lost in the darkness of deep...

By DJgamerperez231

26.7K 314 139

you are Y/N L/N on a shuttle called the X falcon 20 you are in a frozen sleep for 2,000 years in the future a... More

Y/N BIO & furry female OCS harem
Chapter 1: A New Beginning (irl nightmare story)
Chapter 1: A New Beginning
update coming new ocs and new powers for Y/n and cloths too
the man who speaks in hands (short story) apart of chapter 2
chapter 2: the clan and the dragon load (LEMON)
Question time
Chapter 2.1 The Dragon clan
CHAPTER 3: the Dragon load from another world (little lemons)
chapter 4: going to school
chapter 5 (rewritten)
A/N Question
chapter 6

Y/n's BackStory

3.7K 47 15
By DJgamerperez231

A/n: please play this while reading the rest of the back story

i was 19 years old when it happened the world was ending as i heard the alarms go off i ran home as fast as i can i see my mom and dad driving to me and i hopped in the car and they drove me into the forest and took me as we expected there spaceship was done i looked at them and said "WE NEED TO GO RIGHT NOW! MOM DAD YOU JUMP IN FIRST AND I'LL START IT OUT HERE!" As i looked away he shoot me with a tranquilizer dart i felt dizzy and fuzzy i fell on the ground and pass out  i slowly opened my eyes and saw my mom and dad as my mom and dad cries they told me "Y/n you are humanities last hope we can't go with you and there is a bigger spaceship in space but we needed to make a smaller one for you and your going to be in a cold sleep for 2,000 years son we love you all are hearts please understand this we will never forget you and please don't forget us your. Good luck are son!" your dad shuts to hatch and the pod closes you begin to cry as you slowly drift to sleep as space pod goes into space you opened your eyes for the last time and see the bigger space ship.

as the pod turned you saw earth as a huge nuke hits your planet.

you cried and cried and yelled at the top of your lungs as you approached the huge space ship you hear a female robot voice and she says "now entering X Falcon 20 you are Y/n L/n i'm assigned to put you in cryostasis sleep for 2,000 years into the future please don't move chill i'll play you favorite song."

as Y/n thinks to himself "why is this happening to me i just lost  my mom and dad??? i...*sob* I... I LOST EVERYONE I LOVED IS NOW DEAD I.. WON'T SEE THEM AGAIN UNTIL I DIE! WHHHY!?!?  you stopped moving and a weird liquid comes out from the floor of the pod and the female voice says "now entering a cold sleep please enjoy your rest into 2,000 years in the future." you closed your eyes and mouth and pass out and sleep. 

(timeskip into 2,000 year into the future)

the space ships computer comes on and and checking ship states and the computers says in a female robot voice 

"Ship states please wait..... 

ships CO2 is... okay... 

ships life support system is... Fine

now rebooting... .... ..... ...... ....... success 

now awaking Y/n from cold sleep please stand by... .... ..... ..... ....... ........ ........ it is done now playing morning cafe music

(somewhere on planet earth)

???: We found something out there something close to are planet orbit and i need you to cheek it out Nika and get your team together we don't know if the space ship is ours or not. 

Nika: Yes Sir!

(back on the ship)

Ships Computer: Cold sleep off now awaking Y/n.

i woke up pushed the on the glass pod and it opened i look around a saw nobody on bore as i look and saw the cafetiere and i when to the cockpit and saw no one then i realized my parents and i said in a worried tone "Hey computer cheek for vital signs in the ship?" an the ships computer repays "okay captain Y/N *scans for other vital signs* only one is found on the ship and that is you Y/n." you look outside and see planet earth in one peace and think to yourself "but i don't understand the huge nuke destroyed the planet and kill everyone and humanity was wiped out was isn't?"  

you hear the alarm go off and the ships computer says "space ship detected what is it you won't to do Y/n?" as you think for along time you say "turn off all power and let them come aboard okay and i'll nickname you Lela okay. and where is the my space suit/power armor?and the computer says "in your personal armory Y/n." 

you nodded your head and ran to your own armory and you see your space power suit in your F/c as you put on the space power suit and grabbed you melee weapons and you rang weapons as well but you had a backpack that was build to hold up to ten weapons as you picked up your plasma pistol your shotgun and your plasma AR and put them away and in you inventory you put your transforming scythe in you inventory and your armor made a cover for your thermal katana and covers for you plasma hunting duel knifes as waited for them to come aboard my ship you said "Lela lights out and opened the docking bay A." 

(in the space military) 

furry pilot pov

pilot 1: a... ma,am the ships docking bay opened and lights aren't on what should we do?

As Nika looks over and see that pilot 1 was right as the rest of the her crew sat and waited to go on this huge space ship.

???: come on i want to salvage on this ship lets go inside!? Nika!? how long do have to wait? 

Nika: just a bit longer. CAM. okay?

furry solider 1: i can't wait to see whats on this ship i bet theirs dead bodies from and old years i heard they called them self humans.

furry solider 2: nah! have you ever heard about the space ship that disappeared some say it's a ghost ship and anyone this another ship goes to it and they disappeared and there ship is left in space for along time.

as he said all of that everyone looks at him with a surprised look on all of there faces. 

???: Nika we need to hurry we need to complete this mission and leave.

as Nike was talking to them i say something walking around and it said my name it is calling to me and i realized the voice it was my wife and son calling me i enter the docking bay and it clipped us in i ran out of my chair and outside before i knew it. it was my family they died a mouth ago and now they are here i ran out and hugged them i saw Nika and all of a sudden every thing went slow i look to my left and saw the other docking bay opened and i was sucked out into space i can't breath why can't i breath i look at my wife and son and hugged them as i diffed off into space i remember my son saying dad when i get older i want to be a pilot like you as i drew my last breath i saw them and now i'm finally with them sorry Nika. i hope you have a good day goodbye and good luck.

Nika's POV

Nika: NO Pilot stop!

i saw he get sucked out into space so i closed the door and look down the others look at me with confection and i said "have your gravity boots on and your space suits ready too okay.

to be continued 

A/n damn getting i'm getting dead space vibes! i hoped you enjoyed reading this and  chapter 2 coming on monday 7th

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