Fucking Feelings {Bakugo x Re...

By PikaJovi

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(Y/N) (L/N) is living a normal life with a normal family. Nothing could have been more perfect. Except maybe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 49

1.2K 36 27
By PikaJovi

Bakugo's POV:

I have no idea how I got back to the school or how I could still stand on my own two feet. I felt like my entire body is ready to shut down and just collapse... or explode.

I bust through the front doors of the school and continue my way to the teacher's lounge. Since no one was in the dorms, Aizawa would most probably be there. When I enter the room, I find him and All Might there; I was hoping to catch him alone.

"Young Bakugo? Is everything okay?" All Might stands up and walks towards me, but I take a step back. They both realize my shaking state and get worried.

"Aizawa-Sensei, I wanted to speak to you." I manage to say. "It's urgent."

"Then speak, what happened?" he asks.

"All Might... I didn't think he would be here; he shouldn't be here." my brain was screaming to get the information out; we were losing precious time!

"Is there something you can't say in front of me, Young Bakugo? It's okay, no need to be scared." he has no idea what he is about to hear.

"I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry. I didn't mean it! I took my eyes off her for a second; I swear it was only a second. I don't know what happened or how it even fucking happened, but I couldn't do anything! I'm so sorry!" I burst out and wrap my arms around myself, feeling the pain building up.

"What are you talking about, Bakugo? Calm down and tell us from the start." Aizawa walks up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"(Y/N)... Fucking Shigaraki took her. I don't know how; I'm sure they have some kind of mind control quirk; she was acting weird. She said she wanted to go with him, but that's impossible, right? It's impossible, right, All Might?" I ask him and see him sit on the couch with his head in between his hands.

I did it again... I hurt him again.

"Where were you? (Y/N) is supposed to be with Mirko today." Aizawa takes control of the situation.

I finally explain everything to him, from how my day started to the second my world fucking ended when I saw her in his arms and disappeared. He had me sit on the couch and gave me a cup of water to calm my nerves, but I don't see how that will help me. Getting her back here would help me.

"Let me call up Mirko and see what really happened today. Something doesn't sound right; Mirko wouldn't cancel a day just like that." he says and takes his phone to get his information.

I look up and still find All Might in the same position. He was trying to calm himself, but I can see clearly how his hands are shaking. I still have to tell her parents... Oh God, her dad is going to murder me. I fucking deserve it anyway; I promised to keep her safe, and yet she was taken when she was with me.

Fucking Deku managed to keep her away from him... and I didn't.

"All Might, I'm so sorry. I swear I only took my eyes off her for just a second. She was acting weird all day, and I knew something was up, but I thought we could talk about it when we get back. I seriously didn't think he would be anywhere near us!"

"It's not your fault. You did nothing wrong." he mumbles, but I would have preferred it if he yelled at me.

Useless, fucking useless. That's what I am... a useless failure. Hero? Ya right. She called me her hero, and yet I got her taken by the one thing she hated the most in the world.

"Young Bakugo. Stop torturing yourself. We will get her back. You're right; she would never say she wants to go with him. Something must be up." I didn't realize he had moved to sit next to me. "I know you are scared and worried for her, but trust in yourself and in the heroes; we will get her back." he comforts me.

"Well, I was right. Something doesn't fit right." Aizawa comes back, and we both look at him. "Mirko says (Y/N) was acting weird all day and caused problems for everyone and at the end decided to leave and told her she would rather die than be a hero."

What the fuck?!

"(Y/N) would never say that!" Both All Might and I say at the same time.

"I know, so you're either right about the mind control, or something else is going on here." he sits on the couch in front of us and starts thinking.

We spend a good hour trying to come up with theories and locations we could check to see if they are there. But we couldn't come up with anything solid to follow up on, and we had to stop and consult the police about it.

Aizawa told me to get back to the dorms and to stay there. Running around town trying to find them will not help us in any way, and even though I know that, I hated to just sit back and wait.

I needed to go to her house and tell her parents, but All Might was against it. He took the responsibility to go tell her parents and told me to go get some rest. How can anyone rest when something like this is happening.

God... What should I do?

I had no choice but to go back to the dorms. I feel numb... My mind can't think of anything else but her and what she must be going through now. What he must be doing to her now. Is he hurting her? Is she panicking? Has she lost control? Is there a possibility she has, and that might help her escape?

"Bakugo. Where's (Y/N)?" I look up and find Todoroki in front of me.

"Fuck off, would you? I'm not in the mood today." I manage to say. Hell, if I'm going to tell him how I failed at keeping her safe.

"Did you at least find out what happened to her?" that intrigued me.

"What are you talking about?" I turn to ask him.

"I saw her this morning looking around the dorms. When she saw me, she tried to act all normal, but she was too friendly towards me. (Y/N) isn't energetic with everyone in the class. She actually only acts that way in front of you and Kirishima and your group." he explains.

Energetic? As in bubbly and giddy? (Y/N) is definitely not like that, especially with Todoroki and the rest. She acts like that around us to annoy me and tease me. What the fuck is going on around here!?

"Did she say anything that seemed wrong or out of character?" I ask him.

"I'm not sure. Although I did find it weird that she forgot which floor your room is on, so I had to remind her." forgot? She practically stays there.

"(Y/N) wouldn't forget..." I mumble as I try to think of theories.

I thank Icy-Hot for the information without realizing it, and I text Aizawa what I found out and what I think about it. He told me to text him anything that comes to mind that could help us find her or figure out what exactly happened.

Once I get to the room, I take out both our phones and look over at hers. I see my missed calls on the lock screen, the calls she didn't pick up even though she was fine. What could make her act that way? Is she sacrificing herself to protect us? Are they threatening us to make her join them?

I unlock her phone, and it shows me our chat. There was a voice note that wasn't sent to me. Did she forget to send it? I press it and listen to it.

"Hey, Katuski! Today Mirko seems to have a very long schedule for us, I'm going to die by the end of the day, so I might not be able to help you train today. Sorry, but I don't mind watching you working out; it will still be fun watching you do all that you do. Ahem! Those thoughts are dangerous during work, anyway, don't miss me too much. I love you, Firecracker!"

Without realizing it, a tear slips out and lands on her screen. Why was this not sent to me? How am I not supposed to miss you when you disappear in front of my eyes? Come back... I want to hear all this from you live.

Just before the sun sets, I get a message from Kaminari that they are going to the hospital because Kirishima was admitted. He was hurt during a mission he was on, and they wanted to check on him.

Not only did I lose her, but now my best friend was hurt?

I get out of my room and get to the hospital as fast as I can. Todoroki tried suggesting to go together, but I was in too much of a hurry to stop for him or even talk to him.

When I get to the hospital and run to his room, still ignoring the nurses telling me that running is prohibited in the hospital. I take a deep breath before entering, hoping that his injuries are not severe.

I enter and find almost the entire class in there surrounding his bed, and I felt my heart drop for the second time today. He was all wrapped up like a fucking mummy; only his eyes were showing. I almost didn't recognize him.

"Bakubro! You came to visit? You didn't have to, I'm fine." he tries to laugh it off.

"Get out." I say harshly while looking to the ground.

"Kacchan? What's wrong?" Deku directly knew that something is up with me, and I fucking hated it.

"I fucking said. Get. Out." I glare at all of them, and no one dares to say anything else. They just mumble their displeasure and leave the room.

"Bakugo, what happened? What's wrong?" now that we are alone, I walk up to his bed and look closely at his state.

"How the fuck did you let yourself get this beat up? I thought you were unbreakable." I say to him.

He laughs again. "I guess I'm not..." his voice didn't give off the happiness he was trying to put out. "But don't worry, I'm fine, really."

"Did you beat that bastard up? Did you win?"

"I did. Even though I passed out right after."

"Good." there was a moment of silence between us. I didn't know what to say. I was glad he was okay, but is it okay for me to tell him about (Y/N) when he is in this state? Are my problems even relevant at this moment when he is in this state?

"Tell me what's wrong, Bakugo. I can take it, and you look like you need to talk to someone. Where is (Y/N)?" he asks. Here's another person who can now read me like an open book.

I lean on the wall and slide down, lowering my head to my knees and resting my hands on top of it. "She's not here."


"She was taken. I let her get taken. I couldn't protect her; I failed her. How could I fail her this much? I don't know what to do, Kirishima... I'm losing my mind just sitting around." I tell him.

For a moment, he doesn't say anything. I hear him take a deep breath and letting it out before he speaks. "Did you tell the teachers?" I nod. "They will know what to do. You didn't fail her Bakugo; you will get her back."

"I lost sight of her for just a second. How can so much happen in just a fucking second!?" I grip my hair out of frustration. "She was acting all weird and apparently told Mirko she doesn't want to be a hero anymore."

"What? (Y/N) wouldn't say that!" he was just as shocked as we were.

"I didn't tell this to the teachers because I didn't think they would find it important. But Kirishima, she kissed him. She fucking kissed that bastard right in front of me and told me she didn't want me anymore... That can't be true, right?" I finally look up at him.

"We're talking about Shigaraki here, right? There's no way (Y/N) would kiss him or say that to you. She hates the thought of him, let alone touch him or kiss him. She loves you Bakugo, you have to believe that." he reassures me, but I can't get their image out of my head, his hands all over her and his lips on hers.

"I'm scared, Kirishima." I confess. "I don't want to lose her."

"Are you sure it was (Y/N)?" what kind of question is that!? I look to him to see if he was stupid or not? "Uraraka said that she saw Midoriya on the street she was covering during our mission, but the real Midoriya was inside the building fighting."

"Are you saying there was a double?"

"What if they have someone who can shape-shift?" he suggests his theory.

"You mean... I was hanging out with someone who was pretending to be (Y/N)? That would mean (Y/N) was kidnapped from the very beginning of the day; she must have just made it to Mirko before..." is that possible? Does the League of Villains have someone like that!?

"I'm not sure. But Midoriya saw that girl there, the one who likes blood or something. And she had that Twice with her." he shares with me.

I take out my phone and text everything we just found out to Aizawa; if he can confirm that information, we will have a solid theory on what happened. We can try to think of a plan to save her. To get her back.

"I wish I could help you look for her. I want to help the both of you, but I'm stuck in this bed." he was frustrated that he couldn't do anything.

"You helped more than you know just by being in this bed." I get up and put a hand on his shoulder. "Thank you for just being okay. Don't fucking scare me like that again, got it?"

He laughs as if being hurt is funny. "Yes, sir. Now go and save her. I know for a fact you will not just sit and wait for her to come back."

"Fuck that shit. I'm going to redeem myself and get her back. Safely!" I head to the door and open it. "Thank you again, Kirishima."

Back in school, I joined Aizawa and All Might in the meeting room to gather and organize all our information. I need to join them in their rescue mission; they probably won't allow me because I don't have the damn provisional license. But there is no way I was sitting this one out.

"I'm coming with you guys."

"You will do no such thing. You will stay here." Aizawa refuses.

"I can help! They will run at just the smell of heroes, but I can lower their guard. Give you the opportunity you need to get in." I insist.

"You and (Y/N) think alike. She came up with the same excuse when you were taken." All Might says as he chuckles to himself.

"I need to do something; I have to save her. I can do it. If you just give me a chance, I will not fail this time."

"You haven't failed anything yet, except for your provisional license. Stop thinking as if you're a failure. I don't have failures in my class." Aizawa, for the first time, says something nice about us. "The police will check the surveillance cameras, and Mirko is checking things out from her end. We will call you when we get something."

I get up to thank him, but he shuts me up. "You will follow our every order! Do I make myself clear?" he almost glares at me.

It won't be long now (Y/N); we're coming. Just hang on!




The rescue team is coming! And Bakugo will be joining them! As if he was going to miss out on that.

Even though not much happened between Bakugo and Kirishima, I found it very important to them. He was able to confide in his best friend and practically ask for his help in another. It was a development for Bakugo.

What do you think the real incident is? Is there really a double? Who could it be?

See you soon!!!

*PikaJovi* (^0^)/

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