An Unexpected Miracle....or T...

By MochiMama18

5K 319 32

A one night stand with BTS' maknae line during the American leg of their Love Yourself Speak Yourself tour ta... More

An Unexpected Meeting and A Night with the Maknae Line
The Morning After and Concert Day 2
A Shocking Secret & A New Beginning
The Truth Unfolds
Old Friends, Good Food, and New.....Relationships
(It was just the) Calm Before the Storm
Weathering the Storm
Midnight Pleasures Pt. 1 (With Tae)
Midnight Pleasures Pt. 2 (With Guk)
Lyssah's Birthday
An American Thanksgiving for BTS
What's Going on With Taehyung...?
An Upset and Worried JK
A Bangtan Christmas and Two Early Christmas Gifts
The Fight for Baby Kim and Baby Jeon
A Long-Awaited Homecoming
Repaired Relationships & Heartfelt Thank Yous
ARMY Meets the Bangtan Twins
EPILOGUE: The Future Life of Bangtan

A Surprise Visit and the MAMA Awards

150 14 4
By MochiMama18

A/N: Kind of another filler chapter.

With the MAMA Awards so soon after the AMAs, BTS was right back to practicing relentlessly every day. TaeKook made time to talk to Lyssah regardless of how tired they were after practice especially with her being as far along as she was. The doctor had explained to them both the likelihood of her going into preterm labor because she was carrying multiples which had scared them both, so they needed to call her every night to reassure themselves that she was doing fine and wasn't in labor. The three of them had all talked to Hitman Bang a while ago and decided that if possible Lyssah and her children would be moving to Korea before the birth so that Taehyung and Jeongguk didn't have to worry about being a 14-hour flight away from her when she went into labor. Neither of them wanted to miss the birth of the first child if at all possible. Which their boss understood.

Lyssah had talked to him privately as well and asked if he could help her surprise the boys by getting her and her friends' tickets to the MAMA Awards. She really wanted to be there to support them. It didn't take him long to secure tickets for Lyssah and the seven friends she had originally told about her night with the maknae line. Alex and Felicity were both old enough to watch the younger kids while their moms were away for a few days. Plus, Lyssah's best friend offered to stay at the house if needed but promised to check on the kids every afternoon.

With all of that settled, Lyssah and Charity packed while they waited for the rest of their friends to arrive. Once their friends arrived they had one day and night to shop for any extra stuff, shower, and enjoy a nice dinner together before catching their flight the following morning to Japan.

Knowing it was going to be a 13 to 14-hour flight, the girls made sure to pack books to read, download games to play, and bring their laptops or tablets so that they would have plenty of things to do. Lyssah called Taehyung and Jeongguk before leaving for the airport. To keep the visit a secret she lied and told them she was going on a two-day visit to a family member's house and that she wouldn't be able to talk to them the rest of the day because she would be busy but that she would text them as soon as she could to let them know she was okay. Neither of them liked that idea but they weren't going to tell her not to visit her family just to make themselves feel better.

After her phone call, Lyssah and her friends loaded their luggage into the van, said goodbye to her children as well as Charity's then left so they would have time to enjoy whatever food was being served for breakfast in the first-class waiting area. Once they were checked in and in the first-class waiting area they got their food and chatted quietly but excitedly about the trip and how surprised the boys were gonna be. Especially Hoseok since he hadn't seen Imogen since their time together in Chicago. They had talked daily, video chatted and were dating long-distance but this was going to be a great surprise for him. This would also give Charity and Jimin time to really spend time together and decide if they wanted to date or not. Charity and Imogen had both made excuses just like Lyssah about why they wouldn't be able to call Hoseok and Jimin for the day.

The MAMA Awards were on December 5th which gave the girls two days once they arrived in Nagoya before they would see BTS. Just to be sure Lyssah wasn't recognized, they all wore masks when they walked through the airport. Her jacket was just barely big enough to hide her baby bump. But thankfully, no one recognized her. They made it to the hotel smoothly, Hitman Bang had made sure they didn't stay in the same hotel as BTS so as not to ruin the surprise.

Their first day in Japan was spent relaxing in their hotel rooms and sleeping off the jet lag. The second day they did some sightseeing, shopping, and ate a couple of restaurants. The third day was MAMA day. They slept in a bit more that day but were up and getting ready for their night at the awards by 11 am. They ate breakfast together in Charity and Lyssah's suite then left to take showers and decide what to wear. Lyssah chose a cute maternity sweater dress and leggings that Yoongi had actually gifted her recently. His excuse had been that it had been cute and had just been made for her so he had bought it online and had it shipped to her. It wasn't unusual for the other members of BTS to just randomly gift her cute maternity outfits like that.

They ate lunch in the restaurant in the hotel lobby then went back to their rooms to finish their hair and makeup. Each of them wanted to look their best. Once they were ready to go Charity helped Lyssah put her boots on and they grabbed their coats, hats, gloves, and masks. Lyssah had her mask on before even entering the elevator as it had become a habit to put it on before walking out of any place she was.

The girls and Lyssah's bodyguards made it to the venue for the show well before BTS did. There was quite a few ARMY there already but thankfully none of them noticed Lyssah. They went inside and were seated in a VIP section. Seemed like Bang had really gone all out of them which they appreciated. They got settled in and watched all the red carpet interviews.

Finally, BTS was on the red carpet. It was cute to watch the ladies interviewing them wish Seokjin a happy birthday and Hoseok putting a birthday cake hat on him. The poses they did made the girls laugh. They were proud of BTS when they were given their first award of the night on the red carpet. It was for Best Music Video which they had won for Boy With Luv. Lyssah smiled as she listened to Taehyung and Jimin give the thank you speech. She was so happy for them. And then they walked off the red carpet and it was just a wait until the show started.

From where the girls were seated they could see the section where the idols were sitting so they had a great view when BTS walked out to their seats. Pretty soon the show started. There were so many great performances. The girls enjoyed all of them but were eagerly awaiting BTS' performance. It was well known among the fandom that BTS went all out for the MAMA Awards performance each year. And although they had talked, Taehyung and Jeongguk hadn't really told Lyssah much about what they were doing.

They watched the boys receive numerous awards, give their acceptance speeches, and enjoy other artists' performances until they were ushered backstage to get ready for their own performance. The girls could feel the excitement from the ARMY when they noticed the boys were no longer in their seats.

And then their performance started. The girls were awestruck. It was beyond amazing and they as usual went above and beyond for the performance. It was around 25 minutes long and the set included the VCR videos like at their concerts but catered to the MAMA performance and N.O, We Are Bulletproof Pt. 2, Boy With Luv, Mikrokosmos, and Dionysus. Afterward, the girls waited while BTS walked offstage and did whatever they needed to do before coming back out to sit in their seats for the remainder of the show. Which now consisted of just a few more awards. Once BTS was seated and as the award presenter was going through nominees for the next award, Lyssah and the girls were ushered backstage quietly to sit and wait in BTS' dressing room area for them so they could surprise them after the show as planned.

They watched on the screen in the room as BTS won the final two awards of the night, pride swelling in their chests, not that any of them doubted the boys would win but they were still proud. Sejin brought water for the girls while they waited for BTS to finish up with any post-show interviews. It had been an amazing show in general and they were all glad they could be there to watch it live instead of on the internet like they usually did.

Pretty soon they could hear the boys chatting in the hall as they made their way to the dressing room.

"I am so wiped. I can't wait to get back to the hotel and take a nice hot shower." Jimin said as he reached the door.

"Me too. Then I'm gonna try to call...NOONA!" Jeongguk froze when he opened the door and saw Lyssah sitting there with her friends.

"Why did you yell?" Hoseok asked coming up behind him. "Imogen! Baby, what are you doing here?" He asked in shock.

"Surprise!" The girls all said at once with big smiles.

To say that the boys were happy about their surprise would be putting it lightly. They had all missed Lyssah and her friends and were excited to see them. They hugged each of them before going to change so they could head back to the hotel. It didn't take as long as the girls thought and then they were all piling into the vans to head to the hotel. It took longer to get to the hotel than they had waited for the boys to change. All of the girls' stuff had already been moved to BTS' hotel. They only had one night with them before their flights the next day. Lyssah and her friends would be going back to the U.S. so she could pack up everything she needed for her move to Korea. The doctor didn't want her traveling after the middle of the month, so she moved a bit earlier than originally planned.

"Angel, I thought you were visiting family," Jeongguk asked on their way to the hotel.

"Yeah about that. I lied...I wanted to surprise you guys so I had to come up with an excuse as to why you wouldn't be able to call me since I would be on the plane here." She replied.

"You definitely surprised us. I'm glad you came to watch our performance." Taehyung said.

"I'm glad I did too. It was amazing. And I'm glad I got to see it in person instead of via the internet." She said.

They arrived at the hotel and everyone went to their rooms for the night. Jeongguk and Lyssah took a shower together which ended up with them having sex in the shower before cleaning up and joining Taehyung in bed.

The next morning they enjoy breakfast together before leaving for the airport. They sit in the first-class waiting area together until Lyssah and the girls board their flight which leaves 30 minutes before BTS' flight.

Back in the U.S.

It was easily the busiest Lyssah, her friends, and her kids had been since finding out she was pregnant. Yes, the move to this house had been a busy time but moving out of the country was a totally different story. Everyone already had their passports and visas. Although Lyssah knew she would need citizenship to stay in Korea at some point. So, their time was spent packing everything they were having shipped over first, then packing the things they were storing away while they were gone, followed by packing what they were taking with them on the flight. Then they take what food they won't eat before they leave and donate it to the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. The owner of the soup kitchen was ARMY and knew who Lyssah was when she saw her. They talked for quite a while Lyssah's donation was unloaded from the van and taken inside. It was nice to meet an older ARMY because the woman didn't hold it against her that she was dating Taehyung and Jeongguk. She wished Lyssah luck and good health before she left to go back home. Her donation was kept quiet which she was thankful for. One could never be too sure if things like that would be leaked even if the ARMY was older.

The next day Lyssah and her friends packed the very last of their suitcases. They were leaving for Korea that evening. The older kids loaded all the luggage into the rental vans early so everyone could just relax and enjoy the rest of the day. They went to a nearby Mexican restaurant for lunch then went back to Lyssah and Charity's house to nap before catching their flight.

At 5 pm they left for the airport. Their flight left at 8 pm. This gave them plenty of time to get there, check-in, eat dinner in the first-class waiting area, and get ready for the fourteen-hour flight ahead of them. Thankfully everyone's passports were good and there weren't any issues. Check-in, although long, went smoothly for all of them and soon they were gathered together in the first-class waiting area getting their dinner while they waited to board their flight.

Soon they were all on the plane and getting settled in. Audrey was seated next to Lyssah in case she needed her for anything. She had games she could play and books she could read until she went to sleep. Lyssah had her laptop and a couple of books as well. She texted TaeKook to let them know they were on the plane before turning her phone to airplane mode. She watched a few shows she had downloaded with Audrey then started working on her blog while her daughter played one of her games. Before Audrey went to sleep, Lyssah took her to use the bathroom. Everyone went to sleep fairly early since they knew it was a long flight and they would need their rest.

Lyssah woke up a few hours before they were supposed to land. That gave her plenty of time to go to the bathroom, brush her hair, and her teeth then she could relax the rest of the time. The others woke up soon after, so they all talked quietly about their plans once they got settled in. Sejin was meeting them at the airport so he could take them to the place that Taehyung, Jeongguk, Hoseok, and Jimin had all agreed on for their girlfriends. It was a huge house with plenty of room for Lyssah's family, Charity's family, Imogen, and all of their friends that came with them. The others were only staying until after Christmas since BTS had invited them all to spend the holiday with them.

Even though they had to perform on Christmas, they wanted the girls there to watch them. And they planned on having their Christmas celebration together a couple of days beforehand. The girls were planning on going shopping in the next week to buy gifts for each of the guys as well as each other. They had talked to BTS before they came back to help Lyssah and Charity pack and had decided on drawing names so each person had to buy for one of the others. This way no one was left out because there were two couples and then TaeKook and Lyssah. The girls drew the guys' names and the guys drew the girls'. That way they were buying for someone new. If the one's dating drew each other they had to redraw because they were already buying for each other. They set a price limit that was feasible for everyone. Not wanting the boys to spend 100's on them when they couldn't do the same. Plus, Lyssah and Charity had to buy for their children as well. They were celebrating at the new house since it was so big and it would be safe because it was gated and only the girls, BTS, Sejin, and Hitman Bang would have the code to open the gate.

Once the plane landed, it was just waiting to get through customs. It felt like it took forever only because there were so many of them but it was actually only 20 minutes per person. Afterward, they went to find Sejin, making sure they had masks on per Bang's rules. Because ARMY had found pictures of Lyssah with her friends online, they knew what the girls looked like. And if they recognized them, then they would most likely look for Lyssah among them. Being the only one pregnant she wouldn't be hard to miss.

Sejin was easy to find, he had some of the boys' bodyguards with him. They helped Lyssah's guards carry the girls' luggage to the waiting vans to take them to the house. The amount of security was a lot to take in for most of them although Lyssah and Charity were used to having security since Lyssah's guards had lived with them since shortly after they had moved into the new house back home.

Lyssah and her kids rode in a van with Sejin. She had missed the boys' manager. They had quickly become close friends and he was easy for her to talk to. They talked about the boys' schedule for the next few days on the way to the house. She wouldn't be able to see them until the following day because it was getting late there plus with the jet lag she would need to rest for the rest of the night.

The guards took all of the luggage into the house once they had all arrived while Sejin took the girls on a tour of the house. Lyssah took the largest room because she had two boyfriends to share it with plus it would also fit two bassinets for the twins and still have plenty of room. The room closest to her was going to be the nursery. Everyone else quickly picked their bedrooms. Then everyone showered changed their clothes and met black in the living room to decide on dinner. Although it was morning in the U.S. it was nighttime in Korea. Luckily there were plenty of places open that late that delivered. Lyssah placed the order for dinner then texted her boyfriends to let them know she was settled in and doing okay. She did find it weird when only Jeongguk replied. But she assumed Taehyung was probably busy.

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