lisa had given this information to them. The beginning of a dramatic song started and he looked at me and I stared back at him as he grabbed my other hand and we first did some slow steps. I looked behind the Argentine president and I saw that Trevor was walking around the dance floor towards his brothers, still watching every move, making sure he could intervene if I was ever uncomfortable. I didn't know why, but Trevor looked turned on by this powermove. Maybe, he finally realised why I was always turned on whenever he would pull a powermove. The way he was circling the room, people moving out of his way to make sure he could walk; it was fucking hot. I did the dance with the Argentine President before the music changed. I stood still as I looked at the Argentinian President.

"I'm sure you won't be a problem the upcoming week?" I said calmly as I looked at him and he stared back at me.

"I won't. Your grace." He said and he gave my hand a kiss. "Thank you." He said and I nodded slowly as I bowed my head to him. I then turned around and I saw my husbands standing with each other, all staring at me in admiration and a slight fear.

The fear in their eyes was understandable. Because just like it just hit me, it hit them that I was the most powerful person in this world at the moment. Everyone in this world knew that the key to making the Kings of Locatlie happy, was to make me happy. This also included them. Every leader of the world knew that if they wanted to get something done, they had to please me.

"You've got some drool on your chin, Love." I said as I pretended to wipe it off of William's chin, closing his mouth in the process. When I touched him, my body started to burn, yearn for him. His eyes met mine and there was a darkness in his eyes that I had missed; he wanted me. But he also, hopefully for him, knew that him 'getting' me would take more than staring at me with that look of his.

"You broke every protocol in the book." Trevor said with a huge smile on his face as I grabbed his drink and went and stood in front of Hugo, him placing his hand on my waist right away in a calming matter. I put my hand on his and intertwined my fingers in his, holding onto it tightly. I knew he could see and sense my inner panic and anger, and he also knew that his touch helped me.

"A thank you would suffice. I just made sure that Argentina would not be a problem." I replied calmly.

"Thank you." William said and I nodded slowly, scanning the room to see anything I could do, but also making sure there are no threats. I took a sip of the drink.

"This is nice, what is it?" I said looking at Trevor whom was staring at me with a huge smile.

"Ice tea and vodka." He replied and I gave him a curt nod and looked away again.

"I'm going to excuse myself now." I said holding out my glass to Will whom grabbed it.

"Want any of us to join you?" Trevor said as I rubbed Hugo's hand a bit, his thumb going up and down my waist.

"No." I replied casually. "I came here as it is my duty to the country. No need for any other extra's." I added. "Good night." I said as I let go of Hugo's hand and he let go of my hand right away, my body making an internal turn; it wanted to keep being held safely. I walked past dancing people, them all making sure not to come near me.

I was the Queen of Locatlie and people should treat me with respect.


This was a very long chapter with loads of information, interactions and power moves. I'm very curious to you guyses opinions on everything that happened!

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