The Six Houses (on hold)

By JTParis

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Niall, Liam, Harry, Louis and Zayn. Niam, side Larry and potentially some Nuke. Niall's not exactly who he w... More

Part one. Houses of Light.
Ch. 1 Niall
Ch.2 Liam
CH. 3 Moments
Ch.4 Zayn
CH.5 Harry and Louis
CH. 6 Niall and Liam.
Ch. 7 Niall and Liam
Ch. 8 Niall
Ch. 10 New Friend.
CH. 11 Liam.
Ch.12 A New Dawn, A New day, A New Boy.
Ch.13 The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men.
Ch.14 Oh
Book Two Houses of Shadows
Ch. 16 Under our Spell.
Ch. 17 What the Heck happened.

Ch.9 Niall and Liam.

434 25 24
By JTParis

"Niall seriously if you bump me one more time when I am about to score. I'm. Going. To. Spank. You." Liam scolded through Clinched teeth.

"What!" Niall twisted his head so fast towards Liam it almost fell off.

"You heard me Blondie! Every time I get close to scoring you bump my hand with your controller and I am seriously through with you right now." Liam tossed his controller on the floor, stood up and started pacing in front of Niall while mumbling to himself and scratching the back of his head.

"I-I'm sorry Li." Niall mumbled. "Please sit down and play more FIFA with me." He patted the cushion next to him, then gave Li his best puppy dog eyes and pouty lip.

Huffing out "Fine" Liam sat down next to the Irish lad, who immediately cuddled up to him then folded his legs under his body. "You're so comfy LiLi." Niall smiled up at the brunnette which caused Liams heart to skip several beats.

'I'm so screwed' Liam thought. Liam sat forward slightly to grab his remote, pressed unpause and started back in the game of FIFA on the Xbox.

"I win!" Niall shouted as he jumped off the couch shaking his butt in Liam's face which had the older boy smiling ear to ear and laughing.

"Yes you win Ni. You always win. I'm a scared to see what happens if you don't win." Liam laughed.

Niall gave Liam a very serious stare "The world ends." He deadpanned, then busted out laughing grabbing his sides from cramping in the process.

"Oh Ni, you're too much." Liam smiled warmly while standing to embrace the boy in a tight hug.

" Nope, I'm just the right amount of much." Nial scoffed. His giggles and wiggles causing the boys to become unstable and fall to the couch with Niall on top of Liam. Their faces were mere inches apart, Liam could feel Niall sweet breath on his lips. The two boys locked eyes for what felt like hours both too scared to move or make a sound.

"WOAH! Uhhh sorry." A rich Bradford accent called out. "I'll just go back to my room."

"No it's fine. Niall was just dancing around after winning FIFA, tripped and fell on me. Come, join us Zayn." Liam spoke while adjusting Niall on top of him so he was in a cuddle like position leaving the two boys more comfortable than before.

"For what it's worth, you two are freakin adorable!" Zayn smiled around his tea mug before taking a sip.

"Uh." Both boys looked at one another. "Thanks I guess." They spoke in unison earning them all another fit of giggles.

"Is the kettle still warm?" Liam asked.

"Yea just got mine brewed should be good for two more. I'll go make you some since you both look so comfy and happy." Zayn winked at Niall causing him to erupt in crimson and earning him a growl from Liam. "Cinnamon, clove and orange okay?" Zayn asked as he rounded the couch towards the Kitchen.

"Should be yeah." Liam spoke for the two then pulled Niall in closer for a snuggle. The blonde rested his face in the space between Li's neck and shoulders, He found when they cuddled Liam always relaxed when he did this. Niall loved the position, it smelled so much like Liam in that spot so he would nuzzle deep as possible inhaling the scent as deep as possible.

"Oi, okay it was cute before but now, No, stop. Cause I miss Perrie and this is so cruel to watch." Zayn set the two boys tea down on the coffee table followed by him slamming into the couch out of frustration.

"My other side is free Z, you are welcome to join us. Besides Niall and I are just friends." Liam missed the extremely sad face Niall made at his suggestion they were both just friends. Of course they were more than just friends, They were....they were, Just friends Niall realised.

'Well I have to change that.' Niall formulated a plan in his head as a wicked grin grew on his face. He looked to Zayn at that moment and as if a silent conversation was had between the two, Zayn mirrored the other boys wicked grin.

'Now what do we do?' Zayn thought.

"Waite! I heard that." Niall exclaimed sitting up off Li's warm comfy chest. "Think something again Zayn."

'I think we need to make Liam Jealous.'

"WOAH! Thats so awesome. I can hear what Zayn is thinking." Niall looked to the others for guidance, but instead got shocked expression. "Oh and totally Zayn let's do that."

"Well I suggest we speak to Elder Paul about this." The Wolverhampton native offered.

"Sounds good yeah." Niall added.

"Drink your tea and then we'll go." Zayn added.

"Fine." Ni huffed grabbing both cups sitting back on Liam both sipping in unison.


"Niall, you are progressing so fast. I never thought in my lifetime I'd see someone like you." Paul spoke fondly.

"Uh, okay. Thanks I guess." he shrugged.

"In the week since you came to us, you've almost mastered every ability at your current disposal. Plus you have unlocked several new ones. I am so proud of how you're handling everything." 

"If it wasn't for the boys, especially Liam, I would be missing home and ashamed of what I am still." Niall looked down towards the ground, then back at Paul. " Do you know what I am Paul? I'm not like the others. They can only do one thing, but I can do so many. Am I still a freak?"

"OH NO NIALL! You are special yes, but no you are not a freak. All things in time, be patient." Paul smiled fondly at the blonde before reaching his hand out taking the others in his. " There are those of us who are, well stronger. You are not alone, someone close to you is just like you, he just doesn't know yet. Give him time to come around, because you both are needed for the future of our kind to be set right."

"Ohh kay." Niall was confused but listened none the less.

"One more thing before you go Niall." Paul's eyes glowed blue as he held his hand tight.

                             "Four who live as One will come.

                              Five seconds, the season is fun.

                              With true love's kiss all will be undone.

                              And Two will once again become one.

"Uhh yeah." Again Niall was confused.

"Just take the warning and tell the other boys." Paul spoke before ushering the blonde out.


"So, What did he say?" Louis yelled from the kitchen when Niall walked into their dorm room.

Niall spent the next few minutes explaining everything to the boys as they sat around the small circular dinner table eating. When he was done he noticed everyone staring at Liam, whose face had gone ghost white and still as a statue.

"Li." Niall whisper pleaded. "Can you um, say something? You look like someone killed your Nan."

Liam did not reply he just sat motionless letting all the new information set in. He knew who the other was. It was him of course, it has always been him, he knew when he was younger he was different than the other gifted. So he suppressed that side of him, subconsciously forgetting it over the years. The fact that Paul, someone he had looked up to and learned from over the last 10 years knew and never said anything had Liam re-thinking who he could and couldn't trust. His entire world had been turned topsy turvy and it shook him to the core. His biggest regret has been separating his love from Niall for fear he would influence the young irish lad. Turns out no matter what he did the two were destined to be togeather, which also made him very angry.

"It's not FAIR!" He shouted slamming his fist into the table causing everyone to jump. "Why don't I get to choose who I fall in Love with? Why do the fates get to move me along like a puppet. I didn't ask to be this, to have my life pre planned out for me." Liam stood abruptly causing the table shift and everyone's drink glasses to spill.

"Da FUCK Mate!" Louis shouted at his friend.

Liam turned and glared at Lou who had a bright orange spot on his shirt from where the fresh made carrot juice had landed. Lou glared back which turned into a downright staring contest between the two boys. Niall stood up after cleaning the milk from his chinos where it landed, he placed an arm on Liams forearm trying to calm him down. This served only to piss Liam off more. Shaking his arm out Li elbowed Niall in the chest knocking him flat on his ass on the hard wood floors.

"Ow Li." Niall cried. "That really hurt." Niall rubbed his butt as he stood up tears sliding down his eyes.

"Well next time keep your hands to yourself then." Liam bit out his words.

"Liam. That's not fair. I did nothing wrong. Why are you being so cruel to me." He pleaded through his tears. 

"You did nothing wrong? Oh that's classic Niall." Liam laughed maniacally.  "Look at me, I'm all innocent and cute and sweet and everyone loves me." He mocked in a high pitched Irish accent. "Well you know what? I don't Love you Niall and I Never will!" Liam spat poking the smaller in his chest with his index finger as he towered over him inches from his face. Placing his palms on Niall's chest he shoved backwards causing him to stumble into the wall. Liam stormed out of the room slamming the door in the process. Niall turned to watch him leave his heart shattering into a million pieces in an instant. He turned to the other lads fresh hot tears streamed down his face.

"What did I do?" He mumbled while sliding his back down the wall. Pulling his knees to his chest his shoulders shook as tears wracked through his body. " I-I love him." He let the sobs take over his body as he just cried out his pain.  The other three boys came over encircled Him in their arms, trying their best to calm him before he hyperventilated and passed out.

"Zayn, can you take him to bed?" Lou asked.

"Yeah of course. Come on Love." Zayn helped Niall stand on shaky legs. "Where are you going Harry and Louis?"

"We have a major ass to beat." Louis responded before grabbing Harry's hand and storming out after Liam.

"Well that leaves just you and I Cutie." Zayn smiled at Niall. " Let's get you to bed. We'll cuddle and watch a movie. Sound good yeah?"  Niall shook his head yes before walking to his room still in Zayns arms.

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