Beware the Frozen Heart

By Leslie1509

6.4K 276 47

{Written prior to Frozen Fever and the Frozen Sequel} Elsa has set off yet another Winter, but this time, she... More

The Death and the Apology
Condemning Them
Discovering More
The Argument
Trust and Promise
Could This Be... Love?
The Book
The Surprises
The Letter
The Three Gifts
Three Keys
This Has Gone on Long Enough
The Curse
Another Wrong Doing
Snow Globes

Something Weird

134 9 2
By Leslie1509

There is picture of the soreress when she is 'transforming' from previous chapter above (or to right if you are the website. 



The evening goes on, and dinner is called. I search Elsa, as I haven’t see her since earlier this afternoon. I hope she hasn’t gotten herself into trouble… she tends to do that unintentionally. I find Anna walking hand in hand with Kristoff towards the dining hall.

“Anna, have you seen Elsa?” I ask her.

Anna furrows her brow, putting her hand on her hip.

“I thought she was with you.” She breathes out. “Last I saw her was in the throne room.” She adds. “Check Elisabeth’s room. You know how Elsa can’t bear to leave her alone for long.” Anna offers.

“I will. Let me know if you find her.” I sigh, exhaling deeply.

I walk to my daughter’s room. She is perfectly fine, asleep in her cradle. I begin to worry. I’ve already checked the library, our room, her study, and the gardens. If she isn’t in here, she probably isn’t in the castle at all. I close Elisabeth’s door, make my way to the dining hall, and open the doors.

“Did you find her?” Anna asks worriedly.

“No. I fear she’s gotten herself into trouble. I’ll be back.” I reply before leaving the room as quickly as I had come.

I rush outside to the stables and quickly saddle Sitron. I am worried. Yes, Elsa can handle herself just fine, but I just can’t help but to worry about her. I mount Sitron and rush out of the stables. Sitron gallops out of the castle grounds, out the gate, and towards the North Mountain. There is one thing Elsa was worried about, and that was the sorceress.

I feel Sitron shift his steps.

“What is it?” I breathe.

He rears back, but not enough to throw me off. I grip the reins. I dismount and lead him behind the tree line. We watch someone come near. They gallop down the mountain on a black horse. I catch sight of the person on the horse. Elsa.

I stay hidden. Elsa doesn’t have a black horse. There isn’t even a black horse in the stables. Something is up. I look up at the mountain, and then back Elsa. I mount Sitron and I warily follow her. Her head whips in my direction.

“Elsa, I was looking everywhere for you.” I tell her.

“Excuse me?” She hisses. “I, err, well, I’m fine.” She recomposes herself.

“What were you doing up here? You’re not hurt are you?” I ask, my brow raised in suspicion.

“Uh, no I’m fine.” She mumbles awkwardly.

“Where’s your horse?” I wonder.

“What do you mean where’s my horse?” She asks.

“Where’d you get him?” I inquire to her, leaning my hands on the saddle horn.

“I found him in the woods.”

“And the saddle and reins?” I press for more info.

“Why are you so curious?” She retorts angrily

I take out my sword, and she defensively brings up her hands. This is not Elsa. She trusts me, and this imposter does not.

“Put that away.” She tells me.

“Where’s Elsa?” I hiss.

“What do you mean?” She replies.

“Don’t play dumb with me! Where’s Elsa?” I shout, gripping the sword.

She smirks.

“You’re smart, aren’t you?” She chortles. “Too bad that’s a weakness right now.” She adds blandly.

Her arm goes up and a set of ice daggers come towards me. I doge most of them, but miss the last one. I feel it pierce my shoulder. I fall from the saddle. I regain my stance quickly and rush towards her. Her horse starts trotting, then goes into a gallop. I fling my sword as far as I can, and it pierces her dress to a tree. She harshly falls off of her horse and into the snow. I stand over her.

“Where’s Elsa?” I ask firmly.

“Dead.” She hisses.

“You’re lying.” I growl, praying she is.

“Why don’t you just go on ahead up to my castle and see for yourself.” She mocks.

 I feel my heart race. Elsa’s the only one I’ve ever loved. I can’t lose her, and our children can’t lose their mother.

“Come on Sitron.” I call my horse.

He comes over and I mount him. He gallops up the mountain towards where the sorceress’s castle is. I practically jump off of his back, sending pain to my shoulder. I run into the castle. It is so much more threatening looking than Elsa’s was. I shake away the thought and look around.

“Elsa!” I shout at the top of my lungs, terrified that what the sorceress was true. “Elsa!” I call out again.

I look around some more, desperate to find her. I hear a small crack. I turn to find a snow globe placed on a table. I walk towards it, and pick it up.

“Elsa?” I exclaim.

She is laying on her side inside the globe. I don’t know much about the sorceress’s magic, but I am aware she is dangerous. I reach for my sword, and realize I left the sorceress with it. I groan angrily and look around for something to use. I grab a small dagger on the table. It would never be able to kill anyone, but it could break the globe… I hope. I set the globe on the ground and I stab it. The globe cracks, but doesn’t break. I attempt again with the same result.

Elsa looks up at me with weak eyes. She presses her hand against the crack in the globe. She closes her eyes and tries to freeze it and make it easier to crack. I can tell she weak, and her powers require energy. I bring the dagger to the globe once more, and it explodes into a ball of snow dust. Once it clears, I see Elsa on her side, but she is regular size.

“Elsa.” I whisper, kneeling on the ground. “Elsa, you’re okay.” I tell her quietly.

“Hans.” She mumbles, barely making any sound.

“You’re safe.” I assure her. “I’m so sorry.” I apologize afterwards.

She flutters her eyes open. She weakly sits up and rubs her head. I hold out my hand and she takes it. Elsa stands, wobbly and not oriented.

“She’s going after the castle.” Elsa murmurs. “We have to do something.” She tells me.

“Elsa, you need to rest. You can’t win against her like this.” I tell her.

I wrap her in a hug. She’s not going to be able to save anyone like this, and she knows that. I can’t lose her, and she’ll die if she goes after the sorceress. I can’t let her. I can’t lose her


So yes this is in the point of veiw of Hans. The song for this chapter is Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding. It is also kind of just a fill in chapter. Thanks guys! Lemme know what you think!

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